
Thad's insane

Jan 19th, 2018
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  1. Tsaaq: The crowd was in an uproar as everyone entered the courtroom. Thaddeus exhaled with his cheeks puffed out as he was led to his table. He immediately took a seat. He'd been sleeping for most of his stay at prison so he'd become extra lazy. // Marty took a seat beside Thaddeus and sat back. "Here we go..." he whispered. Looking back at the crowd then waiting on the judge. // The jury piled into their little section and took a seat. // Hayley brushed some of her hair out of her face and inhaled. "Where's Judge Frederick? He should be here by now." She whispered. // Remy kept his arm around Cadence so she could stay close to him. "Remember nobody act crazy, no matter what the verdict is..." He said, looking right back at his parents. // Bliss and Sedrick strode into the courthouse and hurriedly took their seats. // "All rise for the honorable Judge Gregory Frederick." The bailiff announced and everyone rose immediately.
  2. Covet: Cadence looked at Remy and nodded her head, leaning into him. The crowd around them was a little overwhelming but she did her best to tune them out. Her heart was going a mile a minute but she was doing her best to keep calm. // Eli walked in quickly with Bliss and Sedrick sitting down and looking around, "Jeeze, feeding frenzy already." He said standing up for the judge. // Felix was sitting there waiting with Steph , hoping for the best as far as the verdict goes.
  3. Alexithymiaa: -Steph sat beside Felix on the bench, her eyes trained down to her phone discreetly in her lap as she slid her fingers over the screen. Hearing the announcement of the incoming judge, she turned her phone off and slipped it into her bag, rising to her feet and taking her seat again once the judge said they could be seated. Taking a deep breath, she laced her fingers together in her lap, nervous as fuck. // Adam rose to his feet at the annoucement of Judge Frederick, moving his hand to take Hayley's before sitting back down again. "I'm sure everyone's being bombarded by the press. It's kind of their big day for this case." He kept his voice low, his eyes shifting to the jury as he wandered what their decision had been.-
  4. Tsaaq: Thaddeus bit the inside of his cheek as he stood then sat, his body craning to look back at his family. // "Hey, focus kid." Marty scolded him. "This looks promising." // Hayley gave a relucant nod and squeezed Adam's hand. // Remy went to kiss her cheek as they stood and held onto her as they sat. "Just think of Baby B." He whispered to her. // "I know. It was a nightmare just to get inside." Bliss sighed. // Judge Frederick looked around a moment then over to the jury. "Foreman, have you reached a verdict?" He inquired as he shuffled through the papers. // A thin woman stood to answer. "Yes sir." She said, holding up a paper. // "Great but not so fast." Frederick told her. "Thaddeus Blaise Wright, please rise for your sentencing." He said sternly.
  5. Covet: Cadence closed her eyes and moved her hand to her stomach. She opened them and furrowed her brow when the Judge paused to have Thad stand up. // Eli put his arm around Bliss as his eyes looked between everything going on. // Felix looked at the member of the Jury who responded to the judge andticipating the words that were about to come from them. He squeezed her hand tightly and looked to her with a reassuring smile.
  6. Alexithymiaa: -Steph held onto Felix's hand tightly, her free hand signing to him. 'Nervous.' When the foreman stood, she took a deep breath in, holding it. // Lacing his fingers with Hayley's, Adam's eyes followed over to look at Thaddeus when the judge called for him to stand for his sentence, just watching the back of his head.-
  7. Tsaaq: “Before the jury delivers the verdict, I would like to say something to this young man.” Frederick said, pulling off his glasses. “I want you to look into the faces of all your victims in the audience. Think on all of the pain and the suffering. All of the dreams you’ve turned into nightmares. The parents who could’ve possibly lost their daughters with no good reason besides petty childishness. And wherever you go, prison or sanitarium? You think about what you’ve done and you try to be better. Regardless if you’re allowed to leave or not. Admitting sin means nothing unless you repent.” Judge Frederick looked Thaddeus right in the face. “The foreman of the jury may proceed with the verdict.”// Thaddeus nodded his head and lowered it after hearing Judge Frederick speak. // The tall thin woman rose to her feet. “We the jury find Thaddeus Blaise Wright guilty by insanity and sentence him to be held in a mental institution and medicated until it is determined, documented and without a doubt proven that he is no longer a threat to himself or others.” She spoke in one breath as she read her little piece of paper. “We award Cadence Berkoff’s amount for the counter civil suit: the full amount, for pain and suffering. We award Stephanie Robinson’s amount for the counter civil suit: the full amount, for pain and suffering. We award Hayley- Trinity Iris Berkoff’s amount for the counter civil suit: the full amount, for pain and suffering. We award the Berkoff and Robinson families in question: Fifty thousand dollars each for legal fees, hospital bills and negligence in part of our state mental facility, North West State University, and Portland PD.” // Hayley gasped and covered her mouth with her free hand before turning into Adam to hide her face. // Remy’s eyesbrows rose as he heard the sentence. He shook his head and listened as the foreman continued to speak even though he couldn’t focus. // Bliss looked to Eli and Sedrick. “Wait, so…” She trailed off. “What should we do?” // “We won our settlement and then some. That’s the good part.” He said. “But that bastard Marty definitely did something…” // Thaddeus’ mother stood up and shrieked as she started to cry and shit, falling over, dramatics and shit. His dad had a blank face but Wyatt looked pissed.
