
Birds of a Feather

Dec 21st, 2018
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Making her way up to the front doors of the venue for the formal, Steph was busy adjusting the top of her dress because she wasn't wearing a bra to give her that extra boob she felt she needed, while trying not to trip over the bottom of the dress. "Why is it freezing?" She asked sharply, stepping in to get out of the cold. // Brad pulled his car into the lot of the hall, struggling to get his seat belt off since his feather shoulders were severely in the way of everything he'd done since he put the jacket on. Sliding out of the car, he walked around to the passenger side to open Kelsey's door for her, offering a hand to help her out of the car. // Noah had finally gotten himself dressed after his shower, but had made a point not to actually shave or brush his hair so he looked a bit disheveled. Since he didnt have a car as usual he was riding with Tae to the venue in the passenger seat. When they finally arrived, he climbed out, lingering by the trunk and waiting for her since he wasn't just walking to walk in ahead of her since that was rude, even for him.-
  2. Alexithymiaa: (=D The catty is kind of short on feathery things that dont look shitty so I just kept with a peacock color scheme at best)
  3. Covet: "Because it's winter. But don't worry tomorrow We're going to be getting ready to fly out to warmer weather." Felix told her, erapping his arm around her. "Do you think your brother would get mad if I upstaged him at his wedding with this?" He asked in regards to his suit.// Kelsey stepped out lifting up her dress with one hand and taking Brad's hand with the other. "You look so flamboyant tonight." She said with a grin, leaning up to give him a kiss on the cheek. // Tae had her dress hiked up to her thighs while she drove, which was alright because she had a flask in a garter on her thigh. She climbed out and let her dress fall, flipping her curled hair over her shoulder, then walked around to meet him "Do we look Ironic enough for your liking?"
  4. Alexithymiaa: "I seriously can't wait to be out of Portland for a little while." She said as she leaned into him, her eyes circling the room to take in the decor. When he asked his question, she eased off, turning to look at his glittery suit. "Absolutely and you already knew the answer to that. The tuxes he picked out for his first wedding were glittery. You look much better in it though." // Lacing his fingers with hers, Brad leaned into her kiss and then started to lead her toward the venue. "Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Honestly these feathers are driving me crazy already." He pulled open the door, letting her enter before him. // "Probably. You're kind of dressed up though." He started to laugh, knowing they were literally going to a formal and sliding his hands into his pockets to start toward the doors behind everyone else entering. "How long do you think this thing is going to go?"-
  5. Covet: "Me too." He told her then snickered. "Damn straight I do." Felix looked around "Wow, I'm impressed this is nice." // "I told you, you didn't need them." Kelsey said shaking her head walking along with her feathers doing their thing around her ankles, "I'm glad mine are down there." She walked in as he opened up the door. // "It's a formal event. You're fucking right I'm dressed up." She said rolling her eyes at him. "Probably a few hours would be my guess." Tae told him as she forced her hand inbetween his arm and torso as they walked.
  6. Alexithymiaa: "It is nice, but I'm much more impressed with how good you look. Have I ever mentioned how attractive you are when you dress up?" She asked him, leaning in to peck his lips quickly. "What do you want to do first?" // "I don't know if that would be less annoying than this." He said as he walked in behind her, looking up and around the room. "Okay, I have to admit, this is pretty cool. That and the events that Adam DJs are automatically more fun. Drinks?" // He looked down at her hand looping onto his arm, furrowing his brows. "I don't think that's ironic. I think it's just lame." He spoke in a low voice, stepping into the venue. "They serve food at these things, right? I'm fucking starving."-
  7. Covet: "You're just saying that because I rarely dress up." He said with a smirk. "I want to take you out on that dancefloor, even if I can't really move around and will dance a little stiffly." // "Yes, Drinks!" Kelsey said then made her way to the bar, her dress doing the swishy things about the floor she was entertained with it. "The colors are great." // "They usually do. would you stop being so grumpy, it's like you had to dress up twice this week or something." Tae said aslo looking around. " Over the top is ironic by the way."
