
Epic Date Night

Apr 13th, 2015
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  1. Covet has joined the chat
  2. Covet: -Eli pulled around to the backside of the Theatre and parked. Getting out he opened up her door, and the back passenger door, getting her crutches out for her.- There you go, Give me just a sec to get this -he grabbed the bag out of the back and closed the door. looking at her.- I'll need those keys back from you -he said walking along with her to the direction of one of the rear entrance doors-
  3. Alexithymiaa: -She took the crutches and slid down out of the car, positioning them under her arms before holding the keys out to Eli for him to take from her. She followed slongside him toward the back of the auditorium. "The fact that I have no idea what the hell you're up to makes me a little nervous."-
  4. Covet: Good, that somehow makes me feel less nervous -he grinned at her, holding the bag in one hand , taking the keys from her with the other. Opening the door with them, he pulled back on it, holding it open for Steph. It was dark inside, with the exception of the light from the outside. Before he closed the door, he flipped a switch and the flourescent lights flickerd to life, where the table for the SGA meetings were. The curtains blocked off the view of the stage at this angle. He walked in and put the bag on the table, pulling out a chair for her- Have a seat. -He waited for her to sit down before he continued-
  5. Alexithymiaa: -She stepped inside and onto the stage, slowly making her way over to the chair as she slid down into it and shifted to place her crutches down on the floor beside her, letting out a small sigh of relief. "Okay... so what are we doing here?"-
  6. Covet: -He set the gift bag in her lap and smiled- First, Open up this. -he slid the bag to her, sitting down next to her at the table. Inside on top was something made from black, and white material, A blonde wig, a black headband, Two cans of silly string and a large folder-
  7. Alexithymiaa: (COOLEST SHIT EVER)
  8. Alexithymiaa: -She furrowed her brows, looking down into the bag as she slowly pulled the hoodie out of the bag, letting it unfold as she held it up, her eyes studying it. "Wow... this is so cool." She laid it out in front of her on the table before reaching back inside, pulling out the wig and the headband. She furrowed her brows, turning her head to face him. "Am I supposed to be taking a hint?"-
  9. Alexithymiaa: (Not hoodie. I dont know why I wrote hoodie. I read hood.)
  10. Covet: I figured, I coudln't actually convince you to dye your hair, so this was the next best thing. It was for the role... -he laughed- And a little for my own curiosity. -He held up his fingers, before motioning to the folder- Open that up, I had some of my other comic nerd friends help me put together some concept art. We'll be pitching this to Marvel, as reboot for an alternate verse, here in a couple of months. -He looked at her and felt his face get red- Since your whole, erm...incident, and how I stuck my foot in my mouth that night at the hospital, I wanted to make it up to you. So I started sketching, and then the whole concept just kept going. -he grinned- I had my sister help me with the outfit, she's really big into cosplay, and once I told her what I was doing, and she saw my attempt, she figured it would be better if she stepped in there.
  11. Alexithymiaa: -She pulled the folder out of the bag, skimming through the pictures inside as she stared down at it. "Wow... Eli this is... this is incredible." She stared harder at the drawings, and then focused on the face. "Wait, is that me?"-
  12. Covet: -He nodded and smiled a bit sheepishly- Yeah, you were my muse. And you are also the only one with a Spider Gwen outfit.
  13. Alexithymiaa: -She let her hands settled into her lap with the drawings, turning her head to look at him. "This is probably the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me... except possibly the Robin light that's currently on top of her apartment building... but regardless... thank you. Hopefully... I'll be able to get back into the gym to wear this really soon. And you definitely need to keep me posted about the whole thing with Marvel."-
  14. Covet: Why wait to get to the gym? I didn't just bring you to the school to give you a bag...That'd be weird. -he grinned at her.- Go slip into a green room and change, then meet me back out here....because believe it or not...There's more! -he finished with his best Billy Mays impression-
  15. Alexithymiaa: (I hate you. Ho wdare you Billy Mays me)
  16. Covet: [BAHAHA]
  17. Alexithymiaa: "Uhhh... okay." She pushed up from her chair, grabbing her crutches and the bag as she stuffed the costume back into it, hobbling over to one of the dressing rooms and closing the door behind her. After struggling for a while, she emerged minutes later in the leotard with the wig set on her head and the hood pulled up over the top of the wig, walking slowly with the crutches back over to him. "This was not an easy feat, I will tell you that right now."-
  18. Covet: -Eli waited patiently for her to come back out, a huge Grin plastered on his face- I may not have thought that one through all the way, but I promise it will be worth it. -he turned one of the curtains, and picked up a flight rigging harness off the floor. Bringing it over to her he started to help her into it.-
  19. Alexithymiaa: -She looked down at the harnessas he strapped her into it, raising her brows. "Okay... I have to respectfully ask you what in the fuck you are doing right now..."-
  20. Covet: -He grinned making sure she was fastened in well, before turning around and handing her the cans of silly string, taking her crutches but staying there so she could use him for support, He took the tops off of them then turned her around- Can you balance on one foot for a sec? -He asked, twisting the curtains of the wings around, to reveal a whole carboard box city spread out across the stage, lit up by the lights, accompanied by giant moster cardboard cutouts- I'm giving the superhero, a city to save -he said as he pulled on the rope rigging slowly, to lift her up off the ground.-
  21. Alexithymiaa: -She nodded and shifted her weight onto her left foot, keeping her right above the floor as she took the cans from him. Her eyes studied the cardboard city quickly before she was lifted up, hanging in the air as she quickly turned her head to look down at Eli. "Holy shit.. are you kidding me right now? This is... this..." She shook her head, and pressed down on the can of silly string, sending out a stream as she laughed. "Oh man this shit is going to be everywhere..." She flapped her arms slightly, looking down at the ground underneath her. "And you lucked out that I am not afraid of heights."-
  22. Covet: -He laughed a her- Don't worry about it, have fun, I'll be here cleaning it up in the morning. -letting the rope move back and forth between his hands, he helped her hop about the stage.- Let me know if you run out, I have more over here. -Listening to her comment about heights he shrugged- I assumed being a Gymnast, and a cheerleader meant that you were pretty okay with anything.
