
Ch 5: Part 4: Thorn's End: Session 92

Dec 13th, 2013
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  1. [16:06] <@Kilarra> *****Second Darkness*****
  2. [16:06] <@Kilarra> ~~~Chapter 5: A Memory of Darkness~~~
  3. [16:07] <@Kilarra> -Session 92-
  4. [16:09] <@Kilarra> The party had managed to assemble the remaining members of the Winter Council, but most of what seemed to be getting done was arguements and accusations. Hialin slinging at Arlindil and Malindil's relationship, Perelir and Arlindil feeling that they needed to go to Queen Telandia, thogh for different reasons
  5. [16:09] <@Kilarra> Hialin even motioned to have Perelir evicted form the council, but didn't get any support, even if the others also opposed her way of thinking
  6. [16:21] <Aluthyra> Kahree glares at each council member in turn. She's had enough of these stupid elves and their political games; the intrigue, subterfuge, secrecy... enough! She slams her hands on the table, standing up. "You four act more like street rats fighting over food than council members!" She points at Hialin, "YOU. Clearly, secrecy isn't working, seeing as you've got NOTHING done."
  7. [16:21] <Aluthyra> Kahree frowns, shaking her head. "And don't even try to say otherwise. There's -no- way you've accomplished anything, given how sidetracked you are." Her glare turns on the couple next, Arlindil and Malindil. "And YOU two. Focus on getting something done, instead of petty insults. If you let your relationship get in the way, Hialin is right. So prove him wrong and actually -attempt- to work for a conclusion to all this, and work -with- the others."
  8. [16:21] <Aluthyra> Kahree turns her her head to Perelir. "You need to negotiate. Even -I- know that. You aren't always going to get your damn way, so try to convince the others to a middle ground that you can all agree on." She eyes the other three. "That goes for all of you." Finally, Kahree sits and huffs in frustration. "And I swear, if you all don't work together, you're getting a boot up your ass. I can turn invisible, and I have extra pairs of shoes."
  9. [16:23] <@Kilarra> The council members all sit in stunned silence for a few moments after Kahree's outburst, clearly having not expected it
  10. [16:23] <@Kilarra> Estril can barely contain a fit of giggles.
  11. [16:25] <@Kilarra> "Tell me," asks Malindil, looking to Kahree, then to the rest of the party, "Have you ever had to make a tough decision? Especially one with a short deadline?"
  12. [16:25] * Aluthyra nods. "Yes. Regardless of the deadline, a decision must be reached; a compromise if necessary."
  13. [16:25] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods, still fuming a little.
  14. [16:27] <@Kilarra> Malindil shakes her head, "Perhaps an example will clarify. Have you ever had to choose between pursuing a hated enemy, or healing a wounded comrade, knowing that taking one path would mean losing the other?"
  15. [16:27] * Aluthyra frowns, shaking her head.
  16. [16:28] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods. "Yeah. Well, something like that."
  17. [16:28] * Kilarra looks to Kahree, raising a curious eyebrow.
  18. [16:28] <@Kilarra> Malindil adds, "What about executing an enemy, versus taking them prisoner?"
  19. [16:29] <@Kilarra> Kjell nods this time, remembering how he had felt torn up about their pursuit of rogue driders in Zirnakaynin.
  20. [16:31] <@Kilarra> “At those times, you had to make a choice between a moral or ethical solution and a practical one. Rulers—like Queen Telandia—must always appear both moral and ethical, or risk being overthrown by theirsubjects," states Perelir.
  21. [16:31] <@Kilarra> "We have foregone that luxury, and so can make the choices that any elf would agree are right, if not necessarily just.”
  22. [16:34] * Kilarra scoffs a bit, "Because sending assassins after us in the night was justified."
  23. [16:35] <@Kilarra> Hialin waves a dismissive hand, "Had you left well enough alone, that wouldn't have been necessary. Why are we even allowing these outsiders to speak to us like this?"
  24. [16:36] <Aluthyra> Kahree frowns. "Because you can't get shit done on your own."
  25. [16:37] <@Kilarra> Hialin snorts, "That's because these three allowed the one of us who was actually trying to accomplish something to run off after killing Auramestes."
  26. [16:38] <Aluthyra> Kahree raises an eyebrow. "And that would be...?"
  27. [16:39] <@Kilarra> Perelir frowns, "The loss of Allevrah was devastating to all of us, but you know damn well what she was plotting was reprehensible," barks Arlindil.
  28. [16:40] <@Kilarra> Malindil looks worried, "She must have been ensorcered," she says, althoguh her statement lacks confidence. "Or decieved."
  29. [16:40] <@Kilarra> This immediately draws anger from both Hialin -and- Perelir.
  30. [16:41] <@Kilarra> Hialin hisses, "We shouldn't even be speaking of that in front of out 'guests'."
  31. [16:41] <@Kilarra> Perelir frowns, "Don't be naive Malindil, we were all there, we all saw what she did."
  32. [16:43] * Aluthyra blinks. "Care to explain?"
