
SCP-1471-A#01 UPDATE

Jul 28th, 2019
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  4. Item #: SCP-1471-A#01
  5. Object Class: Thaumiel
  7. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1471-A#01 is to be contained esoterically as standard containment guidelines are nigh impossible to follow, instead the entire site inhabited by the member of Foundation personnel known as Rick.Wolfe is to be classed as the containment area, Under no circumstances is Rick Wolfe allowed off site without authorisation from at least two (2) senior Foundation members. In the event of an unauthorised breach Rick Wolfe and SCP-1471-A#01 are to be terminated on sight. The nature of SCP-1471-A#01 makes containment extremely difficult, Both Wolfe and SCP-1471-A#01 are to be equipped with permanent explosive collars, removal of these are grounds for immediate termination. Both collars can be detonated with orders from any high ranking personnel, and SCP-1471-A#01's collar may be detonated by its handler Rick Wolfe. If the entity is seen without Wolfe present or without direct orders from Wolfe then it is to be terminated¹. SCP-1471-A#01 is just as vulnerable to damage and harm as a normal non anomalous human³, however if its physical form is killed it will return to its "mirror" state until it can re manifest, the process usually taking 1-3 days, as a last resort at containment if SCP-1471-A#0 proves too dangerous or actively hostile Rick Wolfe himself must be contained in a cell modified to remove all reflective surfaces, this will effectively trap -A#01 to being confined to Rick's vision rendering it unable to manifest, surgical removal of Rick's eyes may be necessary if the entity is discovered to be able to manifest from a vision state however this is theorised to be impossible at the present time.
  9. Description: SCP-1471-A#01 an instance of SCP-1471-A that has progressed to a point of higher manifestation that all others on Foundation record. It has manifested and is bound to Foundation operative Rick Wolfe as he received the app from [REDACTED] after realising what was occuring he attempted self application of amnestics which proved unsuccessful as the entity manifested in the mirror in his private quarters after 80 hours of exposure.The instance progressed from there and managed to manifest on a greater level it has been theorised that this is due to frequent positive interaction with Wolfe. The entity can now manifest in two forms; it's "standard" well documented form where it appears in the mirrored surface closest to its downloader and in their peripheral vision and its "physical" form, where it can exit any mirrored surface within sight of Rick that is large enough to fit at least 85% of its full body in, and manifest fully in our dimension, it has been documented to have two separate forms of manifestation when in its physical form, one where it is unable to interact with physical objects and can only be perceived by its installer it can however link up to unsecured electronic devices to access its functions such as, microphone and speaker and observe the people around it. Its second and altogether more dangerous form, it manifests completely and can act like a normal human, it has been observed speaking and interacting with objects in this form. The entity can return to its "standard" form by touching any mirrored surface, the surface does not need to be large enough to accomodate the entities full form nor be close to Rick , it only needs to be physically touched by the entity for the timescale of 5-8 seconds, SCP-1471-A#01 cannot move further than 1km away from Rick and exhibits full body pain described as an "aching burn" when further than 400 metres away significantly reducing its combat potential, Rick also expresses discomfort at separation of 400 metres, describing the feeling as a "mental pull" and a feeling that he is "empty" missing a significant part of himself. SCP-1471-A#01's gender has been determined as female from conducted interviews, and it has currently expressed no current hostile intent nor intent to breach, it seems to follow all orders given to it from Wolfe and is thought to be generally benign with little to no goals of its own apart from becoming Rick's "friend" this is theorised to be an intrinsic part of its digital nature and construction. Medical x-rays have revealed the subjects bone structure to be similar to that of a human with a few key differences in the legs to accomodate a digitigrade stance and construction, preliminary blood sampling was hard as subject proceeded to "fade out" of its physical form seemingly out of fear, after two failed attempts Rick had to apply the procedure. The results were abnormal as the composition of SCP-1471-A#01's blood is more akin to a cooling fluid than anything like standard blood, it is a dark opaque grey in coloration and contains no standard blood cells, it is theorised that -A#01's cells can produce its own energy through poorly understood means, the fluid is used more to regulate temperature than carry oxygen around the body, it seems that -A instances can still become fatigued and require rest however they possess slightly above average stamina. The usual organs are present and function as expected, yet seem to be of little practical use as the instances do not require food or water. The flesh and tissues of SCP-1471-A instances are functionally similar to humans, yet with a dark black-purple colouration. The "fur" on the instances is black in colour and doesn't shed easily, it is a short and rather dense coat but lengthens and smoothes out on the crown of the skull to form long hair, that seems to be of high quality and lustre. The creatures skull is smooth and of a white coloration with slight yellowing, with a few chips and notches that seem to be natural wear, the teeth are unusually sharp and easily draw blood, they appear to be extremely durable showing the ability to put dents in a standard combat knife and -A can exert immense bite force. The hands of an instance are tipped with clawlike nails that are composed of keratin, the same material as human nails, although sharp the claws are rather short extending no more than half a centimetre from the ends of the fingers.
  11. Addendum:Wolfe has expressed desire to trial Project:SPECTRE with the entity, this is currently awaiting approval from O5-Command and would mean reclassification of SCP-1471-A#01 to Thaumiel. ¹If Project:SPECTRE has been approved then termination is no longer necessary if the instance is seen without Wolfe.²Reclassification depends on usefulness and worth to the Foundation and R.Wolfe must present suitable evidence that SCP-1471-A#01 is not a threat before reclassification can be approved.³Although susceptible to damage, 1471-A#01 seems able to continue functioning even after sustaining normally lethal damage, debilitating and crippling attacks are therefore advised when facing a -A instance in combat. See addendum 9 killswitch protocol for further information.
