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Nov 26th, 2018
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  1. $ terraform apply
  2. data.aws_ami.dba-ami: Refreshing state...
  3. data.aws_iam_policy_document.monitoring_rds_assume_role: Refreshing state...
  5. An execution plan has been generated and is shown below.
  6. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
  7. + create
  9. Terraform will perform the following actions:
  11. + module.aurora.aws_rds_cluster.this
  12. id: <computed>
  13. apply_immediately: "true"
  14. arn: <computed>
  15. backup_retention_period: "7"
  16. cluster_identifier: "aurora-dba"
  17. cluster_identifier_prefix: <computed>
  18. cluster_members.#: <computed>
  19. cluster_resource_id: <computed>
  20. database_name: <computed>
  21. db_cluster_parameter_group_name: <computed>
  22. db_subnet_group_name: "us-west-2-private"
  23. endpoint: <computed>
  24. engine: "aurora-postgresql"
  25. engine_mode: "provisioned"
  26. engine_version: "9.6.3"
  27. final_snapshot_identifier: "${var.final_snapshot_identifier_prefix}-${}-${random_id.snapshot_identifier.hex}"
  28. hosted_zone_id: <computed>
  29. iam_database_authentication_enabled: "true"
  30. kms_key_id: <computed>
  31. master_password: <sensitive>
  32. master_username: "zdba"
  33. port: "5432"
  34. preferred_backup_window: "02:00-03:00"
  35. preferred_maintenance_window: "sun:05:00-sun:06:00"
  36. reader_endpoint: <computed>
  37. skip_final_snapshot: "true"
  38. storage_encrypted: "true"
  39. vpc_security_group_ids.#: <computed>
  41. + module.aurora.aws_rds_cluster_instance.this
  42. id: <computed>
  43. apply_immediately: "true"
  44. arn: <computed>
  45. auto_minor_version_upgrade: "true"
  46. availability_zone: <computed>
  47. cluster_identifier: "${}"
  48. db_parameter_group_name: <computed>
  49. db_subnet_group_name: "us-west-2-private"
  50. dbi_resource_id: <computed>
  51. endpoint: <computed>
  52. engine: "aurora-postgresql"
  53. engine_version: "9.6.3"
  54. identifier: "aurora-dba-1"
  55. identifier_prefix: <computed>
  56. instance_class: "db.r4.large"
  57. kms_key_id: <computed>
  58. monitoring_interval: "0"
  59. monitoring_role_arn: <computed>
  60. performance_insights_enabled: "false"
  61. performance_insights_kms_key_id: <computed>
  62. port: <computed>
  63. preferred_backup_window: <computed>
  64. preferred_maintenance_window: "sun:05:00-sun:06:00"
  65. promotion_tier: "1"
  66. publicly_accessible: "false"
  67. storage_encrypted: <computed>
  68. writer: <computed>
  70. + module.aurora.random_id.snapshot_identifier
  71. id: <computed>
  72. b64: <computed>
  73. b64_std: <computed>
  74. b64_url: <computed>
  75. byte_length: "4"
  76. dec: <computed>
  77. hex: <computed>
  78. keepers.%: "1"
  79. "aurora-dba"
  81. + module.service.aws_iam_access_key.zdba_key
  82. id: <computed>
  83. encrypted_secret: <computed>
  84. key_fingerprint: <computed>
  85. secret: <computed>
  86. ses_smtp_password: <computed>
  87. status: <computed>
  88. user: "app-zdba"
  90. + module.service.aws_iam_instance_profile.service-ec2-role
  91. id: <computed>
  92. arn: <computed>
  93. create_date: <computed>
  94. name: "service-ec2-role"
  95. path: "/"
  96. role: "service-ec2-dba-role"
  97. roles.#: <computed>
  98. unique_id: <computed>
  100. + module.service.aws_iam_role.service-ec2-dba-role
  101. id: <computed>
  102. arn: <computed>
  103. assume_role_policy: "{\n \"Version\": \"2012-10-17\",\n \"Statement\": [\n {\n \"Action\": \"sts:AssumeRole\",\n \"Principal\": {\n \"Service\": \"\"\n },\n \"Effect\": \"Allow\",\n \"Sid\": \"\"\n }\n ]\n}\n"
  104. create_date: <computed>
  105. force_detach_policies: "true"
  106. max_session_duration: "3600"