  8. CovetCovet Whisper: Cadence heard the verdict and the dramatic wailing from Thad's mother, glaring over her shoulder. She looked over at Remy's parents then back over to where Thad was. "So he can just be released from the hospital when they think he's no longer a threat? Or does he go to jail after all that? He's a fucking sociopath, you don't think he can just fool his way out of an institution, like he did with the school and the cops?" She protested trying to keep calm and under the waves of sound coming fom the crowd. // Eli looked confused, sure they were able to get their settlements, but it was never about that. "Sedrick?" // Felix slid his hand out of Steph's grasp and puled her in for a slight hug, pressing a kiss to the top of her head, disappointed in Thad's side of things, but also relieved because that money would be really helpful for Steph.
  9. Alexithymiaa: -Hearing the jury's verdict, Steph immediately dropped her head down to stare into her lap as her tears started to pool in her eyes, tensing clasping her hands together. She leaned into Felix's hug, keeping entirely silent. // Adam wrapped both arms around Hayley, pulling her in close to him and rubbing his hand over her back, dropping his mouth down next to her ear so he could whisper to her. "It's okay. You're still forcing Wyatt to pay out all of that money. Y'all still won."-
  10. Tsaaq: Marty looked back at Wyatt with a shrug. “I didn’t think that would happen.” He murmured.// Wyatt basically stormed up against the barrier between the stand and the public seating. “Oh? YOU DIDN’T?” He asked under his breath. “You’re fucking me Marty. You have any idea how much money that is?” He scoffed. “And you, you’re useless. You might as well have gone to jail for all this trouble.” Wyatt whispered to Thaddeus. “You’re not getting paid.” He pointed to Marty and started to walk away. // Thaddeus heard the verdict and sighed. “But I already was used to the other place-“ He began to complain. He heard his brother and lowered his head once more. “Mom… Can you ask if you can bring the dogs to come visit?” He asked her with a frown. // “Don’t talk to me! You’re a monster!” Thad’s mom screeched at him as she went to hide behind his father. // Judge Frederick nodded his head. “Thank you foreman. You may sit. Get him adjudicated.” He waved his hand at Thaddeus. //The bailiff and the guard approached. The guard holding a straitjacket, obvs for Thaddeus. // “The fuck is that for, I’m already cuffed.” Thaddeus tried to back away // "He turned himself in Cay, I don’t know if he’d do that.” Remy answered, despite the courtroom being noisy as fuck at the moment. // Hayley started to sob into his shoulder. “I know but…” She whispered the looked up to watch the boisterous scene between Thad and the guards. // Bliss’ face went pale. “Uncle Sedrick?” She whispered. // “I don’t know…” Sedrick said as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “They said very specific things in the verdict. Things a normal civilian wouldn’t be aware of. It feels like… I’m not sure how to describe it.”
  11. Covet: "Clearly we don't know what he's capable of." She said then looked at Hayley, upset for her and for Steph. She turned to see Wyatt and Marty talking. "I guess no body is happy with how this went down." // Eli furrowed his brow, " Like they were coached? Or that someone in the jury has plenty of court knowledge?" He offered up. // Felix pulled Steph in closer and held her tight, "He's still out of contact with people. He won't be able to hurt anyone for a long time."
