
Absolution/Armageddon Armistice

Nov 2nd, 2020
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  1. from /hhg/ - Hazbin Hotel #445
  2. ----
  3. Fellas
  5. I had a dream that was sort of Dictator Anon inspired, but not really?
  6. It was on some crackhead fanfiction crossover energy.
  8. >>[Do you care to hear about this autism?]
  9. -
  10. Sure, this whole thread is autism anyway, may as well have lots of different flavors.
  11. -
  12. Go ahead
  13. -
  14. Do it
  15. ----
  16. So it started off with me, who wasn't me, I was kind of an anon, which doesn't really make sense, but it was a crackhead dream, so w/e
  18. Anon/I stumbled through this painting, that was like a Mario 64 painting; it was Lucifer's palace, mansion, castle, thing. Where he lived.
  19. I knew right away somehow, it just screamed 'Hazbin Lucifer'.
  21. Anon was stumbling about confused, and I bumped into Charlie, who was scared af, she knew anon, but he wasn't supposed to be there. Or, here, rather.
  23. She pushed me aside, Razzle and Dazzle stepped forward and they took anon away, with Charlie looking worried.
  24. Razzle and Dazzle shunted anon off to a room, where an imp tailor showed up, dressed in regal garb, they were unsurprised Charlie had 'brought' a human here, and fixed anon up a nice outfit, more appropriate for the palace, and then set about making his skin seem appropriately gray, and finishing off the façade with a mask of the royal guard.
  26. Skipping a lot of meandering and looking at random rooms, I bumped into Lucifer, and had to try my best to retain composure, salute, etc.
  27. He was pretty chill, he understood today was stressful, and it was normal to be in a tiff. He told me to watch the halls, and 'pray' with a wry chuckle.
  29. Today was an important day.
  31. Heaven was convening with Hell. It's emissaries were chosen, and anon was going to eavesdrop. Obviously.
  32. [TBC]
  33. -
  34. [Cont]
  35. Anon peered into this dining hall, where the players for each side had convened, I suppose.
  37. On Hell's side, was what I would guess was Slaanesh, Malebolgia, Lucifer and Helltaker Lucifer, the Marauder and Violator, with a dozen Hellspawn's.
  38. On Heaven's was The God Emperor, The Redeemer and the Doom Slayer, with a dozen or so Exterminators behind them.
  40. Hazbin Lucifer was pretty chill, he seemed kind of like an estranged son, trying to look cool in front of his dad he'd let down.
  41. Helltaker Lucifer wasn't quite as thrilled, she seemed more like she was angry that her dad didn't understand her, and that her "brother" was a suck up.
  42. It was supposed to be them vs everyone, wasn't it?
  43. They radiated an almost childish vibe that was completely dead-air in the face of Malebolgia, who seemed like an evil business man.
  44. He was smug, self satisfied, and too happy to be trash.
  45. It was after all, his job. He was proud of his work. His voice lulled between Obama and Trump, and he'd shake his head and make a Futurama Nixon noise when he was annoyed.
  46. Redeemer talked a lot of shit, and made him do that a few times.
  48. The God Emperor was God's living Avatar, referred to as the Man-God, part of the Godhead, like Jesus, The Holy Spirit, etc.
  49. Slaanesh had no interest in dealing with Heaven, which was tantamount to groveling and whining anyway, so she left.
  50. [TBC?]
  51. -
  52. [cont]
  53. Malebolgia stood out as a smooth talker, his voice switching between the hyperbolic, prideful and manipulative tones of Donald, and the relaxed, smug and room-filling candor of Obama's voice.
  54. Though the room could've easily fit a hundred people in either direction a dozen times, he was about two and a half God-Emperors tall.
  55. Sitting at about the height of a three story building, with the width of six men shoulder-to-shoulder at least.
  56. He and Redeemer kept antagonizing each other, as the Slayer and Violator were clearly clearer heads in this scenario.
  57. Even with Violator's bug eyes and through the Slayer's helmet, it was clear they were not hoping to start a fight today.
  58. The Lucifer 'siblings' meanwhile seemed to try to get the 'real' God to speak to them, clearly bothered that their 'father' would only speak to them through a proxy.
  59. A proxy with it's own mind and soul.
  60. That bothered them, clearly.
  61. Anon felt like he was intruding.
  62. Dream gets fuzzier there/here. Can't pretend to know much more.
  63. [End?]
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