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a guest
Apr 24th, 2017
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  1. Beam: #Enchantment
  2. Enabled: True #Enable and disable the enchantment
  3. Name: 'Beam' #The in-game name of the enchantment
  4. Color: '&7' #The color of the enchantment on the item
  5. BookColor: '&b&l' #The color of the enchantment on the book
  6. MaxPower: 3 #Max lvl the enchantment goes up to
  7. Categories: #All the categories the Enchantment can be found in
  8. - 'Common'
  9. - 'Rare'
  10. - 'Legendary'
  11. Info:
  12. Name: '&e&lBeam &7(&bI-&bIII&7)'
  13. Description:
  14. - '&750% Blind chance.'
  15. - ''
  16. - '&6Found in:'
  17. - '&7 - &a&l&nCommon'
  18. - '&7 - &9&l&nRare'
  19. - '&7 - &4&l&nLegendary'
  20. - '&6Enchantable Items: &aBows'
  21. EnchantOptions: #Customizing Options for each enchantment.
  22. ItemsEnchantable: 'Bow' #You can pick from Armor, Boots, Helmet, Axe, Sword, Weapons(Swords & Axes), and Bow.
  23. BowOptions: #Options that only effect Bow Enchantments.
  24. OnHit: #When the arrow Hits.
  25. #Remove the # to use the Exploding option.
  26. #Ground: #Options if the arrow hits the ground.
  27. # Explode: #Options for the explosion.
  28. # Power: 2 #The power of the explosion.
  29. # PowerIncrease: 2 #How much each lvl will increases the strength.
  30. # Chance: 25 #Chance of the arrow exploding.
  31. Damaged: #The player that is attacked.
  32. PowerIncrease: 1 #How many times the Potion Effects go up each lvl.
  33. PotionEffects: #Effects that are added to the Damaged.
  34. - 'BLINDNESS:1, Time:1, Chance:50'
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