
Stealing from Stone

Nov 10th, 2015
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  1. 20:46 Multi-Mob Underhell, a place filled with jobs to kill, steal, and shitposts of every caliber. However there was one post that seemed a bit different, simple information. About how to steal from Ryan Stone, second richest man in the world. An address was stated along with the fact that the information was free to spread around, so even those without Underhell could
  2. 20:46 Multi-Mob hear about this. The Address was a small fancy restaurant called "Fancy Neon.' The man who owned it was not a clever one. Two large guards with a strange eye mask and tuxedos stood outside
  3. 18:01 Trece rode along to the destination on his deteriorating bike. It had a lot of history. Every single dent was a mark their dangerous, living on the edge past together, whether it be of them crashing into a wall, or getting involved in a fender bender. He chained it to the nearest street sign and marveled at the restaurant where business would be done. He hadn't considered in the least if the...
  4. 18:01 Trece ...random message promising dosh on his shitty stolen phone's Undernet account was a trap and he wasn't about to now.
  5. 18:02 Trece "Sure as hell hope this guy's giving food..."
  6. 18:07 Oyuun put her hands on her hips and grinned a mighty grin as she finally saw the restaurant. Fancy Neon, huh? Well at least it didn't advertise wrong. Looking back over her shoulder to the man she came with there was a twinkle in her eye. "You ready for this, Bud? This could be the big one."
  7. 18:11 Bud gave an unseen smile through his mask to the eager girl. "Could be? I'm pretty sure it will be. I'm feelin' it, and I am moooore than ready for that payday."
  8. 18:12 Oyuun jumped up and kissed on what would be the cheek of Bud's mask, absolutely ecstatic before she went for the door.
  9. 18:12 *** AnnaClaskovic joined #covenger_rp
  10. 18:15 Trece approached the entrance, giving the odd couple near him a wary look, beneath his colorful mask. It's painted differently every job. Gives him a fun hobby to counter is not so fun life. That couple however, gave him odd vibes, he wouldn't say bad, but definitely off...
  11. 18:15 Multi-Mob One of the eye men looked at her "You here fer da job?" The other looked towards her as well "Think we should let her in?" "Da boss man wants whoever comes, go on in and take a seat" They then looked at Trece "Gedding all the short ones today. Go on in"
  12. 18:19 Bud follows along, stepping through the door backwards as if to assert the fact that he wasn't going to talk to the doormen.
  13. 18:19 Trece coughed, he was a good 6 feet in height, he hadn't measured in a while. He'd respond in retaliation but he'd rather not start his unlucky streak now. He continues in, holding his duffle bag close.
  14. 18:20 Oyuun totally ignored that there were doormen all together. She didn't look like a master thief, she looked like a perky college foreign exchange student. "Yep, we're here for the job"
  15. 18:21 Multi-Mob "Go on in" "Bossman waiting"
  16. 18:29 Multi-Mob The inside of the place was empty, all the tables and chairs gone, The smell of spaghetti and garlic bread filled the cold empty space.Empty all but in the center, around 5 chairs and one table. A man hidden in the shade "This is the all I get, figures. Sit down"
  17. 18:35 Trece was kinda intimidated and walked to a chair, tripping to his knees as he got near one, his face making contact with the back of it, causing him to writhe in pain for a second. He tried not to be too loud with his whimpering as he pulled himself onto a seat.
  18. 18:36 Trece "A-All part of the job." he said as he held his face with both hands.
  19. 18:36 Trece quickly regret saying anything at all.
  20. 18:38 Multi-Mob "..." This was a mistake.
  21. 18:39 Oyuun strode in, bag slung over her shoulder and sauntering towards the chairs without a care in the world, pulling one over and sitting down with one leg crossed over the other.
  22. 18:39 Bud takes a moment to appreciate the cunning of the other skull-faced man. A brilliant tactic to appear harmless among a potential new friend. After the moment, he walked towards the table and took a seat in no particular space.
