
Tradable games list

Feb 15th, 2025
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  1. .hack//G.U. Last Recode
  2. 7 Days to Die
  3. A Case of Distrust
  4. American Fugitive
  5. American Truck Simulator
  6. Batman: Enemy Within Shadow Mode DLC
  7. Battlestar Galactica Deadlock
  8. Beacon Pines
  9. Bioshock Infinite
  10. Blackwake
  11. Borderlands 2
  12. Call of Duty®: Black Ops III - Multiplayer Starter Pack
  13. Cassette Beasts
  14. Children of Silentown
  15. Cities Skyline: Snowfall
  16. Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin
  18. DARK SOULS™ III - Ashes of Ariandel™
  19. Dead Rising 4
  20. Deemo Reborn
  21. Destroy All Humans 2! Reprobed
  22. Deus Ex: Human Revolution- Director's Cut
  23. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
  24. Dishonored
  25. DOOM 2016
  26. Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
  27. ENSLAVED: Odyssey to the West Premium Edition
  28. Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn (Square Enix)
  29. Forts
  30. Garden Life
  31. Guild Wars 2 Heroic Edition
  32. Half Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax Ultimate Boy
  33. Hearts of Iron IV
  34. Hearts of Iron IV: Colonel Edition
  35. Hexarchy
  36. Hollow Knight
  37. Hotline Miami 2
  38. Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart
  39. Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1
  40. Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 Colosseum + Characters DLC
  41. Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 Deluxe Edition Bundle DLC
  42. Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2
  43. Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2 Deluxe Edition Bundle DLC
  44. Hyperdimension Neptunia U: Action Unleashed
  45. KarmaZoo
  46. Lamplighters League
  47. Life is Strange Complete Season
  48. Life is Strange: True Colors
  49. Mafia III
  50. Mafia III:: Sign of the Times
  51. Minecraft (XBOX)
  52. Minion Masters
  53. My Friend Pedro (x2)
  54. My Time At Portia (x2)
  55. Neo Cab
  56. Oaken
  57. Outlast
  58. Outlast 2
  59. Persona 4 Golden
  60. Planet Coaster
  61. Project Cars
  62. Project Cars
  63. Railway Empire (x2)
  64. Railway Empire (x2)
  65. Rapture Rejects
  66. Resident Evil 2
  67. Resident Evil Revelations
  68. Resort Boss: Golf
  69. Running with Rifles
  70. Rust
  71. Ryse: Son of Rome
  72. Saints Row IV: Game of the Century Edition
  73. Scorn
  74. Serial Cleaner
  75. Sid Meier's Civilization VI (x2)
  76. Sniper Elite 4
  77. Sniper Ghost Warrior 2
  78. Snowtopia: Ski Resort Builder
  80. Starbound
  81. Staxel
  82. Streets of Rogue
  83. STRIDER™
  84. Styx: Master of Shadows
  85. Subterrain (x2)
  86. Sunrider Academy
  87. Sunrider: Liberation Day - Captain's Edition
  88. Sunrider: Liberation Day - Theme Song
  89. Tales of Berseria
  90. Tales of Berseria™
  91. Terraria (x2)
  92. The Banner Saga 2
  93. The Bookwalker: Thief of Tales
  94. The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters
  95. The Escapists
  96. The Escapists - Alcatraz
  97. The Escapists - Duct Tapes are Forever
  98. The Escapists - Escape Team
  99. The Escapists - Fhurst Peak
  100. The Escapists 2
  101. The Suicide of Rachel Foster
  102. Them's Fightin' Herds (x2)
  103. There is No Light: Enhanced Edition
  104. Thief
  105. Through the Darkest of Times
  106. Through the Darkest of Times (x2)
  107. Tropico 4 Steam Special Edition
  108. Trüberbrook
  109. Void Bastards
  110. Wargroove
  111. Warhammer 40,000 Darktide
  112. We Were Here Too
  113. Wolfenstein: The Old Blood
  114. Worms W.M.D
  115. XCOM 2 + DLCs
  116. Yomawari: Night Alone
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