
Flowers and paul

Sep 2nd, 2013
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  1. <PaulS_laptop> Labor Day is leftist as fuck
  2. <PaulS_laptop> fuck dat shit, nigga
  3. <choobakka> It was originally started as a way to avoid celebrating anything on May Day because Socialism.
  4. <PaulS_laptop> same thing different day
  5. <Strifey> Italian doesn't sound terrible.
  6. * Strifey is a terrible person who doesn't like bbq
  7. <Gara> ...
  8. <Gara> What the fuck are you doing in my state?
  9. <Strifey> Gara, if you can find me a decent place in Killeen within the next five minutes I am willing to give it another chance
  10. <Soulless> he's spreading his anti-bbw dogma gara
  11. <Soulless> bbq*
  12. <Soulless> he's spreading his anti-bbq dogma, converting your people
  13. <TheRaven> ...
  14. * Puppet curls up on Soulless' head
  15. * Soulless has a puppet hat
  16. <TheRaven> Soul, your typos continue to be amazing.
  17. <Soulless> TheRaven: shut uuuuup
  18. <TheRaven> :3
  19. <Gara> I don't know that area.
  20. <Gara> My godless turkey tacos.
  21. <AgentFlowers> How is labour day 'leftist as fuck', exactly?
  22. *** Gara is now known as Garaway
  23. <Puppet> Um
  24. <Puppet> Russians
  25. <Garaway> Well I'm glad I got out now.
  26. <choobakka> I dunno. As far as I know it's basically been no-banks-or-mail day, with grilling burgers.
  27. <choobakka> And wearing white for the last time until Spring.
  28. <Soulless> I call it 'don't go out day'
  29. <Alivi> ^
  30. <Aphex_> ^
  31. <Alivi> Stay inside, eat leftovers and screw the world day
  32. <choobakka> ... That's pretty much most of the summer for me.
  33. <Puppet> That's every day though
  34. <Alivi> supposed to be productive but i suck at that day
  35. *** Wogglebug [Wogglebug@Woggleberg.Wogglesville.Wogglesylvania] has joined #farreconooc
  36. <AgentFlowers> Labour Day is a thing with my family, since most of us are union members
  37. * Puppet makes Wogglebug into a hat
  38. <choobakka> Oh, and get-your-goddamn-summer-homework-done day, at least for the last few years.
  39. * Wogglebug am become hat, destroyer of fashion
  40. <choobakka> Speaking of which.
  41. <AgentFlowers> My dad is a union rep for CUPE
  42. *** choobakka is now known as ch00doeshomework
  43. <AgentFlowers> and I'm a member of UFCW
  44. <Puppet> I know what some of those words mean
  45. <ch00doeshomework> I looked up those words!
  46. <Strifey> I didn't!
  47. <Strifey> Normally I wouldn't eat out today, but last day before training
  48. *** Scandinner is now known as Scanshowers
  49. <AgentFlowers> CUPE is the public employees union. My dad is an engineer with public utilities
  50. <Puppet> Cool
  51. <Puppet> Also
  52. <Puppet> A neck muscle just cramped
  53. <PaulS_laptop> AgentFlowers: labor day is "leftist as fuck" because unions are typically left aligned politically
  54. <PaulS_laptop> to varying degrees, of course
  55. <Puppet> And holy fuck ow
  56. <Snowshoe> let's just not, paul and flowers
  57. <PaulS_laptop> and labor day owes itself t-okay snow
  58. <Puppet> Yeah.
  59. <Strifey> Good plan
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