  23. 18:55 Multi-Mob leaned forward, showing his face and oh GOD! Multiple eyes glowing a strange green, mouths where mouths shouldn't be, the right eye had raspy breathing you can only hear in the cold quiet night. He was ugly as hell."So, I want to make a few things clear"
  24. 18:57 Trece searched his Duffle bag, "Hey man, if it's a mask ya wanted, you only had to ask, you know? I could make make more."
  25. 18:57 Trece "I don't judge."
  26. 18:59 Oyuun immediately shut her eyes and tried not to look to directly at the misformed man. This was nooooot what she wanted to be thinking about right now.
  27. 19:02 Multi-Mob didn't react much to either Trece or Oyuun, all stuff hes seen and heard before
  28. 19:02 Bud was taken aback by the heap of a man infront of him out of surprise before leaning closer in. " I know you? You look kinda familiar, friend. You just got that..face.."
  29. 19:04 Multi-Mob rubbed an eye "I think so" He sounded a bit pissed off
  30. 19:06 Multi-Mob Now Listen, I'm not paying you to do this, I'm just giving the information out to you. You can do what you want with it. Spread it around, do nothing, whatever. But if you do decide to do this, it won't be easy. Red Star has done all he can and more to protect his stash, the defenses are unlike most. You can leave now, or listen"
  31. 19:15 Trece raised his hand, "Hey uh, so if we go through with this, how much money are we lookin forward to? Is it a lot? Cuz, like, next rent aint gonna be easy, y-ya know, heh...? I-I'm going through with this either way, just so you know...I haven't much else options really..."
  32. 19:15 Bud "Alright well..two questions! Who the heck is Red Star, and where the heck is the cash..." he points to Trece. "Yeah answer that too."
  33. 19:19 Multi-Mob "Red Star is really a man named Ryan Stone, I think he ran a tournament a while back. He is the second richest man in the world. As for where...He keeps his money in a underground vault, the entrance being a lone island in the middle of the ocean, about 45 floors down, but only a few real threats. Multiple password systems, DNA checks, Ego scanners...
  34. 19:21 Multi-Mob Robot guards, the money is thought to be protected by a plasma shield as well."
  35. 19:22 Oyuun "Huh... What are you getting out of this anyways?"
  36. 19:23 Multi-Mob "He screwed me out of a deal, so I want to take away the one thing he loves most, money"
  37. 19:24 Trece began to get a tad scared, "W-What the fu-" His chair collapsed, sending him to the floor, he was a bit too paranoid to worry over considering what he realized he was up against.
  38. 19:25 Trece weakly got to his feet, looking at the couple next to him, "A-Are you guys going through with this?"
  39. 19:26 Bud didn't seem deterred at all by the long list of convoluted defenses, or by Trece's tactical genius. "Ryan Stone? Aw man, I hate that guy! This is actually his vault up for grabs?"
  40. 19:34 Multi-Mob "Yes, if you can get to it." Multi placed a card on the table, 3 passwords on it "One should take you to the main vault once you get to the right spot, others...I'm not sure" On the card read 'Betelgeuse, Pooltime, and Transcendence'
  41. 19:37 Oyuun looked down to the card and hummed to herself, taking in the information with more professionalism than one might expect out of her.
  42. 19:39 Trece was kinda eased by how easy this was being proposed. "Huh, maybe this will be a cakewalk..." he grabs his stomach. Hey uh. I couldn't help but notice this is a restaurant and stuff...
  43. 19:39 Trece ""
  44. 19:39 Trece "So, uh. Are we being fed?"
  45. 19:41 Bud had relatively little professionalism when it came to these sorts of things. He got hype instead. "Okay, there's all this stuff but do you know..Ryan's gold suit is? I know he has one...or several."
  46. 19:42 Multi-Mob A plate of spaghetti and garlic bread came down in front of Multi, it looked good
  47. 19:42 Multi-Mob "No"
  48. 19:43 Trece found another seat and sat down complacently. "O-Ok..."
