
serah curent

Nov 21st, 2016
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  47. please don't remove the credit
  48. thank you
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  610. <a href="" title="Partner in time! ★"><font color="#fff">✩</font>
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  667. <div id="box1" class="popup_block">
  668. <h2>Guidelines updated 10/5/16.</h2>
  669. <p><img src="" /><img src="" /><img src="" /><img src="" /></p>
  670. <p></p>
  671. <p></p>
  672. <p></p>
  673. <p></p>
  674. <h2>VERSES:</h2>
  675. <blockquote>
  676. <p>I do tend to plot <strong>many</strong> verses, but as of right now my verses are pre XIII all the way through the new world. AU verses, if created, will be added later.</p>
  677. <p>It would still be wise to check my verses popup.</p>
  678. </blockquote>
  679. <h2>SHIPPING:</h2>
  680. <blockquote>
  681. <p>I ship SNOW AND SERAH canonically, and in au verses if the time comes. I tend to stick with one person when shipping with a Snow blog, however the idea of single ship or being exclusive to one another is reserved to said writer of the blog.</p>
  682. <p>AU ships i&rsquo;ve written before, but as of right now, none exist.</p>
  683. <p>I do <strong>not</strong> ship Noel and Serah romantically. Their interactions are strictly that of best friends.</p>
  684. </blockquote>
  685. <h2>NSFW</h2>
  686. <blockquote>
  687. <p>I will not write smut. <br />Triggers will be tagged and listed if they are done.</p>
  688. </blockquote>
  689. <h2>OC&rsquo;S &amp; CROSSOVER</h2>
  690. <blockquote>
  691. <p>I'm very friendly to both of these topics. I have a verse specifically open for crossovers, and OC bios are read to have a clear understanding before interaction.</p>
  692. </blockquote>
  693. <h2>MAIN VERSE</h2>
  694. <blockquote>
  695. <p>My main verses are New World (Celestine)<em><strong> &amp;</strong></em> XIII - 2 (Memory &amp; Paradoxed)</p>
  696. </blockquote>
  698. <blockquote>
  699. <p>You may send me memes/asks that do not have to be responded to by you. It&rsquo;s not a personal offense, I just may or may not know a lot about your character/ you spam ooc posts and i&rsquo;d like to keep my dash clean.</p>
  700. </blockquote>
  701. <h2>EXCLUSTIVITY:</h2>
  702. <blockquote>
  703. <p>Please check my exclusives pop up to see who I will not be writing doubles with. If we talk regularly on Skype and write together frequently, then I am open to being exclusive with you if you ask.</p>
  704. </blockquote>
  705. <h2>CREDIT:</h2>
  706. <blockquote>
  707. <p>All I ask, is simply do not take anything from here. I am not a resource blog. I&rsquo;ve been writing this muse for over 2 years at this point, and I have lots of headcanons i&rsquo;ve developed that i&rsquo;m very attached to. <strong>PLEASE</strong>, let me develop my muse my way, without having to worry about other&rsquo;s taking those. It&rsquo;s happened before.</p>
  708. <p>Credit to the artwork in the background is <a href="">here</a>.</p>
  709. </blockquote>
  710. </div>
  711. <div id="box2" class="popup_block">
  712. <h1><center>Need something?</center></h1>
  713. <iframe frameborder="0" height="200" id="ask_form" scrolling="yes" src="" width="100%"></iframe>
  714. </div>
  715. <div id="box3" class="popup_block">
  716. <p><small>BIO STILL UNDER CO.</small></p><figure class="tmblr-full" data-orig-height="100" data-orig-width="400"><img src="" data-orig-height="100" data-orig-width="400"></figure><p><small>NAME: Serah Farron.<br>AGE: 18 ( XIII ) - 21 &nbsp;( XIII - 2 )<br>HEIGHT: 5′4<br>HAIR COLOR: Rose pink.</small></p><p><b>!! STORY SPOILERS ( duh ) !!</b></p><hr><p><small>Serah Farron is an 18 year old college student from the seaside town of Bodhum, Cocoon. She has a sister named Lightning ( Claire ) Farron, while her parents are both deceased. Her mother died of an estranged illness when Serah was only twelve. In the care of her sister, the two grew close and inseparable, but they had their arguments and disagreements, specifically over her boyfriend, Snow Villiers. There is no canon explanation to how Snow and Serah met, besides that they fell in love over her summer vacation before attending the university of Eden to study her favorite subject of history.