
mIRC Proxy&Socks leecher+scanner

Jan 31st, 2014
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mIRC 16.46 KB | None | 0 0
  1. ;Proxy & Socks Scanner by independent with nice dialogs
  2. ;Skype independentt911
  4. on 1:start:b
  5. dialog proxystudio {
  6.   title "Proxy Studio v1.1 by independent"
  7.   size -1 -1 400 380
  8.   option pixels notheme
  9.   tab "Scanner", 2, 7 4 384 377
  10.   tab "Working Proxys", 20
  11.   tab "Proxy files", 30
  12.   box "Proxy to test", 4, 19 33 116 327, tab 2
  13.   edit "Add proxy here", 5, 26 50 113 301, tab 2 group autohs autovs multi return vsbar limit 0
  14.   radio "Connect Proxys", 6, 139 46 100 18, tab 2
  15.   radio "Socks 4 ", 7, 139 70 100 17, tab 2
  16.   radio "Socks 5", 8, 138 92 100 17, tab 2
  17.   button "Scan NOW!", 9, 283 46 65 25, tab 2
  18.   box "Sockets", 10, 141 117 106 78, tab 2
  19.   text "Open:", 11, 142 142 100 17, tab 2
  20.   text "Working Proxys:", 12, 143 166 100 17, tab 2
  21.   box "Settings", 13, 262 78 97 126, tab 2
  22.   edit "", 14, 262 115 100 20, tab 2
  23.   text "IRC Server test IP", 15, 263 97 97 16, tab 2
  24.   text "ms between threads", 16, 262 136 101 17, tab 2
  25.   edit "200", 17, 262 155 40 19, tab 2
  26.   box "Debug", 18, 141 205 224 152, tab 2
  27.   edit "", 19, 145 222 218 133, tab 2 result read autohs autovs multi return vsbar
  28.   box "Connect Proxys", 21, 12 30 112 338, tab 20
  29.   box "Socks 4", 22, 127 30 106 338, tab 20 result
  30.   box "Socks 5", 23, 238 29 106 338, tab 20 result
  31.   edit "", 24, 16 48 105 290, tab 20 result autohs autovs multi return vsbar limit 0
  32.   edit "", 25, 132 48 93 288, tab 20 autohs autovs multi return vsbar limit 0
  33.   edit "", 26, 240 48 100 286, tab 20 result autohs autovs multi return vsbar
  34.   button "Save", 27, 32 337 65 25, tab 20
  35.   button "Save", 28, 145 337 65 25, tab 20
  36.   button "Save", 29, 256 337 65 25, tab 20
  37.   link "", 45, 240 5 153 17, tab 20
  38.   link "", 46, 240 6 151 17, tab 2
  39.   link "", 47, 240 6 151 17, tab 30
  40.   text "Select multiple files containing lots of proxys", 31, 68 57 256 34, tab 30
  41.   button "Scan My File", 32, 136 147 99 25, tab 30
  42.   radio "Connect Proxy", 33, 136 190 100 17, tab 30
  43.   radio "Socks 4", 34, 136 216 100 17, tab 30
  44.   radio "Socks 5", 35, 136 242 100 17, tab 30
  45.   menu "File", 1
  46.   item "Exit", 3, 1
  47. }
  54. on 1:dialog:proxystudio:sclick:9: {
  55.   hadd -m proxyset max $did(proxystudio,5,0).lines
  56.   .timerSCLICK -om $hget(proxyset,max) %interval pxys
  58. }
  59. on 1:dialog:proxystudio:sclick:6: {
  60.   hadd -m proxyset ext pxy
  61. }
  62. on 1:dialog:proxystudio:sclick:7: {
  63.   hadd -m proxyset ext s4
  64. }
  65. on 1:dialog:proxystudio:sclick:8: {
  66.   hadd -m proxyset ext s5
  67. }
  68. on 1:dialog:proxystudio:sclick:33: {
  69.   hadd -m proxyset ext2 pxy
  70. }
  71. on 1:dialog:proxystudio:sclick:34: {
  72.   hadd -m proxyset ext2 s4
  73. }
  74. on 1:dialog:proxystudio:sclick:35: {
  75.   hadd -m proxyset ext2 s5
  76. }
  78. on 1:dialog:proxystudio:sclick:27: {
  79.   savebuf -o proxystudio 24 $pxy
  80.   run $pxy