  18. ---------------------------------------------------
  20. SPEcial
  21. CombaT
  22. and
  23. Reconnaissance
  24. Entity
  25. program
  27. The utilisation SCP-1471-A entities and their handler for combat purposes, they cannot be seen or heard by others who don't have a -A entity of their own. Think of the capabilities, the handler would have a scout that is capable of reporting back dangers and information without being seen or heard by the enemy. As for the combat potential, I have managed to get my entity to manifest physically rather than spiritually this means that they would be able to fight in combat utilising many standard and nonstandard types of weaponry, the bond between a handler and their entity would mean that they can fight in a unit as one both more powerfully and with more situational awareness. The downside being that the entity is visible to others if shifts into its "physical form" when it wishes to interact with the real world.
  29. Agents applying to join the SPECTRE unit, must either already possess an instance of SCP-1471-A or undergo in depth psychological screening and preparation in advance of receiving an SCP-1471 infected device to start the bond of handler and -A instance. As being constantly watched by an "unknown" entity could have immense mental repercussions especially if the agent already has inclinations towards paranoia or fear of the unknown.
  31. For safety reasons each -A instance will be equipped with an explosive collar removable only by their handler with permission from senior staff, it will feature a remote trigger that can be detonated by the handler and other high command units. Since little is known about SCP-1471-A's physical form the collar should also be primed to detonate if the handler dies, the handlers bio sensor will be wired in or if they wish they can be equipped with a discreet collar that will monitor their life signs
  32. ---------------------------------------------------
  35. Addendum 4 (Training and guidance):Trial stages include advanced combat trials and weapons exercises, this includes standard Mobile Task Force training and advanced esoteric weapons instruction, explosive ordnance instruction (arming and defusal), evasion and subterfuge instruction, advanced interrogation procedures, armoured vehicle course basic medical training,hazardous/extreme environment survival,assassination/elimination techniques, advanced hacking and dual unit advanced combat partnership (DACP). Operative LLH R.Wolfe is also required to undergo Project:SPECTRE trial stages, this has been deemed necessary to further the psychological bond between handler and entity.All units may NOT withdraw from Project:SPECTRE after initial exposure to SCP-1471 (-A activation agent) as amnestic treatment has been found ineffective in neutralising -A stage progression. If trial stages are successful then both handler and -A instance are to be classified as esoteric combat units (ECUs) agents involved with activities must behave with extreme caution as any perceived hostility to the -A units handler may be reacted to with extreme force from the -A instance as working from -A#01's psychological profiling they are protective of their handler to an absurdly high degree.
  40. Even close friends of the handler are regarded with suspicion and the -A instance must be reassured repeatedly before they begin to trust others, on the other hand -A instances seem to trust their handler to a high degree however seem to be reluctant to follow any commands that may place their handler in danger either actual or perceived exhibiting a significant amount of concern on behalf of their handler, they also seem unwilling to leave their handler often seeking comfort through physical contact. This is to be allowed as it has been shown to have a beneficial effect on both handler and -A instance, instances seem to be curious about the world around them, particularly anything interacted with by their handler, the instance seems to do this so it can emulate the behaviour and actions that their handler finds beneficial and furthering their "relationship" this behaviour seems to take practice, and -A instances seem initially unsure of themself until their handler reacts, either in a positive or negative way. -A instances seem to be quite timid when undergoing any new interactions and experiences, yet seem to gain confidence fairly quickly, this "copying" behaviour is thought to be useful when training, as -A instances appear to be adept at adopting and retaining learnt skills, this will be studied fairly quickly when preliminary light firearms training is carried out, as it is thought that the -A instance involved will prove adept at "mirroring" the firing stance and actions of its handler perhaps even improving on it, in an infiltration environment this skill is largely useless as the physical form of a -A instance is extremely different to that of a human this means that any -A instance must use its "invisible" form, it has been known to be able to shift between visible/physical, and invisible/intangible form extremely quickly therefore allowing it to "disappear" from combat rapidly and regroup from another position, it is worth noting that although the instance cannot physically interact with anything, a high speed impact such as that from a bullet, will appear to "glitch" through the subject, this has been documented to cause a large amount of pain and physically shove the entity away from the direction of impact,leaving a blunt force wound, as if the bullet itself failed to penetrate. As explained in the main description, if the physical manifestation of a -A entity is killed it will return to its "mirror" state, appearing in the peripheral vision of its handler or any mirrored surface closest. In its mirrored state it has been observed to quickly heal wounds, with a bullet impact taking a day or two at most and full destruction theorised to take anywhere from one to three days.
  43. Addendum 6 (Equipment): The distinctive explosive tracer collar worn by a -A instances and their handler for the purpose of remote termination and location/vitals monitoring clearly marks them as part of the SPECTRE program, staff of an appropriate level (4-5) will be informed of its purpose and other level staff (0-3) will be given a suitable cover story as to why the collar is necessary and to exhibit caution when interacting in a perceived hostile manner towards the handler. The handler will also wear their standard MTF battle dress uniform (BDU) and have a SPECTRE:Unit strip below their preexisting MTF patch and rank sign. All -A instances are to be dressed in modified MTF "casual" wear consisting of a standard Foundation issue shirt and standard MTF fatigue combat garments with an optional jacket, all upper body wear is to be clearly marked with SPECTRE on the back in a large clearly visible block capital stencil letters (much like the collar) across the shoulders and in a smaller but still clearly visible lettering on the breast pocket of the front. The text colour is white on the explosive collars and black on the shirts, this is optional for handlers but is preferred, in the case of MTF-Omega-1 the unit patch is absent, so the SPECTRE:Unit lettering will be placed under the rank strip on the upper arm of casual wear and on the shoulder of Foundation issue combat full body armour (CBA) Project:SPECTRE handlers are to have their Foundation ID# clearly etched into the skin of their back, along with Project:SPECTRE's initials in block capitals across the shoulders, Foundation ID is to be in the form of both numbering and barcode form, the handler must also have an implanted tracker unnecessary in the case of R.Wolfe as all Omega-1 personnel have already undergone the procedure due to a multitude of Chaos Insurgency defectors. -A instances are to be equipped with standard combat gear when necessary, with the absence of a helmet due to their form, the initials SPECTRE are to be clearly marked in block white capitals on the front and back of the CBA additional weapons and equipment are to be issued on the discretion of the mission commander. Armour customisation such as kill tallies, paintjobs,"headshots",ect although discouraged are allowed with the additional requirement of not obscuring the SPECTRE markings in any way. A handler will also be equipped with a Mk I SPECTRE Deployment Device (SDD) for rapid combat deployment and "mirror" form re-entry.