</small></p><p><small>One day, Serah finds herself investigating the vestige, and accidentally finds the fal’cie Anima that brands her as a l’cie; Cooconians were brainwashed into believing that l’cie were monsters from Pulse, set to destroy the planet. So with that in mind, Serah holds the belief that she is an enemy of Cocoon, set to become a monster, and ultimately die.</small></p><figure class="tmblr-full" data-orig-height="100" data-orig-width="400"><img src="" data-orig-height="100" data-orig-width="400"></figure><p><small>Serah hides her brand with a small wrap around her arm, hoping to cause little suspicion and buy her some time. Using that time, she attempts to break up with Snow without having to tell him about becoming a l’cie. Her plan backfires, as he demands an explanation, and then begs her to let him help her, and in the end, he promises her that he’ll help her complete her focus, so that she may turn into crystal, and gain eternal life, like the legends promised.</small></p><figure class="tmblr-full" data-orig-height="100" data-orig-width="400"><img src="" data-orig-height="100" data-orig-width="400"></figure><p><small>A few days later, does she come across a girl named Vanille, who had seemed to be injured. She helps her, and they both somehow find comfort in the other’s presence. Then, does Serah open up about a nightmare, that had terrified her. One that showed her destroying the world. It was her focus, but she didn’t say that, but it seemed that the other girl had already known that, somehow.</small></p><figure class="tmblr-full" data-orig-height="100" data-orig-width="400"><img src="" data-orig-height="100" data-orig-width="400"></figure><p><small>Later, a few days before her sister’s birthday, Snow and Serah go out on a shopping spree to find Lightning a birthday gift. They try jewelry stores, and things that weren’t quite her sister. While wandering off to find a gift, does Snow also wonder off to buy Serah a gift for the both of them. Later, is that gift revealed under the fireworks one night when he tries to cheer Serah up, but not only does he do that, he proposes to her. And she accepts.</small></p><figure class="tmblr-full" data-orig-height="100" data-orig-width="400"><img src="" data-orig-height="100" data-orig-width="400"></figure><p><small>On Lightning’s birthday, they attempt to tell her that they’re engaged, and that Serah had become a l’cie, but it results in failure. And later on that day, Serah is found out, and both Snow and Serah begin to run from the Sanctum. However, those plans also fail, as Serah is sucked into the vestige, and her brand is progressed. When found again, inside the vestige, she passes on her focus to the six inside, and is turned into crystal. Later, she is awoken from her crystal stasis and reunited with her sister and Snow.</small></p><figure class="tmblr-full" data-orig-height="100" data-orig-width="400"><img src="" data-orig-height="100" data-orig-width="400"></figure><p><small>However, in some twisted event, in XIII - 2 it is revealed that Lightning had disappeared after the battle with Orphan, and Serah had apparently dreamt the reunion with her sister. Instead of hugging her sister, once she had her moment with Snow, Lightning was no where in sight. Hope, hands Serah the blade Serah had given Lightning for her birthday, and that is when it registered to Serah, that Lightning was indeed, <b>missing</b>.</small></p><figure class="tmblr-full" data-orig-height="100" data-orig-width="400"><img src="" data-orig-height="100" data-orig-width="400"></figure><p><small>For three years, Serah learns to live a life without her sister. Reluctantly believing that Lightning could be in the crystal pillar with Vanille and Fang, Serah spends a lot of nights looking up to it, and talking to it as if her sister was there in person. During this time, Serah is considered depressed. Snow and the rest of team NORA bring in many attempts to cheer her up, but in the end, nothing really helps.</small></p><figure class="tmblr-full" data-orig-height="100" data-orig-width="400"><img src="" data-orig-height="100" data-orig-width="400"></figure><p><small>One day, when New Bodhum was newly built, Serah was out watching the children play when monsters began to attack the oceanside village. With quick thinking, Serah brought the children up to a cave, close to where Maqui built his weapons. Unfortunately, a monster, larger than any on the village came out of nowhere, and with no time to think, Serah told the children to hide, whilst she grabbed one of Maqui’s prototypes and began any attempt to kill the monster. Once help finally arrived, Serah had defeated the monster and collapsed.