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Jun 17th, 2019
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  1. import React, { Component } from "react";
  2. import {
  3. Platform,
  4. StyleSheet,
  5. View,
  6. Image,
  7. Text,
  8. StatusBar,
  9. ScrollView,
  10. TextInput,
  11. AsyncStorage,
  12. FlatList,
  13. Alert,
  14. TouchableOpacity,
  15. ActivityIndicator
  16. } from "react-native";
  17. import {
  18. Container,
  19. Header,
  20. Title,
  21. Content,
  22. Footer,
  23. FooterTab,
  24. Button,
  25. Left,
  26. Right,
  27. Card,
  28. CardItem,
  29. ListItem,
  30. Body,
  31. Fab,
  32. Textarea,
  33. Switch,
  34. Icon,
  35. Picker,
  36. Form,
  37. Input,
  38. Label,
  39. Item
  40. } from "native-base";
  41. import Dialog, {
  42. DialogTitle,
  43. SlideAnimation,
  44. DialogContent,
  45. DialogButton
  46. } from "react-native-popup-dialog";
  47. import SubMenuSafety from "../../components/SubMenuSafety";
  48. import GlobalConfig from "../../components/GlobalConfig";
  49. import styles from "../styles/FireMenu";
  50. import colors from "../../../styles/colors";
  51. import CustomFooter from "../../components/CustomFooter";
  52. import DateTimePicker from "react-native-datepicker";
  53. import DatePicker from "react-native-datepicker";
  54. import ImagePicker from "react-native-image-picker";
  55. import Ripple from "react-native-material-ripple";
  56. import CheckBox from "react-native-check-box";
  57. import Moment from "moment";
  58. import ListView from "../../components/ListView";
  60. export default class UnitCheckPickupCreate extends Component {
  61. constructor(props) {
  62. super(props);
  63. this.state = {
  64. active: "true",
  65. dataSource: [],
  66. visibleDialogShift: true,
  67. isLoading: true,
  68. tabNumber: "tab1",
  69. shiftChecking: 1,
  70. isNegatifPemanasan: 0,
  71. visiblePemanasan: false,
  72. isNegatifSpeedometer: 0,
  73. visibleSpeedometer: false,
  74. isNegatifBbm: 0,
  75. visibleBbm: false,
  76. bbmChecking: "R",
  77. oliMesinChecking: "L",
  78. isNegatifOliMesin: 0,
  79. visibleOliMesin: false,
  80. oliRemChecking: "L",
  81. isNegatifOliRem: 0,
  82. visibleOliRem: false,
  83. oliPowerSteeringChecking: "L",
  84. isNegatifOliPowerSteering: 0,
  85. visibleOliPowerSteering: false,
  86. airRadiatorChecking: "R",
  87. isNegatifAirRadiator: 0,
  88. visibleAirRadiator: false,
  89. airCadanganRadiatorChecking: "R",
  90. isNegatifAirCadanganRadiator: 0,
  91. visibleAirCadanganRadiator: false,
  92. airWiperChecking: "R",
  93. isNegatifAirWiper: 0,
  94. visibleAirWiper: false,
  95. isNegatifBanDepanKiri: 0,
  96. visibleBanDepanKiri: false,
  97. isNegatifBanDepanKanan: 0,
  98. visibleBanDepanKanan: false,
  99. isNegatifBanBelakangKananLuar: 0,
  100. visibleBanBelakangKananLuar: false,
  101. isNegatifBanBelakangKiriLuar: 0,
  102. visibleBanBelakangKiriLuar: false,
  103. isNegatifBanBelakangKananDalam: 0,
  104. visibleBanBelakangKananDalam: false,
  105. isNegatifBanBelakangKiriDalam: 0,
  106. visibleBanBelakangKiriDalam: false,
  107. isNegatifKacaSpionKiri: 0,
  108. isNegatifKacaSpionKanan: 0,
  109. isNegatifLampuCabin: 0,
  110. isNegatifLampuKota: 0,
  111. isNegatifLampuJauh: 0,
  112. isNegatifLampuSeinKiri: 0,
  113. isNegatifLampuSeinKanan: 0,
  114. isNegatifLampuRem: 0,
  115. isNegatifLampuAtret: 0,
  116. isNegatifLampuSorot: 0,
  117. isNegatifDashboard: 0,
  118. listTools: [],
  119. headerUnitCheck: [],
  120. isCheckedOther: false,
  121. visibleDialogSubmit: false,
  122. lampuCabinChecking: true,
  123. lampuKotaChecking: true,
  124. lampuJauhChecking: true,
  125. lampuSeinKiriChecking: true,
  126. lampuSeinKananChecking: true,
  127. lampuRemChecking: true,
  128. lampuAtretChecking: true,
  129. lampuSorotChecking: true,
  130. dashboardChecking: true,
  131. spionKiriChecking: true,
  132. spionKananChecking: true,
  133. pickedImage: "",
  134. uri: "",
  135. fileName: ""
  136. };
  137. }
  139. static navigationOptions = {
  140. header: null
  141. };
  143. pickImageHandler = () => {
  144. ImagePicker.showImagePicker(
  145. { title: "Pick an Image", maxWidth: 800, maxHeight: 600 },
  146. res => {
  147. if (res.didCancel) {
  148. console.log("User cancelled!");
  149. } else if (res.error) {
  150. console.log("Error", res.error);
  151. } else {
  152. this.setState({
  153. pickedImage: res.uri,
  154. uri: res.uri,
  155. fileName: res.fileName,
  156. fileType: res.type
  157. });
  158. console.log(res.type);
  159. }
  160. }
  161. );
  162. };
  164. componentDidMount() {
  165. this._onFocusListener = this.props.navigation.addListener(
  166. "didFocus",
  167. payload => {
  168. this.loadData();
  169. this.setState({
  170. visibleDialogSubmit: false
  171. });
  172. }
  173. );
  174. AsyncStorage.getItem("list").then(listUnitcheck => {
  175. this.setState({
  176. headerUnitCheck: JSON.parse(listUnitcheck),
  177. ID: JSON.parse(listUnitcheck).ID_VEHICLE,
  178. pemanasanChecking: JSON.parse(listUnitcheck)
  179. });
  180. // this.setState({ isLoading: false });
  181. // this.loadData();
  182. });
  183. }
  185. loadData() {
  186. this.setState({
  187. visibleLoadingUnitKerja: true
  188. });
  189. AsyncStorage.getItem("token").then(value => {
  190. const url =
  191. GlobalConfig.SERVERHOST +
  192. "api/v_mobile/firesystem/unit_check/get_vehicle_checklist";
  193. var array = "Engine & Acsecoris";
  194. var formData = new FormData();
  195. formData.append("token", value);
  196. formData.append("VEHICLE_CHECK", "Pick Up");
  197. formData.append("REPORT_DATE", this.state.dateChecking);
  198. formData.append("ID_VEHICLE", this.state.headerUnitCheck.ID_VEHICLE);
  199. formData.append("REPORT_SHIFT", this.state.shiftChecking);
  201. fetch(url, {
  202. headers: {
  203. "Content-Type": "multipart/form-data"
  204. },
  205. method: "POST",
  206. body: formData
  207. })
  208. .then(response => response.json())
  209. .then(responseJson => {
  210. console.log(responseJson);
  211. // alert(JSON.stringify(responseJson.Data["Engine & Acsecoris"]))
  212. this.setState(
  213. {
  214. dataVehicleChecklist: responseJson.Data["Engine & Acsecoris"],
  215. isLoading: false,
  216. visibleLoadingUnitKerja: false
  217. },
  218. function() {
  219. console.log(this.state.dataVehicleChecklist);
  220. this.setState(
  221. {
  222. pemanasanChecking:
  223. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[0].DATA_CHECKED != null ?