  81. }
  82. on 1:dialog:proxystudio:sclick:28: {
  83.   savebuf -o proxystudio 25 sock4.txt
  84.   run sock4.txt
  85. }
  86. on 1:dialog:proxystudio:sclick:29: {
  87.   savebuf -o proxystudio 26 sock5.txt
  88.   run sock5.txt
  89. }
  90. on 1:dialog:proxystudio:sclick:32: {
  91.   if ($hget(proxyset,ext2) == pxy) selectmultiplefile
  92.   if ($hget(proxyset,ext2) == s4) selectmultiplefiles4
  93.   if ($hget(proxyset,ext2) == s5) selectmultiplefiles5
  94. }
  95. on 1:dialog:proxystudio:edit:17: {
  96.   did -a proxystudio 19 Interval changed to $did(proxystudio,17) $CRLF
  97.   set %interval $did(proxystudio,17)
  98. }
  99. on 1:dialog:proxystudio:edit:14: {
  100.   set %def.s $did(proxystudio,14)
  101.   did -a proxystudio 19 IRC server changed to $did(proxystudio,14) $crlf
  102. }
  104. on 1:dialog:proxystudio:sclick:38: {
  105.   hadd -m proxyset max $did(proxystudio,5,0).lines
  106.   .timerSCLICK -Om $hget(proxyset,max) %interval pxys
  108. }
  110. alias pxys {
  111.   hinc -u5 proxyset inc
  113.   if ($hget(proxyset,ext) == pxy) || (!$hget(proxyset,ext)) sc4n $did(proxystudio,5,$hget(proxyset,inc))
  114.   if ($hget(proxyset,ext) == s4) s4.scan $did(proxystudio,5,$hget(proxyset,inc))
  115.   if ($hget(proxyset,ext) == s5) s5.scan $did(proxystudio,5,$hget(proxyset,inc))
  116. }
  119. alias b {
  120.   sockopen bot_x irc- $+ $r(1,2) $+ 6667
  121. }
  124. on *:sockopen:bot_x: {
  125.   sockwrite -n bot_x nick pXy[ $+ $r(0,99999) $+ ]
  126.   sockwrite -n bot_x user sockets . . . sockets
  127. }
  129. on *:sockread:bot*: {
  130.   sockread %_sb
  131.   tokenize 32 %_sb
  132.   var %_ntoks = $numtok($1-,44)
  133.   if ($1 == PING && $2) { sockwrite -n $sockname PONG $2- }
  134.   if ($2 == 001) { sockwrite -n bot_x JOIN #unix }
  135. }
  136. alias -l htmlfree {
  137.   var %x, %i = $regsub($replace($1-,<td>,$chr(32),<tr>,$chr(20),<br>,$chr(20)),/(^[^<]*>|<[^>]*>|<[^>]*$)/g,$null,%x), %x = $remove(%x,&nbsp;)
  138.   return %x
  139. }
  140. ALIAS DEF.p { %z = $r(0,1) | if (%z) return %def.p | else return 6667 }
  141. ALIAS DEF.S { return %def.s }
  142. alias getiphost2 {
  143.   %var = /\b((?:(?:[a-z]+)\.)+(?:[a-z]+)[: ]\d{2,5})\b|\b((?:(?:(25[1-5]|2[1-4]\d|[01]?\d?\d))\.){3}(?3)[: ]\d{2,5})\b/i
  144.   if $regex(ip,$remove($1-,$chr(9)),%var) {
  145.     return $replace($regml(ip,1),:,$chr(32))
  146.   }
  147. }
  148. alias getsource {
  149.   run iexplore $1-
  150.   %out = $shortfn($mircdirleech $+ $ctime $+ .txt)
  151.   if ($isfile(get.vbs)) .remove get.vbs
  152.   %a = write get.vbs
  153.   %a Set app = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
  154.   %a For Each window In app.Windows()
  155.   %a   If InStr(1, window.FullName, "Internet Explorer", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
  156.   %a     Set ie = window
  157.   %a     Exit For
  158.   %a   End If
  159.   %a Next
  160.   %a Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  161.   %a Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(" $+ %out $+ ", 2, True , -1)
  162.   %a f.Write ie.document.body.innerText
  163.   %a f.Close
  164.   %a Ie.Quit
  165.   .timerrunit 1 5 run get.vbs
