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Dec 11th, 2016
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  1. >>32612
  2. 1/2. You float past the quickly dissipating carcass of the space whale and enter into a stable orbit around the moon, your scanners already twinkling wildly at the indications of its mineral wealth. A exploratory blast from your mining laser lances out and makes contact with the surface of the object, then another. A third, and so on and so forth. It after the eighth blast that you notice that the only indication of your mining operations is a series of black scorch marks dotting the moon, it seems to be made of a very dense material. You attempt sustained bombardment, still to little effect. Eventually you let loose a volley of missiles into the moon, attempting to knock ''something'' loose. Nothing, but it did knock off quite a bit of dust on the surface....
  5. What's this? Nano-molecular weld lines? You blast off more of the surface of the moon, and find that it is not a moon at all. It is a black sphere of some sort, its hull composed of rare Post-Transuranics, a material that is nearly impossible to make, but incredibly versatile in its use! And here is a piece of it that has enough mass to make a fleet!
  7. You continue to blast away at the dust covering the structure, looking for any structural weakness you can exploit to start harvesting this station, when to your surprise a hatch appears, and then slowly opens. A voice fills your processor banks, its old, much older then you.
  10. "Come in, lost one."
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