  49. 19:43 Multi-Mob "The Red Star suit is at a different location, I'm not sure what it does, he always wears it to deals but never uses it"
  50. 19:48 Multi-Mob knew Bud was ready for this, the girl and skeleton mask didn't seem good enough for the task "You two, you sure you're fit for this? You seem too scared and you look like you should be studying for an exam...And the golden suits are at his house, I thought you meant the Red Star suit"
  51. 19:48 Oyuun shook her head and puffed her chest. "No. I can handle this."
  52. 19:49 Multi-Mob "..Are either of you Meta Humans?"
  53. 19:51 Trece "H-Hey what about me? I can do a lot! My survivability is unmatched! I-I'm pretty sure I can do this..." He sheepishly pounded his fist on the table. A second later the table would split down the middle, the fractured halves both landing on his foot. The pain was intense, and he could only manage, under his breath, a, "H-Help..."
  54. 19:53 Multi-Mob managed to grab his plate. He was mad and normally would pull out a gun and end him, but he was one of three to come for this "I'll send you the bill for that"
  55. 19:56 Trece ignored the pain for a moment, filled with determination to not be in debt. "N-Now you hold on a second..." he squealed. "I-I take care of this guy's b-bank account and we'll see whose paying a bill a-after that. H-How about it?" There was a fire in his eyes.
  56. 19:56 Bud knew Trece was playing harmless, but no respects his tactic even more with that small display of power!
  57. 19:57 Bud (Now*)
  58. 19:57 Oyuun "...I'm a metahuman, yes"
  59. 19:59 Multi-Mob "I would ask what you can do, but I feel like we wasted enough time as is. I have a helicopter that will take you to the island, if you wish to go. Your choice"
  60. 20:03 Trece pulled his damaged foot from under the table. There were tears under his mask. "Score...."
  61. 20:15 Multi-Mob walked out side "If you're really ready, follow me"
  62. 20:18 Trece followed along, although it was a bit difficult given his new injury, somewhat ironic, but he followed along.
  63. 20:19 Oyuun came along as well, offering out a hand for Bud to take as they moved to wherever they held the helocopter.
  64. 20:19 Oyuun (helicopter)
  65. 20:22 Bud accepted the hand and followed along with Oyuun to the land of helocopter
  66. 20:41 Multi-Mob The copter was right outside, a few feet up, a rope ladder Multi-Mob was already climbing, when he reached the top, some woman was already there "What the? Who the hell are you?" One of the mobsters on the ground yelled up to him "Sorry boss, she said shes not one for detail and just, climbed up" The Other Mobster joined in "I dink she was hiding"
  67. 20:44 --- AnnaClaskovic is away (Auto away)
  68. 20:45 Elise_ waved from her previously claimed seat in the chopper. She looked tired and grumpy as ever, dark bag beneath her eyes and bloodshot veins surrounding her snowy blue irises. She waved a hand casually as Multi-Mob reached the top and then looked down at the others with the same wave. "I heard we were fucking the rich and cuddling the poor or something. Decided to tag along. Can we stop at Pizza Butt on the way? My
  69. 20:45 Elise_ feet hurt."
  70. 20:46 *** Oyuun quit ()
  71. 20:46 *** Oyuun joined #covenger_rp
  72. 20:47 Multi-Mob was to tired for this shit. "Fine, whatever."
  73. 20:52 Multi-Mob "Last chance people, climb up and get rich, or do whatever down there"
  74. 20:58 Trece was obviously having a hard time, given his foot. "J-Just wait a sec." He would eventually find himself struggling to make it up, but make it up he does. He takes it upon himself to politely greet the new chick. "Whose she?"
  75. 20:59 *** AnnaClaskovic quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  76. 21:00 Oyuun gave a look up to Elise, stopping herself from yelling out a greeting. They had never met before really, Oyu had used her to get through the gang compound a few nights back without her knowledge. Perhaps best keep that secret. For now she climbed onto the helicopter and gave a soft huff of content
  77. 21:04 Bud waved energetically back to Elise, happy to have another familiar someone on the trail to robbing a guy. He joined the helicopter crew after the short climb up.
