
Unnamed Story [Part 1-2]

Sep 17th, 2012
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  1. --------------------
  3. --------------------
  5. >Day 43 in Equestria
  7. >You are Anonymous.
  8. >And you are sleeping.
  9. >...Well, you WERE sleeping two minutes ago.
  10. >But now, your neighbor living upstairs is with a girl. Again.
  11. >Well, 'mare' might be a better word around here.
  12. >Gotta get used to the semantics.
  13. >A loud moan interrupt your line of thoughts.
  14. >Fucking Scratch...
  15. >Always bringing guests over for some 'coffee'.
  16. >You don't mind that much, it's none of your business.
  17. >But Scratch as a knack for choosing the loud ones.
  18. >And it fucks with your sleeping schedule.
  20. >Meh.
  21. >You'll be a little early at work, that's all.
  22. >You get up and get dressed.
  23. >Thank god you were introduced to the Elements of Harmony when you got here.
  24. >The ruler of this land deemed you safe enough to wander free, but still wanted someone to watch over you just in case.
  25. >Sorry, 'somepony'.
  26. >If not for them, you wouldn't have a job, a home or even clothes.
  27. >You'd be a homeless guy in a pastel pony world wearing only the pants of his pajamas.
  30. >Anyway, you're just going to grab breakfast before leaving to your job.
  31. >You get to your kitchen and start rummaging through your cupboards.
  32. >Cereal sounds good right no-
  33. >You can hear a muffled voice from above, speaking and panting.
  34. >"Round three?"
  35. >Nope!
  36. >Fuck cereals.
  37. >You grab your apron and get the hell out of here.
  38. >You close the door just as the giggles and moaning are starting again.
  39. >Sometimes you wonder if your ceiling is made of cardboard.
  40. >You shake your head and groggily rub your eyes.
  41. >Way too early for this shit.
  42. >The blinding light of the sun hits you square in the eyes, making you feel like you just sprayed lava onto them.
  43. >You jokingly shake your fist at the celestial body, then sigh.
  44. >Hopefully the Cakes won't mind you being so early.
  45. >Onward to Sugarcube Corner.
  47. >Aggressive flaming ball of light aside, it's a pretty nice day.
  48. >The air is cool and fresh.
  49. >The sky is clear.
  50. >And the day has just begun.
  51. >You stop for idle chat with passersby a few times on your way to work.
  52. >Heh.
  53. >Two months ago, if someone told you you'd be talking to bright colored equines, you'd have them committed.
  54. >And now you're talking to them on a daily basis about how they're week-end went and *what-not*.
  55. >Pretty weird how quick a situation can change.
  56. >You're not complaining about it though.
  57. >Your life back on Earth was basically; wake up, shower, breakfast, work, dinner, sleep.
  58. >At least you don't risk getting bored around here.
  59. >For one thing, the locals are a bunch of sentient ponies with a color range larger than your old boss' ass.
  60. >They also have marks on their flanks which would make every academic counselors fear for their jobs.
  61. >Can't forget about those that can fly and others that can do fucking MAGIC!
  62. >Fasinating creatures.
  63. >The world itself is pretty interesting too.
  64. >Almost nothing related to nature works by itself in this land.
  65. >The ponies move the clouds, manage the weather, change the seasons, move the freaking sun and moon...
  66. >It's completely insane.
  67. >Took a little while to get used to, but it's all pretty convenient.
  68. >Everything seems controlled and planned.
  69. >Hell, you even have a calendar that shows you when it's going to rain.
  70. >That's pretty neat.
  72. >Anyway, enough mind rambling about your impression of this world.
  73. >You've arrived to your destination, Sugarcube Corner.
  74. >You ignore the 'Closed' sign and enter the bakery.
  75. >Ahhh, that aroma.
  76. >The smell of fresh pastries is probably the best thing about working here.
  77. >An elating scent.
  78. >The door closes with a second jingle of small bells.
  79. >A female voice is heard from the kitchen.
  80. >"I'm sorry, the bakery only opens in an hour!"
  81. "Mrs. Cake?"
  82. "It's Anon."
  83. >The mare comes into view.
  84. >"Anon? What are you doing here this early?"
  85. "Had a hard time sleeping, so I thought I'd make myself useful."
  86. >"That's very nice of you Anon."
  87. >"But, we only start preparing the shop in about 30 minutes."
  88. "I see..."
  89. "Well, anything else I can do to help?"
  90. >"Breakfast is almost ready, do you think you could go wake up sleepyhead upstairs?"
