
Xenoverse Plot 4

Jan 11th, 2018
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  1. Xenoverse Plot 4
  3. -In the Police Station, we have the main team all meet up with each other...Robin all over Lucina's hand as Chrom check on Jalen. Weiss and Ruby tell them of who they saw fighting Jalen and to Blake's horror, it's Raven Branwen. Chrom heard of her, but ask who is she which before Weiss can answer...Blake ask that Jalen does so...He don't want to, not in front of everyone, but she implores him to do so.
  5. -Eventually, After a argument between Blake and Jalen...She makes Jalen reveal his backstory with Raven in front of the team(Rin, Camilla, Yang, Lucina, Severa, Weiss, Ruby, Chrom, and Robin.)
  7. -Blake tell them all of who Raven is to her...This confuses Jalen as he wouldn't expect Raven to love him so much as to adopt his child after his death...he walks out debating these thoughts in his head as Rin follows him..The 2 discuss more of Jalen's backstory as well as Rin starting to remember flashes of her own life..the 2 head home as Camilla follows them out
  9. -While they are sleeping, Rin have a dream of her past life with flashes of her previous user, Katarina, fighting for the Nohrian Army during the time when Camilla was sealed for glory for Nohr. She remembers the Nohrian creed of fighting for a better world..but also of them burning villages, killing innocent, and more..All in the name of "a better world"
  11. -She wakes up in a sweat as she head downstairs where Camilla is fixing the room up in her mature setting. Rin ask Camilla does she ever remember her past life, and Camilla say just only the small details...Rin tells her that she's remembering more than just small details, and question are they even doing the right thing regarding if Ylisstol win, who to say the world will be in a better place...
  13. -Back at Blake's home, she too is conflicted with feelings while Lucina and Severa are with their own parents...As Yang ask her that she's been pretty quiet for the morning. Blake shakes her head and eat the breakfast they had..afterwards, she claims to go for a jog and head out...Although Yang look out and notice that Blake isn't jogging..she follows her silently.
  15. -Back at Raven's boat for it's still in Ylisstol, she wakes up to a facetime with Siegbert who ask her on the status of the mission. She tell him it didn't happened due to outside forces...He panics and ask about the other 2, Roman and Neo...Raven turn on the TV and it shows the faces of Roman when he was alive to declare him dead and his now-Driverless Blade, Neo. Siegbert shakes his worry off and tell her she have a new mission now, but as She declines it, not willing to go through the pain of fighting Jalen again...She notice(With slight anger on her end, she hates abusive parents) that Siegbert gets pushed off the intercom to show Xander asking her to fight in the Once-every-10-years cup-The Rainbow Bowl- that he's on his way to tomorrow night and take down Jalen and Chrom, which he is sure they will enter, bragging that he will pay 4X the money his pathetic(Another twitch of anger) son offered...She turn him off after flipping him off.
  17. -Outside the boat, Blake is confronted by Yang who ask her what is she doing..Blake wants to speak to Raven, but Yang tells her that she's being selfish about her own feelings and neglecting to ask Yang about what ails her...Blake apologize to her lover and tell her that she will help her Blade/Lover with her own personal issues...Just as Raven opens the door up to see her love's daughter before her.
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