
Help on setting up trishume's patcher jsonApp2

Jun 9th, 2019
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  1. Step 0: BACKUP! Backup your songs, your apk everything!
  2. Step 1: Download the latest release here:
  3. Step 2: Then make a new file called "myAPKConfig.json" and put the text from this pastebin into it:
  4. Step 3: You will need to change many things in this file. First off, change your APK path to be the path to your APK.
  5. - Then you need to add EACH song you want. You can look at how BUBBLETEA is done to get an idea of how to do this. This step is VERY tedious, I know, I'm sorry, this is why SideQuest does it for you.
  6. - Then go ahead and add your songs to the custom song collection, or add your own collections if you want.
  7. - Finally, the colors. Change these to match the floats you desire. Use something like HTML color picker (google it) or something similar in order to find the floats you like best.
  8. - Any text you want to replace. If you don't want the play button to be replaced with "GO!", remove that line, but DON'T delete the entire "replaceText" entry. Leave it empty instead.
  9. Step 4: Run the following command (with your download from the releases page, from your command line/terminal.
  10. - First, cd to where your folder is.
  11. - Then do this: jsonApp2.exe < path/to/your/myAPKConfig.json
  12. - if you are on another platform other than windows, replace .exe with .app or whatever it is for linux
  13. Step 5: Confirm that you see no error message appear in your console after you run the command! You will know if there is an error message as opposed to a normal message if it says "sign": false, or if it has a non-null "error" field.
  15. Hope this helps, let me know on discord if there is anything I can do to help.
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