  12. Covet: *nobody
  13. Alexithymiaa: -Steph started to shake her head, turning her face into Felix as she began to sob, her whole body heaving with every inhaled breath. "They're dismissing what he did as crazy instead of intentionally malicious." // Adam continued to rub Hayley's back, his eyes turning to follow Marty and Wyatt. "What is he doing? He shouldn't be reacting this way in the middle of the court room."-
  14. Tsaaq: “Get the fuck away from me!” Thaddeus spoke a little louder. “I’m handcuffed, I’m not going anywhere!” He argued. // “Stop resisting!” The guard said as he began to pull Thaddeus away from the table, struggling with him. // “Where are they taking me?” Thaddeus asked Marty, assuming he had another trick up his sleeve, he tried to laugh. “Marty, where am I going?” The end of his question cut off by a grunt as the guards yanked him away. He was looking more uneasy now. “Mom!” He called out. “Dad?” He tried to call them but they acted as if he wasn’t even there. “Mom, mom!” Thad called out again. “No, wait!” // Marty remained silent as he crossed his arms over his chest. He only replied to Thad with a shrug and watched apathetically as he was dragged away. // Wyatt put his hands on his mother’s shoulders and turned to lead her out of the courtroom. “Don’t even answer him.” He said quietly. // Judge Frederick banged his gavel. “I will have order in this courtroom!” He yelled. “Is that all foreman?” He asked. The woman nodded. “Then this case is dismissed.” // Anderson threw his hands in the air with exasperation. // Hayley watched intently and looked over to Adam, tearing up again. // Remy inhaled deeply. “It’s okay. It’s fine. He’ll probably not even try to get released. He turned himself in remember?” He rubbed her back. // Bliss looked around at everyone freaking out then at Judge Frederick. “But this is-“ She began to argue before shutting up. // Sedrick didn’t want to cause anymore of a commotion. He nodded his head at Eli.
  15. CovetCovet Whisper: Cadence wiped her eyes and swallowed, taking a deep breath but she was trying to think straight. She watched as Thad called out for his parents. She set her jaw and looked back at Remy, "Yeah... he did." // Eli gave Bliss's shoulder a squeeze and nodded back at Sedrick, then down at Adam, before he leaned in and spoke quietly to Sedrick, "Is there anything we can do?" // "I know, I know." He told her rubbing her back in slow circles as he let her cry, because he really didn't have anything to say, with everything going on at the moment. "Do you want to step out now while we can?"
  16. AlexithymiaaAlexithymiaa : -Steph nodded her head against him, slowly pulling her face back out of his shirt and quickly standing to her feet. She grabbed her purse and shoved it up onto her shoulder, keeping her head low as she started for the exit of the court room, desperately trying to take a deep breath, but the sob breathing was real. // Adam watched Thad fight and resist being dragged away, putting his hand on Hayley's head to turn her attention away from him because honestly it was kind of hard to watch.-
  17. Tsaaq: The guards stopped roughing up Thaddeus. He tried to raise his hand at Judge Frederick. “Um, excuse me, sir?” He asked. “Where am I going?” He asked again, sounding exasperated that time. // “You’ll be transported to a cell and prepped for your stay at Atascadero State Hospital. A maximum security mental health facility for dangerous inmates in California. That’s where you’re going and that’s where you’ll stay. Now get him out of here.” Judge Frederick spoke very indignantly as he waved Thaddeus away. // “California?” He repeated and watched as his mom and brother just fucking left. “Dad!” He yelled to his father but that was a useless action. “Dad wait!” His father slowly shook his head as he began to leave as well. Thaddeus inhaled deeply and soft of just stumbled along with the guards when they finally took him away kind of just accepting his fate. // Hayley continued to cry on Adam. “This is awful.” She whimpered. // “Oh shit…” Remy whispered. He watched Thad’s father then turned back to his own dad. // “That guy’s a cold bastard.” Sasha said, obviously thinking the same thing as Remy. // "I have to investigate..." Sedrick answered. "Miss Robinson has the right idea." He started to say. "We need to get out of here." He told Bliss. Attempting to wrangle all of his clients along with him.
  18. Covet: "Yeah... C'mon. I think we're all getting out of here." Cadence said as she stood up, wiping her eyes again. "Did he say... Max security facility in California?" Cadence asked realizing the judge was still talking. // Eli nodded his head and walked along with Sedrick, keeping an arm on Bliss as they headed towards the doors. // Felix was in protective mode as he walked out, already seeing reporters edging to flock in. He didn't look at any of them directly and just kept his eyes forward, trying to make it to the exit.
