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Apr 24th, 2012
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  1. Full of Cider
  2. “Dear Princess Celestia,
  3. I wanted to share my thoughts with you: I didn’t learn anything! I was right all along! If you take time to do things the right way, your work will speak for itself. Sure, I could tell you about how my friends are always there to help me, and I can count on them no matter what, but the truth is I already knew that too.
  4. -Sincerely, Applejack”
  5. Princess Celestia read over the letter that had materialized in a ball of flames in front of her. She had to admit she enjoyed the increase in mail she had received lately, ever since she had allowed Twilight Sparkles friends to write to her about their lessons in friendship. Twilight had already done so much learning since she had stayed in Ponyville, but she also knew that her friends had a lot to learn from the unicorn as well. She was very proud of her subjects and how their hearts were growing each and every day.
  6. But this particular letter confused her. The farmer pony Applejack had neglected to describe what ordeal she had gone through to learn her lesson. She had most likely written in haste and forgotten to go into detail about it. “Hm…” the white alicorn furrowed her brow in thought as she sat atop her throne, her two guards appointed to either side of her. “I wonder what could have happened. You there, guards?”
  7. “Yes, your majesty!” the both of them responded in unison.
  8. Could one of you inquire from somepony else with more information; what events might be taking place in Ponyville today?”
  9. “Oh, that’s easy!” the guard to the right of her responded casually. He quickly remembered his place and corrected himself. “I mean- ahem! I believe that Sweet Apple Acres officially opened Cider Season a few days ago, your majesty. That would be the only event I could think of at the moment.”
  10. “Cider… Season? Oh no!” The princess slapped a hoof against her forehead. “How could I have forgotten? I’ve been so busy meeting with officials and spending time with my niece that it completely slipped my mind! I absolutely love their cider!” She licked her lips as her large wings unfurled and pointed into the air. “It has such a wonderful blend of sweet and tang, and it always goes down smooth. I’d so like to go and buy a barrel or two.” She lowered her head in disappointment while her wings slowly curled back up against her sides. “Oh, but I’d have to arrange for a journey to Ponyville, and appoint guards to accompany me there. By the time preparations were made, Cider Season would be over. What a shame. Unless…”
  11. “Is everything alright, your majesty?” the guard asked, as she murmured to herself.
  12. “Oh no, everything is fine. It’s just that… I suddenly remembered!” she exclaimed, standing upright suddenly. “I have quite a lot of letters I must send to many different diplomatic ponies.”
  13. “Well then, I’ll see if I can fetch your quill and parch-”
  14. “Oh no no, it is quite a lot of letters. I think I would be more comfortable writing them from the comfort of my bedchambers, honestly.”
  15. “I see. Well then, we shall accompany you to your room!”
  16. “Yes, yes you shall.” Princess Celestia quickly trotted down the walkway and out the doors of her throne room, the two masculine guards towing closely behind her.
  17. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  18. “Ah, here at last.” Princess Celestia sighed, as they finally reached to doors to her bedchamber. “Now I need the both of you to listen closely, I have very important orders for you.”
  19. The two held their heads high as they awaited her orders. “Yes, your majesty!”
  20. “I want nopony to disturb me while I am in here.” She spoke with firmness in her voice, but made sure not to sound too harsh on them. “I’m going to be quite busy and I don’t need any distractions to interfere. Is that clear?”
  21. “Yes, your majesty!”
  22. “Great! I mean, very well. You may assume your new posts.”