  91. "Sure thing Mrs. Cake."
  92. >You throw your apron on the counter and head for the stairs.
  93. >The mare voice is heard again from the kitchen.
  94. >"There's some breakfast for you too, if you want!"
  95. >Such a nice mare.
  96. >Both the Cakes have been very helpful since you got to Ponyville, offering you a job as soon as they knew you were a friend of the pink ball of party you now call a coworker.
  97. >Didn't even bother asking questions about you, what mattered was that you were in need of a job and a friend Pink McPoofyhairs.
  98. >Speaking of...
  99. >You don't want this breakfast getting cold.
  101. >You get upstairs and enter the room of your target.
  102. >Still sleeping.
  103. >Sneak-mode activated.
  104. >Slowly, you get closer to the bed.
  105. >Avoiding the balloons and other party accessories laying around on the ground.
  106. >Once you reached the bedside, you crouch down till your head is at the same level as the pillows.
  107. >You take a deep breath and prepare yourself.
  108. >As soon as you open your mouth to scare the hell out of the sleeping pony, a pink hoof stops you.
  109. >"Anon!"
  110. >"What are you doing here?!"
  111. "Hmph Mh Hmmh."
  112. >"What? I can't understand you."
  113. >You point to the pink hoof.
  114. >"Oh! Right, hehe. Sorry."
  115. >You sigh.
  116. "Morning, Bubble Berry."
  119. --------------------
  120. PART TWO
  121. --------------------
  123. >"Sooooo..."
  124. >"What are you doing here?"
  125. >You raise an eyebrow.
  126. "I... work here?"
  127. >"Nonono, I mean 'here' here!"
  128. >"Well I mean, yes you work here I know that I helped you get the job remember? It was like a week after you came here, you were totally jobless and looking for one so I thought 'How can I help my new friend?'"
  129. "Bubbl-"
  130. >"Then I went *loud dramatic gasp* and remembered that Mr. and Mrs. Cake said they could use some help with the register because of their new foals so I thought about you since you had claws that could handle thing easily and I stopped calling them claws when you told me they were hands, where was I going again?"
  131. "I'm he-"
  132. >"Right! And then I asked the Cakes if they could hire and they said 'Oh, I don't know Bubble...' and then I said you were a friend and looking for a job and it would make me happy and they were all like 'It's totes okay then!', well not really, Mr. Cake doesn't say 'totes' but you know what I mean right?"
  133. "Yes, you tell me that story about twice a we-"
  134. >"Hey! I just realised you never told me why you where here!"
  135. "B-"
  136. >"And I mean 'here' here, as in my room not 'here' here as in Sugarcube Corner."
  137. >You give him a deadpan look.
  138. >"Well come on, we don't have all day! I'm sure Mr. and Mrs. Cake are almost done preparing breakfast by now."
  139. "That's exactly why I ca-"
  140. "You know what? You're right."
  141. "Let's just go downstairs and have some breakfast."
  142. >"Sounds great! I'm starving."
  143. >Bubble Berry hops off his bed, balloons flying out of the blanket as he does.
  144. >You're barely phased by it.
  145. >You started getting used to all the crazy shit happening around him a few weeks back.
  146. >Balloons coming out of a blanket is pretty tame compared to what you already saw.
  147. >You mean... Sneezing confettis? Really?
  148. >Anyway.
  149. >Bubble Berry is already bouncing is way to the stairs, you should probably follow him.
  151. >As you enter the kitchen, you see that everyone is already getting seated all around the table.
  152. >Mr. Cake is walking towards the table with large plate of waffles on his back, banana-chocolate chips by the look of them.
  153. >Not a second after they are set in front of him, Bubbles starts to drown the waffles in syrup.
  154. >Guess he has to get all his energy from SOMEWHERE.
  155. >And apparently, that 'somewhere' is sugar.
  156. >Lots of it.
  157. >Turning your head to the opposite side of the table, you can see Mrs. Cake feeding both her foals their baby bottle.
  158. >You never understood how two earth ponies could give birth to both a pegasus and an unicorn.
  159. >Though, you can't say that you really looked into pony genetics.
  160. >Once the foals are burped, you ask for a plate of regular waffles and spread some strawberry jam on them.
  161. >Soon enough, chatter begins around the table.
  162. >Talking about the job for today, if there's any big orders you need to help with, if I was planning something for the week-end, etc.
  163. >Once about twenty minutes have passed, everyone's done eating and Mr. Cake opens the bakery to the customers.
