
Lilly/Shizune - Size Matters

Mar 27th, 2015
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  1. From when I first woke up, I knew today was going to be troublesome. I set my alarm an hour earlier than usual, and as quickly as I could, got dressed and headed to my class. The attendance reports had to be done by today, and I really didn't want a repeat of the previous clash between Shizune and I.
  3. I managed to get everything written up and turned into the office with time to spare, only realizing then that I forgot to shower, and would have to do so before classes begun.
  5. I make as much haste as I have throughout the morning to grab a fresh change of clothes and head to the shower. I make my way into the stall and turn the water on. As I'm still trying to portion out a fitting temperature, I hear a pair of footsteps, followed by the shower door sliding open.
  7. I recognize Misha's voice immediately. "Lilly? We didn't expect to see you here!~ This is Shizune's shower time, don't you usually shower before this?"
  9. I've been one to accept Shizune's assertive nature, even in extreme circumstances, but this? Claiming a shower is too much. I make note to stay as calm as possible with my answer. "I am aware of that. I just had some work to complete today and only now found the time to shower. Those attendance reports are presently ready and awaiting your review, Shizune."
  11. I hear a hastened stomp of a foot, which I surmise to belong to Shizune, and further words from Misha following. "If you'd have attended to them when you were supposed to, we wouldn't have this problem, would we~?"
  13. "Yes, that's true, but there was-." I stop myself, realizing that we're just getting into a repeat of our last struggle and, in such a private venue, likely attracting the attention of everyone else who needed to use these facilities. Instead of arguing, I take a small step back, the stream of the shower barely hitting me now. "I understand. I wouldn't want you two to feel too dirty. This stall is rather large, just take your shower alongside mine."
  15. Before I can say 'There's not a problem with that, is there?' I can hear them walking forward, followed by the soft but hastened rustling sound of their clothes being discarded.
  17. "Just don't get in our way, huh~?" Misha spouts, as I feel the very warmth of their bodies, just short of touching my own. This isn't surprising, Shizune could very well see it as a challenge to her character, and Misha would naturally follow right along.
  19. It's not a problem. I see the situation as resolved, and resume my normal shower routine, taking care to stay within my established corner.
  21. Sadly, that doesn't work out so well. Shizune's shoulder, from what I can guess based on the thickness and the force with which it moves, keeps pushing against me. I ignore it, but it only seems to intensify over time. Clearly, Shizune refuses to be comfortable with our situation.
  23. After our long silence, I'm the first to speak up. "Shizune, I'm ready to rinse, could you perhaps move a little?"
  25. I bump shoulders with her again, a little more force from my end this time. To accentuate Shizune's physical refusal, Misha begins to translate her words into audible speech. "Don't mess with me, we need to rinse too~, both of us~."
  27. I fail to hide the unappealing look on my face, though my rebuttal remains serene in tone. "I apologize, but surely, the water spray here is enough for all of us?"
  29. "Nope~," Misha pipes without hesitation, or at least, no more than she needs to translate with, "These showers might be big, but that's only because they're designed to be apatable... duh... adaptable~! For those with disabilities, and-" Misha pauses a moment in her speech. "And~, you're too bulky! We could manage this if you weren't such an intruding giantess, wahaha~!"
  31. She's lowering herself to body size insults already? I had hoped we could be civil about this, but I suppose we're at the point of no return. Feeling little else but anger and impatience towards the pair showering before me, I decide to make as good a point as I can. "I can't help having the body that I have. But my shoulders are pretty slender, I probably fall well under the average girl in that regard. I suppose my breasts make the difference, and I can't really help that." Despite myself, I sport a grin. This is dirty, relying on such a measurement, but it's one of the only things I'm confident Shizune couldn't hope to argue against.
  33. Despite that, I am not surprised to see her put up an argument. "You hussy~, does this have to be about that~! Fine! You may be more showy with your breasts, but I assure you, I excel in that factor!"
  35. "Everything is not a competition, Miss President. To be frank, I don't care who's larger, but I am certainly more apt to cause a spatial situation concerning them than you are."
  37. Shizune, and by association, Misha, aren't hesitant to rebut. "That's not true~. Maybe you show off more~, but I am theeee~ largest here."
  39. "I wasn't aware you held a proud position in the breast size competition already." Any hope of me keeping things peaceful is long deceased at this point. "But if a competition existed, you'd be beaten by me."
  41. "No way to settle this, is there~! Then, let's compare, Misha can be the judge! Ah, wait, me? I don't..." Misha's speech slows down, until it picks back up after I detect a sharp smacking sound against skin. "I, Misha, will judge, shouldn't be the hard position, Shizune wins this, easy! Wahaha~!"
  43. I take a step towards them, brushing against parts I do not recognize immediately, and speak up. "Would you put that up to a little personal test then?"
  45. "Gladly!~" Before I can make a move, I feel an oddly familiar shoulder press against my own, rather firmly. "There~ Misha, judge! Be fair, I know you'll choose the right one."
  47. I vaguely hear another sound of a smack against bare skin, and assume Shizune is trying to win on a bias. As such, I mention frankly, "Misha, judge us fairly."
  49. Misha makes more than a few grunts and pouts suggestive of idle activity within her. I can't tell whether or not she's trying to make a biased decision. I make a gesture of swinging my chest forward, that I hope is barely discernible to the eye, as I say, "It's easy, Misha, just say which of us is bigger."
  51. "Uh~, Yeah well uh~..." Misha's speech slows, almost mechanically, continuing to spout out phrases of indecisiveness. "I say... It's... Ah~! I can't decide! You're both pretty well-endowed~! I can't judge, I'm sorry~.
  53. After a few moments pause, Misha starts up again, more clearly translating now, "If this is true, we need another judge, this isn't good enough~! Huh? Wait, what's that supposed to mean, Shizune? I'm only telling what I see! I can't make you win~."
  55. I bow my head a bit. "Misha, if you're worried about me, don't. I can take it, unlike..."
  57. Misha continues on with translation before I can reason further. "Nah, it's not that at all Lilly! I wouldn't work against you~, it's just, you two really match up, I can't tell! Can I just say you're equal and leave it at that~?"
  59. "That's not good enough, Misha," I reply, sure that Shizune would say something similar. "It's up to you to determine this, I'm afraid I cannot."
  61. "Well,~ like I said, I can't tell, if you're so close, things should be settled~." After that, Misha decides to make her own point, "You guys are forgetting about me, anyway~, I'm sorry to say this, but I'd wipe the floor with all of you when it comes to breast size~! Try to argue it~!"
  63. Despite Misha's challenge, I refuse to speak up, and apparently, so does Shizune.
  65. Our communal shower continues without further segue.
  67. It seems that this challenge has ended, with Misha being the unsuspecting victor. Not that Shizune would ever admit to that, but with silent peace restored, I can consider the issue closed.
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