</small></p><p><small>Later that night, Serah tells Snow and team NORA that the children need some place safe, and that is when the village begins to create a school where Serah will begin to teach, and that, is what slowly began to make her happy.</small></p><p><small>To the students, Serah became a close mom figure, mostly to those who lost one or both parents during the purge of Bodhum. They often confide in her for advice. One night, Serah finds one of her students and speaks to them on the beachside, and afterwards Serah discovers that Snow had been listening in, just to make sure Serah was alright. This is when Snow admits to Serah that he believes that they reunited with Lightning all that time ago, and she can’t be inside the crystal pillar. This, is where he tells Serah of his plan to go find her -- And despite begging him to let her go, Snow tells her the children need her, and he’ll be back soon.</small></p><figure class="tmblr-full" data-orig-height="100" data-orig-width="400"><img src="" data-orig-height="100" data-orig-width="400"></figure><p><small>After a year of Snow being gone, Serah, despite the help of the children slips back into some sadness. Yuj and the rest of team NORA try their damndest to make her happy again, but she had lost Lightning, and possibly Snow. Yuj, one day brings home a cat in hopes of cheering Serah up, but even so, she fake smiles.</small></p><figure class="tmblr-full" data-orig-height="100" data-orig-width="400"><img src="" data-orig-height="100" data-orig-width="400"></figure><p><small>Serah often dreams of Lightning, and hears her voice. Which, is why Serah is reluctant to believe that Lightning is truly gone. One night, there’s a meteor that hits the village, and this is where Serah’s life changes once again. From the meteor, monsters cover the village, and someone who will become very close to Serah, Noel Kreiss also came from the meteor. He hands Serah a bow and urges her to fight, and once that’s over, the bow turns into a Moogle named Mog.</small></p><p><small>Noel explains to Serah that he and Mog were sent by Lightning, and the three of them were going to go find her. As she was stuck in a world where time doesn’t exist, called Valhalla. This all sounds silly to team NORA, who argue with Noel for several hours.</small></p><figure class="tmblr-full" data-orig-height="100" data-orig-width="400"><img src="" data-orig-height="100" data-orig-width="400"></figure><p><small>In the end, however, it is Serah who decides she wants to go on a journey through time with Noel and Mog, because there’s a possibility to find her sister. And once goodbyes are said, the three depart through the time portal found the night before, and land two years into the future.</small></p><p><small>Noel and Serah are to fix abnormalities across the timeline that have been destroyed by Caius, but by doing this, Serah’s life slowly starts to deteriorate because of visions of the true future. However, Serah brushes the visions off as nothing, and urges Noel that they are nothing.&nbsp;</small></p><figure class="tmblr-full" data-orig-height="100" data-orig-width="400"><img src="" data-orig-height="100" data-orig-width="400"></figure><p><small>In their short journey through time, the three visit the Bresha Ruins 005 AF, where they help a young girl named Alyssa, fight the paradox Atlas, and rediscover the missing cemetery where her friend was buried after the Purge. They are then lead to the Yashas Massif 1X AF, where they meet a 24 year old Hope, and he introduces Serah and Noel to an oracle drive that shows them Lightning. But, the oracle drive is broken because it doesn’t show everything, so Noel and Serah are taken then to Oerba, 200 AF.</small></p><figure class="tmblr-full" data-orig-height="100" data-orig-width="400"><img src="" data-orig-height="100" data-orig-width="400"></figure><p>to b e continued im tired</p>
  717. </div>
  718. <div id="box4" class="popup_block">
