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a guest
Jun 21st, 2018
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  1. def link_to_active_if(condition, link_title, link_path={}, opts={})
  2. if condition
  3. classes = opts.delete(:class) || ""
  4. classes.rstrip!
  5. # checking to see if "active" is already one of the classes assigned, and if NOT, append it to the classes string (sorry, Ruby 1.8 doesn't support negative lookbehind)
  6. unless classes =~ /^(\w*\s+)*active(?!\w)/
  7. if classes.blank?
  8. classes = 'active'
  9. else
  10. classes << " active"
  11. end
  12. end
  13. end
  14. old_opts = opts.dup
  15. link_to_if(condition, link_title, link_path, opts.merge({:class => classes})){
  16. link_to(link_title, link_path, old_opts)
  17. }
  18. end
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