  33. [16:45] <@Kilarra> Perelir looks to Aluthyra, "Allevrah presented what she called a final solution to the drow problem, but it would have had devastating and unpredictable effects, as well as being an act of genocide. However, when the council didn't agree with her, she killed Auramestes with a spell of destruction, pulled the Maleficus Spike from the wall, and fled in the ensuing chaos."
  34. [16:47] <Aluthyra> Kahree frowns. "What exactly was her plan?"
  35. [16:47] * Kilarra glances at the spike in the wall that was giving her chills. So it even had a name? Still, they had all noted that in spite of her demonic blood it wasn't harming her, but it still felt wierd.
  36. [16:48] <@Kilarra> Hialin interjects, "Perhaps Allevrah's plan had some merit. We may not have fully understood back then what she wished to accomplish."
  37. [16:49] <@Kilarra> Perelir scoffs, "You aren't seriously suggesting you've come to agree with that madness?"
  38. [16:49] <@Kilarra> Hialin seems to be growing angrier by the minute. "No, there were parts of her plan that weren't thought through, but that doesn't mean it was entirely without merit."
  39. [16:52] <Aluthyra> Kahree frowns. "Well she's gone now. So... whatever it was, focus on what your options are -now-." She glares. "Or you get the boot."
  40. [16:52] <@Kilarra> This sparks a new wave of arguements and accusations amongst the four of them, seemingly without any further heed to the party's presence
  41. [16:52] * Kilarra frowns, "This is getting out of hand fast."
  42. [16:54] <Aluthyra> Kahree frowns. "Any -other- ideas then? I'm out."
  43. [16:55] <@Kilarra> The arguing ends abruptly when Hialin stands, knocking his chair over. He shrieks at the rest of them: “You are all nothing but fools! I alone see what Allevrah was trying to do, and she had the right of it! Earthfall didn’t finish the job, and that may be the greatest failing of history—but it is a failing that can still be corrected!”
  44. [16:56] <@Kilarra> Before the other council members have time to process Hialin's outburst and react, he points his finger at the wall holding the spike and yells loudly in elven. Arcane energies transfigure a section of the stone into a pale, fleshy patch, and he strides over to the spike, pulling it free of the stone turned to flesh.
  45. [16:59] * Aluthyra immediately stands, drawing her bow. She looks to the council members. "If one were to return the spike to its place, would it reactivate?"
  46. [17:00] <@Kilarra> Kjell stands up, knocking his own chair over in the process, "Have you gone mad?!"
  47. [17:00] <Aluthyra> Kahree growls, placing a hand to her chest. After a moment of mumbling, she turns invisible.
  48. [17:00] * Kilarra is stunned by the immediate disappearance of the tingling, chilling sensation that had plagued her since entering the building. She watches Hialin and the spike intently
  49. [17:02] <@Kilarra> As the party looks on, they witness something remarkable, yet terrible. Hialin's eyes, alight with madness, turn a milky white. His dark hair fades to a pure white, and across his pale skin a darkness spreads, like spilled oil, eventually turning every inch of his flesh as black as any drow.
  50. [17:06] <@Kilarra> Malindil collapses out of her chair, slumping to her knees with a look of abject terror on her face. "Not again... I'll be next..."
  51. [17:06] <@Kilarra> Arlindil roars furiously and lunges to attack Hialin.
  52. [17:07] <@Kilarra> Only Perelir seems to retain any rationality in the chaos, looking to where Kahree was just standing and then to Kilarra, "The spike must be replaced, or we'll be drowning in demons."
  53. [17:09] * Aluthyra frowns. "And how? Do you have more?"
  54. [17:10] <@Kilarra> Perelir shakes her head, "The Maleficus Spike is unique; it must be retrieved from Hialin, but we needn't worry about him damaging it."
  55. [17:16] * Aluthyra immediately turns on Hialin, launching off a barrage of arrows.
  56. [17:24] <@Kilarra> Hialin is peppered with arrows, but his freshly blackened skin is as hard as stone, and difficult to penetrate.
  57. [17:24] <Aluthyra> Kahree rushes forward, invisible, dropping one of her maces right on Hialin's head...
  58. [17:27] <@Kilarra> Hialin's head is still as hard as stone, but Kahree's sudden strike, even if it brings her out of invisibility, draws blood.
  59. [17:29] * Kilarra is wary of the Maleficus spike, but thinks that between Kahree and Aluthyra, Hialin isn't going to be much of a problem. She instead moves to the door, casting Death Ward on herself and drawing her mace in case any demons did show up before they could replace the warding spike.
  60. [17:31] <@Kilarra> Arlindil takes the form of a large raven, and attempts to claw the spike out of Hialin's hand.
  61. [17:32] <@Kilarra> Hialin curls his cold iron spiked gauntlet around the spike, refusing to let it be taken from him. Arlindil's talons do nothing
  62. [17:36] <@Kilarra> Hialin sneers and levels his free hand in the direction of Arlindil, Kahree, and Aluthyra, a spray of multicoloured lights brusting from his hand. With a quickened flourish immediately thereafter, there are suddenly seven of him.
