
Which Fourze Character...

Mar 24th, 2015
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  1. [01:26:05] 7 crying baguettes: Which Fourze character should you fight:
  3. Gen
  4. who wins: It could go either way
  5. Ok, I'll be frank, even if you win, this dude is still going to try to be your friend. and you know what beats all fights? Friendship. even if you win, you still lose. lose to the beauty of friendship
  7. Yuuki
  8. who wins: probably you
  9. You'll win this fight but you'll look like such a bad guy afterwards. leave this poor girl alone. she has suffered enough with bad writing. all she wants to do is be an astronaut and here you are, giving her three broken ribs. horrible
  11. Kengo:
  12. who wins: you. completely. 100%
  13. crush this moon child. crush him to the ground. maybe you'll feel bad afterwards? maybe you won't??? all this nerd wants to do is science and mope. crush him to make him feel alive
  15. Shun:
  16. who wins: NOT YOU
  17. Look, have you ever sat next to a bunch of high school football players? I have, I was surrounded by them in high school. and the one thing i learned from is that a) all of them smell like axe. b) they got football in their genes. Don't do it man, this kid will tackle you and steal your non existent football away. which is actually probably your binder full of lunch money.
  19. Miu:
  20. who wins: HAHA NOPE.
  21. This girl will crush you if you fuck with her. don't fucking do it. and possibly rekindle your friendship with her depending on what terms you're on with her.
  23. Tomoko:
  24. who wins: not you
  25. ok you actually might win but then you'll have this vengeful goth girl on your back and you don't want that. no one wants that. unless you're into that, then maybe you want it. but still don't do it man. i was friends with goths in high school. i know about the shit they get up to.
  27. Jk
  28. who wins: you
  29. crush him. crush this social nerd. crush his music player, buy him a new one, and then crush that one too. then maybe take this kid out for an ice cream because boy does he have some issues. ( but be sure to give him the wrong flavor.
  31. Ryu
  32. who wins: -100% kiddo. you don't stand a chance
  33. have you seen this kid?? just look at him. I don't trust him. he looks like he would kill a ma- wait.
  34. [09:11:06] 84 sad Neetroids uwu*: POOR JK
  35. [09:11:17] 84 sad Neetroids uwu*: WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO THAT POOR BOY
  36. [09:11:34] 84 sad Neetroids uwu*: "he looks like he would kill a ma- wait." YOU KNOW WHAT
  37. [14:12:22] 7 crying baguettes: I DID IT ALL JUST TO MAKE THAT JOKE
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