  8. AlexithymiaaAlexithymiaa : "Actually, I've always felt that way, but because you rarely dress up I rarely get to appreciate it." She spoke with a smile before looking towards the dancefloor. "I would love to dance, but I don't want you to be in pain if that's what's going to happen if you try." // Brad put his hand on the small of her back and followed her over to the bar, ordering himself a beer and her a sex on the beach because he knows she likes the fruity things. "The colors really are great. I don't know how you found that dress." // "I'm not being grumpy. I'm hungry. There is a difference." He paused when she said that over the top is ironic, considering her words. "Fine, then let's do this." He grabbed her hand, dragging her across the floor toward the seating area where the food was being served.-
  9. Covet: "I will be fine don't worry." Felix said waving his good hand about. He walked with her out to the dancefloor and starting dancing about doing his thing, but mostly looking at Steph because her Dress was kind of see through. // Kelsey took the drink he'd gotten for her and looked at him while sipping over the rim of the glass, "I have my ways." She told him with a smile and tipped back her drink finishing nearly half of it off right then. // "There is? I thought they were the same thing most of the time." She said following along with him. She laughed and went about getting herself some foods.
  10. Alexithymiaa: -She took his hand and walked out to the dance floor with him, spinning around and then moving her hands to him to dance. "What are you looking at?" // "Do those celebrity tricks work for finding crazy feathered dresses? Because I had to order this jacket online and Evan helped me find it. And it came from like Italy or something. I might have paid more in shipping than I did for the jacket itself." He started to laugh, taking a sip of his beer. // "Yeah there is. It's called hangry for a reason." He reached for a plate, handing her off one and taking one for himself to start loading food onto the plate. "We need drinks too. Think they'll serve us alcohol without IDs here?"-
  11. Covet: "Just you, You look really great tonight." He told her spinning her about a litlte bit, thankfully she was short so he didn't have to lift his arm up to high. // "Yeah pretty much. I got this one odered in from LA. But it's designer so we probably paid about the same." Kelsey said wih a grin, dancing a bit as she finished off her drink. // "Yeah they get us into legit places, this isn't like highschool shit." Tae said taking a couple of bites. "Do you want me to go get them, since I'm older? It's more believable."
  12. Alexithymiaa: -She smiled and spun around before stepping in close to him. "Thank you. I'd suggest that you help me out of my dress later, but I don't know how well that would work out with your arm and your shoulder..." // "Well you look gorgeous, but I don't know if that really has anything to do with the designer dress." He grinned and took a sip of his beer, looking out across the venue. "Are you hungry?" // Noah furrowed his brows, moving his hand to rub at his scruffy chin. "I didn't shave, so I probably look older. I'm more believable. What do you want?" He asked, but was also in the process of picking up a mini quiche to pop into his mouth because he couldn't wait to eat his food.-
  13. Covet: "I can function a zipper." Felix said with a grin. "The rest might have to be done by you though." He told her with a wink, because dirty minded fool. // "Thank you, I'll happily take all of that as a compliment." Kelsey told him then shook her head "No I'm okay. I'm not really all that hungry." She said, "I'm going to get another drink though." // Tae laughed at him "Okay fine fine, I'll take a Jack and Coke please." She told him as she took another bite of her food.
  14. Alexithymiaa: "Oh yeah?' She asked with a laugh, leaning up to give him a quick kiss before spinning herself away. "Well then I guess I just need to take things into my own hands then. Hopefully I won't fall asleep before that point because once I stop, that might be it for me." // "More drinks are good too." He said as he finished off his beer, setting the glass down on the bar to order himself another one and her another sex on the beach. "I kind of want to catch some of the feathers that are floating around." // "Then I'll be right back." He marched himself across the venue to the bar with confidence, casually ordering himself a beer and a jack and coke for her. He was surprised they served him so easily, taking the glasses and heading back across the venue to pass off her drink. "They didnt even look twice at me."-
  15. Covet: "Mhhm." Felix said with a nod. " I think we can keep things interesting enough that you won't fall asleep." He said to her, and if you do, well that's alright, because I can happily take post dance snuggles too." // "Just don't do it with your tongue, they're feathers, not snow." She told him with a pat on the shoulder. Mostly she was looking for any excuse not not think about the conversation she was going to have to have with her Dad about leaving. // Tae watched him with a smile just kind of enjoying the dance because it was nice and she did kind of have a date, who she was staring at as he walked back up with her drink. "Oh awesome. then the flask wasn't really necessary I guess."