  165. >You stand behind the counter and see your first customers coming in.
  166. >A bunch of kids asking to buy a cake for their teacher.
  167. >Adorable.
  168. >They pick a nice red velvet cake and leave the bakery, no doubt going to school before the classes begin.
  169. >Second client.
  170. >A regular.
  171. >You don't know her that much, but she's being coming here a lot more since her little accident.
  172. >Poor gal twisted her ankle while the pegasus where outdoing themselves with the rain.
  173. >So you carried her home.
  174. >"H-hi Anon!"
  175. "Hello Caramel, how are ya doing today?"
  176. >"Great!"
  177. "You'll be taking the usual?"
  178. >"The usual?"
  179. "Yeah, you always take a danish when you come over here at this hour."
  180. >"...Do I really come here that often?"
  181. "About five times a week, I'd say."
  182. >"R-really?"
  183. >"Well, It's... the... danish."
  184. >"Yeah. I love these danishes. They're really good."
  185. >Her eyes are a little shifty as she stutters her way through those last few words.
  186. "Right. Danish."
  187. "Let me get that for you."
  188. >You reach into the counter and pull out a danish that you drop into a small bag.
  189. "Here you go, that'll be 3 bits."
  190. >Three gold coins soon clink on the counter next to Caramel's order.
  191. >"Hey Anon, thanks again for... you know..."
  192. >She lifts her right front hoof and wiggles it around a little.
  193. "Don't mention it."
  194. "I couldn't really leave you on the ground back there now, could I?"
  195. >"Still, I'm glad you went out of your way to help me."
  196. >She just stands there, smiling and looking at you.
  197. >You can see two ponies about to enter the bakery.
  198. "I'm sorry, but I'll have to ask you to move aside a little for now."
  199. "You can eat your breakfast at a table if you want."
  200. >"O-oh, no it's cool. I was leaving anyway."
  201. "Suit yourself. Enjoy the danish."
  202. >"Y-yeah, you too!"
  203. >She hurriedly grabs her bag and leave.
  205. >The rest of the day is mostly uneventful, aside for the occasional silly shenanigan from Bubble Berry.
  206. >You're still waiting on someone to come pick up that last order you have.
  207. >Twelve cupcakes for 'D.S.'
  208. >Bubbles has already begun cleaning the kitchen while singing some improvised song about washing the dishes.
  209. >You're watching him work while humming the chorus with him when a familiar jingle is heard.
  210. >It's the front door's bells.
  211. >You turn and face your customer.
  212. "Oh, hey Dusk!"
  213. "Nice to see you."
  214. >Dusk Shine's a good friend of yours, well at least you think he is.
  215. >Prince Solaris sent you to his home when you first arrived in Equestria.
  216. >Well, tree-library might be a better term.
  217. >A nice place with an equally nice host.
  218. >You owe a lot to Dusk. He fed you, gave you a place to sleep, allowed you to borrow his books and taught you the basics of Equestrian culture.
  219. >A real nice guy.
  220. >Really focused on his studies of... well, everything.
  221. >But you can respect that, knowledge is power and all that.
  222. >"Hello Anon."
  223. "Grabbing an evening snack before going back to hiking on Mt. Bookpile?"
  224. >"Ha. Very funny, but no. Tonight I'm going stargazing with a few friends."
  225. "Oh? I don't think I've ever been stargazing before."
  226. >"It's great! You should try it sometime."
  227. "Anything special going on in the sky tonight?"
  228. >"Yeah, actually. We'll be able to see Pristine Star's comet."
  229. "Pristine Star?" You ask while turning around to grab the box of cupcakes.
  230. >"A great unicorn that discovered a few dozens spells and had a knack for astronomy."
  231. "I see, that's pretty interesting."
  232. >You present him the box.
  233. "Twelve cupcakes for a certain 'D.S.', is that you?"
  234. >"Oh! Yeah, that's me."
  235. "Bringing snacks over for your stargazing buddies?"
  236. >"Hmhm." He answers, nodding.
  237. >"Oh my, look at the time."
  238. >"I really need to start moving my stuff to the hill."
  239. "Alright then, enjoy the cupcakes and comet!"
  240. >"Thanks."
  241. >Dusk grabs the box with magic and makes his way to the door.
  242. >"Enjoy your evening too!"
  243. >Heh.
  244. >You kinda wish he would have asked you to come along.
  245. >But, oh well.
  246. >Sounds like you've got another evening of reading ahead of you.
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