  23. The two guards quickly righted themselves against the walls on the sides of her doors, while the princess made her way into her room. She gently closed the door, and then began to giggle to herself. “Okay, now that I’m in here, let’s see what I can conjure up.” Prancing over to her bedspread, she quickly used her magic to stuff most of her pillows under her blankets and tucked the top all the way over. Taking a look from afar, she thought it closely appeared as if somepony was huddled up under the covers, not wanting to be seen in any way. “Okay, that should at least keep them from looking for me. Wait, let’s just make sure.” She reached into her writing desk, and pulled out a large amount of parchments. Scattering them about the bed, she then dropped a quill to the side of the covered pillows. “There, perfect! Now it looks like I’ve been writing letters all day and drifted off to sleep. Oh, I don’t enjoy tricking my guards like this, but… it gets so tiring not being able to go out by myself on a whim. I hope I don’t get in too much trouble for this.” She took a deep breath and concentrated her magic into her horn. Transportation spells were quite easy for her, except for when she was trying to zap herself from one city to another. She made a note to herself to exercise her magic more often so she didn’t get rusty. She felt a cooling sensation wrap around her body while she concentrated. Sweet Apple Cider, here I come! She thought to herself as the view of her room began to dissolve rapidly.
  24. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  25. What had been moments before filled with thirsty ponies clamoring for their precious cider had now become a mostly empty field. Scraps of apple cores and loose brush littered the grounds where large crowds had occupied them once before. The fields weren’t completely barren though, as a small number of ponies still remained to help straighten up the front of Sweet Apple Acres. A tired orange pony stopped her sweeping a moment and surveyed her best friends and family helping her finish up the cleaning duties.
  26. “I tell you what,” she declared, removing her hat and wiping the sweat off of her blonde mane. “I sure do appreciate of y’all helping us out. We really coulda lost our whole business if it hadn’t been for you.”
  27. The lavender unicorn across from her giggled as her magic lifted up a large amount of apple debris surrounding her. Her baby dragon assistant Spike followed closely behind her with a smaller broom and dustpan in his claws. “That’s what we do, Applejack!” Twilight Sparkle reminded her. “I’m just glad you were willing to accept our help this time.”
  28. “You bet! I learned my lesson from the last Applebucking season. I ain’t ever gonna turn down help from my friends anymore. ‘Specially not when our line of work is at stake.”
  29. “Well if you ask me, the whole thing was worth it!” A rainbow maned Pegasus interjected sitting across from her pink haired friend, the both of them enjoying a glass of fresh apple cider. “Fluttershy and me kept getting stuck without any cider every day we were here. Since those two goofballs showed up and made you triple your efforts, now you’ve got more cider than the town even needs!”
  30. A curly haired earth pony stuck her head out from above the pegasi, causing both of them to jump. “Well Dashie, you shoulda gotten here early all those other times, that way you would be the first to get it!” Pinkie Pie lectured her.
  31. “You’ve got to be kidding me!” Rainbow Dash replied in frustration. “Me and Fluttershy were up and moving before the moon went down. Was I supposed to just shirk my weather duties and spend all day camping with you and the others?”
  32. Pinkie Pie had already disappeared, leaving Rainbow Dash to realize she was venting her frustration at a squirrel that had taken her place. Off on top of one of the barrels, an elegant unicorn could be found lazily giving herself a make-do hooficure while her friends chattered all around her.
  33. “Ya know Rarity, I don’t think I’ve seen ya doing any cleaning since the last customer left.”
  34. Rarity stared up at Applejack with a look of offense upon her face. “How could you be so unobservant Applejack? Why I’ve been spending so much time cleaning my hooves! While I was inspecting those apples for processing, I didn’t have time to carefully pick them up and make sure not to get my hooves dirty. Now they’re all lined with dirt and apple pieces and a few stems even! Oh, I can’t believe you could be so unappreciative.”
  35. Applejack narrowed her eyes at the unicorn, before breaking out into a heartwarming chuckle. “Y’all sure are something, Rarity. Anyway, I think cleaning’s mostly done. How about a little cider party before me and the family take the equipment back to the farm?” Her other pony friends all lifted their hooves in cheer as a response. Just then, a magical sounding pop could be heard from the pile of barrels.
  36. “Whahaha!” Rarity screamed as the barrel she was sitting on was disshelved and sent her careening to the ground. “Ugh, and now my mane has been unfurled! Oh will this day never end?”