  107. name: "service-ec2-dba-role"
  108. path: "/"
  109. unique_id: <computed>
  111. + module.service.aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.ec2-dba-role-login-attach
  112. id: <computed>
  113. policy_arn: "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:policy/_database_access"
  114. role: "service-ec2-dba-role"
  116. + module.service.aws_iam_user.zdba
  117. id: <computed>
  118. arn: <computed>
  119. force_destroy: "false"
  120. name: "app-zdba"
  121. path: "/"
  122. unique_id: <computed>
  124. + module.service.aws_iam_user_policy_attachment.zdba_policy_attach
  125. id: <computed>
  126. policy_arn: "arn:aws:iam::11111111111:policy/_database_access"
  127. user: "app-zdba"
  129. + module.service.aws_instance.dba-admin
  130. id: <computed>
  131. ami: "ami-0c1f840a7e42b73f9"
  132. arn: <computed>
  133. associate_public_ip_address: <computed>
  134. availability_zone: <computed>
  135. cpu_core_count: <computed>
  136. cpu_threads_per_core: <computed>
  137. ebs_block_device.#: <computed>
  138. ephemeral_block_device.#: <computed>
  139. get_password_data: "false"
  140. iam_instance_profile: "service-ec2-role"
  141. instance_state: <computed>
  142. instance_type: "t2.micro"
  143. ipv6_address_count: <computed>
  144. ipv6_addresses.#: <computed>
  145. key_name: "ianhar-sandbox"
  146. network_interface.#: <computed>
  147. network_interface_id: <computed>
  148. password_data: <computed>
  149. placement_group: <computed>
  150. primary_network_interface_id: <computed>
  151. private_dns: <computed>
  152. private_ip: <computed>
  153. public_dns: <computed>
  154. public_ip: <computed>
  155. root_block_device.#: <computed>
  156. security_groups.#: <computed>
  157. source_dest_check: "true"
  158. subnet_id: "subnet-11111111"
  159. tags.%: "6"
  160. tags.Description: "Database administration tools"
  161. tags.Environment: "sandbox"
  162. tags.Name: "DBA Admin"
  163. tags.Owner: ""
  164. tags.Service: "zdba"
  165. tags.Team: "zdba"
  166. tenancy: <computed>
  167. volume_tags.%: <computed>
  168. vpc_security_group_ids.#: "2"
  169. vpc_security_group_ids.2023015885: "sg-11111111"
  170. vpc_security_group_ids.4069303782: "sg-11111111"
  172. + module.service.aws_s3_bucket.db-backups
  173. id: <computed>
  174. acceleration_status: <computed>
  175. acl: "private"
  176. arn: <computed>
  177. bucket: "db-backups-sandbox"
  178. bucket_domain_name: <computed>
  179. bucket_regional_domain_name: <computed>
  180. force_destroy: "true"
  181. hosted_zone_id: <computed>
  182. lifecycle_rule.#: "1"
  183. lifecycle_rule.0.enabled: "true"
  184. lifecycle_rule.0.expiration.#: "1"
  185. ""
  186. lifecycle_rule.0.expiration.3023609085.days: "7"
  187. lifecycle_rule.0.expiration.3023609085.expired_object_delete_marker: ""
  188. "backup"
  189. lifecycle_rule.0.prefix: "daily/"
  190. lifecycle_rule.0.tags.%: "2"
  191. lifecycle_rule.0.tags.autoclean: "true"
  192. lifecycle_rule.0.tags.rule: "daily"
  193. region: <computed>
  194. request_payer: <computed>
  195. tags.%: "6"
  196. tags.Description: "Database administration tools"
  197. tags.Environment: "sandbox"
  198. tags.Name: "DB Backups"
  199. tags.Owner: ""
  200. tags.Service: "zdba"
  201. tags.Team: "zdba"
  202. versioning.#: <computed>
  203. website_domain: <computed>
  204. website_endpoint: <computed>
  206. + module.service.aws_s3_bucket_policy.db-backups-policy
  207. id: <computed>
  208. bucket: "${}"
  209. policy: "{\n \"Version\": \"2012-10-17\",\n \"Id\": \"DBBACKUPBUCKETPOLICY\",\n \"Statement\": [\n {\n \"Sid\": \"DBAAllow\",\n \"Effect\": \"Allow\",\n \"Principal\": {\"AWS\": \"${aws_iam_user.zdba.arn}\"},\n \"Action\": \"s3:*\",\n \"Resource\": \"${aws_s3_bucket.db-backups.arn}/*\"\n } \n ]\n}\n"