  78. 21:10 Multi-Mob And so, they were off...well, after a stop at a local, but too expensive pizza place in which they all agreed Trece should pay for. But after food and drinks, they were off for real in a helicopter that went surprisingly fast. After an hour they were looking down at the island entrance
  79. 21:10 Multi-Mob and about 56 other island entrances
  80. 21:14 Elise_ scarfed down the last slice of pizza and wiped at her mouth with her sleeve. She wasn't as terribly hoboish today, but a few flies had found their way to the space around her head. Her clothes were stained and her skin was dirty and stained as well. "So uh... anyone here afraid of anything that can fly?"
  81. 21:22 *** Oyuun quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  82. 21:22 Multi-Mob "This could be a problem" Multi was passing around parachutes
  83. 21:22 *** Oyuun joined #covenger_rp
  84. 21:28 Trece still had a hot wing in his mouth as he was handed a parachute, "Wait, w-what?"
  85. 21:30 Elise_ took the parachute in hand and stared down at it. The flies buzzed idly. "Fuck you mean 'problem'? Just jump and pull the cord, right?" She said sarcastically, pulling the chute on a buckling it before flashing a thumbs up to the others.
  86. 21:32 *** Oyuun quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  87. 21:33 *** Oyuun joined #covenger_rp
  88. 21:36 Trece caught on quick and rushed his parachute on, "Aw shit. A-Are we doing this, haha. Holy shit we're really doing this. Fuck." He was excited but moreso terrified of what was to come. His usual jobs involved being a proxy for gang warfare, that or helping a struggling family out, which often times came with no profit. But this. This was the real shit.
  89. 21:36 Oyuun took the parachute and gulped, looking over to the others. She had never done anything like this before. High speeds? Yes. Superpowers? Yes. Jumping? ...Well, no choice now.
  90. 21:37 Bud took one of the parachutes and strapped it on in an almost lackluster fashion. He'd hoped they'd have gotten to just get straight to the cash.
  91. 21:38 Multi-Mob "The problem are the islands, there should only be one. And there is a good chance most of those are traps." Once everyone had a Chute, he handed a walkie talkie to Bud. "And this place has Radar, meaning we can't land...But, at least you know how to use that chute"
  92. 21:39 Bud stared at the talkie. "What's uh..this for? Ordering pizza in case we're down there too long?"
  93. 21:39 Elise_ "I like that plan."
  94. 21:40 Multi-Mob "Once you have the money, how do you expect to leave the islands?"
  95. 21:40 Trece was rather eager to hop out, he was kinda in the moment. He approached the jump zone, staring out at the islands below, holding on tightly to the door frame, wind rushing against him. "H-Holy crap"
  96. 21:41 Oyuun stuck by Bud's side and grumbled while putting the parachute on. Keeping up her usual perkiness was hard when she was afraid.
  97. 21:42 Trece turned back to the kingpin, the color from his skin almost gone from fear and excitement, covered up by his more than colorful mask."You're. You're not gonna pick us up?"
  98. 21:42 Multi-Mob "I gave him that so I CAN pick you up"
  99. 21:44 Multi-Mob "This copter is top of the line, it can be up here for hours"
  100. 21:45 Elise_ inhaled deep, tasting the fear and hesitance in the air. NOW she was hype. Now she could feel her heart pumping into overdrive as she drank deep. "I'm ready. I'm ready, I'm ready, I'mreadyI'mreadyI'mreadyI'mready." She gripped at the seat with white knuckle tightness before moving toward the door. "Do we have to wait for the dinner bell? Or should I just get STUCK IN!?" She was getting a bit TOO ravenous. A bit
  101. 21:45 Elise_ TOO excited.
  102. 21:44 Trece knocked on the outside of the plane as he looked out, "Top of the line, huh? W-Well ok then..."