  46. Addendum 7 (Combat): A -A instance and handler are an invaluable asset to Foundation operations acting as infiltrators, scouts, assassination soldiers and shock troops the appearance of a "spectre" can strike fear into enemy soldiers as the fact that they are "unkillable" will surely spread throughout the enemy troops as they see them "die", only to return to combat a few days later, as long as the handler remains alive this cycle can go on indefinitely, a spectre and its handler will be regarded as a dreaded presence on the battlefield hopefully capable of inducing a surrender in most troops at the mere sight of them. A spectre's handler must be protected and classified as a key asset in battle, however they will be more than capable of defending themselves, a handler and spectre that have passed Project:SPECTRE's extreme training program will be able effectively to fight as one, decimating enemy soldiers and coordinating precise surgical strikes against key targets, a spectre will also be able to assist in recontainment of many hostile anomalous entities. A spectre and its handler will hopefully be able to deal the equivalent damage of a whole Special Activities Group (SAG) unit as their training will be the harshest and most advanced ever delivered by the Foundation to date. Soldiers must be taught not to fear the presence of a spectre but treat them with utmost respect, the actual nature and purpose of Project:SPECTRE is to remain classified at the highest level, and the individual soldier should be given a cover story to explain a spectre's abnormal appearance and abilities, the cover story selected so far is that the anomalous appearance of a spectre is due to a Foundation variant of the Banshee cognitohazard developed by the Global Occult Coalition (GOC) that induces extreme fear and panic in its viewers and the anomalous demanifestation ability is to be explained by an experimental cloaking device. A -A instance has been observed to survive dismemberment, complete separation of the torso from the legs, two 9mm rounds to the left eye, destruction of the left hemisphere of the brain, removal of both hands, complete destruction of most internal organs and heart flatline. Many of these injuries have crippled the -A instance but none have actually succeeded in terminating it. The -A instance in question is extremely resourceful, in the previous list when the hands of the instance were removed it chose to use it's teeth to shear away muscle and expose the splintered and extremely sharp arm bone, which it then used as a close quarters weapon.
  49. Addendum 8 (Testing scores):
  50. The test scores are based out of a 0-5 specification in each area of skill, with an overall grade being awarded as an overall score marker. occasionally a .5 mark will be awarded if the grade is in between boundaries (2.5, 3.5,ect)
  52. 0- Extremely poor performance:---- FAIL RETAKE OF BASIC TRAINING REQUIRED
  53. 1- Poor performance:-------------- FAIL RETAKE OF BASIC TRAINING RECOMMENDED
  54. 2- Below average performance:----- NON-COMBAT PASS
  55. 3- Adequate performance:---------- STANDARD PASS
  56. 4- Above average performance:----- SPEC-OPS PASS
  57. 5- Extremely skilled performance:- COMMENDATION
  59. Accuracy- How close the shots are to "critical" parts of the target
  60. Precision- How close together the shots are grouped on the target, regardless of accuracy
  61. Reloading- How fast and precise the operative can reload
  62. Stance- The firing stance, how much of the operative is exposed and can they quickly change stance
  63. Speed- Speed of both weapon draw and time between shots
  64. Total- A total grade for the test this dictates the grade and PASS/FAIL
  66. MTF Omega-1 Commander.Rick Wolfe will be abbreviated to R.Wolfe
  67. SCP-1471-A#01 will be abbreviated as -A#01
  70. ---------------------------------------------------
  71. Standard Foundation pistol marksmanship
  73. Standard issue Beretta M9- two(2) 15 round magazines total x30 9mm parabellum
  74. Target placed 50m downrange (optimal engagement range)
  76. Accuracy:
  77. -A#01 4
  78. R.Wolfe 4.5
  80. Precision:
  81. -A#01 4
  82. R.Wolfe 4
  84. Reloading:
  85. -A#01 3
  86. R.Wolfe 4
  88. Stance:
  89. -A#01 4
  90. R.Wolfe 4
  92. Speed:
  93. -A#01 3.5
  94. R.Wolfe 4
  96. Total:
  97. -A#01 4:---- SPEC-OPS PASS
  98. R.Wolfe 4:-- SPEC-OPS PASS
  100. Examiners notes: -A#01 seemed initially reluctant, but after studying Rick who went first she quickly grasped the basics and passed with an impressive score.
  102. ---------------------------------------------------
  103. Standard Foundation rifle marksmanship
  105. Standard issue M27 Infantry Automatic Rifle (IAR)- two(2) 30 round magazines total x60 45mm NATO AP (Armour penetrating)
  106. Target placed 600m downrange (optimal single target engagement range)
  108. Accuracy:
  109. -A#01 4.5
  110. R.Wolfe 5
  112. Precision:
  113. -A#01 3.5
  114. R.Wolfe 5
  116. Reloading:
  117. -A#01 3.5
  118. R.Wolfe 4
  120. Stance:
  121. -A#01 4
  122. R.Wolfe 4.5
  124. Speed:
  125. -A#01: 5
  126. R.Wolfe 4
  128. Total:
  129. -A#01 4:--- SPEC-OPS PASS
  130. R.Wolfe 5:- COMMENDATION
  132. Examiners notes: Rick has always exhibited a natural skill for rifles both semi and automatic, -A#01 surprisingly chose to use the full automatic firing selection on the IAR thereby granting her a grade 5 on the speed testing, this is highly unusual as it usually comes at a great cost of accuracy and precision. -A#01 seems to be surprisingly competent with the tests so far especially since this is her first time operating firearms, I expect that she will outstrip anyone on record after MTF training.