  719. <figure class="tmblr-full" data-orig-height="100" data-orig-width="400"><img src="" data-orig-height="100" data-orig-width="400"></figure><blockquote><p>VERSE: <a href="" title="verse">CELESTINE</a>. ( NEW WORLD. )</p><p> </p><p>Serah, now finally able to breathe in relief knowing, that everything is okay once again, is able to live a life without the meddling of Gods. She lives in a decently sized home with her sister, as she prepares herself to go back to school to get a full degree in History and education, all the while preparing her marriage to Snow. However, everything is not all perfectt at the beginning. Serah deals with the aftermath of their 1000 years of suffering, and helping her friends try to push past it, as well as the same for herself. But out of her own selflessness, she puts the others first, delaying her own recovery. And based on <b>my own headcanons</b>, Serah is much more prone to getting sick in this verse. Not only is it a new environment, and there’s stress, but Serah had visions that completely destroyed her on the inside. Despite being reborn, it had a rippling effect on her body, making her weaker in situations where she was not fully well. But with proper care and relaxation, she’s up on her feet in no time.</p></blockquote><figure class="tmblr-full" data-orig-height="100" data-orig-width="400"><img src="" data-orig-height="100" data-orig-width="400"></figure><blockquote><p>VERSE: <a href=";%20%E1%B4%98%E1%B4%80%E1%B4%A1%C9%B4%20%5D" title="Verse tag.">PAWN</a>. <i><b>( </b></i>LIGHTNING RETURNS.<i><b> )</b></i></p><p> </p><p>Based on my own headcanons, I believe that Serah was able to watch all of the events of Lightning Returns through Lumina’s eyes. She is able to watch all of her friends suffer, and she herself, suffered too, knowing there would be no way to help. As part of another one of <b>my headcanons</b>, I believe that Serah is able to show up as almost an illusion when Lumina allows her to. But she does not use that to her advantage, almost believing, that if she did so, it would only throw her friends into an even bigger depressive state. And that is something she’d rather not risk. And once she is informed of God’s plans, she holds the belief that Lightning will do the right thing.</p></blockquote><figure class="tmblr-full" data-orig-height="100" data-orig-width="400"><img src="" data-orig-height="100" data-orig-width="400"></figure><blockquote><p>VERSE: <a href="" title="Verse tag.">PARADOXED</a>. <i><b>( </b></i>XIII-2 CROSSOVER. <i><b>)</b></i></p><p> </p><p>Serah holds all of the memories that happen to her in-game to a specific point in time. She has gone through a broken portal, separating herself from Noel, and sometimes Mog. Here she meets many friends from many different worlds, but often, she holds the question of, how exactly, a portal had taken her to another world besides Cocoon or Pulse.</p></blockquote><figure class="tmblr-full" data-orig-height="100" data-orig-width="400"><img src="" data-orig-height="100" data-orig-width="400"></figure><blockquote><p>VERSE: <a href="">MEMORY</a>. <i><b>(</b></i> PRE-XIII 2 / END XIII-2.<b><i> )</i></b></p><p> </p><p>A canon verse for events that happen during XIII - 2. Verse is specifically saved for those canonically in the XIII - 2 universe, and no crossovers will take place here. Events that could have happened in between in-game cutscenes will appear here, as they are heavily plotted headcanons to match things we were not able to see in game.</p><p>Serah sets off on a exhilarating journey with her two newfound friends, Noel and Mog, to find her sister Lightning. However, she finds herself oddly blessed with the Eyes of Etro, allowing her to see the future. Throughout her journey Serah proves the strength she’s always withheld, both physical and mental, as the tasks she faces are not quite easy.</p></blockquote><figure class="tmblr-full" data-orig-height="100" data-orig-width="400"><img src="" data-orig-height="100" data-orig-width="400"></figure><blockquote><p>VERSE: <a href="" title="Verse tag.">EPISODE ZERO</a>. <i><b>(</b></i> PRE-XIII.<i><b> )</b></i></p><p> </p><p>Takes place before the main events in the game, timeline is usually set either before being branded or after, writing in this verse is dependent on plotting.</p><p>Serah is an 18 year old college freshman to be, she’s found the love of her life and works on making her sister, the only family she has, like him too. She has a natural curiosity for many things, which is why she has such a huge interest in History, the subject she<b> would have </b>majored in. But, in the middle of her summer vacation, things get complicated when she finds herself branded as a Pulse L'cie and Cocoon’s sworn enemy.</p></blockquote>
  720. </div>