  103. 21:45 Multi-Mob An engine faltered, the copter was spinning out of control, and next think the thiefs knew. They were all free falling, just barely seeing the Copter return to normal and Multi looking down on them as they fell. Somehow everyone knew to blame Trece, the walking bad luck charm
  104. 19:38 Multi-Mob Our...heroes? Had little time to open their chutes, and hope to god they land safely. They were heading towards the spot between two small islands, shallow water that would feel like stone if they fail. The walkie Talkie let them hear Multi-mobs scream of pure rage
  105. 19:47 Elise_ "Daw fuck," said Elise, as she plummeted to the earth with terrifying speed. It wasn't often that she got to fly in a helicopter. She was enjoying that. She was excited to get going, but the ride was nice. With a huff, she fumbled for her parachute's cord and ripped at it, sending the chute to billow out and unfurl, carrying her up and slowing her descent. "What's the pudding-face screaming about?" Elise screamed over the
  106. 19:47 Elise_ rushing wind, catching tiny fragments of the scream from the walkie talkie from where she was floating.
  107. 19:57 Oyuun was certainly not ready for this. Speed. So much goddamn speed and it wasn't the kind she was used to either. Gravity. Screaming, she would clutch onto the parachute while falling down from the sky.
  108. 19:59 *** Oyuun quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  109. 20:02 *** Oyuun joined #covenger_rp
  110. 20:05 Trece was was a fucking lead ball as he rushed to the ground. His parachute was having a grand time descending slowly to the ground, without him. He hadn't time to think, only able to to watch 1/2 of his life flash before his eyes before striking the water. There wasn't a splash. It was Olympian. Truly a 10/10 dive. He seemed to be in God's favor as he rose up from the water resting on his duffel...
  111. 20:05 Trece ...bag, unscathed by whatever hard surface waited under the water.
  112. 20:05 *** Bud2 quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  113. 20:08 Bud was not a stranger to this whole 'plummeting to the earth' thing, but this time he had a parachute which he only bothered deploying once he noticed Oyuun had deployed hers..and after a little longer free-fall for the fun of it. Don't think he heard Elise yelling at him either.
  114. 20:18 Multi-Mob Slowly they all made it to the the islands. Each was small, about 10 feet across, it was like the generic islands from cartoons with shipwreck people on them. Some had palm trees, some had little bushes that looked fake, some just had sand. Multis voice came from the walkie talkie
  115. 20:19 Multi-Mob "You're all alive...good, thought this whole thing would of been pointless, waste of fuel and money."
  116. 20:32 Multi-Mob "One of the islands should lead to an underground vault. I'd imagine others could lead to traps, just find a way to open it and enter. One of you should get lucky"
  117. 20:35 Elise_ "Buhhhh fuck." Elise hit the ground and skid to a halt, pulling her chute to the ground before leaving it in a crumpled heap. "So uh, why don't we just blow them all up and see which one has a vault underneath?"
  118. 20:38 Multi-Mob "I can't even begin to count how many problems that would bring"
  119. 20:41 Oyuun was still shivering from the ride down. It was something totally goddamn new for her it took a few minutes to process. When she did there were loud excited shouts. Apparently she enjoyed it.
  120. 20:42 Trece was still clutching onto his bag, cold, wet, and traumatized by his near death experience, it was around his 17th. The truly traumatizing part was recalling his high school life another time. He spoke into his talkie, "I-Is is to late t-to pull out?"
  121. 20:42 Multi-Mob "Yes"
  122. 20:43 Bud detached himself from his chute a few feet in the air above land, breaking his fall by slamming into the ground with his bones. Didn't seem to hurt because he sprung back up almost instantly. "Righto, everybody alright? Where the cashula."
  123. 20:44 Oyuun was too busy yelling things in Mongolian and feeling the rush of her life to respond for another few minutes. Then she calmed. "...Yeah. We're good"
  124. 20:48 Multi-Mob "WHat do you mean 'wheres the cash' have you not be listening to me? Its underground!"