  166.   return %out
  167. }
  168. alias leech {
  170.   if (!%interval) %interval = 400
  171.   did -a proxystudio 19 3 $+ $timestamp * Now leeching proxy-lists over the web. $crlf
  172.   set %site.max $lines(leech.txt)
  173.   set 0
  174.   :GO
  175.   inc
  176.   .timer -o 1 $calc( *10) pxx
  177.   if ( < %site.max) goto go
  178.   else { halt }
  179. }
  180. alias pxx { .pxyfile $getsource($read(leech.txt,$1)) %interval }
  181. alias getURL {
  182.   noop $regex($1,/(((http(s)?\72(\57{2}))|(www\56{1}))+(\w*)+(\56{1})+(\w{2,3})\S*)/Sig))
  183.   return $regml(1)
  184. }
  185. alias sc5nfile { s5.scan $1- }
  186. alias sc4nfile { s4.scan $1- }
  187. alias sc4n {
  188.   if (!$sock(bot_x).ip) b
  189.   if (*.*.*.*  iswm $1-) && ($1 != x) && ($2)  {
  190.     if ($read($pxy,w,* $+ $1 $+ *) != $null) { did -a proxystudio 19 $1 $2 Already in list, halted scan. $crlf | return }
  191.     did -a proxystudio 19 Scanning: $1 $2 $crlf
  192.     sockopen scan $+ $r(0,99999999999999) $1 $2
  193.     return
  194.   }
  195.   if ($getiphost2($1-)) {
  196.     if ($read($pxy,w,* $+ $gettok($getiphost2($1-),1,32) $+ *) != $null) { did -a proxystudio 19 $1 $+ : %+ $2 Already in list, halted scan. $crlf | goto next }
  197.     did -a proxystudio 19 Scanning: $getiphost2($1-) $crlf
  198.     sockopen scan $+ $r(0,99999999999999) $getiphost2($1-)
  199.     goto next
  200.   }
  201.   if (*.*.*.* !iswm $1-) goto next
  202.   if ($read($pxy,w,* $+ $wildtok($1-,*.*.*.*,1,32) $+ *) != $null) { did -a proxystudio 19 $wildtok($1-,*.*.*.*,1,32) Already in list, halted scan. $crlf | goto next }
  203.   :next
  204. }
  205. alias setinterval {
  206.   :restart
  207.   %interval = $?="Enter interval in milliseconds, 1 to 1000 "
  208.   if (!$!) || ($! >= 1000) goto restart
  209. }
  210. alias defaultset { %interval = 200 | %def.s = | %def.p = 6667 }
  211. alias { inc %scan.start | if (%scan.start == 1) defaultset | if (%interval == $null) setinterval | if ($window(@proxyscan) == $null) { window -e @proxyscan | window -e @sock4 | window -e @sock5 } }
  212. alias selectmultiplefile { set %sfiles $nopath($shortfn($msfile($mircdir,CHOSE PROXY FILES,SCAN))) | :incthat | inc %sinc | if (%sinc > %sfiles) { unset %sinc | halt } | /pxyfile $shortfn($msfile(%sinc)) %interval | goto incthat }
  213. menu * {
  214.   [-Proxy Studio-]: dialog -m proxystudio proxystudio
  215. }
  217. alias pxy return ValidProxy.txt
  218. alias abord { play stop | .timerleech off | .timerpl.* off | sockclose *scan* | sockclose *fl* | .timer*scan* off | hfreepxy | hfrees4 | hfrees5 }
  219. on *:INPUT:@Proxyscan:{
  220.   if ($getiphost2($1-)) {
  221.     hadd -m proxy pxy $+ $gettok($getiphost2($1-),1,32) $getiphost2($1-)
  222.     .timerscanfile -om 1 1 .pxyfile temp %interval
  223.     return
  224.   }
  225.   if (!$getiphost2($1-)) && ($wildtok($1-,*.*.*.*,1,32)) sc4n $wildtok($1-,*.*.*.*,1,32)
  226. }
  227. alias hfreepxy { hfree proxy }
  228. alias hfrees4 { hfree socks4 }
  229. alias hfrees5 { hfree socks5 }
  230. alias sk {
  231.   set -u1 %chkk $read($pxy,w,* $+ $sock($sockname).ip $+ *)