  37. Applejack and her friends rushed over to help Rarity up. The large crashing noise had even attracted the rest of Applejack’s family; her brother Big Macintosh galloped over with his sister Applebloom on his back, their Grannysmith slowly inching her way towards them with her tired old hips. They noticed another hoof sticking out from underneath the barrels across from where Spike was helping Rarity to her hooves. “Y’all okay?” she asked, gripping onto the unknown hoof and pulling it out firmly. “Sounds like ya had a mighty hard fall there.”
  38. “*cough* I’m fine, just a bit dizzy. Thank you, Applejack”
  39. “Ain’t no problem, miss…?” Applejack looked past the hoof she was holding and saw who it reached back to: a large and majestic white alicorn with sparkling pink flowing hair stood before her. She shook her body to clear it of the grass and dirt it had gathered on her rough landing.
  40. “Princess Celestia!?” everypony shouted as they looked upon their ruler standing up from a pile of apple cider barrels.
  41. “Hello everypony!” she put on a warm smile as she greeted them. “I see you’re all doing well.”
  42. “Princess! What are you doing here?” Twilight Sparkle pranced up to her mentor and nuzzled her tenderly.
  43. “Oh, I just needed some time away from the palace, that’s all.” She returned her affection, giving her a warm hug. “Say, this wouldn’t be the Apple family’s famous apple cider in these barrels, would it?”
  44. “Eeyup!” Big Macintosh replied. He received a nudge from Applebloom, still standing on his muscular back.
  45. “Hey, watch what you say!" Applebloom lectured him. "She’s a princess, for Pete’s sake! You’re supposed to say ‘Yes, your majesty!’”
  46. “It sure is, your majesty!” Applejack piped up before Big Macintosh could utter another word. “Would ya care for some?”
  47. “Well that sounds lovely!” the princess replied. “How much for a cup?”
  48. “Heh, are you kiddin? It’s on the farm!”
  49. “Oh no Applejack, I couldn’t ask you to do that. I’m willing to pay for it like everypony else has.”
  50. “And I couldn’t ask you to pay for it. Seeing as how we made more profit today than we’ve ever made, and we have more cider left over than we need. In fact we were about to have ourselves a little cider party, and we’d be honored if you could join us.”
  51. “Well, I suppose if you’re insisting… thank you, Applejack. That’s very sweet of you.”
  52. Applebloom inserted the drain into one of the barrels and gave it a swift kick to make sure it was firmly in there. Pressing the nozzle and placing a mug underneath, the container soon filled to the top, a head of froth brimming over the edge. She rushed over and gestured it to the princess, who delicately took it in her hoof and smiled.
  53. “Thank you, my little pony. It looks delicious.”
  54. Applebloom beamed and then rushed back over to Big Macintosh, reclaiming her previous spot atop his back. Finally making her way over to the crowd, Grannysmith’s face lit up as she recognized the alicorn before her. “Well, as I live and breathe, is that there Princess Celestia?”
  55. The princess had the cup of cider just away from her lips before she heard her name being called. “Oh my goodness, Grannysmith! It’s been too long.”
  56. “I’ll say it has. Why last time I saw you up face to face, I was ‘bout as young as Applejack here. I can’t believe y’all recognized me.”
  57. Princess Celestia giggled. “Well why wouldn’t I? You’re just as pretty now as you were back then.”
  58. “Oh, you’re such a flatterer, your majesty. But I never did get the chance to thank you for granting us this land here. It’s really been a blessing for this family.”
  59. “Not at all. The Apple family has truly made a remarkable living with this little bit of land. When I met your father, I sensed that great things would come from all of you. I’m very proud of how these acres have been used.”
  60. “Aw, shucks.” Grannysmith rubbed her front hoof to the ground in a humble manner. “Well, you go ahead and drink up. That there cider’s just as much yours as it is ours.”