  23. Alexithymiaa: "You assumed correctly." She swung from side to side, spraying excess amounts of silly string all over the cardboard city and monsters, leaning forward in the harness to swing head first. "Ahhhhhh die die die die die."-
  24. Covet: -Shaking his head, he laughed, calling out- Can I quote you verbatum on that one for the comic book?
  25. Alexithymiaa: -She leaned up, her eyes focussing on the blurry figure of Eli. "Can't you quote me saying something halfway intellectual?"-
  26. Covet: Hey, I'm just going off of what my muse gives me...alright. -he laughed, before aksing her- You doing alright up there?
  27. Alexithymiaa: -She nodded, pointing the silly string down in his direction and letting off a giant stream. "Perfect!"-
  28. Covet: -Closing his eyes, he flinched , making sure not to let go of the rope. He gave her a smiled as he wiped the silly string off his face- Somehow I should have seen that coming...
  29. Alexithymiaa: "Somehow... I'm really not sure how you didn't." She let out another laugh as she swung to one side, the hand slipping through her hand to fall to the stage floor. "Bombs away!"-
  30. Covet: -He heard the clatter of the can hitting the floor. She slowly brought her back down, grabbing her crutches so he could bring them over to her- There, hows that for an eight thousand dollar date....Two months after the event...and super late at night.
  31. Alexithymiaa: -She reached her hand out for the crutches, sliding them underneath her arms to rest her weight on them before lifting her eyes up to look at Eli. "Amazing. And by far the best date I have ever been on, so thank you." She leaned forward on the crutches, pressing her lips to his cheek.-
  32. Covet: -He blinked and froze, not expecting the kiss as her lips were pressed against his cheek. He could feel the bright red starting to creep across them- y-You're welcome. It's the l-least I could do. -he gave her a slightly awkward hug, pulling her in tight, then a genuine nervous smile.- Let's get you out of this harness and get you back home. It's already pretty late. -he said fumbling with the harness a bit, getting it back off of her-
  33. Alexithymiaa: -She smiled as he pulled the harness off of her, shifting to move passed him slowly on her crutches. "Yeah, I'm just going to change. I'll be right back." She hobbled over to the dressing room, stepping inside and closing the door behind her. After several minutes, she emerged in her dress with the leotard over her shoulder, carefully making her way to the table.-
  34. Covet: Take your time -He smiled after her, While she was changing, he ran up to the light booth to turn down the lights. He made his way back to the stage and table to see her waiting there. He put the folder in the bottom of the bag. He took the rest of the outfit from her and put it back into the bag- Is that everything? -he looked around to double check-
  35. Alexithymiaa: -She nodded her head, her eyes sweeping the area. "Pretty sure. Minus the cleaning... which I would be more than happy to help you with tomorrow as much as I can."-
  36. Covet: -He smiled at her and carried the bag, making his way towards the door, holding it open for her- You don't have to worry about that, It's going to require a lot of walking around and what not. If you want to be here to supervise me clean, I'd like the company.
  37. Alexithymiaa: "Well as of right now, I can't drive. So if you'd like to come and pick me up, sure. By all means I will supervise." She stepped outside, moving toward his vehicle slowly.-
  38. Covet: I can do that. I take it you need to be here for classes tomorrow morning? -he asked her walking her to the passenger side, opening the door for her again, taking the crutches, putting them in back.-
  39. Alexithymiaa: -She reached her hands up to pull herself into the passenger seat of the car, pulling her leg in after her and making sure she was situated. "I'm actually cleared for online work only for the next week because we weren't sure how long I was really going to need to be out."-
  40. Covet: So you're just using me as an excuse to get out of the house, I see -he laughed as he climbed into the vehicle, turning over the engine-
  41. Alexithymiaa: "No. I used my brother as an excuse to get out of the house yesterday. But if that makes you feel better, sure?"-
  42. Covet: No no, it makes me feel better, NOT feeling like an excuse. -He smirked as he made his way back to her place.- [ONWARD TO THE APPARTMENT, then off to the house real fast]
  43. Covet has left the chat
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