  135. ---------------------------------------------------
  136. Standard Foundation sniper marksmanship
  138. Standard issue TAC-50 A1-R2 long-range sniper weapon (LRSW)- x5 .50 BMG rounds (manual feed bolt action)
  139. Target placed 1700m downrange (100m under maximum effective range)
  141. Accuracy:
  142. -A#01 3.5
  143. R.Wolfe 4
  145. Precision:
  146. -A#01 3.5
  147. R.Wolfe 4
  149. Reloading:
  150. -A#01 5
  151. R.Wolfe 3.5
  153. Stance:
  154. -A#01 3.5
  155. R.Wolfe 4
  157. Speed:
  158. -A#01 5
  159. R.Wolfe 4
  161. Total:
  162. -A#01 4:--- SPEC-OPS PASS
  163. R.Wolfe 4:- SPEC-OPS PASS
  165. Examiners notes: What -A#01 lacked in accuracy they made up for in speed however they seemed concerned about Rick firing a rifle with such as strong kickback.
  167. ---------------------------------------------------
  168. Standard Foundation shotgun marksmanship
  170. Standard issue Mossberg 590 (M590)- 5x tungsten slug rounds (12 gauge)
  171. Target placed 250m downrange (50m under maximum effective range)
  173. Accuracy:
  174. -A#01 4
  175. R.Wolfe 3.5
  177. Precision:
  178. -A#01 3.5
  179. R.Wolfe 4.5
  181. Reloading:
  182. -A#01 5
  183. R.Wolfe 4.5
  185. Stance:
  186. -A#01 3
  187. R.Wolfe 4.5
  189. Speed:
  190. -A#01 5
  191. R.Wolfe 4.5
  193. Total:
  194. -A#01 4.5:-SPEC-OPS PASS
  195. R.Wolfe 4:-SPEC-OPS PASS
  197. Examiners notes: -A#01 again exhibited blinding speed on the reload and shooting, with a smooth accurate motion in reloading and a rapid and surprisingly accurate trigger pull speed.
  199. ---------------------------------------------------
  200. Standard Foundation submachine gun (SMG) marksmanship
  202. Standard issue FN P90 - two(2) 50 round magazines x100 FN 5.7×28mm
  203. Target placed 200m downrange (optimal engagement range)
  205. Accuracy:
  206. -A#01 5
  207. R.Wolfe 4
  209. Precision:
  210. -A#01 4
  211. R.Wolfe 3.5
  213. Reloading:
  214. -A#01 4.5
  215. R.Wolfe 4
  217. Stance:
  218. -A#01 3.5
  219. R.Wolfe 4
  221. Speed: N/A (Firearm has only one fully automatic fire setting)
  222. -A#01 3
  223. R.Wolfe 3
  225. Total:
  226. -A#01 4:-- SPEC-OPS PASS
  227. R.Wolfe 4:-SPEC-OPS PASS
  229. Examiners notes:-A#01 was extremely competent with the P90 as she seemed to be a natural, with the only areas for improvement being stance.
  231. ---------------------------------------------------
  234. Augmented Foundation rifle marksmanship
  236. Augmented M27 Infantry Automatic Rifle (AIAR)- two(2) 30 round magazines total x60 45mm NATO AP (Armour penetrating)
  237. Target placed 600m downrange (optimal single target engagement range)
  239. The standard IAR has been augmented with an onboard computer system, that is connected to a laser rangefinder, wind strength and direction sensor, ammunition counter and digital sight in the hope that SCP-1471-A#01 can interface with it.
  241. Accuracy:
  242. -A#01 5
  243. R.Wolfe 5
  245. Precision:
  246. -A#01 5
  247. R.Wolfe 5
  249. Reloading:
  250. -A#01 5
  251. R.Wolfe 4
  253. Stance:
  254. -A#01 4
  255. R.Wolfe 4.5
  257. Speed:
  258. -A#01 5
  259. R.Wolfe 4
  261. Total:
  262. -A#01 5:--- COMMENDATION
  263. R.Wolfe 5:- COMMENDATION
  265. Examiners notes: -A#01 successfully interfaced with the weapon, exhibiting extreme accuracy, precision and reloading almost on instinct, the one drawback of this is that -A seemed to experience a kind of "tunnel vision" when they were interfaced,as they were unaware of their surroundings and it took a light tap on the shoulder to draw them back to "reality"
  268. ---------------------------------------------------
  269. These next tests are judged on a PASS/FAIL basis, and no grades will be given
  270. ---------------------------------------------------
  271. Advanced Foundation interrogation training (application)
  273. A randomly selected D-class test subject was given a four digit code, they were informed that if they could successfully withhold the information for a period of one(1) hour then they would be released back into society without charge.
  275. Both interrogation personnel have been issued with a standard Foundation interrogation kit and offered class-A amnestics after the procedure to prevent any lasting psychological trauma.
  277. -A#01:-- FAIL
  279. R.Wolfe: PASS
  281. Examiners notes: -A#01 was visibly disturbed by Rick's...efficient yet reluctant, methods and refused to attempt the procedure. Both accepted the voluntary amnestics however a significantly larger dosage was required for -A.
  283. ---------------------------------------------------
  284. Advanced Foundation interrogation training (resistance)
  286. Both subjects were given a four digit code and instructed that to pass they would need to withhold information for a period of one(1) hour an interrogation officer was equipped with a standard Foundation interrogation kit and ordered only to use methods that inflicted no permanent damage.
  288. -A#01:-- PASS
  290. R.Wolfe: PASS
  292. Examiners notes: -A#01 resisted the procedure by entering its "intangible" state, visibly confusing the interrogation officer, when the procedure was performed on Rick -A remanifested during the first incision, -A proceed to severely injure the officer present and free Rick from the restraints, although unorthodox technically this counts as a PASS grade for both subjects.The officer was admitted to the medical bay and -A was observed to embrace Rick for a period of two minutes sobbing heavily throughout.