  61. She returned her loving smile, and pressed the cup against her lips. She made an effort to only take a small regal sip from the mug, in order to keep up her royal attire. She removed the mug from her mouth and licked her lips of the drink that might linger there. “Oh my… it’s delicious!” She proclaimed taking another quick sip. The Apple family all exchanged looks of delight as their product received praise from the highest of authority. Following suit, the others lined up to refill their own mugs. “It’s the best I’ve ever tasted, ever since the very first Cider Season.”
  62. “Well, we’re glad you like it.” Applejack filled her own cup last, and took a large gulp.
  63. “By the way Applejack, I received a letter from you. I was rather… puzzled by it.” She took another sip, a bit more than her previous one. “Did something happen today?” She drained the mug of its remaining contents. Applebloom promptly retrieved and returned it to her with a refill.
  64. “Heh heh. Oh you missed out on something real big, your majesty.” Applejack explained with a goofy grin on her face. “Why don’t you sit a spell and we’ll tell you. You’re gonna love this.”
  65. As each of them gathered and sat in a circle, Applejack and the others drank their share of cider and recounted the events that had taken place over the past few days: About how the traveling salesponies Flim and Flam had attempted to run them out of business with their new cider-making machine. The Apples had accepted a challenge from the brothers to make more cider than them in one hour, or else forfeit the rights to sell cider in Ponyville. If it hadn’t been for Twilight and the others offering their services, the salespony brothers wouldn’t have been forced to overpower their machine and thus override its quality control, ruining their cider produce as a result. Even though they’d won the contest, the customers were less than satisfied with their product, forcing them to flee from town.
  66. “What was really weird was how the brothers changed while they were here.” Pinkie Pie stated, wearing a face of confusion. “When they first got here, they seemed really nice, and just wanted to promote their invention. But then they just turned… mean. They even called Grannysmith chicken, and laughed when they were about to pack up and leave town! I never thought anypony who could dance such a swell musical number could be so cruel.”
  67. “Goodness! What a dramatic turn of events!” Princess Celestia remarked, finishing off her second glass. Applebloom stayed faithful to her task, presenting yet another refill before the princess even had time to put it down. “To think that you could have lost everything you worked so hard for. I can’t believe I didn’t receive word of something like this.”
  68. “It ain’t a big deal.” Applejack replied, taking a swig of her drink. “Luckily my friends helped me out when I needed it. I’m real lucky to have them around when I need them.” She lifted what was left of her drink and held it in front of her. “To hardworking ponies who don’t hesitate to help their friends out when they need it!”
  69. “And-” Twilight interjected, raising her glass with her magic. She shot a reassuring glance to Applejack as she spoke. “To pushing your pride aside to accept help when you need it.”
  70. Pinkie Pie raised her glass as well. “And to the yummiest apple cider in all of Equestria!”
  71. “Here, here!” The others clamored, knocking their drinks together and taking a heavy gulp from their glasses. Most of them stopped halfway, but Princess Celestia finished hers off in one motion.
  72. “Ahh…” she sighed as the glass fell away from her mouth. She looked towards Applebloom and nudged at her glass. “Um, could I have another, if you don’t mind?”
  73. “Huh? Oh, sure!” Applebloom swiftly filled up the princess’s cup and brought it back to her. “Sorry. I didn’t think you’d knock ‘em back so fast!”
  74. “Applebloom, that’s rude!” Applejack scolded her, and directed an apologetic look at the princess. The princess laughed cheerfully.
  75. “Oh no it’s quite alright. I suppose I am finishing them off rather quickly.” She made an attempt to take another dainty sip this time. “I’ve just always enjoyed this cider, ever since your great grandparents made their first batch. Why sometimes I feel like I could just drink up a whole barrel to myself.”
  76. “Heh, I’ve done that before.” A cocky voice rang out across from her. Rainbow Dash rubbed her chest with her hoof, recounting her past deed. Fluttershy sat next to her, eyeing her friend nervously as she bragged “Yeah, whole barrel; every drop gone; ten seconds flat.” She blew across her hoof in a boastful fashion.