  212. Plan: 12 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.
  214. Do you want to perform these actions?
  215. Terraform will perform the actions described above.
  216. Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve.
  218. Enter a value: yes
  220. module.aurora.random_id.snapshot_identifier: Creating...
  221. b64: "" => "<computed>"
  222. b64_std: "" => "<computed>"
  223. b64_url: "" => "<computed>"
  224. byte_length: "" => "4"
  225. dec: "" => "<computed>"
  226. hex: "" => "<computed>"
  227. keepers.%: "" => "1"
  228. "" => "aurora-dba"
  229. module.aurora.random_id.snapshot_identifier: Creation complete after 0s (ID: JxeJqw)
  230. module.service.aws_iam_role.service-ec2-dba-role: Creating...
  231. arn: "" => "<computed>"
  232. assume_role_policy: "" => "{\n \"Version\": \"2012-10-17\",\n \"Statement\": [\n {\n \"Action\": \"sts:AssumeRole\",\n \"Principal\": {\n \"Service\": \"\"\n },\n \"Effect\": \"Allow\",\n \"Sid\": \"\"\n }\n ]\n}\n"
  233. create_date: "" => "<computed>"
  234. force_detach_policies: "" => "true"
  235. max_session_duration: "" => "3600"
  236. name: "" => "service-ec2-dba-role"
  237. path: "" => "/"
  238. unique_id: "" => "<computed>"
  239. module.service.aws_iam_user.zdba: Creating...
  240. arn: "" => "<computed>"
  241. force_destroy: "" => "false"
  242. name: "" => "app-zdba"
  243. path: "" => "/"
  244. unique_id: "" => "<computed>"
  245. module.service.aws_s3_bucket.db-backups: Creating...
  246. acceleration_status: "" => "<computed>"
  247. acl: "" => "private"
  248. arn: "" => "<computed>"
  249. bucket: "" => "db-backups-sandbox"
  250. bucket_domain_name: "" => "<computed>"
  251. bucket_regional_domain_name: "" => "<computed>"
  252. force_destroy: "" => "true"
  253. hosted_zone_id: "" => "<computed>"
  254. lifecycle_rule.#: "" => "1"
  255. lifecycle_rule.0.enabled: "" => "true"
  256. lifecycle_rule.0.expiration.#: "" => "1"
  257. "" => ""
  258. lifecycle_rule.0.expiration.3023609085.days: "" => "7"
  259. lifecycle_rule.0.expiration.3023609085.expired_object_delete_marker: "" => ""
  260. "" => "backup"
  261. lifecycle_rule.0.prefix: "" => "daily/"
  262. lifecycle_rule.0.tags.%: "" => "2"
  263. lifecycle_rule.0.tags.autoclean: "" => "true"
  264. lifecycle_rule.0.tags.rule: "" => "daily"
  265. region: "" => "<computed>"
  266. request_payer: "" => "<computed>"
  267. tags.%: "" => "6"
  268. tags.Description: "" => "Database administration tools"
  269. tags.Environment: "" => "sandbox"
  270. tags.Name: "" => "DB Backups"
  271. tags.Owner: "" => ""
  272. tags.Service: "" => "zdba"
  273. tags.Team: "" => "zdba"
  274. versioning.#: "" => "<computed>"
  275. website_domain: "" => "<computed>"
  276. website_endpoint: "" => "<computed>"
  277. module.aurora.aws_rds_cluster.this: Creating...