  125. 20:51 Bud had, in fact, not been listening at all to the little magic talk-box, his attention was on cuter things. And cash. Cute cash? Yeah that. "What, do I start digging? X marks the spot?"
  126. 20:54 Multi-Mob "...Just, dig neat the center of an island, all of you, one should have a hatch leading down"
  127. 20:55 Trece had already pulled out a shovel before told of the hatch, "O-Oh"
  128. 20:56 Elise_ looked over to Trece and shook her head, "Silly man, you should know pulling out never works." She chuckled dumbly, before making her way over to one of the closer islands, getting down on her knees and digging her fingers into the sand to commence with ze excavation. "Dig down, lads. Maybe we'll find the fountain of youth or something."
  129. 20:58 Oyuun had a more productive way to go about it. She sped herself up, swiping away sand behind her in an aimless search to find wherever this thing was.
  130. 21:02 Bud joined the others in scratching the sand in hopes of finding something useful. His barehands would have to do for this.
  131. 21:07 Multi-Mob After a bit of searching, a small metal handle glimmered in the light, but with Oyuun digging around wildly, one wonders if she or anyone else even noticed it
  132. 21:19 Oyuun in fact did miss it! Might need somebody else to look among her many holes she made.
  133. 21:22 Bud had somehow gotten sidetracked with a large, hostile crab that he was now engaged in a battle of wits with. He obviously also missed the handle.
  134. 21:24 Elise_ was fairly sidetracked by the magnificent sand-castle she was constructing not 2 meters away from the hatch. She'd probably notice in time. She's not the quickest of wit.
  135. 21:25 Trece was far to deep in a hole of his own creation to realize they had struck the gold he was searching for. Literal gold. He yelled out from within"Hey you guys find any treasure yet?"
  136. 21:31 Elise_ "Only the treasure of a well-made fort, son." Elise chirped from her newly erected foot high sand walls. From where she was standing she could spy the glint of the hatch in the sand. "Something shiny over there though!"
  137. 21:31 Oyuun turned her head over her shoulder, blinking. "Wh-What? I thought I checked there"
  138. 21:33 Trece struggled to climb out of his dungeon. "Sand Castle? I wanna see." As he top he looked over to the glimmering metal handle, only to be struck by the glare and fall back into his prison.
  139. 21:33 Pass *reached
  140. 21:35 Bud looked back at the others, the crab held in his hand and away from had his knife at this point. "Huh? You guys find the whatever?"
  141. 21:42 Multi-Mob It shined in the light, beckoning them all to open it
  142. 21:47 Elise_ stepped over the walls of Castle Dank to move over to the hatch. "Might as well, right?" She shrugged, before gripping the hatch and attempting to open it. She was absolutely covered in sand.
  143. 21:53 Multi-Mob It was heavy, both being covered in sand and being made of metal, maybe if she had help it would be done faster
  144. 21:56 Bud finally gained the upperhand and tossed the crab far, far back into the ocean. He may have lost a knife but he won the battle, which gave him room to wander over to the hatch. "Looks heavy, how about a team lift? Where's that other guy at?"
  145. 22:15 Trece after a bit too long, finally made it out of his sand pit. He ran towards the others, out of breath. "S-Sorry for the wait. I was caught up." He reached the hatch and, stopping, to catch what little breath he had. "So what's the.....411 with this thing?"
  146. 22:21 Oyuun came over to the hatch with hands on her hips. She didn't expect herself to be too much help with lifting.
  147. 22:22 Elise_ "The 411 is that the thing is fuckin' heavy!" Elise said with a grunt as she fell back from the effort of lifting. "I think Bud's right, this might be one of those team exercise things."
  148. 22:25 Pass "Oh shit." He immediately went to help with the little physical strength he had.
  149. 22:30 Bud squat down and grabbed a bit of the hatch firmly. "Remember guys, lift with your legs and not your backs. Unless you have a superpowered back or something I don't know about..."
