

Feb 22nd, 2016
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  1. My thoughts on Street Fighter V :
  3. I had the chance to test SFV and what are my thoughts on it :
  4. - The game is a bit old looking for his era and the fact it is 60€ but it's not that bad i guess.
  5. - The fact that combos are way too easy is a big issue for me because i love the learning and mastering process of hard combos(sometimes i could just spend my day in training mode and practicing stupidly hard combos just for fun).
  6. - The fact that you hit like a truck is kinda stupid but also makes sense (will get back to it later) because you can lose a match you had a hard time to win and did your best to win with good zoning just because you made 2 mistakes (reminder you were full health)
  7. - The roster is too small for 60€ in 2016
  8. - Where the fuck is the arcade mode ? it's cheap to make don't tell me they didn't have someone on the side to make it.
  9. - combo too short
  10. - The vtrigger is only worth to use to kill basically unless you are ryu and you kill the guard Kappa
  11. + The fact that everything will be free afterwards (if you play enough you can technically get every gameplay content for free)
  12. + the fact that you hit like a truck is that a Random Shoryuken can't kill you (uncancellable) and if you play well you'll be the one to get the 2 combos KO
  13. + back to the basics
  14. +v-reversal (finally a out of corner system that is not a -60% health for the one putting the pressure) and you can bait it(you lose kill potential if you use v-reversal)
  15. +3.3 vibe for the fact that if you want to confirms light you have to either use a special or the super
  17. To be honest i actually like SFV as a competitive Game but i hate it as a Fighting Game Lover because the hard work in training mode is not as valuable now you have to grind ranked and learn from your mistake Basically and playing agains't the same guy again and again until you win is actually a good way to go i guess.
  19. Characters i would actually play and why :
  21. -Ryu : yeah i know i said i hate easy combo but he actually has some pretty cool combo(especially counter) and good corner pressure. and to be honest the Vtrigger that let you use denjin hadokens is giving me back the vibe of Ryu SF3.3 (i would love to get the good old rufian kick but well i guess it's not too late to see a patch for it).
  23. -Zangier : Yeah it's weird as well because i'm not known to play grapplers. (SF2 = Dhalsim/Guile, SF3.3=Akuma/Ryu/Q/Remy/Urien, SF4 = Rufus,Guile,Boxer,Rolento Alpha3 = Rolento/Karin/Dhalsim) And why you are gonna say ? Just the fact to be able to do 2lk,2lk,super is way too fun or you can have a very high killing combo with Jump HP,5HP,Full V-Trigger, Jump EX 360 Punch. he is a bit faster than in SF4 (still slower than any other version though but it's better) i'm kinda sad he has no special move to connect normal moves i would have thought that he could at least do 2LP,2LP,360 but well it's cool though.
  25. -Karin : Just because i need a fast paced character and i like her fighting style
  27. -Dhalsim : Because i actually like the character a lot and he seems way more playable in this game.
  29. Characters i could play but i won't :
  31. -F.A.N.G. : Because god awfull character design but cool gameplay but i'm a bit attach to design so nope.
  32. -Ken : Unlesss they put a nice costum it's a big nope(and the alpha costume doesn't count btw).
  34. So will i buy the game ? no
  36. In the future ? Most likely because i still love fighting games and i feel i could do great things in this one but it's not because i could become a great player that i'm gonna put 60€ in a game that doesn't deserve it for now.
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