  224. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[0].DATA_CHECKED.CHECK_VAL: 0,
  225. pemanasanCheckingNote:
  226. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[0].DATA_CHECKED != null ?
  227. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[0].DATA_CHECKED.CHECK_NOTE : null,
  228. isNegatifPemanasan:
  229. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[0].DATA_CHECKED != null ?
  230. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[0].DATA_CHECKED.IS_NEGATIF : 0,
  231. speedometerChecking:
  232. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[1].DATA_CHECKED != null ?
  233. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[1].DATA_CHECKED.CHECK_VAL : 0,
  234. speedometerCheckingNote:
  235. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[1].DATA_CHECKED != null ?
  236. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[1].DATA_CHECKED.CHECK_NOTE : null,
  237. isNegatifSpeedometer:
  238. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[1].DATA_CHECKED != null ?
  239. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[1].DATA_CHECKED.IS_NEGATIF : 0,
  240. bbmChecking:
  241. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[2].DATA_CHECKED != null ?
  242. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[2].DATA_CHECKED.CHECK_VAL : "R",
  243. bbmCheckingNote:
  244. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[2].DATA_CHECKED != null ?
  245. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[2].DATA_CHECKED.CHECK_NOTE : null,
  246. isNegatifBbm:
  247. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[2].DATA_CHECKED != null ?
  248. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[2].DATA_CHECKED.IS_NEGATIF : 0,
  249. oliMesinChecking:
  250. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[3].SUB_ITEM[0]
  251. .DATA_CHECKED != null ?
  252. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[3].SUB_ITEM[0].DATA_CHECKED
  253. .CHECK_VAL : "L",
  254. oliMesinCheckingNote:
  255. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[3].SUB_ITEM[0]
  256. .DATA_CHECKED != null ?
  257. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[3].SUB_ITEM[0].DATA_CHECKED
  258. .CHECK_NOTE : null,
  259. isNegatifOliMesin:
  260. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[3].SUB_ITEM[0]
  261. .DATA_CHECKED != null ?
  262. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[3].SUB_ITEM[0].DATA_CHECKED
  263. .IS_NEGATIF : 0,
  264. oliRemChecking:
  265. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[3].SUB_ITEM[1]
  266. .DATA_CHECKED != null ?
  267. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[3].SUB_ITEM[1].DATA_CHECKED
  268. .CHECK_VAL : "L",
  269. oliRemCheckingNote:
  270. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[3].SUB_ITEM[1]
  271. .DATA_CHECKED != null ?
  272. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[3].SUB_ITEM[1].DATA_CHECKED
  273. .CHECK_NOTE : null,
  274. isNegatifOliRem:
  275. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[3].SUB_ITEM[1]
  276. .DATA_CHECKED != null ?
  277. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[3].SUB_ITEM[1].DATA_CHECKED
  278. .IS_NEGATIF : 0,
  279. oliPowerSteeringChecking:
  280. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[3].SUB_ITEM[2]
  281. .DATA_CHECKED != null ?
  282. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[3].SUB_ITEM[2].DATA_CHECKED
  283. .CHECK_VAL : "L",
  284. oliPowerSteeringCheckingNote:
  285. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[3].SUB_ITEM[2]
  286. .DATA_CHECKED != null ?
  287. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[3].SUB_ITEM[2].DATA_CHECKED
  288. .CHECK_NOTE : null,
  289. isNegatifOliPowerSteering:
  290. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[3].SUB_ITEM[2]
  291. .DATA_CHECKED != null ?
  292. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[3].SUB_ITEM[2].DATA_CHECKED
  293. .IS_NEGATIF : 0,
  294. airRadiatorChecking:
  295. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[4].SUB_ITEM[0]
  296. .DATA_CHECKED != null ?
  297. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[4].SUB_ITEM[0].DATA_CHECKED
  298. .CHECK_VAL : "R",
  299. airRadiatorCheckingNote:
  300. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[4].SUB_ITEM[0]
  301. .DATA_CHECKED != null ?
  302. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[4].SUB_ITEM[0].DATA_CHECKED
  303. .CHECK_NOTE : null,
  304. isNegatifAirRadiator:
  305. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[4].SUB_ITEM[0]
  306. .DATA_CHECKED != null ?
  307. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[4].SUB_ITEM[0].DATA_CHECKED
  308. .IS_NEGATIF : 0,
  309. airCadanganRadiatorChecking:
  310. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[4].SUB_ITEM[1]
  311. .DATA_CHECKED != null ?
  312. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[4].SUB_ITEM[1].DATA_CHECKED
  313. .CHECK_VAL : "R",
  314. airCadanganRadiatorCheckingNote:
  315. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[4].SUB_ITEM[1]
  316. .DATA_CHECKED != null ?
  317. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[4].SUB_ITEM[1].DATA_CHECKED
  318. .CHECK_NOTE : null,
  319. isNegatifAirCadanganRadiator:
  320. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[4].SUB_ITEM[1]
  321. .DATA_CHECKED != null ?
  322. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[4].SUB_ITEM[1].DATA_CHECKED
  323. .IS_NEGATIF : 0,
  324. airWiperChecking:
  325. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[4].SUB_ITEM[2]
  326. .DATA_CHECKED != null ?
  327. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[4].SUB_ITEM[2].DATA_CHECKED
  328. .CHECK_VAL : "R",
  329. airWiperCheckingNote:
  330. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[4].SUB_ITEM[2]
  331. .DATA_CHECKED != null ?
  332. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[4].SUB_ITEM[2].DATA_CHECKED
  333. .CHECK_NOTE : null,
  334. isNegatifAirWiper:
  335. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[4].SUB_ITEM[2]
  336. .DATA_CHECKED != null ?
  337. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[4].SUB_ITEM[2].DATA_CHECKED
  338. .IS_NEGATIF : 0,
  340. // lampuCabinChecking:
  341. // this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5].SUB_ITEM[0]
  342. // .DATA_CHECKED != null ?