  63. [17:40] <@Kilarra> Arlindil squawks as he's seared with red flaming light, while the orange light sears Aluthyra like acid
  64. [17:41] <@Kilarra> Kahree however, takes the worst of it, as she feels her entire body sieze up and solidify into stone. The others barely have time to witness this before she vanishes, shunted off-plane.
  65. [17:53] <@Kilarra> Kjell roars angrily, not knowing what became of his companion, and charges Hialin with sword drawn and crackling with electricity. He swings his sword, sending a shocking grasp through it at the newly converted drow, followed up by magic projectiles that would strike unerringly even for the duplicates
  66. [17:55] <@Kilarra> Hialin seems shocked when Kjell's sword manages to pierce the real one of him, his duplicates fading as he slips into unconsciousness, bleeding.
  67. [17:57] <@Kilarra> Perelir grabs the spike as Hialin drops it and draws her flail to hammer it back into the wall.
  68. [17:58] <@Kilarra> As Perelir does this, Kilarra can see Quilindra and Viggrizzur leading several other demons up the passageway. The elven guards and the Ghale brace themselves
  69. [18:01] <@Kilarra> Quilindra and Viggrizzur don't look like they have any plans to be merciful or spare anyone in their sights, but as soon as Perelir drives the spike back into the wall, they stop dead, doubling over and looking pained.
  70. [18:01] * Kilarra feels that familiar uncomfortableness return, calling out without taking her eyes off the two major demons and any of their cohorts. "Aluthyra, we got some big fish out here. Help me finish them before they can get away."
  71. [18:04] <@Kilarra> The two leading demons glare at Kilarra and the other guards of the chamber
  72. [18:05] * Kilarra smirks and sticks her tongue out at Quilindra, "Sorry to reneg sweetie, but I'm sure Kahree will get over you."
  73. [18:06] * Aluthyra raises her bow, closes her eyes, and concentrates... As she takes a deep breath, she lets her arrows fly, guiding them with her ki to curve towards Quilindra.
  74. [18:11] <@Kilarra> Quilindra is more well armed and better protected than most demons of her ilk, but takes two arrows to the chest anyways, screaming
  75. [18:12] <@Kilarra> Quilindra's skin begins to boil as the wards bear down on her, and she screams more, drawing out her rapier, "I'll take you to the abyss with me tiefling!"
  76. [18:12] <@Kilarra> Quilindra gestures to Kilarra, muttering in abyssal.
  77. [18:13] * Kilarra manages to just barely shrug off Quilindras attempt at parayzing her. "Not so tough now, huh?"
  78. [18:14] <@Kilarra> The succubus hisses
  79. [18:15] * Kilarra isn't going to get close enough to let the succubus grab her, and instead sends a searing blast of light her way.
  80. [18:15] <@Kilarra> The succubus slips out of the way of the burst, but is still in immense and obvious pain from the effect of the demon warding spike.
  81. [18:16] <@Kilarra> Arlindil shifts back to his elven form and steps on Hialin's neck, breaking it.
  82. [18:18] <@Kilarra> Viggrizzur doesn't look like he intends to die just yet, and attempts to smash his way out of the nearby wall, figuring the wall would be less harmful than being within the bounds of the ward.
  83. [18:20] <@Kilarra> The nalfeshnee might as well be waving a wet noodle at the magically reinforced walls of the fortress trying to get out.
  84. [18:21] <@Kilarra> Kjell watches Arlindil snap Hialin's neck, then looks to Perelir, "What happened to Kahree?"
  85. [18:22] <@Kilarra> Perelir frowns, "The nature of that spell is erratic; she has likely been shunted through the planar boundaries. Once we have resecured Thorn's End, I may be able to help you find her."
  86. [18:23] <@Kilarra> Kjell nods and moves towards the other side of the room. Spying Quilindra and Vigrizzur (the other demons having fled back down the stairs attempting to escape), he throws a wall of fire behind them to hinder any further attempts at flight. "I think you two can stay right here in the mess you made for yourselves."
  87. [18:24] <@Kilarra> Perelir moves towards the distraught Malindil, attempting to console her, leaving the two demons to the party.
  88. [18:27] * Aluthyra keeps her bow aimed for Quilindra, firing another barrage of arrows.
  89. [18:31] <@Kilarra> Quilindra is untouched. She was stubborn like that
  90. [18:32] <@Kilarra> Quilindra screams once more in agony before slumping to the floor and twitching, her rapier falling from her grasp.
  91. [18:35] <@Kilarra> It takes another half a minute of exposure to bring down Vigrizzur, the powerful demon persistent even with the party assailing him. However, he is no less vulnerable to the spike than Quilindra was in the end
  92. [18:35] <@Kilarra> -End Session-
  93. [18:36] <@Kilarra> Rewards: 3 EL 14; 25,600 Experience Each
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