  16. Alexithymiaa: "Mhm, but I still need to finish packing in the morning and getting instructions set up for Tyler so we can't be up too late. Unless I can't sleep and then it works out pretty well either way." She smiled as she danced with him, rocking her hips. // "Why would I do it with my tongue? That's ridiculous. Everyone knows you catch feathers with cupped hands." He started to laugh, seeing Noah walking across the venue and over to Tae. "So are they a thing?" // "That's not to say they're not watering drinks down though, so the flask might still be necessary. Taste it." He nodded toward her drink, grabbing for his plate so he could eat more food. "What's with the grin?"-
  17. Covet: "Don't worry we won't. We can get some of it tond tonight if you're not too tired." He told her putting his free hand on her hip dancing with her. "Do you want a drink or anything?" // Kelsey was sipping on her drink, "Hmm? Oh... Uh. I guess so? I mean, not like that wasn't coming, She pratically drug him off at his birthday party." // Tae took a look up to him and then took her drink, "Oh nothing... Just... day dreaming?" She said with a questionable tone.
  18. Alexithymiaa: "Well I didn't really sleep well last night so I was hoping to not get to bed too late tonight." She spoke, turning her head to look in the direction of the bar. "That's... probably not a very good idea. I'm fine." // Brad stared at the two across the venue, giving a shrug. "Yeah, that's true. They just look... coupley." He continued to stare. "Think it's official?" Brad, stop gossiping. // "Day dreaming about what?" He asked, eating a piece of chicken and washing it down with his beer. He turned to look at the chairs next to them, setting his plate down and taking a seat because he was tired of standing.-
  19. Covet: "Well then we can scrap all that nonsense of tonight for now, because I'd much rather you get some sleep. Tonight and maybe on the plane too." He told her then nodded his head, "Not even non-alcoholic?" He suggested. // "I don't know. He hasn't exactly said anything about it, so I don't know." Kelsey said with a shrug, "At the very least they're probably hooking up." // Tae shook her head, "It's nothing don't worry about it. Just girly fantasies is all."
  20. Alexithymiaa: "Absolutely not. I want to be able to enjoy you since I really haven't been able to in a while. Sleep can wait just a little while." She reached her hand up to his cheek, looking into his eyes. "Maybe just some water." // "Well I kind of thought that goes without saying." He did not hide how much attention he was paying them. "I don't know, they just look kinda... dateish right now. And the thing at the mall with the pictures?" He reminded her, giving her a look. // "Fantasies?" He asked excitedly, his interest clearly perking up. "I think you should tell me about these fantasies."-
  21. Covet: "You'll be enjoying plenty of me I promise." Felix told her. "Won't be much good to enjoy me if you can't keep your eyes open." He told her then gave her a kiss. "I can do some water. Then maybe we can hit up the food. I'm a little peckish. // Kelsey laughed, "Oh yeah, I totally forgot about that. Hmmm Maybe they are dating, we could go over and say something to them. " // Tae looked at him. " Not the kind of fantasies you are thinking of. Wel.. not all of them anyways."