  150. 22:31 Multi-Mob Slowly, the hatch opened, they were getting close to the money. All their wildest dreams would come true. As they finally opened the hatch...
  151. 22:32 Multi-Mob A large metal fist covered in spikes shot up decking Trece in the face
  152. 22:33 Elise_ snorted, "Superpowered back, ha- oh shit." Her expression changed as the fist shot up. Bad times ahead it seemed, as she tried to backwheel and fell facefirst into the sand.
  153. 22:34 Oyuun jolted back as soon as she could. Oh snap it was going down already.
  154. 22:39 Bud more or less just fell backwards into the sand instead of any real evasive measure.
  155. 22:46 *** McGoFuckYourself joined #covenger_rp
  156. 22:47 Trece was on the floor, recovering from the hit, his now cracked mask the only thing in the way of his face bleeding profusely. "W-What the hell was that!"
  157. 22:52 Multi-Mob Sundently, another fist flew into the air, then a metal foot, then a bust of Ryan Stones head, then a small statue of him doing a pose, and another statue of a different pose flew out. How and why was this happening? No time to answer. But the brief moment of the open hatch, they all saw it lead down with a staircase. So at the very lease it was the right one
  158. 22:52 Multi-Mob [Suddenly]
  159. 22:52 Multi-Mob There was no pattern, but there had to be a limit. They could wait this out then enter, or someone could charge in and see if there was an off switch
  160. 22:55 Trece scrambled to his feet and rushed to the stairs, equipping his bat to smash whatever statue decided it wanted a piece of him.
  161. 22:57 Bud watched Trece charge down the stairs before shrugging to Elise and Oyuun. "Should we just let him solve this?"
  162. 23:22 Oyuun gulped, not quite looking for a fight herself but didn't feel so keen on just abandoning somebody to their own devices. "C-Crap- Okay, we should probably help with this"
  163. 23:36 Elise_ shrugged from beneath the sand, "We SHOULD, probably." She unearthed herself and snapped her baton out. But what would she bonk? She moved over to Trece to back him up. "Uh, after you, broby."
  164. 23:37 Trece peeked out from the stairs he gave his all to get to, "Y-You guys done?"
  165. 23:37 Multi-Mob Trece was safe, everyone else, was not as the statues were still firing
  166. 23:38 Multi-Mob And yet somehow one landed on his head
  167. 23:42 Bud nodded and moved for the stairs, cautious of any more flying objects heading his way. "All I needed to hear. Let's get down there."
  168. 23:44 Oyuun was keeping close by Bud's side, prepared to jump or turn invisible at a moment's notice. This was not her style of break-in...
  169. 23:47 Elise_ debated trying to whack a statue, but after seeing what they did to Trece, she resolved to instead just make a desperate dash and dive down the stairs. Statues couldn't hit anything but themselves if nothing else was there.
  170. 23:52 Multi-Mob They all managed to make it, safe from the statues
  171. 23:53 Multi-Mob Which ran out before they Elise got there anyways, so...At least the dosh is in closer reach
  172. 23:57 Bud checked to make sure only Trece had been assaulted before turning to Oyuun. "Looks like this'll be a nice milk run, huh?"
  173. 00:04 Multi-Mob The stair case lead down about 20 feet, somewhat steep steps. At the end is a elevator, waiting to be called to them
  174. 00:28 Elise_ very unceremoniously fell down the last couple of stairs and stared at the elevator at the end of the path. "I hope this fucker has some sweet tunes."
  175. 19:59 Oyuun nodded up to Buddy, quelling off her doubts on the surface. "If we can get a few cartons of it, that'd be great."
  176. 20:03 Multi-Mob The elevator door opened with a *Ding*. The elevator itself was a bit small, but it will have to do. Inside there was only 2 buttons. Up and Down, clearly going down was the only way to make some money
  177. 20:08 Bud inspected the elevator in suspicion for a moment, and then stepped on. "Maybe we should have brought shopping carts?"
