
Aubrey's Violation

Jan 11th, 2016
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  1. Musik has joined the chat
  2. Tsaaq has joined the chat
  3. Tsaaq: ((Ugh, this room.))
  4. Alexithymiaa: -Devin pulled the truck into the empty lot of the warehouse, glancing into the backseat at the unconscious Aubrey in her hot ass dress. "I put her in there, you get her out and inside." He shoved his door open to climb out, heading to the doors to pull it open for Thad to carry her inside.-
  5. Tsaaq: "Easy peasy." Thaddeus said quickly as he got out of the car and pulled Aubrey out the back seat, slinging her over his shoulder which wasn't all that hard because he was a giant. He grabbed the rope and duct tape with his free hand, mistakingly hitting her ass against the car. "Oops." Thad muttered and went inside of the warehouse, wading through the house to go towards the stairs.
  6. Alexithymiaa: -Devin let the door shut behind him a she followed Thad up the stairs and into the shady AIDS room, taking the rope and duct tape from him as he started to bind Aubrey's hands behind her back before he could put her down, just to be safe and shit. "No fucking way she's getting out of that. I was a boy scout twenty years ago."-
  7. Tsaaq: ((Lmao the aids room.))
  8. Tsaaq: He walked into the room and finally put her down on the bed before walking away. "So, when you were..." Thaddeus trailed off. "I don't know. I don't know how old you are. But you were either one, two, or three." Thaddeus said.
  9. Alexithymiaa: "Shut up, it doesn't matter." He grabbed the rope and started to loop it around her ankles, securing her legs down to the frame of the bed before tying off her bundle of ropes around her wrists above her head to the bed. He leaned up and studied his work, satisfied. "Hows that?"-
  10. Tsaaq: He rolled his eyes at Devin then leaned over, glancing down at Aubrey's form. "Good enough for me." Thaddeus said before going to brush some of her hair out of her face. "She's not gonna be able to move or anything. That's basically all we need right now."
  11. Alexithymiaa: "Good." He pushed her face away from him as he grabbed her BREASTESES all rough and uncool like, leaning over the bed and pushing her a few times. "Hey bitch, wake the fuck up. It's playtime. You'l enjoy this." When she didn't stir he curled his hand into a fist, striking her across the cheek hard.-
  12. Tsaaq: "Jeez!" Thaddeus shouted and watched Devin, flinching a moment. "Oh man, I want to hit her too. Fuck." Thaddeus, grumbled and crossed his arms. He went over to Aubrey and slapped her face a few times. "HEY!" He shouted. "Get up!" He stood behind Devin, leaning on the end of the bedframe. "Wake up!" He shouted.
  13. Musik: -She let out a soft groan when his fist connected with her face, then feeling Thaddeus slapping her a few times. She flinched and pulled at the ropes to try and free her hands. Blinking a few times as her eyes were blurry. She turned her head to see the figures starting to move around trying to get away from them.- "G..get away from me." -She said through a strained voice.- "Get away!" -She shouted louder pulling at the ropes harder.-
  14. Alexithymiaa: -Devin leaned down to grab the duct tape, ripping off a piece and slapping it over her mouth. "Shut the fuck up, no one likes you." He climbed over her on the bed to kneel at her feet, unbuckling his belt with a grin on his face beneath his helmet. "This oughta be good."-
  15. Tsaaq: Thaddeus rolled his eyes when she started trying to resist. "Waaah get away from me." He imitated her force then scoffed. He kept his arms crossed while standing behind him. "Well hurry up. I'm next when you're done." Thaddeus muttered, turning to step away for a moment.
  16. Musik: -She felt the tears swell up in her eyes as she continued pulling at the ropes, and trying to move her legs to kick him away. Yelling against the duct tape but that shit isn't working because why would it.-
  17. Alexithymiaa: -He laughed and pulled his DICK out, probably smacking that shit against her leg and whatever. "Aw look, she hates it. GOOD!" He leaned forward over her and pulled her panties aside, forcing himself into her and just going hard because Devin sucks, all the while laughing like a maniac.-
  18. Tsaaq: He turned to look at Aubrey on the bed once more while Devin acted like a crazy person. He squinted his eyes while watching. "Pfft." He sputtered his pierced lips. "She likes it a little, probably. All bitches do."
  19. Musik: (Thad no)
  20. Musik: -She let out a whimper, the tears just pouring from her eyes BECAUSE IT FUCKING HURT. She clenched her fists tightly pulling against the ropes still in hopes they'd break but she knew deep down they wouldn't.-
  21. Alexithymiaa: -He moved his gloved hands to grab her hips hard, his fingers digging into her through her dress as he just continued and shit with no regard. Watching her face and her tears, he raised his voice, moving his hand and slapping her across the cheek. "Stop fucking crying and just enjoy it. Everyone else does."-
  22. Tsaaq: Thad smirked under his mask. "You're not going anywhere bitch." He said while watching her trying to tug at the ropes. He chuckled when Devin hit her again. "Yeah really. Crying will get you no where." Thad shook his head, sounding condescending.