  343. // this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5].SUB_ITEM[0].DATA_CHECKED
  344. // .CHECK_VAL :,
  345. // lampuKotaChecking:
  346. // this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5].SUB_ITEM[1]
  347. // .DATA_CHECKED != null &&
  348. // this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5].SUB_ITEM[1].DATA_CHECKED
  349. // .CHECK_VAL,
  350. // lampuJauhChecking:
  351. // this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5].SUB_ITEM[2]
  352. // .DATA_CHECKED != null &&
  353. // this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5].SUB_ITEM[2].DATA_CHECKED
  354. // .CHECK_VAL,
  355. // lampuSeinKiriChecking:
  356. // this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5].SUB_ITEM[3]
  357. // .DATA_CHECKED != null &&
  358. // this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5].SUB_ITEM[3].DATA_CHECKED
  359. // .CHECK_VAL,
  360. // lampuSeinKananChecking:
  361. // this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5].SUB_ITEM[4]
  362. // .DATA_CHECKED != null &&
  363. // this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5].SUB_ITEM[4].DATA_CHECKED
  364. // .CHECK_VAL,
  365. // lampuRemChecking:
  366. // this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5].SUB_ITEM[5]
  367. // .DATA_CHECKED != null &&
  368. // this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5].SUB_ITEM[5].DATA_CHECKED
  369. // .CHECK_VAL,
  370. // lampuAtretChecking:
  371. // this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5].SUB_ITEM[6]
  372. // .DATA_CHECKED != null &&
  373. // this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5].SUB_ITEM[6].DATA_CHECKED
  374. // .CHECK_VAL,
  375. // lampuSorotChecking:
  376. // this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5].SUB_ITEM[7]
  377. // .DATA_CHECKED != null &&
  378. // this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5].SUB_ITEM[7].DATA_CHECKED
  379. // .CHECK_VAL,
  380. // dashboardChecking:
  381. // this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5].SUB_ITEM[8]
  382. // .DATA_CHECKED != null &&
  383. // this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5].SUB_ITEM[8].DATA_CHECKED
  384. // .CHECK_VAL,
  386. banDepanKiriChecking:
  387. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[6].SUB_ITEM[0]
  388. .DATA_CHECKED != null ?
  389. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[6].SUB_ITEM[0].DATA_CHECKED
  390. .CHECK_VAL : 0,
  391. banDepanKiriCheckingNote:
  392. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[6].SUB_ITEM[0]
  393. .DATA_CHECKED != null ?
  394. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[6].SUB_ITEM[0].DATA_CHECKED
  395. .CHECK_NOTE : null,
  396. isNegatifBanDepanKiri:
  397. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[6].SUB_ITEM[0]
  398. .DATA_CHECKED != null ?
  399. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[6].SUB_ITEM[0].DATA_CHECKED
  400. .IS_NEGATIF : 0,
  401. banDepanKananChecking:
  402. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[6].SUB_ITEM[1]
  403. .DATA_CHECKED != null ?
  404. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[6].SUB_ITEM[1].DATA_CHECKED
  405. .CHECK_VAL : 0,
  406. banDepanKananCheckingNote:
  407. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[6].SUB_ITEM[1]
  408. .DATA_CHECKED != null ?
  409. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[6].SUB_ITEM[1].DATA_CHECKED
  410. .CHECK_NOTE : null,
  411. isNegatifBanDepanKanan:
  412. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[6].SUB_ITEM[1]
  413. .DATA_CHECKED != null ?
  414. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[6].SUB_ITEM[1].DATA_CHECKED
  415. .IS_NEGATIF : 0,
  416. banBelakangKiriDalamChecking:
  417. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[6].SUB_ITEM[2]
  418. .DATA_CHECKED != null ?
  419. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[6].SUB_ITEM[2].DATA_CHECKED
  420. .CHECK_VAL : 0,
  421. banBelakangKiriDalamCheckingNote:
  422. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[6].SUB_ITEM[2]
  423. .DATA_CHECKED != null ?
  424. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[6].SUB_ITEM[2].DATA_CHECKED
  425. .CHECK_NOTE : null,
  426. isNegatifBanBelakangKiriDalam:
  427. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[6].SUB_ITEM[2]
  428. .DATA_CHECKED != null ?
  429. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[6].SUB_ITEM[2].DATA_CHECKED
  430. .IS_NEGATIF : 0,
  431. banBelakangKiriLuarChecking:
  432. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[6].SUB_ITEM[3]
  433. .DATA_CHECKED != null ?
  434. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[6].SUB_ITEM[3].DATA_CHECKED
  435. .CHECK_VAL : 0,
  436. banBelakangKiriLuarCheckingNote:
  437. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[6].SUB_ITEM[3]
  438. .DATA_CHECKED != null ?
  439. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[6].SUB_ITEM[3].DATA_CHECKED
  440. .CHECK_NOTE : null,
  441. isNegatifBanBelakangKiriLuar:
  442. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[6].SUB_ITEM[3]
  443. .DATA_CHECKED != null ?
  444. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[6].SUB_ITEM[3].DATA_CHECKED
  445. .IS_NEGATIF : 0,
  446. banBelakangKananDalamChecking:
  447. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[6].SUB_ITEM[4]
  448. .DATA_CHECKED != null ?
  449. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[6].SUB_ITEM[4].DATA_CHECKED
  450. .CHECK_VAL : 0,
  451. banBelakangKananDalamCheckingNote:
  452. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[6].SUB_ITEM[4]
  453. .DATA_CHECKED != null ?
  454. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[6].SUB_ITEM[4].DATA_CHECKED
  455. .CHECK_NOTE : null,
  456. isNegatifBanBelakangKananDalam:
  457. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[6].SUB_ITEM[4]
  458. .DATA_CHECKED != null ?
  459. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[6].SUB_ITEM[4].DATA_CHECKED
  460. .IS_NEGATIF : 0,
  461. banBelakangKananLuarChecking:
  462. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[6].SUB_ITEM[5]
  463. .DATA_CHECKED != null ?
  464. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[6].SUB_ITEM[5].DATA_CHECKED
  465. .CHECK_VAL : 0,
  466. banBelakangKananLuarCheckingNote:
  467. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[6].SUB_ITEM[5]
  468. .DATA_CHECKED != null ?
  469. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[6].SUB_ITEM[5].DATA_CHECKED
  470. .CHECK_NOTE : null,
  471. isNegatifBanBelakangKananLuar:
  472. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[6].SUB_ITEM[5]
  473. .DATA_CHECKED != null ?