  22. Alexithymiaa: "I don't know, I enjoy you with my eyes closed pretty often..." She trailed off, giving a shrug of her shoulders. "You're always a little peckish, but let's get you fed so you don't get more than a little peckish." She slipped her hand into his, starting for the bar so they could get some water. // Brad pursed his lips, narrowing his eyes. "We could... but do you think they'll just come right out and tell us, or do we need to ask around and be more sneaky?" He asked like it was his fucking job to find shit out about other people. // "Well then tell me so I know what you're talking about." He said as he took another bite, leaning back in his chair and watching her.-
  23. Covet: "Sleeping doesn't cout smart ass." Felix told her with a chuckle. "Indeed I get whiney when I'm more than peckish Maybe we can find you a bite or two as well." He said as they walked up to the bar and were handed a couple bottles of water. // "Well the only person I know who might know would be Adam." She said looking at him in the DJ booth. "But it could be fun to put them on the spot and ambush them. " // Tae looked at him then raised her eyebrow, "Why? It's not like you'd actually care about any of it."
  24. Alexithymiaa: "Who said I was talking about sleeping?" She asked, raising her brows and taking her bottle of water from the bartender. She tried to discreetly adjust the top of her dress again, staring down at her boobs. "I would really prefer not to, here...." // "Hmmm..." He considered the thought for a moment before nodding his head. "Okay, you're right. That sounds like a good way to spend the rest of our evening. Shall we?" // "I'm asking, aren't I?" He asked sharply, taking a sip of his beer. "Why do you have to make everything so difficult?"-
  25. Covet: "Not to what?" He asked her turning to look at her. "Would you like to go home then? We could nip out a little early get to that enjoying eachother time, and we can get to bed at a decent time." He told her as if that was something of a marvel. // "Okay." Kelsey said making her way across the floor to where Noah and Tae were at. // Tae looked at Noah, "I'm not making it difficult I'm being realistic. You haven't shown any inclination aside from physical arousal that you want anything else to do with me. Out side of Ironic appearances."
  26. Alexithymiaa: -She glanced over her shoulder to make sure there wasn't anyone within earshot of her before turning back to Felix and keeping her voice low because it was still something she was kind of ashamed of. "I don't really feel comfortable eating here with so many people around. We could go home though... if you want to leave early." // Brad followed up behind her, crossing the venue to Noah and Tae and stopping next to their table. "Heyyyy guys. Enjoying the Winter Formal together?" // Noah let out a deep groan, tossing his head back. "Really? I put on a stupid suit and I went to your family dinner, but obviously I'm not showing any interest other than physical." He said with a roll of his eyes, turning to look at Brad and Kelsey. "Not really."-
  27. Covet: "I got to dance with my future wife, that's all I needed tonight." He told her then went about taking her back to the house, "I'd much rather get what we need done tonight before leaving tomorrow, and get some cuddle time. // Kelsey looked at Noah, then at Brad, "Okay then, That answer's that question..." She said under her breath. // Tae flinched because he had made a point. " I'm sorry I didn't mean like that... I mean... it's one thing to show up to this together ironically, it's another to show up... just... together.. you know?" She said then looked up at Kelsey and Brad, "Oh... Uh.. yeah it's great."
  28. Alexithymiaa: "Then it's settled. Let's sneak out before anyone catches us." She said, taking his head so they could head out and go home. // Brad stared at Noah and his abrupt negative reaction, flashing Kelsey a look. "So... it's great, but you're not having fun?" // Noah set his jaw, getting more and more irritated the more Tae opened her big mouth. "Being here ironically was because dances like this are stupid. It had nothing to do with us showing up together." He spoke sharply to her, shoving up to his feet and turning to stalk off towards the bathroom.-
  29. Covet: Felix folowed out with Steph all giddy like. // Kelsey looked at Noah storming off then back at Brad, "I think I need a refil...." // Tae scoffed at Noah getting all moody and got up to follow him, waiting outside of the bathroom with her arms crossed until he came back out.
  30. Alexithymiaa: -Brad watched as Noah stormed off to the bathroom, nodding his head. "Yep, time for refills, let's go." He hooked his arm around Kelsey's shoulders, turning her around so they could speed off away from the awkwardness.-
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