

Sep 12th, 2019
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  1. 鉄のナイフ:
  2. Item_Information:
  3. Item_Name: "&f&l鉄のナイフ"
  4. Item_Type: 288
  5. Melee_Mode: true
  6. Remove_Unused_Tag: true
  7. Item_Lore: "&f加工しやすい木の棒と|&f鉄を合わせて|&fナイフを作った攻撃力は低い|&fたまににクリティカル発生|&c攻撃力&f: 5&7(10)|&6Critical&f: 30%"
  8. Shooting:
  9. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  10. Cancel_Right_Click_Interactions: true
  11. Delay_Between_Shots: 5
  12. Projectile_Damage: 5
  13. Critical_Hits:
  14. Enable: true
  15. Message_Shooter: "&e&lCritical! &c&l+5 Damage"
  16. Sounds_Shooter: SHOOT_ARROW-2-1-0
  17. Chance: 30
  18. Bonus_Damage: 5
  19. Hit_Events:
  20. Enable: true
  21. Sounds_Shooter: ENTITY_PLAYER_ATTACK_SWEEP-1-2-0
  22. Abilities:
  23. Reset_Hit_Cooldown: true
  24. Knockback: 0
  26. 改鉄のナイフ:
  27. Item_Information:
  28. Item_Name: "&c&l改&7&l・&f&l鉄のナイフ"
  29. Item_Type: 288
  30. Melee_Mode: true
  31. Remove_Unused_Tag: true
  32. Item_Lore: "&f鉄のナイフを研いだ|&fさらに攻撃力と攻撃スピードが上がった|&fたまににクリティカル発生|&c攻撃力&f: 7&7(14)|&6Critical&f: 30%"
  33. Shooting:
  34. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  35. Cancel_Right_Click_Interactions: true
  36. Delay_Between_Shots: 4
  37. Projectile_Damage: 7
  38. Critical_Hits:
  39. Enable: true
  40. Message_Shooter: "&e&lCritical! &c&l+7 Damage"
  41. Sounds_Shooter: SHOOT_ARROW-2-1-0
  42. Chance: 30
  43. Bonus_Damage: 7
  44. Hit_Events:
  45. Enable: true
  46. Sounds_Shooter: ENTITY_PLAYER_ATTACK_SWEEP-1-2-0
  47. Abilities:
  48. Reset_Hit_Cooldown: true
  49. Knockback: 0
  52. 鉄ロングソード:
  53. Item_Information:
  54. Item_Name: "&f&l鉄のロングソード"
  55. Item_Type: 267
  56. Remove_Unused_Tag: true
  57. Item_Lore: "&f加工しやすい木の棒と|&f鉄を合わせた|&f少し攻撃速度が遅い|&c攻撃力&f: 12"
  58. Shooting:
  59. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  60. Cancel_Right_Click_Interactions: true
  61. Delay_Between_Shots: 40
  62. Projectile_Damage: 12
  63. Projectile_Amount: 1
  64. Projectile_Speed: 1000
  65. Projectile_Type: energy
  66. Projectile_Subtype: 2-3-0-0
  67. Bullet_Spread: 0
  68. Sounds_Shoot: ENTITY_PLAYER_ATTACK_SWEEP-1-1-0
  69. Abilities:
  70. Reset_Hit_Cooldown: true
  72. 改鉄ロングソード:
  73. Item_Information:
  74. Item_Name: "&c&l改&7&l・&f&l鉄のロングソード"
  75. Item_Type: 267
  76. Remove_Unused_Tag: true
  77. Item_Lore: "&fロングソードを研ぎ|&f攻撃力を上げた|&f少し攻撃速度が遅い|&c攻撃力&f: 22"
  78. Shooting:
  79. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  80. Cancel_Right_Click_Interactions: true
  81. Delay_Between_Shots: 40
  82. Projectile_Damage: 22
  83. Projectile_Amount: 1
  84. Projectile_Speed: 1000
  85. Projectile_Type: energy
  86. Projectile_Subtype: 2-3-0-0
  87. Bullet_Spread: 0
  88. Sounds_Shoot: ENTITY_PLAYER_ATTACK_SWEEP-1-1-0
  89. Abilities:
  90. Reset_Hit_Cooldown: true
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