  77. Princess Celestia smiled as her eyes narrowed towards the pegasus. “Oh, ten seconds? That long, hm?” She closed her eyes and took another small sip from her mug.
  78. “What’s that supposed to mean?” Rainbow Dash demanded, hovering from her spot and flying up to the princess’s face. “You saying you could beat me?”
  79. “Rainbow Dash, please!” Twilight Sparkle told her friend in a whisper. “Remember who you’re talking to!”
  80. “It’s fine, Twilight.” The princess said, smacking her lips together as she finished her sip. “Your friend obviously feels threatened at the thought of somepony beating her at something. A dainty princess at that! Isn’t that right, Rainbow Dash?”
  81. A determined frown appeared on Dash’s face. She let out an aggravated snort as she stared her down. “Oh it’s ON!” She shouted, flying over to the mountain of barrels and lifting one from the top.
  82. “Hm, I suppose I wouldn’t mind some competition.” The princess sat up slowly and lifted a barrel with her magic down to the ground, taking a seat right next to Rainbow Dash. She looked down on her with a cheeky smile, while the pegasus returned a fiery gaze. Applebloom let out a stifled yawn and leaned her head against Big Macintosh’s leg. He smiled and lowered his head, gently lifting her onto his back as she fell asleep. He nodded towards Grannysmith who followed his gesture and trailed him back to the farm house.
  83. “Ladies, please!” Rarity exclaimed looking very revolted at what was about to occur between Rainbow Dash and the majestic Princess Celestia. “Are we not a bit more cultured than this? I can see a few young colts getting into these kinds of shenanigans, but I’d expect to see a bit more class here!”
  84. “Oh come on. What’s wrong with a little competition, Rarity?” Spike sat next to her and gripped his knees in excitement. “I can’t believe what I’m about to see!” On the other side of him, Pinkie Pie couldn’t stop bouncing as she saw the two competitors preparing for their event.
  85. Rarity shook her head in disapproval while Fluttershy stood between the two contestants, looking back and forth from princess to pegasus. She took a deep breath and began to announce, rather quietly. “On your mark… get set… um…” Dash and the princess almost took a false start before they realized that they hadn’t been given permission. “Um… go.” Fluttershy ducked and covered her head up with her hooves.
  86. And they were off! Both ponies lifted their respected barrels over their heads and rapidly chugged them of their contents. Rainbow Dash struggled to hold the barrel over her, while Princess Celestia kept hers afloat with her magical energy. Only a few seconds had passed before one of them laid their barrel upside-down in victory.
  87. “Ah, done!” Princess Celestia declared, wiping her lips of their residue.
  88. “What!?” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she removed her lips from the barrel. She was then drenched in a torrent of unfinished cider as it spilled from the barrel all down her chest, leaving her cyan coat soaking wet.
  89. “Five seconds! Princess Celestia wins!” Twilight exclaimed, bouncing up and down excitedly. A few of the others joined in her excitement, cheering for the winner.
  90. Rainbow Dash shook her fur dry and then pointed accusingly at Princess Celestia. “Hey, no fair! She used her magic!” she argued. “How am I supposed to compete with that?”
  91. “Well, there weren’t any rules that said she couldn’t use her magic!” Applejack told her in a mocking tone. “Maybe you shoulda been more specific and set up some rules, huh?”
  92. “I-I-I-you!” Rainbow Dash fumbled with her words, kicking her hooves in the air before she finally relented and hovered towards the princess. “Good game.” She uttered, sticking a forehoof out in humble spirit to the princess, who shook it gratefully.
  93. “Thank you Rainbow Dash, you t-!” Before Princess Celestia could finish, her eyes widened suddenly as she gulped hard. She unleashed a rather large belch that lasted as long as it had taken for her to win the contest. Not one pony or dragon uttered a single word as they stared at her, utterly shocked. Her white cheeks flushed rather deep while she timidly held her hooves in front of her face. “Um… excuse me.” She mumbled in a voice even softer than Fluttershy’s.