  474. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[6].SUB_ITEM[5].DATA_CHECKED
  475. .IS_NEGATIF : 0,
  477. // spionKiriChecking:
  478. // this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[7].SUB_ITEM[0]
  479. // .DATA_CHECKED != null &&
  480. // this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[7].SUB_ITEM[0].DATA_CHECKED
  481. // .CHECK_VAL,
  482. // spionKananChecking:
  483. // this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[7].SUB_ITEM[1]
  484. // .DATA_CHECKED != null &&
  485. // this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[7].SUB_ITEM[1].DATA_CHECKED
  486. // .CHECK_VAL
  487. },
  488. function() {
  489. console.log(
  490. this.state.pemanasanChecking +
  491. "," +
  492. this.state.speedometerChecking +
  493. "," +
  494. this.state.bbmChecking
  495. );
  496. }
  497. );
  498. if (
  499. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5].SUB_ITEM[0].DATA_CHECKED ==
  500. null
  501. ) {
  502. this.setState({ lampuCabinChecking: true });
  503. this.setState({lampuCabinCheckingNote: null});
  504. } else if (
  505. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5].SUB_ITEM[0].DATA_CHECKED
  506. .CHECK_VAL == "BAIK"
  507. ) {
  508. this.setState({ lampuCabinChecking: true });
  509. this.setState({
  510. lampuCabinCheckingNote: this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5]
  512. });
  513. } else {
  514. this.setState({ lampuCabinChecking: false });
  515. this.setState({
  516. lampuCabinCheckingNote: this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5]
  518. });
  519. }
  520. if (
  521. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5].SUB_ITEM[1].DATA_CHECKED ==
  522. null
  523. ) {
  524. this.setState({ lampuKotaChecking: true });
  525. this.setState({lampuKotaCheckingNote: null});
  526. } else if (
  527. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5].SUB_ITEM[1].DATA_CHECKED
  528. .CHECK_VAL == "BAIK"
  529. ) {
  530. this.setState({ lampuKotaChecking: true });
  531. this.setState({
  532. lampuKotaCheckingNote: this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5]
  534. });
  535. } else {
  536. this.setState({ lampuKotaChecking: false });
  537. this.setState({
  538. lampuKotaCheckingNote: this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5]
  540. });
  541. }
  542. if (
  543. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5].SUB_ITEM[2].DATA_CHECKED ==
  544. null
  545. ) {
  546. this.setState({ lampuJauhChecking: true });
  547. this.setState({
  548. lampuJauhCheckingNote: null
  549. });
  550. } else if (
  551. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5].SUB_ITEM[2].DATA_CHECKED
  552. .CHECK_VAL == "BAIK"
  553. ) {
  554. this.setState({ lampuJauhChecking: true });
  555. this.setState({
  556. lampuJauhCheckingNote: this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5]
  558. });
  559. } else {
  560. this.setState({ lampuJauhChecking: false });
  561. this.setState({
  562. lampuJauhCheckingNote: this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5]
  564. });
  565. }
  566. if (
  567. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5].SUB_ITEM[3].DATA_CHECKED ==
  568. null
  569. ) {
  570. this.setState({ lampuSeinKiriChecking: true });
  571. this.setState({
  572. lampuSeinKiriCheckingNote: null
  573. });
  574. } else if (
  575. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5].SUB_ITEM[3].DATA_CHECKED
  576. .CHECK_VAL == "BAIK"
  577. ) {
  578. this.setState({ lampuSeinKiriChecking: true });
  579. this.setState({
  580. lampuSeinKiriCheckingNote: this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5]
  582. });
  583. } else {
  584. this.setState({ lampuSeinKiriChecking: false });
  585. this.setState({
  586. lampuSeinKiriCheckingNote: this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5]
  588. });
  589. }
  590. if (
  591. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5].SUB_ITEM[4].DATA_CHECKED ==
  592. null
  593. ) {
  594. this.setState({ lampuSeinKananChecking: true });
  595. this.setState({
  596. lampuSeinKananCheckingNote: null
  597. });
  598. } else if (
  599. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5].SUB_ITEM[4].DATA_CHECKED
  600. .CHECK_VAL == "BAIK"
  601. ) {
  602. this.setState({ lampuSeinKananChecking: true });
  603. this.setState({
  604. lampuSeinKananCheckingNote: this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5]
  606. });
  607. } else {
  608. this.setState({ lampuSeinKananChecking: false });
  609. this.setState({
  610. lampuSeinKananCheckingNote: this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5]
  612. });
  613. }
  614. if (
  615. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5].SUB_ITEM[5].DATA_CHECKED ==
  616. null
  617. ) {
  618. this.setState({ lampuRemChecking: true });
  619. this.setState({
  620. lampuRemCheckingNote: null
  621. });
  622. } else if (
  623. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5].SUB_ITEM[5].DATA_CHECKED
  624. .CHECK_VAL == "BAIK"
  625. ) {
  626. this.setState({ lampuRemChecking: true });
  627. this.setState({
  628. lampuRemCheckingNote: this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5]
  630. });
  631. } else {
  632. this.setState({ lampuRemChecking: false });
  633. this.setState({
  634. lampuRemCheckingNote: this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5]
  636. });
  637. }
  638. if (
  639. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5].SUB_ITEM[6].DATA_CHECKED ==
  640. null
  641. ) {
  642. this.setState({ lampuAtretChecking: true });
  643. this.setState({
  644. lampuAtretCheckingNote: null
  645. });
  646. } else if (
  647. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5].SUB_ITEM[6].DATA_CHECKED
  648. .CHECK_VAL == "BAIK"
  649. ) {
  650. this.setState({ lampuAtretChecking: true });
  651. this.setState({
  652. lampuAtretCheckingNote: this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5]
  654. });
  655. } else {
  656. this.setState({ lampuAtretChecking: false });
  657. this.setState({
  658. lampuAtretCheckingNote: this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5]
  660. });
  661. }
  662. if (
  663. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5].SUB_ITEM[7].DATA_CHECKED ==
  664. null
  665. ) {
  666. this.setState({ lampuSorotChecking: true });
  667. this.setState({
  668. lampuSorotCheckingNote: null
  669. });
  670. } else if (
  671. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5].SUB_ITEM[7].DATA_CHECKED
  672. .CHECK_VAL == "BAIK"
  673. ) {
  674. this.setState({ lampuSorotChecking: true });
  675. this.setState({
  676. lampuSorotCheckingNote: this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5]
  678. });
  679. } else {
  680. this.setState({ lampuSorotChecking: false });
  681. this.setState({
  682. lampuSorotCheckingNote: this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5]
  684. });
  685. }
  686. if (
  687. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5].SUB_ITEM[8].DATA_CHECKED ==
  688. null
  689. ) {
  690. this.setState({ dashboardChecking: true });
  691. this.setState({
  692. lampuDashboardCheckingNote: null
  693. });
  694. } else if (
  695. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5].SUB_ITEM[8].DATA_CHECKED