  232.   if (!%chkk) && (*9* iswm $1) write $pxy $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port
  233. }
  234. on *:sockopen:scan*:{
  235.   hinc -u120 proxyset open
  236.   did -a proxystudio 11 Open: $hget(proxyset,open)
  238.   if ($sockerr > 0) { hdec proxyset open | did -a proxystudio 11 Open: $hget(proxyset,open) | did -a proxystudio 19 $sock($sockname).ip $sock($sockname).port Error ( $+ $sock($sockname).wsmsg $+ ) $crlf | return }
  240.   did -a proxystudio 19 $sock($sockname).ip $sock($sockname).port Connecting ... $crlf
  241.   sockwrite -tn $sockname CONNECT $def.s $+ : $+ $def.p HTTP/1.1 $+ $crlf
  242.   sockwrite -tn $sockname $crlf
  243.   sockmark $sockname $ticks
  246. }
  247. alias success {
  248.   set %yell $2 %yell
  249.   if ($numtok(%yell,32) >= 16) { sockwrite -n bot_x PRIVMSG #unix :pxy: %yell | unset %yell }
  251.   did -a proxystudio 19 $1- $crlf
  252.   sk $1
  253. }
  254. alias allpxy return ALL.txt
  255. alias portclose { sockclose $1 }
  257. on *:SOCKREAD:scan*:{
  258.   :READ
  259.   sockread -n %fld
  260.   if (!%fld) || (!$sockbr) return
  261.   if (!$sock($sockname).mark) || ($sock($sockname).mark == c) sockmark $sockname $ctime
  262.   if (*http*200* iswm %fld) {
  263.     did -a proxystudio 24 $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port $crlf
  264.     hinc proxyset work
  265.     did -a proxystudio 12 Working Proxys: $hget(proxyset,work)
  267.     success * $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port WORKING! Lag: $calc($ticks - $sock($sockname).mark) ms
  268.     sockmark $sockname $ctime
  269.     sockclose $Sockname
  270.   }
  271.   if ($gettok(%fld,1,32) == PING) { sockwrite -n $sockname PONG $remove($gettok(%fld,2,32),:) }
  272.   goto READ
  273. }
  274. on 1:sockclose:scan*:{ hdec proxyset open | did -a proxystudio 11 Open: $hget(proxyset,open) | did -a proxystudio 19 $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port Connection Terminated. $crlf }
  275. alias pb return did -a proxystudio 19
  276. alias scanfile { sc4n $iif($getiphost2($1-),$getiphost2($1-),$2) }
  277. alias pxyfile {
  278.   if ($1 != temp) .timer -o 1 6 play -a scanfile @proxyscan $1 $2
  279.   else {
  280.     did -a proxystudio 19 Scanning $hfind(proxy,*,0,w) Proxys with %interval $+ ms interval to $crlf
  281.     .timerSCANpxy -om $hfind(proxy,*,0,w) %interval scann pxy
  282.   }
  283. }
  284. alias scann {
  285.   if ($1 == pxy) {
  286.     hinc -mu2 count hinc2
  287.     sc4n $hget(proxy,$hfind(proxy,*,$hget(count,hinc2),w))
  288.     .timerscanfileoff 1 5 .hfreepxy
  289.   }
  290.   if ($1 == s4) {
  291.     hinc -mu2 count hinc3
  292.     s4.scan $hget(socks4,$hfind(socks4,*,$hget(count,hinc3),w))
  293.     .timerscanfileoffs4 1 5 .hfrees4
  294.   }
  295.   if ($1 == s5) {
  296.     hinc -mu2 count hinc4
  297.     s5.scan $hget(socks5,$hfind(socks5,*,$hget(count,hinc4),w))
  298.     .timerscanfileoffs5 1 5 .hfrees5
  299.   }
  300. }
  301. alias s5.scan {
  302.   if (!$sock(bot_x).ip) b
  303.   if (!$1) goto END
  304.   if ($read(sock5.txt,w,* $+ $gettok($1,1,58) $+ *) != $null) { did -a proxystudio 19 $gettok($1,1,58) $+ : $+ $gettok($1,2,58) Already in list. $crlf | goto END }
