

Feb 14th, 2016
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  1. <Cytex> Hi sorry had some personal issues last night. Anyways I want to start off by saying I agree I was wrong yesterday, but you talk about professionalism a lot and the chat is far from that. You told me in our group talk about scaring players away from being too strict, but what about people in our chat scaring our users or new ones away by being toxic? Does that make sense to you? To me it doesn't,
  2. <Cytex> and by all means don't feel I am being rude that's not my intention, I am simply speaking my mind off. I've worked for mutiple big servers, and I've never dealt with a chat this bad. Us mods are basically powerless, even the last Mod left Yura agrees with me ( If there's not gonna be any major changes regarding the community issue, no one is gonna want to be a
  3. <Cytex> staff member on Dawnveil. I've went from a person who has always kept his cool to one that just gets fustrated with these kids. Might be because of the zero motivation thing, but who knows, I want improve our chatting services for our users - literally all I want to do.
  4. <Mario> You need to understand that I know your intentions were in the right place, however I am appalled, ashamed, embarrassed, and infuriated by your actions the past few days. It is absolutely unacceptable for you to permanently ban people without consulting Bowser, it is absolutely unacceptable for you to ignore your duties and it is furthermore intolerable when you cause problems and stir uprisings with other members of my staff. Pineapple is fired because of it, and you're lucky that you aren't as well. The only reason you aren't immediately canned is because I believe you can shape up but as of right now you have shown that you do not possess the necessary maturity level to be a figurehead in our community. You CANNOT, CANNOT have personal issues with ANY member of our community; you cannot ban people that you personally disagree with; you cannot, CANNOT in your ban appeals post ANYTHING first-person or ANYTHING that is not completely impartial. Bowser had to delete that whole ban appeal thread because of how disgusted I was by your responses. What happened man?? We're a fucking team and you stabbed me in the back.
  5. <Mario> Had other members of our staff followed you, that could have been the end.
  6. <Mario> The end of everything we worked for for months, before we even started.
  7. <Mario> Because of a bad mood.
  8. <Mario> It's probably partially my fault for letting you get comfortable to the point where you overstepped your authority which is another reason why you're not immediately fired, there is blame on multiple sides of this but you need to rise above it. If you EVER pull a stunt like that again, it will be more than the last thing you do here, there will be further consequences. I expect you to show absolute professionalism and to lead by example - if you can learn to stop overstepping your authority and maintain your composure you will find a home here with all of us, but if you threaten insubordination or rebellion even once more you're gone.
  9. <Mario> I hope I've made myself clear.
  10. <Mario> P.S.
  11. <Mario> If you ever feel that somebody is cancer and they need to be banned
  12. <Mario> Look, I will usually agree with you and I have your back. Send me the SS and let Mario swing the ban hammer
  13. <Mario> If Mario, Luigi, Wario, or Bowser swings a ban hammer, that is indisputable and cannot be challenged, it doesn't need to be challenged or even addressed.
  14. <Mario> When anybody else does it, it causes MAJOR amounts of problems and drama.
  15. <Mario> If someone is cancer and needs to be removed from the community, just let one of us do it.
  16. <Mario> The point is we're a team and that is the most important thing in the world to me, that we work together to bring this vision of something bigger than all of us into a reality, and you just shat all over it. You're lucky we have such a good team and that more of them didn't follow you. I'm not being overly harsh, I know the Chat is cancer and I know it's not easy getting shit-talked on, with or without personal issues, but just as much as I don't want to let you go, I need you to maintain the highest level of composure and professionalism possible, and bottom line you did not.
  17. <Mario> I take it very very personally.
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