

Apr 4th, 2015
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  1. 24-1: I'm not the best, never have been, never will be. I've made mistakes, but I've tried to learn from them. My departure from Staff was all but honorable. I'd been going through some kinda rough times IRL, and I let my stress caused by IRL matters carry over into CIT. It caused a lot of friction between me and other Staff members when otherwise there might not have been any, and to those Staff members in particular, I want you to know that I'm sorry for how I acted. Not only did my stress affect my relationships with individuals, it also affected my duties in general as Staff, which was a detriment to the entire Staff team as well as the Community as a whole. It's kind of hard to apologize to an entire team of dedicated individuals who volunteer their time to make this Community a better place, much less to the entire Community itself, but to all of you, I'd like to personally apologize for being selfish and not simply staying inactive until my real-life issues were sorted so that I wouldn't make decisions and actions under so much stress.
  3. That being said, I'm finally active again in the Community when I can be, which is usually for 2-4 hours after work and on my days off when I'm not busy with IRL stuff, and I plan on staying that way. I'll be honest, it feels damn good to be back with no IRL issues making me crazy and with endless opportunities to strengthen old friendships and make countless new ones here. I'd like to go ahead and address the elephant in the room, and that's people asking me, "Rusty, when u gonna be admin again?". I can't say for sure if I'll ever be in Staff again. It's up to me to apply for it, and I know I'd be up for the challenge, but let's be honest with ourselves for a moment. First of all, after the way I resigned, I kinda think I might not deserve to be in the Team again to begin with. I also now have a job IRL that consumes most of my attention. Even though it doesn't pay that well (yet), it pays the bills for now, and when it comes to working, I try to be dedicated to it, and doing that increases my chances of getting pay raises and more working hours. This means I'll have less time to spend within the Community, which in turn means I'll have less time to spend with my group, which I really owe a lot to right now (I'm sort of surprised they've kept me at Chief all this time). Volunteering your time to administrate in the Community means exactly that, you're volunteering your time you'd normally spend with your group members, hanging out with friends, or roaming around San Andreas alone. While you still have plenty of time for all those things if you're able to spend most of your day in the server, it's a bit different if you're only able (or willing) to join 3-4 hours a day, if that. In summation, to all those asking me if I'll ever be in Staff again, I honestly don't think I or the Staff Team are ready for that, and it's hard to say if I'll ever be Staff again.
  5. I've noticed some people make comments like "Some people whore support lines, they must wanna be a Supporter" in certain chats while I'm on. While that might be true in some cases, anyone who remembers me from the time I started actually caring about this place can vouch for me in the fact that I simply enjoy helping people. I'm not one of these people that do it in order to gain status. I'm the guy who answers the question asked in Main Chat by a new player instead of saying, "Ask in support." I'm the guy that'll notice someone speaking Portuguese in Main, Alt+Tab to Google Chrome and open up Google Translate, then SMS him the translation on how to speak in Portuguese chat (because for whatever reason, Translate in CITphone is STILL BROKEN). I just want people to enjoy this awesome MTA Server and Community as a whole as much as I do. I'm sure a certain few people might remember me saying that exact line a few times in the past (ala one ban appeal and one extremely fortunate SMS conversation) , and it stands true to this day. Yeah, I'm gonna help people in any way I can, whether it be answering main chat questions, repairing someone's broken-down vehicle who's stuck out in the countryside, and of course, helping out in Support whenever I can with fully descriptive and understandable answers.
  7. I think that might be enough story-telling and self-describing... To conclude this list of why anyone would think I'm the best, I'd like to say this:
  9. I'm no better than anyone who's ever logged in on CIT. None of us are perfect. We all make mistakes in life and in games. What sets us apart from others is that we accept the fact that we're not perfect, the fact that we make mistakes on a daily basis, and that we learn from our mistakes.
  11. Thank you all for your time.
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