  294. ---------------------------------------------------
  295. Advanced Foundation infiltration hacking
  297. -A#01:-- PASS
  299. R.Wolfe: PASS
  301. Examiners notes: Both subjects obtained a PASS uneventfully, however -A was able to directly interface with the computer systems without use of any external devices and completed the procedure in record time.
  303. ---------------------------------------------------
  304. Standard Foundation unarmed combat
  306. -A#01:-- PASS
  308. R.Wolfe: PASS (previous test on ██.█.19)
  310. Examiners notes: -A could not bring herself to physically assault Rick, even though he was more than able to defend himself and probably would have won the confrontation, however a PASS grade has been awarded as -A displayed able skills when facing an armed interrogation officer in the AFIT tests.
  312. ---------------------------------------------------
  313. These next tests were completed by required subjects uneventfully
  315. Standard Foundation Medical screening:---------------------------------- PASS
  316. Standard Foundation Physical exam:-------------------------------------- PASS
  317. Standard Foundation Psychological screening:---------------------------- PASS
  318. Standard Foundation Cognitohazard innoculaton:-------------------------- PASS
  319. Standard Foundation Ordnance training (arming):------------------------- PASS
  320. Standard Foundation Ordnance training (defusal):------------------------ PASS
  321. Standard Foundation Explosive arms marksmanship:------------------------ PASS
  322. Standard Foundation Field medical training:----------------------------- PASS
  323. Standard Foundation Hazardous environment survival (HES):--------------- PASS
  324. Standard Foundation Armoured vehicle training:-------------------------- PASS
  325. Standard Foundation Weapon maintenance:--------------------------------- PASS
  326. Standard Foundation Armour maintenance:--------------------------------- PASS
  327. Standard Foundation Vehicle maintenance:-------------------------------- PASS
  328. Standard Foundation Operational security training:---------------------- PASS
  329. Standard Foundation Informational security training:-------------------- PASS
  330. Standard Foundation Physical security training:------------------------- PASS
  331. Standard Foundation Heavy weapons training:----------------------------- PASS
  332. Advanced Foundation Single target assassination training (STA):--------- PASS
  333. Advanced Foundation Level:1 amnestics training (CLASS:A Wolfe ONLY):---- PASS
  334. Advanced Foundation Level:2 amnestics training (CLASS:B Wolfe ONLY):---- PASS
  335. Advanced Foundation Reality bender survival training (RBS):------------- PASS
  336. Advanced Foundation Anomalous hazards training (AHT):------------------- PASS
  337. Advanced Foundation Anomalous environment survival (AES):--------------- PASS
  338. Advanced Foundation Cognitohazard inoculation:-------------------------- PASS
  339. Spec-Ops Foundation Cognitohazard inoculation:-------------------------- PASS
  340. Spec-Ops Foundation Esoteric warfare training:-------------------------- PASS
  341. Spec-Ops Foundation Chemical warfare training:-------------------------- PASS
  342. Spec-Ops Foundation Electronic warfare training:------------------------ PASS
  343. Spec-Ops Foundation Combat desensitisation training (Wolfe ONLY):------- PASS
  344. Spec-Ops Foundation Infiltration training:------------------------------ PASS
  345. Spec-Ops Foundation Dual unit advanced combat partnership (DUACP):------ PASS
  346. Spec-Ops Foundation Hostile evasion training (HET):--------------------- PASS
  347. Spec-Ops Foundation SCP recontainment training:------------------------- PASS
  348. Spec-Ops Foundation Esoteric/anomalous weapons training:---------------- PASS
  349. Spec-Ops Foundation Aerial combat insertion (ACI) training:------------- FAIL
  350. Spec-Ops Foundation Multi target assassination training (MTA):---------- PASS
  351. Project:SPECTRE Joint handler/Spectre combat training:------------------ PASS
  352. Project:SPECTRE Joint handler/Spectre recon training:------------------- PASS
  353. Project:SPECTRE Joint handler/Spectre tactics training:----------------- PASS
  354. Project:SPECTRE Behavioural requirements:------------------------------- PASS
  355. Project:SPECTRE Handler psychological screening:------------------------ PASS
  356. Project:SPECTRE On-site interactions prep:------------------------------ PASS
  357. Project:SPECTRE SDD deployment training:-------------------------------- PASS
  358. Project:SPECTRE Spectre combat training:-------------------------------- PASS
  359. Project:SPECTRE Handler/Spectre advanced medical exam:------------------ PASS
  360. Project:SPECTRE Handler/Spectre advanced physical exam:----------------- PASS
  361. Project:SPECTRE Handler/Spectre basic sign language exam:--------------- PASS
  362. Project:SPECTRE Handler/Spectre advanced sign language exam:------------ PASS
  363. Optional Foundation IT exam (Wolfe ONLY):------------------------------- PASS
  364. Optional Foundation Technology exam (Wolfe ONLY):----------------------- PASS
  365. Optional Foundation Dedicated marksman exam (Wolfe ONLY):--------------- PASS
  366. Optional Foundation Engineering exam (Wolfe ONLY):---------------------- PASS
  367. Optional Foundation Advanced engineering exam (Wolfe ONLY):------------- FAIL
  368. ---------------------------------------------------
  372. ---------------------------------------------------
  376. ---------------------------------------------------
  381. Details: Project:SPECTRE implementation phase α involves the initial manifestation and acclimatisation of a handler to their -A instance, fitting of the explosive collar device for both handler and -A instance. Physical and psychological examinations will be performed at this point, handler and -A entity will be allowed a period of one (1) month to grow used to each others presence and the behavioural requirements of Foundation employment. Suitability of both handler and -A instance for the SPECTRE program will be ascertained at this stage, with unsuitable participants being discarded from the candidate pool.