  696. .CHECK_VAL == "BAIK"
  697. ) {
  698. this.setState({ dashboardChecking: true });
  699. this.setState({
  700. lampuDashboardCheckingNote: this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5]
  702. });
  703. } else {
  704. this.setState({ dashboardChecking: false });
  705. this.setState({
  706. lampuDashboardCheckingNote: this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[5]
  708. });
  709. }
  711. if (
  712. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[7].SUB_ITEM[0].DATA_CHECKED ==
  713. null
  714. ) {
  715. this.setState({ spionKiriChecking: true });
  716. this.setState({
  717. kacaSpionKiriCheckingNote: null
  718. });
  719. } else if (
  720. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[7].SUB_ITEM[0].DATA_CHECKED
  721. .CHECK_VAL == "BAIK"
  722. ) {
  723. this.setState({ spionKiriChecking: true });
  724. this.setState({
  725. kacaSpionKiriCheckingNote: this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[7]
  727. });
  728. } else {
  729. this.setState({ spionKiriChecking: false });
  730. this.setState({
  731. kacaSpionKiriCheckingNote: this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[7]
  733. });
  734. }
  735. if (
  736. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[7].SUB_ITEM[1].DATA_CHECKED ==
  737. null
  738. ) {
  739. this.setState({ spionKananChecking: true });
  740. this.setState({
  741. kacaSpionKananCheckingNote: null
  742. });
  743. } else if (
  744. this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[7].SUB_ITEM[1].DATA_CHECKED
  745. .CHECK_VAL == "BAIK"
  746. ) {
  747. this.setState({ spionKananChecking: true });
  748. this.setState({
  749. kacaSpionKananCheckingNote: this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[7]
  751. });
  752. } else {
  753. this.setState({ spionKananChecking: false });
  754. this.setState({
  755. kacaSpionKananCheckingNote: this.state.dataVehicleChecklist[7]
  757. });
  758. }
  759. }
  760. );
  761. })
  762. .catch(error => {
  763. console.log(error);
  764. this.setState({
  765. isLoading: false,
  766. visibleLoadingUnitKerja: false
  767. });
  768. });
  769. });
  770. // alert(this.state.spionKananChecking);
  771. }
  773. validasiFieldTab1() {
  774. console.log(this.state.dateChecking + " " + this.state.dateChecking);
  775. if (this.state.dateChecking == undefined) {
  776. alert("Field Tanggal Pemeriksaan Wajib Diisi");
  777. } else if (this.state.timeChecking == undefined) {
  778. alert("Field Jam Pemeriksaan Wajib Diisi");
  779. } else {
  780. this.setState({
  781. tabNumber: "tab2"
  782. });
  783. }
  784. }
  786. validasiFieldTab2() {
  787. this.setState({
  788. tabNumber: "tab3"
  789. });
  790. }
  792. submitPemanasanNote() {
  793. this.setState({
  794. visiblePemanasan: false,
  795. pemanasanCheckingNote: this.state.pemanasanCheckingNote
  796. });
  797. }
  799. submitSpeedometerNote() {
  800. this.setState({
  801. visibleSpeedometer: false,
  802. speedometerCheckingNote: this.state.speedometerCheckingNote
  803. });
  804. }
  806. submitBbmNote() {
  807. this.setState({
  808. visibleBbm: false,
  809. bbmCheckingNote: this.state.bbmCheckingNote
  810. });
  811. }
  813. submitOliMesinNote() {
  814. this.setState({
  815. visibleOliMesin: false,
  816. oliMesinCheckingNote: this.state.oliMesinCheckingNote
  817. });
  818. }
  820. submitOliRemNote() {
  821. this.setState({
  822. visibleOliRem: false,
  823. oliRemCheckingNote: this.state.oliRemCheckingNote
  824. });
  825. }
  827. submitOliPowerSteeringNote() {
  828. this.setState({
  829. visibleOliPowerSteering: false,
  830. oliPowerSteeringCheckingNote: this.state.oliPowerSteeringCheckingNote
  831. });
  832. }
  834. submitAirRadiatorNote() {
  835. this.setState({
  836. visibleAirRadiator: false,
  837. airRadiatorCheckingNote: this.state.airRadiatorCheckingNote
  838. });
  839. }
  841. submitAirCadanganRadiatorNote() {
  842. this.setState({
  843. visibleAirCadanganRadiator: false,
  844. airCadanganRadiatorCheckingNote: this.state
  845. .airCadanganRadiatorCheckingNote
  846. });
  847. }
  849. submitAirWiperNote() {
  850. this.setState({
  851. visibleAirWiper: false,
  852. airWiperCheckingNote: this.state.airWiperCheckingNote
  853. });
  854. }
  856. submitBanDepanKiriNote() {
  857. this.setState({
  858. visibleBanDepanKiri: false,
  859. banDepanKiriCheckingNote: this.state.banDepanKiriCheckingNote
  860. });
  861. }
  863. submitBanDepanKananNote() {
  864. this.setState({
  865. visibleBanDepanKanan: false,
  866. banDepanKananCheckingNote: this.state.banDepanKananCheckingNote
  867. });
  868. }
  870. submitBanBelakangKiriDalamNote() {
  871. this.setState({
  872. visibleBanBelakangKiriDalam: false,
  873. banBelakangKiriDalamCheckingNote: this.state
  874. .banBelakangKiriDalamCheckingNote
  875. });
  876. }
  878. submitBanBelakangKananDalamNote() {
  879. this.setState({
  880. visibleBanBelakangKananDalam: false,
  881. banBelakangKananDalamCheckingNote: this.state
  882. .banBelakangKananDalamCheckingNote
  883. });
  884. }
  886. submitBanBelakangKiriLuarNote() {
  887. this.setState({
  888. visibleBanBelakangKiriLuar: false,
  889. banBelakangKiriLuarCheckingNote: this.state
  890. .banBelakangKiriLuarCheckingNote
  891. });
  892. }
  894. submitBanBelakangKananLuarNote() {
  895. this.setState({
  896. visibleBanBelakangKananLuar: false,
  897. banBelakangKananLuarCheckingNote: this.state
  898. .banBelakangKananLuarCheckingNote
  899. });
  900. }
  902. submitLampuCabinNote() {
  903. this.setState({
  904. visibleLampuCabin: false,
  905. lampuCabinCheckingNote: this.state.lampuCabinCheckingNote
  906. });
  907. }
  909. submitLampuKotaNote() {
  910. this.setState({
  911. visibleLampuKota: false,
  912. lampuKotaCheckingNote: this.state.lampuKotaCheckingNote
  913. });
  914. }
  916. submitLampuJauhNote() {
  917. this.setState({
  918. visibleLampuJauh: false,
  919. lampuJauhCheckingNote: this.state.lampuJauhCheckingNote
  920. });
  921. }
  923. submitLampuSeinKiriNote() {
  924. this.setState({
  925. visibleLampuSeinKiri: false,
  926. lampuSeinKiriCheckingNote: this.state.lampuSeinKiriCheckingNote
  927. });
  928. }
  930. submitLampuSeinKananNote() {
  931. this.setState({
  932. visibleLampuSeinKanan: false,
  933. lampuSeinKananCheckingNote: this.state.lampuSeinKananCheckingNote
  934. });
  935. }
  937. submitLampuRemNote() {
  938. this.setState({
  939. visibleLampuRem: false,
  940. lampuRemCheckingNote: this.state.lampuRemCheckingNote
  941. });
  942. }
  944. submitLampuAtretNote() {
  945. this.setState({
  946. visibleLampuAtret: false,
  947. lampuAtretCheckingNote: this.state.lampuAtretCheckingNote
  948. });
  949. }
  951. submitLampuSorotNote() {
  952. this.setState({
  953. visibleLampuSorot: false,
  954. lampuSorotCheckingNote: this.state.lampuSorotCheckingNote
  955. });
  956. }
  958. submitDashboardNote() {
  959. this.setState({
  960. visibleLampuDashboard: false,
  961. lampuDashboardCheckingNote: this.state.lampuDashboardCheckingNote
  962. });
  963. }
  965. submitKacaSpionKiriNote() {
  966. this.setState({
  967. visibleKacaSpionKiri: false,
  968. kacaSpionKiriCheckingNote: this.state.kacaSpionKiriCheckingNote
  969. });
