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Feb 1st, 2016
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  2. {
  3. "AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09",
  4. "Description": "Setting up your own private and secure VPN. You can read instructions on our blog and you can follow video instructions on Youtube",
  5. "Mappings": {
  6. "AWSInstanceType2Arch": {
  7. "High.Speed.VPN-Paid": {
  8. "InstanceType": "t2.medium"
  9. },
  10. "Standard.VPN-Free": {
  11. "InstanceType": "t2.micro"
  12. },
  13. "Ultra.High.Speed.VPN-Paid": {
  14. "InstanceType": "m3.xlarge"
  15. }
  16. },
  17. "AWSRegionArch2AMI": {
  18. "ap-northeast-1": {
  19. "HVM64": "ami-20b6aa21"
  20. },
  21. "ap-southeast-1": {
  22. "HVM64": "ami-ca381398"
  23. },
  24. "ap-southeast-2": {
  25. "HVM64": "ami-abeb9e91"
  26. },
  27. "eu-central-1": {
  28. "HVM64": "ami-9a380b87"
  29. },
  30. "eu-west-1": {
  31. "HVM64": "ami-234ecc54"
  32. },
  33. "sa-east-1": {
  34. "HVM64": "ami-69f54974"
  35. },
  36. "us-east-1": {
  37. "HVM64": "ami-9a562df2"
  38. },
  39. "us-west-1": {
  40. "HVM64": "ami-5c120b19"
  41. },
  42. "us-west-2": {
  43. "HVM64": "ami-29ebb519"
  44. }
  45. }
  46. },
  47. "Outputs": {
  48. "VPNServerAddress": {
  49. "Description": "Use the IP as Server Address or VPN Host",
  50. "Value": {
  51. "Fn::Join": [
  52. "",
  53. [
  54. "",
  55. {
  56. "Fn::GetAtt": [
  57. "VPNServerInstance",
  58. "PublicIp"
  59. ]
  60. }
  61. ]
  62. ]
  63. }
  64. }
  65. },
  66. "Parameters": {
  67. "KeyName": {
  68. "Description": "Name of an existing EC2 KeyPair to enable SSH access to the instance",
  69. "Type": "AWS::EC2::KeyPair::KeyName",
  70. "ConstraintDescription": "must be the name of an existing EC2 KeyPair."
  71. },
  72. "Speed": {
  73. "AllowedValues": [
  74. "Standard.VPN-Free",
  75. "High.Speed.VPN-Paid",
  76. "Ultra.High.Speed.VPN-Paid"
  77. ],
  78. "Default": "Standard.VPN-Free",
  79. "Description": "Network Speed of VPN Server. Standard should do for most browsing and video.",
  80. "Type": "String"
  81. },
  82. "Username": {
  83. "AllowedPattern": "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*",
  84. "ConstraintDescription": "must begin with a letter and contain only alphanumeric characters.",
  85. "Description": "VPN Username",
  86. "MaxLength": "255",
  87. "MinLength": "1",
  88. "Type": "String"
  89. },
  90. "VPNPassword": {
  91. "ConstraintDescription": "must contain atleast 4 characters.",
  92. "Description": "VPN Password (Min 4 characters)",
  93. "MaxLength": "255",
  94. "MinLength": "4",
  95. "NoEcho": "true",
  96. "Type": "String"
  97. },
  98. "VPNPhrase": {
  99. "ConstraintDescription": "must contain atleast 4 characters.",
  100. "Description": "Passphrase for IPSEC PSK (Min 4 characters)",
  101. "MaxLength": "255",
  102. "MinLength": "4",
  103. "NoEcho": "true",
  104. "Type": "String"
  105. }
  106. },
  107. "Resources": {
  108. "VPNSecurityGroup": {
  109. "Properties": {
  110. "GroupDescription": "VPN Security Groups",
  111. "SecurityGroupIngress": [
  112. {
  113. "CidrIp": "",
  114. "FromPort": "500",
  115. "IpProtocol": "tcp",
  116. "ToPort": "500"
  117. },
  118. {
  119. "CidrIp": "",
  120. "FromPort": "500",
  121. "IpProtocol": "udp",
  122. "ToPort": "500"
  123. },
  124. {
  125. "CidrIp": "",
  126. "FromPort": "4500",
  127. "IpProtocol": "udp",
  128. "ToPort": "4500"
  129. },
  130. {
  131. "CidrIp": "",
  132. "FromPort": "1723",
  133. "IpProtocol": "tcp",
  134. "ToPort": "1723"
  135. },
  136. {
  137. "CidrIp": "",
  138. "FromPort": "1723",
  139. "IpProtocol": "udp",
  140. "ToPort": "1723"
  141. }
  142. ]
  143. },
  144. "Type": "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup"
  145. },
  146. "VPNServerInstance": {
  147. "Properties": {
  148. "ImageId": {
  149. "Fn::FindInMap": [
  150. "AWSRegionArch2AMI",
  151. {
  152. "Ref": "AWS::Region"
  153. },
  154. "HVM64"
  155. ]
  156. },
  157. "InstanceType": {
  158. "Fn::FindInMap": [
  159. "AWSInstanceType2Arch",
  160. {
  161. "Ref": "Speed"
  162. },
  163. "InstanceType"
  164. ]
  165. },
  166. "SecurityGroups": [
  167. {
  168. "Ref": "VPNSecurityGroup"
  169. }
  170. ],
  171. "UserData": {
  172. "Fn::Base64": {
  173. "Fn::Join": [