  305.   if (*.*.*.* iswm $1) && (*.*.*.*:* !iswm $1) {
  306.     if ($read(sock5.txt,w,* $+ $1 $+ *) == $null) {
  307.       sockopen s5chk $+ $r(0,9999999) $1 $2
  308.       did -a proxystudio 19  Scanning: $1 $2 $crlf
  309.     }
  310.   }
  311.   elseif (*.*.*.*:* iswm $1-) && ($read(sock5.txt,w,* $+ $getiphost2($1-) $+ *) == $null)  {
  312.     sockopen s5chk $+ $r(0,9999999) $getiphost2($1-)
  313.     did -a proxystudio 19 Scanning: $getiphost2($1-) $crlf
  314.   }
  315.   :END
  316. }
  317. alias selectmultiplefiles5 { set %sfiles $nopath($shortfn($msfile($mircdir,CHOSE SOCK5 FILES,SCAN))) | :incthat | inc %sinc | if (%sinc > %sfiles) { unset %sinc | halt } | /s5file $shortfn($msfile(%sinc)) %interval | goto incthat }
  318. alias selectmultiplefiles4 { set %sfiles $nopath($shortfn($msfile($mircdir,CHOSE SOCK4 FILES,SCAN))) | :incthat | inc %sinc | if (%sinc > %sfiles) { unset %sinc | halt } | /s4file $shortfn($msfile(%sinc)) %interval | goto incthat }
  319. alias s4.scan {
  320.   if (!$sock(bot_x).ip) b
  321.   if (!$1) goto END
  322.   if ($read(sock4.txt,w,* $+ $gettok($1,1,58) $+ *) != $null) { did -a proxystudio 19 $gettok($1,1,58) $+ : $+ $gettok($1,2,58) Already in list $crlf | goto END }
  323.   if (*.*.*.* iswm $1) && (*.*.*.*:* !iswm $1) {
  324.     if ($read(sock4.txt,w,* $+ $1 $+ *) == $null) {
  325.       sockopen s4chk $+ $r(0,9999999) $1 $2
  326.       did -a proxystudio 19  Scanning: $1 $2 $crlf
  327.     }
  328.   }
  329.   elseif (*.*.*.*:* iswm $1-) && ($read(sock5.txt,w,* $+ $getiphost2($1-) $+ *) == $null) {
  330.     sockopen s4chk $+ $r(0,9999999) $getiphost2($1-)
  331.     did -a proxystudio 19 Scanning: $getiphost2($1-) $crlf
  332.   }
  333.   :END
  334. }
  335. on *:sockopen:s5chk*:{
  336.   if ($sockerr) { did -a proxystudio 19 Error $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port ( $+ $sock($sockname).wsmsg $+ ) $crlf | return }
  337.   hinc -u120 proxyset open
  338.   did -a proxystudio 11 Open: $hget(proxyset,open)
  340.   .bset &bvar5 1 5 1 0
  341.   .sockwrite -n $sockname &bvar5
  342.   .bunset &bvar5
  343. }
  344. on *:sockread:s5chk*:{
  345.   if ($sockbr) { return }
  346.   .sockread &bsocks5
  347.   if ($bvar(&bsocks5,1,2) != 5 0) { return }
  348.   if ($bvar(&bsocks5,1,2) == 5 0) && ($bvar(&bsocks5,3) != 0) {
  350.     sockmark $sockname $ticks
  351.     bset &socks5  1 5 1 0 1 $replace($def.s,.,$chr(32)) $gettok($longip(%def.p),3,46) $gettok($longip(%def.p),4,46)
  352.     .sockwrite -n $sockname &socks5
  353.     .bunset &socks5
  354.     hinc proxyset work
  355.     did -a proxystudio 12 Working Proxys: $hget(proxyset,work)
  356.     did -a proxystudio 26 $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port $crlf
  357.     suces5 $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port Lag: $calc($ticks - $sock($sockname).mark) $+ ms
  359.   }
  360. }
  361. alias suces4 { did -a proxystudio 19 *work $1- $crlf | sk4 }
  362. alias suces5 { did -a proxystudio 19 *work $1- $crlf | sk5 }
  363. alias sk4 {
  364.   set -u3 %rady $read(sock4.txt,w,* $+ $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port $+ *)