  970. }
  972. submitKacaSpionKananNote() {
  973. this.setState({
  974. visibleKacaSpionKanan: false,
  975. kacaSpionKananCheckingNote: this.state.kacaSpionKananCheckingNote
  976. });
  977. }
  979. NormaliseText(value){
  980. if (value==null){
  981. return ""
  982. }else{
  983. return value
  984. }
  986. }
  988. unitCheckPickupCreate() {
  989. this.setState({
  990. visibleDialogSubmit: true
  991. });
  992. AsyncStorage.getItem("token").then(value => {
  993. var url =
  994. GlobalConfig.SERVERHOST +
  995. "api/v_mobile/firesystem/unit_check/checking_unit/save";
  996. var formData = new FormData();
  997. formData.append("token", value);
  998. formData.append("ID_VEHICLE", this.state.headerUnitCheck.ID_VEHICLE);
  999. formData.append("REPORT_DATE", this.state.dateChecking);
  1000. formData.append("REPORT_SHIFT", this.state.shiftChecking);
  1001. formData.append("REPORT_CLOCK", this.state.timeChecking);
  1002. // alert(this.state.pemanasanCheckingNote)
  1003. formData.append("ID_STANDARD[0]", 33);
  1004. formData.append("CHECK_VALUE[0]", this.state.pemanasanChecking);
  1005. formData.append("CHECK_NOTE[0]", this.NormaliseText(this.state.pemanasanCheckingNote));
  1006. formData.append("IS_NEGATIF[0]", this.state.isNegatifPemanasan);
  1007. formData.append("OPT_FILE[0]", null);
  1009. formData.append("ID_STANDARD[1]", 34);
  1010. formData.append("CHECK_VALUE[1]", this.state.speedometerChecking);
  1011. formData.append("CHECK_NOTE[1]", this.NormaliseText(this.state.speedometerCheckingNote));
  1012. formData.append("IS_NEGATIF[1]", this.state.isNegatifSpeedometer);
  1013. formData.append("OPT_FILE[1]", null);
  1015. formData.append("ID_STANDARD[2]", 35);
  1016. formData.append("CHECK_VALUE[2]", this.state.bbmChecking);
  1017. formData.append("CHECK_NOTE[2]", this.NormaliseText(this.state.bbmCheckingNote));
  1018. formData.append("IS_NEGATIF[2]", this.state.isNegatifBbm);
  1019. formData.append("OPT_FILE[2]", null);
  1021. formData.append("ID_STANDARD[3]", 40);
  1022. formData.append("CHECK_VALUE[3]", this.state.oliMesinChecking);
  1023. formData.append("CHECK_NOTE[3]", this.NormaliseText(this.state.oliMesinCheckingNote));
  1024. formData.append("IS_NEGATIF[3]", this.state.isNegatifOliMesin);
  1025. formData.append("OPT_FILE[3]", null);
  1027. formData.append("ID_STANDARD[4]", 41);
  1028. formData.append("CHECK_VALUE[4]", this.state.oliRemChecking);
  1029. formData.append("CHECK_NOTE[4]", this.NormaliseText(this.state.oliRemCheckingNote));
  1030. formData.append("IS_NEGATIF[4]", this.state.isNegatifOliRem);
  1031. formData.append("OPT_FILE[4]", null);
  1033. formData.append("ID_STANDARD[5]", 42);
  1034. formData.append("CHECK_VALUE[5]", this.state.oliPowerSteeringChecking);
  1035. formData.append("CHECK_NOTE[5]", this.NormaliseText(this.state.oliPowerSteeringCheckingNote));
  1036. formData.append("IS_NEGATIF[5]", this.state.isNegatifOliPowerSteering);
  1037. formData.append("OPT_FILE[5]", null);
  1039. formData.append("ID_STANDARD[6]", 44);
  1040. formData.append("CHECK_VALUE[6]", this.state.airRadiatorChecking);
  1041. formData.append("CHECK_NOTE[6]", this.NormaliseText(this.state.airRadiatorCheckingNote));
  1042. formData.append("IS_NEGATIF[6]", this.state.isNegatifAirRadiator);
  1043. formData.append("OPT_FILE[6]", null);
  1045. formData.append("ID_STANDARD[7]", 45);
  1046. formData.append("CHECK_VALUE[7]", this.state.airCadanganRadiatorChecking);
  1047. formData.append(
  1048. "CHECK_NOTE[7]",
  1049. this.NormaliseText(this.state.airCadanganRadiatorCheckingNote)
  1050. );
  1051. formData.append("IS_NEGATIF[7]", this.state.isNegatifAirCadanganRadiator);
  1052. formData.append("OPT_FILE[7]", null);
  1054. formData.append("ID_STANDARD[8]", 46);
  1055. formData.append("CHECK_VALUE[8]", this.state.airWiperChecking);
  1056. formData.append("CHECK_NOTE[8]", this.NormaliseText(this.state.airWiperCheckingNote));
  1057. formData.append("IS_NEGATIF[8]", this.state.isNegatifAirWiper);
  1058. formData.append("OPT_FILE[8]", null);
  1060. formData.append("ID_STANDARD[9]", 58);
  1061. formData.append("CHECK_VALUE[9]", this.state.banDepanKiriChecking);
  1062. formData.append("CHECK_NOTE[9]", this.NormaliseText(this.state.banDepanKiriCheckingNote));
  1063. formData.append("IS_NEGATIF[9]", this.state.isNegatifBanDepanKiri);
  1064. formData.append("OPT_FILE[9]", null);
  1066. formData.append("ID_STANDARD[10]", 59);
  1067. formData.append("CHECK_VALUE[10]", this.state.banDepanKananChecking);
  1068. formData.append("CHECK_NOTE[10]", this.NormaliseText(this.state.banDepanKananCheckingNote));
  1069. formData.append("IS_NEGATIF[10]", this.state.isNegatifBanDepanKanan);
  1070. formData.append("OPT_FILE[10]", null);
  1072. formData.append("ID_STANDARD[11]", 60);
  1073. formData.append(
  1074. "CHECK_VALUE[11]",
  1075. this.state.banBelakangKiriDalamChecking
  1076. );
  1077. formData.append(
  1078. "CHECK_NOTE[11]",
  1079. this.NormaliseText(this.state.banBelakangKiriDalamCheckingNote)
  1080. );
  1081. formData.append(
  1082. "IS_NEGATIF[11]",
  1083. this.state.isNegatifBanBelakangKiriDalam
  1084. );
  1085. formData.append("OPT_FILE[11]", null);
  1087. formData.append("ID_STANDARD[12]", 61);
  1088. formData.append(
  1089. "CHECK_VALUE[12]",
  1090. this.state.banBelakangKiriLuarChecking
  1091. );
  1092. formData.append(
  1093. "CHECK_NOTE[12]",
  1094. this.NormaliseText(this.state.banBelakangKiriLuarCheckingNote)
  1095. );
  1096. formData.append(
  1097. "IS_NEGATIF[12]",
  1098. this.state.isNegatifBanBelakangKiriLuar
  1099. );
  1100. formData.append("OPT_FILE[12]", null);
  1102. formData.append("ID_STANDARD[13]", 62);
  1103. formData.append(
  1104. "CHECK_VALUE[13]",
  1105. this.state.banBelakangKananDalamChecking
  1106. );
  1107. formData.append(
  1108. "CHECK_NOTE[13]",
  1109. this.NormaliseText(this.state.banBelakangKananDalamCheckingNote)
  1110. );
  1111. formData.append(
  1112. "IS_NEGATIF[13]",
  1113. this.state.isNegatifBanBelakangKananDalam
  1114. );
  1115. formData.append("OPT_FILE[13]", null);
  1117. formData.append("ID_STANDARD[14]", 63);
  1118. formData.append(
  1119. "CHECK_VALUE[14]",
  1120. this.state.banBelakangKananLuarChecking
  1121. );
  1122. formData.append(
  1123. "CHECK_NOTE[14]",
  1124. this.NormaliseText(this.state.banBelakangKananLuarCheckingNote)
  1125. );
  1126. formData.append(
  1127. "IS_NEGATIF[14]",
  1128. this.state.isNegatifBanBelakangKananLuar
  1129. );
  1130. formData.append("OPT_FILE[14]", null);
  1132. formData.append("ID_STANDARD[15]", 48);
  1133. if (this.state.lampuCabinChecking == true) {
  1134. formData.append("CHECK_VALUE[15]", "BAIK");
  1135. formData.append("IS_NEGATIF[15]", 0);
  1136. formData.append("CHECK_NOTE[15]", null);
  1137. formData.append("OPT_FILE[15]", null);
  1138. } else {
  1139. formData.append("CHECK_VALUE[15]", "MATI");
  1140. formData.append("IS_NEGATIF[15]", 1);
  1141. formData.append("CHECK_NOTE[15]", this.NormaliseText(this.state.lampuCabinCheckingNote));
  1142. formData.append("OPT_FILE[15]", null);
  1143. }
  1145. formData.append("ID_STANDARD[16]", 49);
  1146. if (this.state.lampuKotaChecking) {
  1147. formData.append("CHECK_VALUE[16]", "BAIK");
  1148. formData.append("IS_NEGATIF[16]", 0);
  1149. formData.append("CHECK_NOTE[16]", '');