  383. Phase status: Completed
  388. Details: Project:SPECTRE implementation phase β involves MTF basic training and combat trials. Live fire exercises will begin in this phase and frequent damage to both handler and -A entity are to be expected, personnel are to be advised that in stage β a -A entity is to be regarded as a highly dangerous entity and should NOT be approached without the handler present and preferably within arms length of the aforementioned -A entity. All participants are to be reminded of the lethality of the live fire trials and are to be given regular psychological assessments to ascertain the mental impact of regular and usually brutal "deaths" of their -A instance. Phase β is the longest and most difficult stage in the implementation of Project:SPECTRE. The -A instance is to be fitted with the combat armour and equipment detailed in addendum 6 (Equipment).
  390. Phase status: Ongoing
  395. Details: Project:SPECTRE implementation phase γ involves the initial deployment of a -A and handler pair into active combat. This is the final stage of the SPECTRE project and displays the pinnacle of Project:SPECTRE's goal of successful combat performance of a -A instance and handler as a special asset. The success of phase γ signals the end of the implementation phase and moves onto the developmental phase of Project:SPECTRE.
  397. Phase status: Uncompleted
  400. ---------------------------------------------------
  404. ---------------------------------------------------
  409. Details: Project:SPECTRE development phase δ involves the refinement and modification of both handler and -A's combat equipment to overcome any complications or difficulties in the field, this includes modification of the -A instances armour to accomodate any problems arising from a digitigrade stance or any other physical abnormalities. The length of this phase will vary depending on the difficulties faced and improvements nessecary for the SPECTRE gear.
  411. Phase status: Uncompleted
  416. Details: This phase of Project:SPECTRE focuses on developing the innate combat skills of -A instances, including claws, jaws and reality "phasing" abilities. This is mainly to be implemented by the handler, using mostly unguided one to one sessions where both parties develop and improve upon their abilities. These sessions are to be unmonitored unless proven nessecary, as a close environment is also maintained for the development of the bond and psychological health between handler and -A entity.
  418. Phase status: Uncompleted
  423. Details: This optional stage of development is the final and most dangerous stage, utilising black level technology and instruction in esoteric and experimental weaponry, if so chosen the handler may undergo enhanced biomechanical modification to improve upon their physical strength, endurance, stamina and lifespan. These optional modifications are highly classified and any Ethics Committee jurisdiction is to be waived upon signing by the participating handler. The final introduction of a -A instances blood to the handler is strongly encouraged in scientific interest and both -A and handler participants must give verbal or written consent before the procedure may be attempted.
  425. Modifications include:
  426. Skeletal reinforcement.
  427. Muscular enhancement with nanofiber mesh weave.
  428. Digital sight enhancement.
  429. Cochlear speaker implant for -A to handler communication.
  430. Throat microphone implant for handler to -A communication.
  431. Integrated strike plates on elbows and fist, shunted slightly into the forearm.
  432. Spinal reinforcement and fixation.
  433. Surgical removal of adrenaline glands, replaced with autoinjector attached at the hip.
  434. Mental strengthening by introduction of specialised memetic agents.
  435. Alteration of biological composition by integration of -A instances blood to the handlers circulatory system.
  438. Phase status: Uncompleted
  441. ---------------------------------------------------
  445. ---------------------------------------------------
  448. Project:SPECTRE's killswitch protocol is to be implemented if any of these conditions are met and confirmed by a majority vote from either Ethics Committee or O5-Council.
  449. Kill conditions:
  450. -A entity and/or handler becomes directly hostile towards Foundation assets
  451. -A entity and/or handler refuses direct orders that are necessary for continued Foundation operation
  452. -A entity and/or handler ceases to respond to emergency communications
  453. Any other scenarios will be decided on in a case by case basis.
  455. There are three priority levels for the violence of action necessitated, usually one will follow the other, but they can be escalated to direct usage, skipping the previous stages. Obviously peaceful methods and negotiation should be attempted beforehand, sending a heavily armed team to negotiate surrender and recontainment before even considering initiating the killswitch program except in dire circumstance. During initial recontainment negotiations all weapons or potentially dangerous objects must NEVER be aimed directly at the handler as the -A instance WILL respond with aggression. Actions must be conducted slowly and non-violently, absolutely NO sudden movements should be conducted towards the handler to ensure the safety of the recontainment team, wherever possible the handler should apply restraints and other necessary equipment to themself. If assistance is necessary a single unarmed member of the recontainment team should assist with caution. If it it safe the handler should accompany the recontainment team unrestrained, the handler should inform the recontainment team when it is safe to touch and otherwise interact with them based on their knowledge of the -A instances current state and behaviour. The recontainment team should obey all reasonable requests from the handler to ensure their safety until both handler and -A unit are returned to Foundation custody.
  457. The standard recontainment procedure is as follows:
  458. ---------------------------------------------------
  459. Recontainment team locate handler and -A unit either by suitable land vehicle or on foot.
  460. Recontainment group inform the handler and -A unit NOT to move and to discard all weapons via voice or loudhailer.
  461. Concealed marksman takes aim at handler in case termination is necessary, if at ANY point either handler or -A instance becomes aware of their presence all units are to withdraw and killswitch stage α is to be deployed.
  462. Recontainment personnel designated unit A decamp from vehicle and slowly approach.
  463. Recontainment personnel designated B remain in vehicle or if on foot, remain at a safe distance.
  464. All B units train weapons on -A unit, DO NOT AIM AT THE HANDLER, if the handler obscures line of sight to -A unit disengage immediately.
  465. A unit leader informs handler of the current situation and their necessary recontainment.
  466. (optional) A singular A unit member removes ALL weaponry and moves to assist the handler in restraint application.