  174. "",
  175. [
  176. "#!/bin/sh\n",
  177. "VPN_USER=",
  178. {
  179. "Ref": "Username"
  180. },
  181. "\n",
  182. "VPN_PASSWORD=",
  183. {
  184. "Ref": "VPNPassword"
  185. },
  186. "\n",
  187. "IPSEC_PSK=",
  188. {
  189. "Ref": "VPNPhrase"
  190. },
  191. "\n",
  192. "\n",
  193. "# Update server\n",
  194. "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y\n",
  195. "\n",
  196. "# VPN 1 - Setup L2TP-IPSEC\n",
  197. "PRIVATE_IP=`wget -q -O - ''`\n",
  198. "PUBLIC_IP=`wget -q -O - ''`\n",
  199. "\n",
  200. "apt-get install -y openswan xl2tpd\n",
  201. "\n",
  202. "cat > /etc/ipsec.conf <<EOF\n",
  203. "version 2.0\n",
  204. "\n",
  205. "config setup\n",
  206. " dumpdir=/var/run/pluto/\n",
  207. " nat_traversal=yes\n",
  208. " virtual_private=%v4:,%v4:,%v4:,%v4:,%v6:fd00::/8,%v6:fe80::/10\n",
  209. " oe=off\n",
  210. " protostack=netkey\n",
  211. " nhelpers=0\n",
  212. " interfaces=%defaultroute\n",
  213. "\n",
  214. "conn vpnpsk\n",
  215. " auto=add\n",
  216. " left=$PRIVATE_IP\n",
  217. " leftid=$PUBLIC_IP\n",
  218. " leftsubnet=$PRIVATE_IP/32\n",
  219. " leftnexthop=%defaultroute\n",
  220. " leftprotoport=17/1701\n",
  221. " rightprotoport=17/%any\n",
  222. " right=%any\n",
  223. " rightsubnetwithin=\n",
  224. " forceencaps=yes\n",
  225. " authby=secret\n",
  226. " pfs=no\n",
  227. " type=transport\n",
  228. " auth=esp\n",
  229. " ike=3des-sha1\n",
  230. " phase2alg=3des-sha1\n",
  231. " dpddelay=30\n",
  232. " dpdtimeout=120\n",
  233. " dpdaction=clear\n",
  234. "EOF\n",
  235. "\n",
  236. "cat > /etc/ipsec.secrets <<EOF\n",
  237. "$PUBLIC_IP %any : PSK \"$IPSEC_PSK\"\n",
  238. "EOF\n",
  239. "\n",
  240. "cat > /etc/xl2tpd/xl2tpd.conf <<EOF\n",
  241. "[global]\n",
  242. "port = 1701\n",
  243. "\n",
  244. ";debug avp = yes\n",
  245. ";debug network = yes\n",
  246. ";debug state = yes\n",
  247. ";debug tunnel = yes\n",
  248. "\n",
  249. "[lns default]\n",
  250. "ip range =\n",
  251. "local ip =\n",
  252. "require chap = yes\n",
  253. "refuse pap = yes\n",
  254. "require authentication = yes\n",
  255. "name = l2tpd\n",
  256. ";ppp debug = yes\n",
  257. "pppoptfile = /etc/ppp/options.xl2tpd\n",
  258. "length bit = yes\n",
  259. "EOF\n",
  260. "\n",
  261. "cat > /etc/ppp/options.xl2tpd <<EOF\n",
  262. "ipcp-accept-local\n",
  263. "ipcp-accept-remote\n",
  264. "ms-dns\n",
  265. "ms-dns\n",
  266. "noccp\n",
  267. "auth\n",
  268. "crtscts\n",
  269. "idle 1800\n",
  270. "mtu 1280\n",
  271. "mru 1280\n",
  272. "lock\n",
  273. "connect-delay 5000\n",
  274. "EOF\n",
  275. "\n",
  276. "cat > /etc/ppp/chap-secrets <<EOF\n",
  277. "# Secrets for authentication using CHAP\n",
  278. "# client\tserver\tsecret\t\t\tIP addresses\n",
  279. "\n",
  280. "$VPN_USER\tl2tpd $VPN_PASSWORD *\n",
  281. "EOF\n",
  282. "\n",
  283. "iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE\n",
  284. "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward\n",
  285. "\n",
  286. "iptables-save > /etc/iptables.rules\n",
  287. "\n",
  288. "cat > /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/iptablesload <<EOF\n",
  289. "#!/bin/sh\n",
  290. "iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.rules\n",
  291. "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward\n",
  292. "exit 0\n",
  293. "EOF\n",
  294. "\n",
  295. "chmod a+x /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/iptablesload\n",
  296. "\n",
  297. "/etc/init.d/ipsec restart\n",
  298. "/etc/init.d/xl2tpd restart\n",
  299. "\n",
  300. "#VPN 2 - Setup PPTP Server\n",
  301. "apt-get install pptpd -y\n",
  302. "echo \"localip\" >> /etc/pptpd.conf\n",
  303. "echo \"remoteip\" >> /etc/pptpd.conf\n",
  304. "echo \"$VPN_USER pptpd $VPN_PASSWORD *\" >> /etc/ppp/chap-secrets\n",
  305. "echo \"ms-dns\" >> /etc/ppp/pptpd-options\n",
  306. "echo \"ms-dns\" >> /etc/ppp/pptpd-options\n",
  307. "service pptpd restart\n",
  308. "\n",
  309. "echo \"net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1\" >> /etc/sysctl.conf\n",
  310. "sysctl -p\n",
  311. "iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE && iptables-save\n"
  312. ]
  313. ]
  314. }
  315. }
  316. },
  317. "Type": "AWS::EC2::Instance"
  318. }
  319. }
  320. }
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