  1150. formData.append("OPT_FILE[16]", null);
  1151. } else {
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  1153. formData.append("IS_NEGATIF[16]", 1);
  1154. formData.append("CHECK_NOTE[16]", this.NormaliseText(this.state.lampuKotaCheckingNote));
  1155. formData.append("OPT_FILE[16]", null);
  1156. }
  1158. formData.append("ID_STANDARD[17]", 50);
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  1161. formData.append("IS_NEGATIF[17]", 0);
  1162. formData.append("CHECK_NOTE[17]", '');
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  1168. formData.append("OPT_FILE[17]", null);
  1169. }
  1171. formData.append("ID_STANDARD[18]", 51);
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  1174. formData.append("IS_NEGATIF[18]", 0);
  1175. formData.append("CHECK_NOTE[18]", '');
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  1181. formData.append("OPT_FILE[18]", null);
  1182. }
  1184. formData.append("ID_STANDARD[19]", 52);
  1185. if (this.state.lampuSeinKananChecking == true) {
  1186. formData.append("CHECK_VALUE[19]", "BAIK");
  1187. formData.append("IS_NEGATIF[19]", 0);
  1188. formData.append("CHECK_NOTE[19]", '');
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  1193. formData.append(
  1194. "CHECK_NOTE[19]",
  1195. this.NormaliseText(this.state.lampuSeinKananCheckingNote)
  1196. );
  1197. formData.append("OPT_FILE[19]", null);
  1198. }
  1200. formData.append("ID_STANDARD[20]", 53);
  1201. if (this.state.lampuRemChecking == true) {
  1202. formData.append("CHECK_VALUE[20]", "BAIK");
  1203. formData.append("IS_NEGATIF[20]", 0);
  1204. formData.append("CHECK_NOTE[20]", '');
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  1208. formData.append("IS_NEGATIF[20]", 1);
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  1210. formData.append("OPT_FILE[20]", null);
  1211. }
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  1216. formData.append("IS_NEGATIF[21]", 0);
  1217. formData.append("CHECK_NOTE[21]", '');
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  1221. formData.append("IS_NEGATIF[21]", 1);
  1222. formData.append("CHECK_NOTE[21]", this.NormaliseText(this.state.lampuAtretCheckingNote));
  1223. formData.append("OPT_FILE[21]", null);
  1224. }
  1226. formData.append("ID_STANDARD[22]", 55);
  1227. if (this.state.lampuSorotChecking == true) {
  1228. formData.append("CHECK_VALUE[22]", "BAIK");
  1229. formData.append("IS_NEGATIF[22]", 0);
  1230. formData.append("CHECK_NOTE[22]", '');
  1231. formData.append("OPT_FILE[22]", null);
  1232. } else {
  1233. formData.append("CHECK_VALUE[22]", "MATI");
  1234. formData.append("IS_NEGATIF[22]", 1);
  1235. formData.append("CHECK_NOTE[22]", this.NormaliseText(this.state.lampuSorotCheckingNote));
  1236. formData.append("OPT_FILE[22]", null);
  1237. }
  1239. formData.append("ID_STANDARD[23]", 56);
  1240. if (this.state.dashboardChecking == true) {
  1241. formData.append("CHECK_VALUE[23]", "BAIK");
  1242. formData.append("IS_NEGATIF[23]", 0);
  1243. formData.append("CHECK_NOTE[23]", '');
  1244. formData.append("OPT_FILE[23]", null);
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  1247. formData.append("IS_NEGATIF[23]", 1);
  1248. formData.append(
  1249. "CHECK_NOTE[23]",
  1250. this.NormaliseText(this.state.lampuDashboardCheckingNote)
  1251. );
  1252. formData.append("OPT_FILE[23]", null);
  1253. }
  1255. formData.append("ID_STANDARD[24]", 65);
  1256. if (this.state.spionKiriChecking == true) {
  1257. formData.append("CHECK_VALUE[24]", "BAIK");
  1258. formData.append("IS_NEGATIF[24]", 0);
  1259. formData.append("CHECK_NOTE[24]", '');
  1260. formData.append("OPT_FILE[24]", null);
  1261. } else {
  1262. formData.append("CHECK_VALUE[24]", "PECAH");
  1263. formData.append("IS_NEGATIF[24]", 1);
  1264. formData.append("CHECK_NOTE[24]", this.NormaliseText(this.state.kacaSpionKiriCheckingNote));
  1265. formData.append("OPT_FILE[24]", null);
  1266. }
  1268. formData.append("ID_STANDARD[25]", 66);
  1269. if (this.state.spionKananChecking == true) {
  1270. formData.append("CHECK_VALUE[25]", "BAIK");
  1271. formData.append("IS_NEGATIF[25]", 0);
  1272. formData.append("CHECK_NOTE[25]", '');
  1273. formData.append("OPT_FILE[25]", null);
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  1276. formData.append("IS_NEGATIF[25]", 1);
  1277. formData.append(
  1278. "CHECK_NOTE[25]",
  1279. this.NormaliseText(this.state.kacaSpionKananCheckingNote)
  1280. );
  1281. formData.append("OPT_FILE[25]", null);
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  1290. body: formData
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  1292. .then(response => response.json())
  1293. .then(responseJson => {
  1294. // console.log(responseJson)
  1295. if (responseJson.Status == 200) {
  1296. this.setState({
  1297. visibleDialogSubmit: false
  1298. });
  1299. Alert.alert("Success", "Update Unit Check Pick Up Success", [
  1300. {
  1301. text: "Okay"
  1302. }
  1303. ]);
  1304. this.props.navigation.navigate("UnitCheckPickup");
  1305. } else {
  1306. this.setState({
  1307. visibleDialogSubmit: false
  1308. });
  1309. Alert.alert("Error", "Update Unit Check Pick Up Failed", [
  1310. {
  1311. text: "Okay"
  1312. }
  1313. ]);
  1314. }
  1315. // alert(responseJson);
  1316. })
  1317. .catch(error => {
  1318. this.setState({
  1319. visibleDialogSubmit: false
  1320. });
  1321. Alert.alert("Error", "Update Unit Check Pick Up Failed", [
  1322. {
  1323. text: "Okay"
  1324. }
  1325. ]);
  1326. this.props.navigation.navigate("UnitCheckPickup");
  1327. console.log(error);
  1328. });
  1329. });
  1330. }
  1332. onChangeDate(date) {
  1333. this.setState({
  1334. dateChecking: date
  1335. });
  1336. this.loadData();
  1337. }
  1339. onChangeShift(shift) {
  1340. this.setState({
  1341. shiftChecking: shift
  1342. });
  1343. this.loadData();
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  1707. }}
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  1717. }}
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  1807. <View>
  1808. <Text style={styles.titleInput}>
  1809. Pemanasan (Menit)
  1810. </Text>
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  1812. style={{
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  1815. marginBottom: 5,
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  1819. }}
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  1823. bordered
  1824. placeholder="Ex : 0"
  1825. onChangeText={text =>
  1826. this.setState({ pemanasanChecking: text })
  1827. }
  1828. />
  1829. </View>
  1830. <View>
  1831. <Text style={styles.titleInput}>Masuk Negatif *</Text>
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  1859. onValueChange={itemValue =>
  1860. this.setState({
  1861. isNegatifPemanasan: itemValue,
  1862. visiblePemanasan: true
  1863. })
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  1867. label="Tidak Masuk Negatif List"
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  1869. />
  1870. <Picker.Item
  1871. label="Masuk Negatif List"
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  1906. // onPress={() => that.rejectPersonal()}
  1907. onPress={() => that.submitPemanasanNote()}
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  1924. }}