  467. A unit escorts handler to vehicle or on foot back to recontainment zone.
  468. A and B units to regroup, now designated recontainment team.
  469. Killswitch stage γ-2 is to be enacted upon successful return to Foundation custody.
  470. ---------------------------------------------------
  475. Details: The first part of the killswitch program, stage α is the introduction of reversible sedatives into the system of the handler by use of either autoinjector or manual application either via hypodermic or ballistic syringe, gaseous agents can also be used. This is to incapacitate the handler and allow retrieval by an armed recovery team. The -A instance involved is to be subdued by application of extreme force, combatants should be advised to aim for the legs and maintain heightened situational awareness to reduce the impact of -A entities ability to switch physical states. Even if apparently killed, combatants should be aware that any -A entity is to be deemed combat effective and deadly until the successful containment or elimination of their handler.
  480. Details: Stage β may not be used at all if recontainment is achieved or even enacted without stage α if the situation escalates or handler and -A instance are actively hostile against Foundation recontainment teams or assets. Stage β is the activation of the explosive collars attached to both handler and -A entity, this should successfully terminate both subjects unless the collars have been removed, tampered with or failed to arm/detonate. The charge will destroy the neck severing the spine and jugular vein usually resulting in partial or total decapitation of the subject. Decapitation or otherwise complete destruction of the head is necessary to terminate the -A instance. Keep in mind any perceived termination of any -A instance is only temporary, as it will remanifest and heal in any mirrors near the handler, and if no mirrors are present in its vicinity it will manifest directly in its handlers peripheral or in some cases, direct vision.
  485. Details: Stage γ-1: codenamed Operation:Skullblight is the usage of [REDACTED] to force a -A instance to remain in its nonphysical form until it can be contained, only able to be perceived by and affect their handler. This is the final line of defence against a rogue -A instance.
  487. Stage γ-2:
  488. This requires a cooperative handler as both handler and -A instance are to be isolated in a standard two person humanoid containment cell with a single body length mirror. They are to be confined either indefinitely or until the -A instance is bought back under control. The handler is to have regular sessions of psychological review and interviews. The handler must also provide psychological support to the -A instance to help rehabilitate them. It is well documented that a -A instance will never purposefully harm their handler, but may act with extreme aggression towards other personnel and exhibit immensely protective traits towards their handler, to the point of suicide.
  491. ---------------------------------------------------
  495. ---------------------------------------------------
  497. SPECTRE#?:--- -A unit's field designation (e.g SPECTRE#01)
  498. HANDLER#?:--- Handler unit's field designation (e.g HANDLER#01)
  499. DEADSKULL:-- -A unit eliminated
  500. ROTSKULL:---- -A unit rendered combat ineffective
  501. SPLINTER:---- Handler unit rendered combat ineffective
  502. FRACTURE:---- Handler unit terminated
  503. PHASED:------ -A unit's state is nonphysical
  504. SOLID:------- -A unit's state is physical
  506. An example of this demonstrated in a practical way would be as follows
  508. "This is HANDLER#01, reporting SPECTRE#01's state is PHASED ROTSKULL, requesting immediate evacuation, code SPLINTER"
  510. The meaning of this is that the -A unit's handler is reporting that it is currently nonphysical and severely injured, they are requesting evacuation as they are also injured to the point of combat ineffectiveness. This should make communication easier between Project:SPECTRE briefed personnel, however standard universal terms should be used when communicating with personnel unfamiliar with Project:SPECTRE.
  513. ---------------------------------------------------
  517. ---------------------------------------------------
  519. One of the main purposes of the SPECTRE project is to allow clean and swift neutralization of priority targets both on and off the battlefield, the standard procedure for elimination of a singular target is as follows:
  520. ---------------------------------------------------
  521. The units handler briefs the -A instance on its target all necessary information including name, position and ID picture is to be given to the -A unit.
  522. The -A unit enters the battlefield or area where the target is located in its phased form.
  523. -A unit approaches target, bypassing all bodyguards or fortifications.
  524. Positive ID is ascertained on the target by -A instance.
  525. The termination sequence now begins.
  526. The -A unit positions both upper and lower jaws against the neck of the target, if the -A unit is in possession of a knife then the tip should be poised at the base of the targets skull.
  527. (if necessary) The -A unit is to enter its solid state and quickly remove any armour covering the targets neck and/or head.
  528. The -A unit is to enter solid state and forcefully clamp both hands on the targets shoulders, digging in with their claws to prevent removal before successful termination. The -A unit will then proceed to bite down on the targets neck, aiming to sever the jugular. If a knife is present then the -A unit will drive the blade into the targets spinal column, severing the spinal cord and terminating brain function.
  529. The -A unit will then deliver a sharp twist of their jaws to snap the targets spinal column and sever the spinal cord, resulting in brain death of the subject.
  530. The -A unit shifts into their phased state and exits the area, avoiding any resulting lockdown and security personnel.
  531. The -A unit returns to the handler and informs them of successful termination of the target.
  532. ---------------------------------------------------
  533. This termination method is not to be used on noncombatants and other more humane execution procedures are to be put into place, (e.g. lethal-injection)
  536. Another key purpose of the SPECTRE project is the deployment of -A units to scout combat areas, they are to do this in their phased state and relay information back to the handler via radio or camera footage. The handler will then report back to the mission leader. Due to the innate invulnerability and total invisibility of the phased state a -A unit can quickly and easily avoid enemy combatants and all surveillance hardware. If a priority target is spotted a reconnaissance mission can quickly turn to an assassination mission if directed by the handler or other senior personnel members.
  538. COMBAT
  539. Arguably the most important purpose of Project:SPECTRE is combat, a -A instance may either be deployed to the battlefield with or without their handler, a -A unit can be used to eliminate priority targets or to wipe out enemy combatants rapidly and effectively. Peak effectiveness is achieved when both handler and -A unit fight side by side in combat, as the -A instance and handler share an almost innate bond allowing them to quickly and effortlessly respond to each other's movements and strategy, in a combat situation the -A unit will provide most of the destructive force while the handler acts as a situational overwatch. These roles can easily be reversed if the opposing forces are too weak to require a -A unit's direct presence but their phased form allows them to report back to their handler in detail the enemies positions, weaponry and general structure. A combat mission and assassination mission are similar in nature as a -A unit will usually target the most dangerous enemy combatants first, quickly neutralizing them using either the procedure outlined above or any other acceptable means of termination.