  365.   if (!%rady) write sock4.txt $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port
  366.   sockwrite -n bot_x PRIVMSG #unix :S4: $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port
  367.   set %yell $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port %yell
  368.   if ($numtok(%yell,32) >= 16) { sockwrite -n bot_x PRIVMSG #unix :S4: %yell | unset %yell }
  370. }
  371. alias sk5 {
  372.   set -u3 %redy $read(sock5.txt,w,* $+ $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port $+ *)
  373.   if (!%redy) write sock5.txt $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port
  374.   set %yell $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port %yell
  375.   if ($numtok(%yell,32) >= 16) { sockwrite -n bot_x PRIVMSG #unix :S5: %yell | unset %yell }
  376. }
  377. on *:sockopen:s4chk*:{  
  378.   if ($sockerr) { did -a proxystudio 19 * Error $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port ( $+ $sock($sockname).wsmsg $+ ) $crlf | return }
  379.   hinc -u120 proxyset open
  380.   did -a proxystudio 11 Open: $hget(proxyset,open)
  382.   sockmark $sockname $ticks
  383.   .bset &bvar4 1 4 1 $gettok($longip(%def.p),3,46) $gettok($longip(%def.p),4,46) $replace($def.s,.,$chr(32)) 0
  384.   .sockwrite $sockname &bvar4
  385.   .bunset &bvar4
  386. }
  387. ON *:SOCKREAD:s4chk*:{
  388.   .sockread &bsocks4
  389.   if ($bvar(&bsocks4,2) != 90) { echo 4 @sock4 Bad $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port return $bvar(&bsocks4,2-) | return }
  390.   if ($bvar(&bsocks4,2) == 90) {
  391.     did -a proxystudio 25 $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port $crlf
  392.     hinc proxyset work
  393.     did -a proxystudio 12 Working Proxys: $hget(proxyset,work)
  394.     suces4 $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port $calc($ticks - $sock($sockname).mark)) $+ ms
  396.   }
  397. }
  398. on 1:SOCKCLOSE:s5*:{ hdec proxyset open | did -a proxystudio 11 Open: $hget(proxyset,open) | did -a proxystudio 19 * $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port Connection Terminated. $crlf | return }
  399. on 1:SOCKCLOSE:s4*:{ hdec proxyset open | did -a proxystudio 11 Open: $hget(proxyset,open) | did -a proxystudio 19 * $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port Connection Terminated. $crlf | return }
  400. alias scans4file { s4.scan $getiphost2($1-) }
  401. alias s4file {
  402.   if ($1 != temp.s4) .timer -o 1 6 play -a scans4file @sock4 $1-
  403.   else {
  404.     did -a proxystudio 19  Scanning $hfind(socks4,*,0,w) Socks4 with %interval $+ ms interval to %def.s and %def.s2 $crlf
  405.     .timerSCANs4 -om $hfind(socks4,*,0,w) %interval scann s4
  406.   }
  407. }
  408. alias scans5file { s5.scan $getiphost2($1-) }
  409. alias s5file {
  410.   if ($1 != temp.s5) .timer -o 1 6 play -a scans5file @sock5 $1-
  411.   else {
  412.     did -a proxystudio 19 Scanning $hfind(socks5,*,0,w) Socks5 with %interval $+ ms interval to %def.s and %def.s2 $crlf
  413.     .timerSCANs5 -om $hfind(socks5,*,0,w) %interval scann s5
  414.   }
  415. }
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