  94. “…Oh!” Rarity cried out and held a hoof against her head, fainting as Spike caught her from hitting the ground hard. Her sudden dramatic collapse broke the silence and caused everypony to burst into a fit of laughter. Twilight was laughing so hard that tears were streaming down her cheeks. Princess Celestia lowered one of her hooves and started to laugh as well. Despite the sudden outburst, the group remained in good spirits.
  95. It may have been the result of the cider sitting out all day, but after that moment, the party began to take a rather rowdy turn as they drank more and more. The ponies began to prance around giving chase to one another, playing a light-hearted game of tag. The smaller ponies even managed to climb onto Celestia’s back, riding her around the fields as they laughed all the way. During their play, each of them would return to the mountain of barrels to grab another drink. It quickly diminished into one remaining barrel as the group stumbled their way back.
  96. “Hey…anypony- whoa!” Princess Celestia stumbled as she placed her hooves on top of the barrel. “Last one here! Let’s finish it off!” She looked behind her and noticed the ponies dropping off one by one, a result of their working so strenuously that day and partying so hard soon after. “Oh well, more for me!”
  97. She lifted the barrel up over her and slowly drank a few large gulps of what was left. “Oh my, I’ve drank so much today… come on, don’t let it go to waste!” She took one gulp; another; a third. “I… oh shoot!” Princess Celestia fell to her side, the barrel spilling its remaining contents over her body. As she giggled weakly, her eyes began to grow heavy while she drifted off into a deep slumber.
  98. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  99. Princess Celestia felt her eyes twitch as she finally awoke from her snoozing. Her vision blurred at first glance when she tried to strain her focus. She shut her eyes and shook her head: She had a bit of a headache. Opening her eyes again she could see the green pasture in front of her more clearly. As looked around herself, she could see below her that the other ponies were nowhere to be found. She found a note to her left and struggled to decipher its messy handwriting:
  100. Dear Princess Celestia,
  101. We had so much fun with you today. Applejack needed to take her equipment back to the farm. Tried to wake you, but you’re quite a heavy sleeper. I didn’t want to leave you there in case you weren’t safe, but Rainbow Dash insisted that you were fine since you’re immortal and you’re so much bigger than most ponies. But if you could send me a letter when you get home, it would put my mind at ease. Thank you.
  102. Your faithful student
  103. Twilight Sparkle
  104. XOXO
  106. The princess smiled as she read the letter. Twilight was such a sweetheart for being concerned about her safety. She rolled over on her back and looked up at the sky. It really had been a fun evening, she thought to herself. She’d gotten to spend some quality time with her friends and simply cut loose for once, instead of having to keep up her regal image. And oh, how she’d enjoyed all of that cider. She’d drunk more than she should have, but she didn’t care: It made her feel good. It left such a warm and filling sensation within her. Even now after so long, she could still feel it within her. It gave her body a warm tingling feeling that made her smile. It started in her chest and slowly made its way down towards her tummy. Her hindlegs twitched a bit as her eyes widened at her sudden realization.
  107. “… I need to pee.” She muttered to herself. Princess Celestia rolled over to her front and placed her hooves out beside her. She struggled to prop herself up into a standing position. Groaning as she stood, she lowered her neck to the ground and stuck her flank out, stretching out the stiffness she had collected during her sleep. She wiggled her backside a bit as she felt the tingling sensation move a bit more down her tummy. She smiled as she reveled in its sensation. It wasn’t something she was too proud of, but she sort of liked the feeling of a full bladder. It really tickled her and gave her a sense of exhilaration. “Hee hee hee!” She giggled as she gave her flank another wiggle. She could feel that pressure building up in her haunches, and it made her want to dance. She raised her right hindleg and squeezed it against the other, keeping her crotch closed tightly as to not have an accident.