  542. If a subject is captured in combat or is a preexisting detainee a -A units fearsome appearance can be useful in an interrogation environment, these procedures outline the humane and damage-limiting interrogative methods to be conducted by a -A instance. These methods should ONLY be used if a previous human interrogation officer has failed or is not avaliable.
  543. ------------
  544. I-"SHOCK AND AWE"
  545. The -A unit approaches the subject, dressed in full battle armour, be equipped with unloaded weaponry and without the presence of a handler, the unit is to speak in an aggressive and harsh manner, utilising a show of extreme strength and force to terrify the subject into submission. Roaring and/or screaming in the subjects face is appropriate as long as it does not cause permanent hearing damage, leveling a knife at the subject but being cautious the blade does not touch the skin is also an appropriate method and should be used if necessary. If the subject reacts with anger rather than fear this method is to be withdrawn.
  546. ------------
  547. II-"THE BEAST"
  548. The handler is to enter the cell first with a heavy chain attached to the -A unit's collar, the -A unit is to be instructed to mock-fight against the handler and make it seem like the handler can barely keep them in check. The -A unit is not to speak during the procedure and must play up their monstrous nature, seeming more like an attack dog than a humanoid creature. The handler is to make apologies with a frightened subject and inform them that they do not know how long they can keep the -A unit under control. With an aggressive subject the handler is to make threats with the subject and the -A instance is to display extreme threatening behaviour, bearing teeth and keeping direct eye contact with the subject while growling heavily.
  549. ------------
  551. The -A unit and handler is to enter the cell, the handler takes a stance at the far wall of the cell and produces a notepad and writing implement, as if to take notes of the -A unit's performance. The unit is to use standard interrogative procedures and act much the same as a human interrogation officer. Using mental and emotional manipulation techniques coupled with a show of force and threats, choosing the most appropriate methods based on the subjects emotional and physical responses.
  554. These procedures must only be used in conjunction with direct verbal approval by any two members of the O5-Council. These procedures are to be hidden from all EC members except any who are direct Project:SPECTRE handlers and in possession of a -A instance via a disseminated cognitohazard by use of a standard EC report forwarded to all members. In all of these techniques care must be taken to leave no permanent scarring or disfigurement of the subject, there are many black level interrogation procedures available for most interrogation officers however these two listed below are specifically made for use by a -A instance and handler. These procedures can be distressing for both handler and -A instance and as such should only be sanctioned under extreme circumstances, such as mass threat to Foundation or civilian life.
  555. ------------
  556. I-"DEEPCUT"
  557. This method substitutes a standard scalpel for the -A instances claws, subject is to be stripped of all clothing above the waist and restrained on a vertical, padded operating table with the head hooded to block out vision, the subject is to be placed on the table backwards with their back exposed to the interrogation personnel. The -A unit is to make a shallow incision with a single claw, before turning it from sideways to a flat level surface and using the edges of the claw to further open and trace the cut, inflicting a maximum of pain while leaving little or no scarring. This procedure is to be repeated as many times as nessecary on the back and shoulders of the subject, any blood should not be removed from the subjects body and their clothes to be replaced while it is still wet to further psychologically impact the subject upon next removal of their blood matted garments.
  558. ------------
  559. II-"THERAPY"
  560. In conjunction with rapid strobe lighting and subaudial frequency manipulation the subject is to be awoken in the middle of the night in their cell and the -A unit is to enter, the situation is to be made a nightmarish as possible with frequent application of mild hallucinogenic substances to further distort the subjects immediate view of reality. The -A unit is to simply stand in the cell, moving closer and closer to the subject over a long time period, threatening gestures should be used to ensure maximum stress of the subject. Upon reaching the subject the -A unit must harshly grasp their face and in sync with the deployment of a fast acting sedative bite down on the subject, stopping before any damage is actually inflicted. If performed correctly upon waking the subject should only remember the particularly stressful and fearful moments. Upon reintroduction of the -A unit most subjects react with extreme terror and usually cooperate fully with the handler in a more relaxed interrogative environment. Threats of reintroduction of the -A unit are most effective at this point.
  563. Inevitably there will come a point in a -A unit's lifetime that their handler will be eliminated, either dying in combat or from natural death of old age. From this point onwards a -A unit is to be considered a rogue operative without a handler to guide them. It is possible for a -A unit to fully comply with termination order, as it is theorised when the person a -A instance is bonded to dies then the -A unit in question will lose their regenerative properties, allowing them to be killed permanently. This is to be done quickly and humanely by complete detachment of the head. This is regrettably the only way to terminate a -A instance without causing immense physical damage. The procedure is to be carried out via a guillotine or the -A instance themself may choose to self-terminate by other means available to them. This is to be allowed and if possible both handler and -A unit are to be commemorated together in their sites memorial area, with the -A units designation and/or name to be displayed above their handlers rank, unit and name.
  566. As outlined above in Project:SPECTRE Killswitch stage alpha (α) a -A instance can be terminated through conventional means, all attackers are to aim for the legs, preferable the knee and shin as shattering the bones there will incapacitate the instance fairly quickly. The eyes are to also be targeted to render the -A unit blind. Termination teams are advised not to approach the -A unit within arms reach as they are more than capable of using sound from movements to target an assailants position. Severing the tendons in the arms is also advised to completely disrupt the movement of a -A instance. The hander will usually be able to quickly reassure and contain their -A unit by themselves but if not be prepared for the handler to act violently and protectively of their -A unit during termination, restraint of the handler is advised as well as disarmament and removal from the immediate area to prevent undue distress.
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