  721. <div id="box5" class="popup_block">
  722. <blockquote><p><strong>IMPORTANT PEOPLE.</strong></p>
  723. </blockquote>
  724. <p><a href="" title="Serah."><img src="" /></a><a href="" title="Lightning." target="_blank"><img src="" style="line-height: 1.4;" /></a><a href="" title="Snow." target="_blank"><img src="" /></a></p>
  725. <p></p>
  726. <p><a href="" title="Noel." target="_blank"><img src="" /></a><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" style="line-height: 1.4;" /></a><a href="" title="Sazh." target="_blank"><img src="" /></a></p>
  727. <p></p>
  728. <p><a href="" title="Hope."><img src="" /></a><a href="" title="Vanille." target="_blank"><img src="" style="line-height: 1.4;" /></a><a href="" title="Fang." target="_blank"><img src="" /></a></p>
  729. <p></p>
  730. <p><a href="" title="Yeul." target="_blank"><img src="" /></a><a href="" title="Caius." target="_blank"><img src="" style="line-height: 1.4;" /></a></p>
  731. <blockquote>
  732. <p><strong>ABOUT SERAH.</strong></p>
  733. </blockquote>
  734. <p><a href="" title="Headcanons." target="_blank"><img src="" /></a><a href="" title="Musings." target="_blank"><img src="" style="line-height: 1.4;" /></a><a href="" title="Wishlist." target="_blank"><img src="" style="line-height: 1.4;" /></a></p>
  735. <p><a href="" title="Melodies." target="_blank"><img src="" style="line-height: 1.4;" /></a><a href="" title="Wardrobe." target="_blank"><img src="" style="line-height: 1.4;" /></a><a href="" title="Aesthetic." target="_blank"><img src="" /></a></p>
  736. <p></p>
  737. <p><a href="" title="Faceclaim." target="_blank"><img src="" style="line-height: 1.4;" /></a></p>
  738. <blockquote>
  739. <p><strong>REALATIONSHIPS.<br /><em>(</em></strong> The <strong>only</strong> romantic relationship is Snow <em><strong>&amp;</strong></em> Serah.<em><strong> )</strong></em></p>
  740. </blockquote>
  741. <p><a href=";%20Serah;%20%E2%80%9C%20wherever%20I%20go%20I'll%20be%20looking%20for%20you..%20.:*:%E3%83%BB" title="Lightning &amp; Serah." target="_blank"><img src="" /></a><a href="" title="Snow &amp; Serah." target="_blank"><img src="" style="line-height: 1.4;" /></a><a href="" title="Noel &amp; Serah." target="_blank"><img src="" style="line-height: 1.4;" /></a></p>
  742. </div>
  743. <div id="box6" class="popup_block">
  744. <p><small>I am exclusive to the following characters listed below. This means, I will not be writing with the duplicates of these characters, or people who use any of the following characters/people as their faceclaim.<br>Also keep in mind I will <b>not </b>be writing with people who use <b>Lights Bokan</b> as their faceclaim, as she is my own.</small></p>
  745. <blockquote>
  746. <p><strong>KINGDOM HEARTS.</strong></p>
  747. </blockquote>
  748. <p><a href="" title="Sora." target="_blank"><img src="" /></a><a href="" title="Winnie the Pooh." target="_blank"><img src="" /></a></p>
  749. <blockquote>
  750. <p><strong>FINAL FANTASY VIII.</strong></p>
  751. </blockquote>
  752. <p><a href="" title="Kael. ( Fc exclusive )" target="_blank"><img src="" /></a></p>
  753. <p></p>
  754. <blockquote>
  755. <p><strong>FINAL FANTASY XIII.</strong></p>
  756. </blockquote>
  757. <p><a href="" title="Noel Kreiss." target="_blank"><img src="" /></a></p>
  758. </div>
  760. <div id="box7" class="popup_block">
  761. <p><img src="" /></p>
  762. <blockquote>
  763. <p>URL: <a href="" title="kairi." target="_blank">Lucetli</a><br />MUSE: Kairi<br />SERIES: Kingdom Hearts<br />STATUS: Private/ hardly active</p>
  764. </blockquote>
  765. <p><img src="" /></p>
  766. <blockquote>
  767. <p>URL: <a href="" title="Prompto Argentum." target="_blank">victuist</a><br />MUSE: Prompto Argentum<br />SERIES: Final Fantasy XV<br />STATUS: Active/ Selective</p>
  768. </blockquote>
  770. </div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>
  772. <!-- begin updates box -->
  773. <div id="updatesbox">
  774. <span id="updatestitle">THOUGHTS.</span>
  775. <div id="inside">
  777. Selective Serah Farron<b><i>!!</i></b><br>written by Megan<b><i>!!</i><br></b>Formerly arcanumrosa<b><i>!!<br></i></b>Established August 2014<b><i>!!</i></b></p>
  780. <p><small>
  782. You're the only <i>hope </i>that I'm <b>clinging </b>to<em><b>&</b></em> I hope you know I <b>can't </b>live <i>without you.</i></small></p>
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