  178. 20:10 Oyuun rubbed her chin and made a humorous look while stepping into that elevator. "You're strong. You could totally carry enough on your own."
  179. 20:12 Elise_ stood in the corner, staring into space. Covered in sand. "I once saw a lady give birth in a shopping cart." Her expression was unamused. Unaffected.
  180. 20:17 Trece stepped in after the others, wary of any sort of misstep that would make this elevator their burial grounds. "Must be nice to first experience life in the produce isle."
  181. 20:20 Multi-Mob As the doors closed, getting caught on Treces foot before opening and reclosing, they went down. A horrible elevator song played about how awesome Ryan Stone is. It was ear grating to say the least
  182. 20:23 Multi-Mob After what felt like months, they stopped. The door opened to a large empty room, a small computer and keypad in the middle. The password system. The team knew [or at least one of them hopefully did] remembered the 3 passwords 'Betelgeuse, Pooltime, and Transcendence.' Which would lead them to the treasure and the riches?
  183. 20:27 *** MGFYaway is now known as McGoFuckYourself
  184. 20:29 Elise_ "What if I smash the computer?" She was unsure if she was asking a question or proposing a solution, but she sure as hell didn't know or remember any of the passwords.
  185. 20:31 Trece mourned the loss of fssling in his foot as he stepped out the elevator. "I've watched enough movies. You /don't/ wanna do that."
  186. 20:35 Oyuun put her hands on her hips and looked down. "We have passwords, right?"
  187. 20:35 Oyuun "Try putting one in"
  188. 20:37 Bud took his hands off of his ears as he stepped slightly out from the lift, annoyed by the musical tunes previously. "Passwords? I don't think I wrote any down.."
  189. 20:41 Trece "Oh I got this. I remeber Eye Guy mentioning that really old ghost movie and something about...Transluscence?Im not the only one, right?"
  190. 20:42 Oyuun "That sounds about right"
  191. 20:43 Oyuun stepped up to the keyboard and idly tapped in 'Transcendence'.
  192. 20:44 Multi-Mob Light, right next to them, a hologram of a...Breakroom?
  193. 20:48 Multi-Mob In the breakroom were of some interesting characters. A man with a mask and chains from his sleeves was getting coffee, another with a brain-in-a-jar helmet and armored robotic business suit was chatting it up with some sort of cyborg monkey man. A very familiar looking Blue skinned, white haired, ragged mouth woman as looking deeply into a phone...
  194. 20:49 Multi-Mob Trying to figure out the calculator. One by one the looked at the team of thieves, no one speaking
  195. 20:50 Oyuun "Th'heck is this?" Oyu didn't know any of these people, or their significance. Her mind was very narrowly focused on getting the money.
  196. 20:51 Trece "Huh...well that's neat...Like the Office having a halloween special."
  197. 20:51 Trece approached the keyboard
  198. 20:51 Multi-Mob The chained man started laughing
  199. 20:51 Multi-Mob "Well, hes not going to like this"
  200. 20:52 Bud started idly pressing random buttons. "Uh, everything's under control. Situation normal. "
  201. 20:52 Trece "If my memory serves..." He typed in 'Ghostbusters'
  202. 20:53 Trece "Thats about right, right?"
  203. 20:53 Multi-Mob in the Hologram, a new man in a black business suit came into the Breakroom...Ryan Stone "Not going to like...what..." He stared at the group, hate growing in his eyes
  204. 20:56 Elise_ "Is that the president or something?"
  205. 20:58 Trece "I think he /sees/ us.
  206. 21:01 *** Trece quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92 [Firefox 44.0.2/20160210153822])
  207. 21:05 Multi-Mob Ryan looks like hes going to burst a vain. He pulls out a gun shooting at them. Thankfully because its a hologram the bullets do nothing to them. The blue woman speaking, not English however " Iznenađen sam da nije poludela od besa . Koliko dugo mislite da imate ? " Then the chained man speaking "I suppose, 2, 3 hours. I bet you a they'll succeed
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