  23. Musik: -She let out a groan feeling his hand connect to her face again, keeping it tipped to the side as she squeezed her eyes shut. Just crying harder because that's what she'd do I guess.-
  24. Alexithymiaa: -Devin grunted and definitely just moved faster, finally busting a nut INSIDE HER YES HE DID, before pulling out and breathing hard. "Fuck yeah. Alright, you go." He climbed off of her and put his dick away, zipping his pants and stretching his arms up over his head.-
  25. Tsaaq: ((NOOOO.))
  26. Tsaaq: "Perfect-" He started to say, not noticing fucking Devin's fuckery just yet. Thaddeus went over to the bed and climbed atop of her and felt her up before anything else to cause to Thad this was a mind/power game thing. "Fuck this." He whispered pulling out her breasteseses and touching them with his gloved hands cause he was a fuck.
  27. Musik: -She stired under his touch, trying to move away from him again and let out a whine mumbling STOP under the tape.-
  28. Alexithymiaa: -Devin laughed and leaned over, slapping a hand over the tape on her mouth and grabbing her face hard. "He's just treating you like the fucking slut you are. Slut."-
  29. Tsaaq: ((Stahp.))
  30. Tsaaq: Thad turned his head at Devin who was ruining his mise en scene for his raping but shrugged, since he knew he was an idiot anyways. Thad laughed a little and went to put fingers in lady places and fishing in his pocket for a condom. "Usually when I do this, I turn the girl around. Tears make me cum too fast, honestly." He said to Aubrey, because what villian doesn't fucking monologue? "I guess this is a special instance." He sighed when he finally got the condom on and removed his fingers so he could force himself inside. He used his other hand to grip Aubrey's throat tight and shit. Bad stuff.
  31. Musik: -She kept her eyes squeezed shut as Devin forced it to face him, swallowing hard before feeling Thaddeus' fucking hand on her throat making it slightly harder to breathe.-
  32. Alexithymiaa: -Devin leaned over to slap at her BREASTESES, laughing while he did it. "Who the fuck cares? It's not for her anyway. Just do it."-
  33. Tsaaq: "This is an artform. It has to be as memorable as it is devastating." Thad spoke while panting, gripping her throat tighter as he moved faster. "Breathe through your nose. Breathe through your fucking nose. Don't being a little shit." He said to Aubrey, getting rougher.
  34. Musik: -She held her breath, hoping that she'd just pass out because she didn't want to fucking be awake for this shit. She wrapped her hand around the rope, gripping it tightly as she whimpered.-
  35. Alexithymiaa: -Devin watched wide eyed as Thad went to town, rocking on his heels and fidgeting all excited and shit. "Yeah... yeahhhh..."- (wtf Devin)
  36. Tsaaq: ((AHAHAHA WHAT))
  37. Tsaaq: Thad turned his head slightly when hearing Devin and had an incredulous expression under his mask. He shook his head and went back to thrusting hard inside of Aubrey. "I SAID BREATHE!" He shouted, taking his hand from her throat and punching her hard in the face then grabbing a handful of her hair. "Nah, it's okay. I want to remember you just like this... You'll probably remember too." He inhaled deeply then finished off, pulling out of her. Thad sat at the edge of the bed.
  38. Musik: -She let her head swing to the side, letting out a loud whimper. She took a weak breath and let herself just cry laying there all exposed and shit.-
  39. Alexithymiaa: -Devin looked at Thad, sending him an awkward thumbs up. "Good work. I need a cigarette or something. I'm done with this one." He moved toward the door of the room, looking down at the room below. "Is she going to die if we leave her here? It's kind of cold."-
  40. Tsaaq: "Just bring her water or something." He shrugged his shoulders and looked over at Aubrey as she cried. "Awwwwww." He cooed sarcastically before laughing. He started to pat her head then turned to Devin again. "She won't die, the homeless people live here and they aren't dead."
  41. Musik: -She moved around trying to fix her dress but failing because you can't do that by just moving. She sniffed hard and pryed her eyes open, looking at their two figures through blurred, watery vision trying to tell who it was but that failed too.-
  42. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, I guess. Whatever." He turned and walked back over to Aubrey, untying her feet from the bed frame and looping her ankles together, securing the knot. "There. Now we can just push her over when we bring the next ones here tomorrow."-
  43. Tsaaq: Thaddeus shook his head at the sheer ineptitude of fucking Devin. "I'll bring her water. Nevermind. I'll take care of it." He grumbled and got up. "Hear that? I'll be back for snack time, cheeks." He gave Aubrey a slap on the ass before walking away from her and going towards the door. "So tomorrow." Thaddeus said to Devin with a firm nod.
  44. Musik: -When she felt him untying her feet she instantly started kicking in attempt to get one good kick at him before he tied her feet together again. She flinched when Thaddeus smacked her ass and watched them walk away,feeling herself crying harder.-
  45. Alexithymiaa: "Tomorrow." He nodded in return, heading down the stairs to the main part of the warehouse. "We'll meet here. Everything as planned." He smirked and walked to the door, pushing it open to step out into the cold and over to the truck to climb behind the wheel.-
  46. Tsaaq: "Alright, sounds good. Night cheeks, sleep tight." Thad said with a wicked grin under his mask and followed Devin down the stairs and got in the car with him I assume so they could get the fuck outta there.
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