  278. apply_immediately: "" => "true"
  279. arn: "" => "<computed>"
  280. backup_retention_period: "" => "7"
  281. cluster_identifier: "" => "aurora-dba"
  282. cluster_identifier_prefix: "" => "<computed>"
  283. cluster_members.#: "" => "<computed>"
  284. cluster_resource_id: "" => "<computed>"
  285. database_name: "" => "<computed>"
  286. db_cluster_parameter_group_name: "" => "<computed>"
  287. db_subnet_group_name: "" => "us-west-2-private"
  288. endpoint: "" => "<computed>"
  289. engine: "" => "aurora-postgresql"
  290. engine_mode: "" => "provisioned"
  291. engine_version: "" => "9.6.3"
  292. final_snapshot_identifier: "" => "final-aurora-dba-1111111"
  293. hosted_zone_id: "" => "<computed>"
  294. iam_database_authentication_enabled: "" => "true"
  295. kms_key_id: "" => "<computed>"
  296. master_password: "<sensitive>" => "<sensitive>"
  297. master_username: "" => "zdba"
  298. port: "" => "5432"
  299. preferred_backup_window: "" => "02:00-03:00"
  300. preferred_maintenance_window: "" => "sun:05:00-sun:06:00"
  301. reader_endpoint: "" => "<computed>"
  302. skip_final_snapshot: "" => "true"
  303. storage_encrypted: "" => "true"
  304. vpc_security_group_ids.#: "" => "<computed>"
  305. module.service.aws_iam_role.service-ec2-dba-role: Creation complete after 1s (ID: service-ec2-dba-role)
  306. module.service.aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.ec2-dba-role-login-attach: Creating...
  307. policy_arn: "" => "arn:aws:iam::11111111111:policy/_database_access"
  308. role: "" => "service-ec2-dba-role"
  309. module.service.aws_iam_instance_profile.service-ec2-role: Creating...
  310. arn: "" => "<computed>"
  311. create_date: "" => "<computed>"
  312. name: "" => "service-ec2-role"
  313. path: "" => "/"
  314. role: "" => "service-ec2-dba-role"
  315. roles.#: "" => "<computed>"
  316. unique_id: "" => "<computed>"
  317. module.service.aws_iam_user.zdba: Creation complete after 1s (ID: app-zdba)
  318. module.service.aws_iam_access_key.zdba_key: Creating...
  319. encrypted_secret: "" => "<computed>"
  320. key_fingerprint: "" => "<computed>"
  321. secret: "" => "<computed>"
  322. ses_smtp_password: "" => "<computed>"
  323. status: "" => "<computed>"
  324. user: "" => "app-zdba"
  325. module.service.aws_iam_user_policy_attachment.zdba_policy_attach: Creating...
  326. policy_arn: "" => "arn:aws:iam::1111111111:policy/_database_access"
  327. user: "" => "app-zdba"
  328. module.service.aws_iam_access_key.zdba_key: Creation complete after 1s (ID: AKIAIAHUDSWPW4PVOYVA)
  329. module.service.aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.ec2-dba-role-login-attach: Creation complete after 2s (ID: service-ec2-dba-role-20181126174544930000000002)
  330. module.service.aws_iam_user_policy_attachment.zdba_policy_attach: Creation complete after 2s (ID: app-zdba-20181126174544865400000001)
  331. module.service.aws_iam_instance_profile.service-ec2-role: Creation complete after 2s (ID: service-ec2-role)
  332. module.service.aws_instance.dba-admin: Creating...
