
Some People Are Just a Bit too Forward :

Jun 15th, 2015
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  1. So this guy contacts me, and posts this comment on my Steam profile:
  3. Arconis 32 minutes ago
  4. please friend me your majesty*kneels*
  6. Seems harmless enough, so just for the heck of it, I accept his friend request. The following transcript is what transpired after I did something I really wish I hadn't... -.-'
  8. ♥Vaxi, Prince of Lust♥: As you wish.
  9. Arconis: *kneels*
  10. Arconis: you are beautiful
  11. ♥Vaxi, Prince of Lust♥: Why thank you~
  12. Arconis: *kisses your hand*
  13. ♥Vaxi, Prince of Lust♥: And what can I do for such a charming, handsome wolf?
  14. Arconis: noone else will friend me..because im a male princess :'(
  15. Arconis: they say im a CD faggot who should die
  16. ♥Vaxi, Prince of Lust♥: CD?
  17. Arconis: crossdressing
  18. Arconis: maybe its best if i was dead
  19. Arconis: T_T
  20. Arconis: you..hate crossdressers?
  21. ♥Vaxi, Prince of Lust♥: Okay, stop right there...
  22. Arconis: irl im suicidal
  23. Arconis: i have depression
  24. ♥Vaxi, Prince of Lust♥: #1: You do not know me well at all. Why you are even telling me all of this, confuses the heck of of me...
  25. #2: I really cannot and shall not have this emotional baggage in the form of random drama put on my shoulders just because I had the consideration for your request to add you to friends.
  26. 3: I am a crossdresser myself, so no, I do not.
  27. 4: If I could kindly ask you to cease whatever it is you think you're doing right now? That'd be great. If not? Then this isn't going to work out, and I highly recommend you find someone else to listen to this, cause quite frankly, to be PERFECTLY honest with you? I have no clue who you are, and you are jumping the gun 'WAY' too much. This is making me incredibly uncomfortable, and I don't appreciate it.
  28. Arconis: im sorry your majesty..i just...need someone to talk to
  29. Arconis: by this point the person will delete me and block me
  30. ♥Vaxi, Prince of Lust♥: Did you not read a word I said, or do you just not care?
  31. ♥Vaxi, Prince of Lust♥: It's 1:40am on a Sunday.
  32. ♥Vaxi, Prince of Lust♥: What makes you think I'm at all interested in playing councillor for you right now?
  33. Arconis: damn timezones...
  34. Arconis: ugh they suck right?
  35. Arconis: i..worship your butt?
  36. Arconis: this person worships your butt..i clicked it..and it went to my steam page
  37. ♥Vaxi, Prince of Lust♥: Your point being?
  38. Arconis: *hugs*
  39. Arconis: im glad u dont hate me
  40. ♥Vaxi, Prince of Lust♥: *Facepalms*
  41. ♥Vaxi, Prince of Lust♥: Yeah, I just don't have the patience for this tonight. I'm sorry, but I'm not dealing with it.
  42. Arconis is now Offline.
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