  108. Okay, this is fun and all… she thought to herself. But I’m seriously going to need somewhere to go soon. She looked from side to side to see if there was anypony still around. There were still barrels of empty cider lying around. Surely Applejack was coming back to retrieve them? She could ask to use her restroom then. Or had she forgotten all about them? The princess began to bounce her forelegs and hindlegs up and down as she contemplated staying or going. Forget it. I can’t wait around for her, or I’m going to start leaking.
  109. Or… I could just go right here. Nopony’s around to watch me. I’m sure the ground can absorb it all in an hour. Yes, that should be fine. She opened up her haunches and squatted slightly, about to unleash the contents of her bladder on the ground below. She thought to herself how uncivilized she’d acted that day; getting into a drinking contest with Dash, belching so uncouthly. And what she was doing now…
  110. “No, no! You’re a princess! You’ve got standards! Use a bathroom like everypony else!” She shoved her legs closed abruptly, quickly made an about face and trotted down the pasture. Walking sort of helped alleviate the building pressure somewhat. As long as she kept moving, she could buy some time to look for an outhouse or something. Or… Duh! Why don’t I just teleport back home? I have my own private bathroom! I’m so silly sometimes.
  111. Spreading her legs, she began to concentrate her magic into her horn. She could feel the energy from her body being pulled out as it surged up from her abdomen. While she strained to concentrate, she could feel the pressure gathering in her tummy quickly move its way down to her rear.
  112. “Ah! No no no no no!” she cried out uncontrollably in a panic. She quickly switched off her magic and lowered her flank to the ground. She pressed her back leg up into her crotch, trying desperately to keep herself from spurting. It worked for the moment, but now her need for release had peaked significantly. “Okay, that was stupid. Why did I forget how much pressure using magic puts on the body? Stupid stupid stupid!” Her rump now trembling, Princess Celestia let out a frantic whine as she trotted further down the field. She clenched her teeth together as she felt her eyes begin to sting with urgency.
  113. “Oh my gosh, no! I have to pee so badly! Why does this whole silly farm not have a single-? Gasp!” Princess Celestia stopped dead in her tracks as she took in the sight before her. There it stood, as if it had been waiting for her: A nicely built wooden outhouse. She smiled intently as she ran up to it. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” She examined it from side to side, realizing how small it was. It may have been perfect for the Apple family, even as large as Big Macintosh was; but there was no way in the world it would fit a pony of her stature… at least not completely.
  114. “I’m going to have to stick my front out while I’m in here. How embarrassing…” She felt her rear go numb, taking it as a sign that she didn’t have the leisure to be picky at the moment. She turned her body with her flank facing the door and used only a small amount of magic to keep the door opened. So full of cider… she thought as she backed herself up into the outhouse. Finally her back hoof tapped against the front of the board, where she knew the seat was on top. “Release!” she cried out in ecstacy, lifting her magical tail up and out of the way of her labia. “Sweet, sweet relea-!”
  115. “Um, excuse me…” a soft voice rang out from behind her. She stopped dead in her act with a look of horror on her face. She stared out of the corner of her eye and noticed that this room was currently occupied. Sitting atop the seat behind her was the timid pegasus Fluttershy, her hindlegs spread slightly. Her face looked more than shocked as her face flushed as much as a red delicious apple. The princess didn’t know what to do at this point; she was quite literally seconds away from having an accident as it was.
  116. A deviously sweet smile crept over her face. “I’ll just be a minute dear.” With that, she squat her rump down a bit in front of Fluttershy, and relaxed her muscles. It started as a slow trickling stream, but it quickly picked up the pace as it continued. Ah, it’s coming out! She thought to herself as she let out a loud and pleasurable sigh. As much as she loved the feeling of holding her liquid in, it never compared to the sensation of finally letting go. It sent shockwaves of tickling pleasure from her backside all throughout her body as she emptied out her bladder. Soon, the small room echoed with the sounds of Princess Celestia’s urine spattering against the bowl below her. Her raised tail swished back and forth in the air as an indication of her gratification. She heard Fluttershy gasp behind her, obviously not accustomed as all to what she was witnessing. She felt a few drops splash onto the backs of her own hindlegs, She could only hope for Fluttershy’s sake that none of it was getting on her as well.