  19. Alexithymiaa: -Steph stopped short when she saw the reporters swarming on the other side of the doors that led out of the court house, lifting her hand to rub her cheek and remove some of her tears before glancing up at Felix. "We can't go out there without being bombarded with questions..." // Hearing Sedrick, he slowly pushed up to his feet, offering his hands down to Hayley to help her up as well. "Let's go. We should all stay together. We'll get you home and into bed, okay?"-
  20. Tsaaq: Remy looked back at Judge Frederick then over to Cadence. He pulled her in closer as they walked out the courtroom. "That's what I heard." He answered. // Sasha and Jaqcue walked behind them. "So what does that mean? Good or bad?" Jacqueline asked, putting her sunglasses on. // Hayley wiped her eyes and put on a brave faces as they walked out. "That sounds good..." She trailed off. // Sedrick went to walk ahead of the group. "It's fine. Just come with me, and don't say ANYTHING the them." He instructed Steph and Felix but really he was talking to everyone. He pushed the doors open and immediately they were bombared by microphones and cameras. "Step aside! Step back, they're all my clients!" // The reporters didn't back off cause duh. "How do you all feel about this verdict?" One yelled. "What are you going to do with the money you've just won in the settlement?"
  21. Covet: Cadence moved along and looked at Jacque, "I'm not sure. Just that he won't even be in the state of Oregon. Wyatt probably had something to do with that." She said softly, then looked as the reporters swarmed in, shoved a mic out of her face., turning into Remy, so that she didn't say anything, mostly that they should all fuck off. // Eli stood next to Sedrick, tall and composed as he looked past the reporters, trying to spot a path out. // Felix nodded his head at Sedrick and kept himself between Steph and the media.
  22. Alexithymiaa: -Steph followed behind Felix as they walked out of the building, putting a hand up to shield her eyes from the flashes from all the reporters cameras as they all exited. She furrowed her brows as she heard their questions, stopping short to just stare awkwardly at one of the reporters because it's not like they just won money on a fucking game show you asshat. // Adam walked with Hayley with the group and outside the court house into the media crazy, his arm protectively around her shoulders keeping her close to him. "No comment." He spoke to the reporters who were trying to get something out of them, continuing to follow the group out.-
  23. Tsaaq: "My clients have nothing to say to any of you about the case." Sedrick shouted. "Come on guys." He tried to speak comfortingly. // Remy kept rubbing Cadence's back. "Well I don't think Oregon is know for it's mental health places for criminals and shit." He murmured. "Fuck off!" He shrugged off a reporter who tried to grab him. // Hayley kept her head down as she walked with Adam. She tried not to even listen. // Bliss walked beside Sedrick with Eli. Her hands up because eew this was a lot of people. // "Do you think this will make you relaspe Ms. Robinson?" Another inquired. "Are you going to appeal? Are you happy with the jury's verdict?" One continued to interrogate. Another emerged with their microphone. "Ms. Berkoff! Which one of your assaulters do you think was the father of the fetus you miscarried?" // Jacqueline gasped and growled as she tried to move towards the reporter. "Hey fuck you pal!" She yelled, being held back by Sasha. // Hayley's head popped up and her eyes widened, without even thinking she punched the reporter in the face.
  24. Covet: "Hayley!...." Cadence said pulling away from Remy as she watched her sock a reporter. "How about you all leave us alone and let us process this shit, so we can move on accordingly. What you're doing now isn't helping. So if you don't mind, We'd like to go home. You want a story, why not talk to the city of Portland to see what they're going to do, to assure something like this doesn't happen again. At least then you'd be helping people." She spat out at them and held her hand out for Hayley's hand, "C'mon Sis...." // Eli flinched as he saw Hayley sock someone, though he couldn't blame her with the way they were asking questions a few more punches could be thrown. // Felix glared at the person who asked about Steph relapsing. " I think that question is entirely out of line, and you need to step back and re-evaluate your journalism career."
  25. Alexithymiaa: -Steph opened her mouth to speak, promptly shutting it when Felix stepped in to comment. She reached her hand out to lay it on his arm, keeping her voice low. "Arizona, ignore them." She paused, raising her voice just a bit so they'd actually hear her. "Journalism is about being a ruthless drone so really they're just doing what's expected of them. Disappointed, but not surprised." She started to walk again, swallowing hard. // "Halo!" Adam called out when Hayley punched the reporter, reaching his hand out to shield her from the reporter to avoid any further violence. "Just keep walking. Go with Cadence."-
  26. Tsaaq: Sedrick stop and looked back at all the commotion. "Stop harrassing my clients! He yelled. Finally there was a path for them to exit to their cars, away from the courthouse steps. // Remy helped his dad with Jacqueline and wasn't far behind from Cadence and Hayley. // Hayley hyperventilated a moment and looked down right away
  27. Covet: Cadence closed her mouth and took Hayley's hand and walked away from the courthouse so they could get the flock out of there. // Eli took a deep breath and ushered Bliss away as well. // Felix nodded his head at Steph's comment then took the window of opportunity to get Steph away from the circus too.
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