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  1926. bordered
  1927. value={this.state.pemanasanCheckingNote}
  1928. placeholder="Catatan pemanasan (Optional)"
  1929. onChangeText={text =>
  1930. this.setState({ pemanasanCheckingNote: text })
  1931. }
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  1950. Speedometer (Km)
  1951. </Text>
  1952. <Textarea
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  1955. marginRight: 55,
  1956. marginBottom: 5,
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  1966. onChangeText={text =>
  1967. this.setState({ speedometerChecking: text })
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  1970. </View>
  1971. <View>
  1972. <Text style={styles.titleInput}>Masuk Negatif *</Text>
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  1998. placeholderIconColor="#007aff"
  1999. selectedValue={this.state.isNegatifSpeedometer}
  2000. onValueChange={itemValue =>
  2001. this.setState({
  2002. isNegatifSpeedometer: itemValue,
  2003. visibleSpeedometer: true
  2004. })
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  2008. label="Tidak Masuk Negatif List"
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  2011. <Picker.Item
  2012. label="Masuk Negatif List"
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  2035. }}
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  2047. // onPress={() => that.rejectPersonal()}
  2048. onPress={() => that.submitSpeedometerNote()}
  2049. />
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  2064. width: 270
  2065. }}
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  2067. bordered
  2068. value={this.state.speedometerCheckingNote}
  2069. placeholder="Catatan speedometer (Optional)"
  2070. onChangeText={text =>
  2071. this.setState({
  2072. speedometerCheckingNote: text
  2073. })
  2074. }
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  2118. selectedValue={this.state.bbmChecking}
  2119. onValueChange={itemValue =>
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  2159. selectedValue={this.state.isNegatifBbm}
  2160. onValueChange={itemValue =>
  2161. this.setState({
  2162. isNegatifBbm: itemValue,
  2163. visibleBbm: true
  2164. })
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  2169. label="Tidak Masuk Negatif List"
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  2205. // onPress={() => that.rejectPersonal()}
  2206. onPress={() => that.submitBbmNote()}
  2207. />
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  2222. width: 270
  2223. }}
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  2227. placeholder="Catatan bbm (Optional)"
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  2229. this.setState({ bbmCheckingNote: text })
  2230. }
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  2289. Lanjutkan
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  2351. Kondisi Sparepart
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  2367. Kondisi Oli :{" "}
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  2417. </View>
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  2447. onValueChange={itemValue =>
  2448. this.setState({
  2449. isNegatifOliMesin: itemValue,
  2450. visibleOliMesin: true
  2451. })
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  2455. label="Tidak Masuk Negatif List"
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  2490. // onPress={() => that.rejectPersonal()}
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  2559. selectedValue={this.state.oliRemChecking}
  2560. onValueChange={itemValue =>
  2561. this.setState({ oliRemChecking: itemValue })
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  2599. onValueChange={itemValue =>
  2600. this.setState({
  2601. isNegatifOliRem: itemValue,
  2602. visibleOliRem: true
  2603. })
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  2642. // onPress={() => that.rejectPersonal()}
  2643. onPress={() => that.submitOliRemNote()}
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  2666. this.setState({ oliRemCheckingNote: text })
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  2685. Oli Power Steering
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  2714. onValueChange={itemValue =>
  2715. this.setState({
  2716. oliPowerSteeringChecking: itemValue
  2717. })
  2718. }
  2719. >
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  2721. <Picker.Item label="M" value="M" />
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  2725. </View>
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  2756. this.setState({
  2757. isNegatifOliPowerSteering: itemValue,
  2758. visibleOliPowerSteering: true
  2759. })
  2760. }
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  2763. label="Tidak Masuk Negatif List"
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  2765. />
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  2798. // onPress={() => that.rejectPersonal()}
  2799. onPress={() => that.submitOliPowerSteeringNote()}
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  2816. }}
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  2820. placeholder="Catatan oli power steering (Optional)"
  2821. onChangeText={text =>
  2822. this.setState({
  2823. oliPowerSteeringCheckingNote: text
  2824. })
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  2844. Kondisi Air :{" "}
  2845. </Text>
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  2926. onValueChange={itemValue =>
  2927. this.setState({
  2928. isNegatifAirRadiator: itemValue,
  2929. visibleAirRadiator: true
  2930. })
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  2970. onPress={() => that.submitAirRadiatorNote()}
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  2989. bordered
  2990. value={this.state.airRadiatorCheckingNote}
  2991. placeholder="Catatan air radiator (Optional)"
  2992. onChangeText={text =>
  2993. this.setState({
  2994. airRadiatorCheckingNote: text
  2995. })
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  3014. Air Cadangan Radiator
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  3043. this.state.airCadanganRadiatorChecking
  3044. }
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  3046. this.setState({
  3047. airCadanganRadiatorChecking: itemValue
  3048. })
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  3088. this.state.isNegatifAirCadanganRadiator
  3089. }
  3090. onValueChange={itemValue =>
  3091. this.setState({
  3092. isNegatifAirCadanganRadiator: itemValue,
  3093. visibleAirCadanganRadiator: true
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  3159. this.setState({
  3160. airCadanganRadiatorCheckingNote: text
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  3249. this.setState({
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  3252. })
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  3335. Kondisi Tekanan Ban (Bar) :{" "}
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  3909. banBelakangKiriLuarCheckingNote: text
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  4079. Ban Belakang Kanan Luar
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  4316. Kondisi Lampu Lampu :{" "}
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  5099. Kondisi Kaca Spion :{" "}
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