  333. ami: "" => "ami-11111111111111"
  334. arn: "" => "<computed>"
  335. associate_public_ip_address: "" => "<computed>"
  336. availability_zone: "" => "<computed>"
  337. cpu_core_count: "" => "<computed>"
  338. cpu_threads_per_core: "" => "<computed>"
  339. ebs_block_device.#: "" => "<computed>"
  340. ephemeral_block_device.#: "" => "<computed>"
  341. get_password_data: "" => "false"
  342. iam_instance_profile: "" => "service-ec2-role"
  343. instance_state: "" => "<computed>"
  344. instance_type: "" => "t2.micro"
  345. ipv6_address_count: "" => "<computed>"
  346. ipv6_addresses.#: "" => "<computed>"
  347. key_name: "" => "ianhar-sandbox"
  348. network_interface.#: "" => "<computed>"
  349. network_interface_id: "" => "<computed>"
  350. password_data: "" => "<computed>"
  351. placement_group: "" => "<computed>"
  352. primary_network_interface_id: "" => "<computed>"
  353. private_dns: "" => "<computed>"
  354. private_ip: "" => "<computed>"
  355. public_dns: "" => "<computed>"
  356. public_ip: "" => "<computed>"
  357. root_block_device.#: "" => "<computed>"
  358. security_groups.#: "" => "<computed>"
  359. source_dest_check: "" => "true"
  360. subnet_id: "" => "subnet-1111111"
  361. tags.%: "" => "6"
  362. tags.Description: "" => "Database administration tools"
  363. tags.Environment: "" => "sandbox"
  364. tags.Name: "" => "DBA Admin"
  365. tags.Owner: "" => ""
  366. tags.Service: "" => "zdba"
  367. tags.Team: "" => "zdba"
  368. tenancy: "" => "<computed>"
  369. volume_tags.%: "" => "<computed>"
  370. vpc_security_group_ids.#: "" => "2"
  371. vpc_security_group_ids.2023015885: "" => "sg-1111111"
  372. vpc_security_group_ids.4069303782: "" => "sg-1111111"
  373. module.service.aws_s3_bucket.db-backups: Creation complete after 4s (ID: db-backups-zillow-sandbox)
  374. module.service.aws_s3_bucket_policy.db-backups-policy: Creating...
  375. bucket: "" => "db-backups-zillow-sandbox"
  376. policy: "" => "{\n \"Version\": \"2012-10-17\",\n \"Id\": \"DBBACKUPBUCKETPOLICY\",\n \"Statement\": [\n {\n \"Sid\": \"DBAAllow\",\n \"Effect\": \"Allow\",\n \"Principal\": {\"AWS\": \"arn:aws:iam::135340994361:user/app-zdba\"},\n \"Action\": \"s3:*\",\n \"Resource\": \"arn:aws:s3:::db-backups-zillow-sandbox/*\"\n } \n ]\n}\n"
  377. module.service.aws_instance.dba-admin: Still creating... (10s elapsed)
  378. module.service.aws_s3_bucket_policy.db-backups-policy: Creation complete after 9s (ID: db-backups-zillow-sandbox)
  379. module.service.aws_instance.dba-admin: Still creating... (20s elapsed)
  380. module.service.aws_instance.dba-admin: Still creating... (30s elapsed)
  381. module.service.aws_instance.dba-admin: Still creating... (40s elapsed)
  382. module.service.aws_instance.dba-admin: Creation complete after 41s (ID: i-0013d0958b8f3b325)
  384. Error: Error applying plan:
  386. 1 error(s) occurred:
  388. * module.aurora.aws_rds_cluster.this: 1 error(s) occurred:
  390. * aws_rds_cluster.this: error creating RDS cluster: InvalidParameterCombination: IAM Database Authentication is not supported for this configuration.
  391. status code: 400, request id: c0760769-5887-45c8-bbd0-c0ebfe6afaf5
  393. Terraform does not automatically rollback in the face of errors.
  394. Instead, your Terraform state file has been partially updated with
  395. any resources that successfully completed. Please address the error
  396. above and apply again to incrementally change your infrastructure.
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