

May 18th, 2014
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  1. [X] 2 "A simple death would be generous to her no? The suffering and loss inflicted upon you by her and them..., there are more appropriate methods to show them the error of their ways... a method that I can grant to you." You pause for a mere moment. "Her efforts, her position, everything,Β  will be come all for naught. Those that left you in your time of need... will but regret their decision. Should they die unfortunately before the main 'event', that will be that. However, should they not..., well then, you will find a fate befitting of such people. A fate that you shall have influence over... until the day they die. And perhaps beyond that if it can be arranged. Of course, all that you need to do is to also devote yourself to me.": (inverted_helix, ReinZero)
  2. --[X] 8 "Now that we're nice and comfortable, why don't you tell me what you're doing out here? I may be young, but I am strong. Perhaps I could help you? For a price, of course... but then, everything has a price; and mine would be so cheap, nothing more than your voice for a few palty hours or days, just to hear you sing.... I could protect you, feed you, guide you... help you in your goals, little elf.... Or, I could simply release you to be on your way. But that wouldn't be any fun, now would it? No excitement, no gains, only... you. And I walk away, to do my own business and seek out another, one who might agree, who might be willing to do even more....": (CrawlingChaos74, Jiven, acegunman89, kinglugia, nightblade, Moving Target, hunter09, noahgab1133)
  3. [X] 2 "Such a request...very well. Then, little girl, this is the contract which I offer. I will furnish for you your vengeance, and let you see your enemies broken before you. And in will be mine. From this moment forward, though the stars fall and the sun burn out, you will obey me, and your life shall be in my hand. This is the price of Do you agree?": (alethiophile, Barret)
  4. [X] 1 "Tell me of this lady, so that I may give you your vengeance.": (Silversun17)
  5. [X] 2 Accept the contract and I shall aid you, no quibbling, no hesitation on my part. If you are mine, then your concerns will be mine. Do this, and I will do as you ask. I swear on my own name.: (WarShipper, Xicree)
  6. [X] 1 No: (codeRR)
  7. [X] 2 No you don't.Β  You're a female dragon.: (Jiven, Vindictus)
  8. [X] 8 No.: (CrawlingChaos74, Jiven, acegunman89, kinglugia, nightblade, Moving Target, hunter09, noahgab1133)
  9. [X] 1 No. Not yet.: (Vindictus)
  10. [X] 1 Of course you do!Β  You're a male dragon: (codeRR)
  11. [X] 7 Of course you do!Β  You're a male dragon.: (CrawlingChaos74, acegunman89, kinglugia, nightblade, Moving Target, hunter09, noahgab1133)
  12. [X] 1 Plan alethiophile whenever he finishes typing it up.: (a2znut)
  13. [X] 1 Plan?: (gibbousmoons)
  14. [X] 8 Wrap around her against the cliff - not tight, but enough to make sure she can't simply try and run away. Then release her will.: (CrawlingChaos74, Jiven, acegunman89, kinglugia, nightblade, Moving Target, hunter09, noahgab1133)
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