

Nov 4th, 2019
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  1. Birth Name: Ong Hayun
  2. Age: 21
  3. Birthday: 31st July 1998
  5. Slot: Enchant
  6. Backup Slot: --
  8. Face Claim: Soyeon (G Idle)
  9. Backup Face Claim: Yeeun (CLC)
  11. Personality:
  12. + Lonely; she and her sisters are locked away and her mother is dead and she would rather starve than talk to her father so she feels quite lonely and isolated. They only comfort she gets is when she is with Seonghwa but sometimes you just need your family. She just wishes everything was how it was 5 years ago, she wishes her mum was still alive so her dad wouldn't become such a tyrant.
  13. + People pleaser; she is a bit of a people pleaser and in order to make others happy, she will go against the stuff she believes in so she can agree with the person. She is always apologising even when she has done nothing wrong. When she feels wronged or her feelings have been hurt, she won't address the problem, in fear of starting conflict, and will instead mope about for the rest of the day.
  14. + Kind; she always has people's best interests in mind and doesn't seek some kind of reward for the good deeds she performs, she just does it because she wants to and not because she will get some sort of reward.
  15. + Helpful; Hayun is always willing to give up her time to help other people. She is very selfless however sometimes she puts others before herself when she shouldn't which puts her in danger.
  16. + Intelligent; she has a good understanding of the world around her and likes to apply logic to situations instead of just going on a limb and risking getting it wrong. She loves reading books whether they are about mythical creatures or true life events and she is often in the library with her nose in a book.
  17. + Hopeful; she believes that there will be a way they can escape as she knows that bit of hope is what is keeping her together.
  19. Relationship with Mother: There was nothing particularly special about their relationship. They had a normal mother and daughter relationship. They shared things like a normal mother and daughter would but that was pretty much it. Hayun loved her mother and she knew her mother loved her and that is all she needed.
  21. Relationship with Father: She tends to stay away from her father and stay in the library. This is because in the library, she finds the silence comforting. If she is not in the library, she is most likely with the citizens of Buron, learning about them and just helping them out. She cares so much about the people and so she hates what her father has done to the once very happy and vibrant kingdom.
  23. Love Interest: Seonghwa (Ateez)
  24. Backup Love Interest: Minho (Stray Kids)
  26. Their Age: 21
  27. Their Birthday: 3rd April 1998
  29. Their Personality:
  30. + Fun; he is very fun to be around and you won't be board when you are with him since he is a very entertaining person.
  31. + Charming; he is a very charming guy and has a way with his words and the way he acts that just draws people to him.
  32. + Athletic; he is very athletic and has been this way from a young age.
  33. + Lovable; Seonghwa is a very loveable guy since he is very funny and humble and quite excitable.
  34. + Affectionate; when he is with his significant other, he likes to make sure that they know that he appreciates them. He always tells them how beautiful they are and gives them kisses.
  35. + Motivated; He has the will to do a lot of things and his motivation is not money or power, his motivation is the goal of making people truly happy in life.
  36. + Candid; He is very straight to the point and doesn't like to beat around the bush when he has something to tell you. However, he does know how to say things so it doesn't hurt your feelings.
  37. + Fair; No matter where he is or what he is doing, he always wants everyone to have equal oppurtunities and for things to be fair because he wants everyone to be able to achieve what they want.
  38. + Considerate; He doesn't like inconveniencing others with jobs that he knows he could easily do himself.
  40. How you and your Love Interest interact with each other:
  41. + They are like a couple even before they start dating.
  42. + They go out together and help out the residents by helping them move stuff or cooking for the children while the parents are busy.
  43. + When they are not busy, they like to spoon and just relax together while watching tv or listening to music or even just sleeping.
  44. + They are very affectionate towards each other and are usually always hugging or kissing.
  45. + They have a lot of deep conversations but also very light and weird ones. They are quite a versatile couple.
  46. + Whenever she is having a bad day, Seonghwa usually notices quite quickly and does anything he can to make her happier.
  48. Any Important notes: --
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