  117. Her stream slowed down for just a moment, as Celestia caught her breath. She’d never had to go this bad before, enough to where she couldn’t expel it all in one breath. Inhaling again, she pushed slightly into her nether regions until her stream started again. This time she could hear it splashing, as it dripped onto the pool that she had already created in the bowl below her. Her tongue hung out in pleasure while the liquid poured out of her. If she wasn’t using them to keep her standing upright, she would have been tempted to reach a hoof back there and start playing with her body. She could hear herself whimper as she kept her mouth closed, trying her best not to moan. She gave herself another push and felt a stronger torrent of urine pour out of her. The sudden increase sent a ripple of excitement throughout her body as she let out a loud and joyful gasp.
  118. Eventually the stream began to lose strength, as she finally felt complete relief coming. A few more drops splashed down below, and that was the end of it. The princess gave her flank a bit of a shake to set loose any stray drops still remaining on her. So…much… better… she thought to herself, almost passing out from the relief. She looked to both sides, but didn’t see any toilet paper at the moment; which was a shame, because she was very very wet, in more ways than one.
  119. “Fluttershy?” she asked sweetly, eliciting a confused whimper from the pegasus. She could see the pony looked downright bewildered as her small body shook, her mouth hanging open in shock.. “Do you think you could… help me clean up?” She gently pushed her rump towards Fluttershy, giving it a small shake in front of her.
  120. “W-w-with what?” the timid pony asked.
  121. “Oh I don’t know. Maybe… your tongue?”
  122. “My… tongue?” she exclaimed under her breath, pulling her hooves up over her mouth in fright.
  123. “Just give it a good licking. It’ll work perfectly.” She advanced her cheeks up towards Fluttershy again, this time feeling her muzzle brush against them slightly. “Don’t be scared little one, it’s really not so ba-AAAAD!”
  124. As she spoke, she felt something soft and wet press against her lower lips. Fluttershy had compressed her tongue flatly against the princess’s vagina and was lapping her wetness up obediently. “Oh, very good Fluttershy! Just like that…” she heard Fluttershy let out a soft whimper as she licked, either from nerves or from pleasure, it wasn’t discernable.
  125. Princess Celestia could feel her legs shaking while her vulva was tended to. Her breathing rate increased and she felt some sweat start to form on her forehead. All of a sudden, the tongue bathing her nether regions went more firm and pressed itself into her fully.
  126. “Ah! Fluttershy, no!” she tapped her front hoof rapidly, as if she was trying to get out of a submission hold. The pegasus didn’t hear her cries as her tongue continued to drill her, pulling back and forth in a steady pace. “Stop!” she felt the tongue slide out of her in retreat at once. Breathing hard, she looked back at the pegasus and tried to regain her composure. “That’s… that’s good Fluttershy. I just needed some cleaning up, nothing more.” She stepped herself out of the outhouse, and looked back and Fluttershy, giving her a warm smile. “Sorry for the intrusion. I’ll let you finish up.”
  127. She quickly closed the door, but couldn’t help putting her ear against the surface. She could hear a faint “clop clop clop” coming from inside, and Fluttershy’s soft agitated moans growing in volume slightly. She giggled to herself as she pranced away. She paused and gave her rump another shake. In her attempts to get rid of that tingling sensation that was bugging her, she had acquired a new sensation in it’s place.
  128. “That naughty filly! Getting me all riled up like that, how dare she!” She looked from side to side and placed a hoof between her haunches, feeling an even better kind of wetness gathering there. “Ooh, yes. I’ll have to get rid of this one right away. I sure hope Twilight is home and awake right now…” Gathering enough magic to perform a transportation spell, she instantly vanished, leaving only the outhouse behind in her wake.
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