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Dec 1st, 2017
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  1. %ansi( green)Made %ansi( 10)@expgain%ansi( 2) exp! Making %ansi( yellow)%round( %eval( %float( @expgain) / ((@timer-@rate_start)/60)/1000))%ansi( 2) k/min rate!
  2. Current tank: %ansi( yellow)@tank %ansi( green)Current target: %ansi( yellow)@target
  3. Hexit: @hexit %ansi( green)
  4. Greater %if( @prots.greater, @prots.greater on for %ansi( yellow)@duration.greater %ansi( green)s, %ansi( 12)off)%ansi( green) (@durlast.greater)
  5. Lesser %if( @prots.lesser, @prots.lesser on for %ansi( yellow)@duration.lesser %ansi( green)s, %ansi( 12)off)%ansi( green) (@durlast.lesser)
  6. IW %if( @prots.iw, on for %ansi( yellow)@duration.iw %ansi( green)s, %ansi( 12)off)%ansi( green) (@durlast.iw)
  7. EH %if(, on for %ansi( yellow) %ansi( green)s, %ansi( 12)off)%ansi( green) (
  8. FS %if( @prots.fs, on for %ansi( yellow)@duration.fs %ansi( green)s, %ansi( 12)off)%ansi( green) (@durlast.fs)
  9. TB %if( @prots.tkbar, on for %ansi( yellow)@duration.tkbar %ansi( green)s, %ansi( 12)off)%ansi( green) (@durlast.tkbar)
  10. DK: SA %if(, on for %ansi( yellow) %ansi( green)s, %ansi( 12)off)%ansi( green) ( VD %if( @prots.vd, on for %ansi( yellow)@duration.vd %ansi( green)s, %ansi( 12)off)%ansi( green) (@durlast.vd) PH %if(, on for %ansi( yellow) %ansi( green)s, %ansi( 12)off)%ansi( green) (
  11. Sops: @prots.sop BSkin: AArmour: @prots.vapo
  12. Tup: @prots.tup
  13. Berserk %if( @prots.berserk, on for %ansi( yellow)@duration.berserk %ansi( 7)seconds, off) (@durlast.berserk)
  14. Ignores: %ansi( 12)@ignored%ansi( green)
  15. Wall of Steel %if( @prots.wos, on for %ansi( yellow)@duration.wos %ansi( 7)seconds, off) (@durlast.wos)
  16. Eyes: %if(@buff.marksman, on for %ansi(yellow)@duration.marksman %ansi(7)seconds, off) (@durlast.marksman)
  17. CTRANCE %if( @prots.ctrance, on for %ansi( yellow) @duration.ctrance %ansi( 7)seconds, off) (@durlast.ctrance)
  18. %ansi( 7)@fati
  19. Hitmode: @hitti
  20. SHADOWMANTLE: %if(@prots.mantle, on for %ansi( yellow)@duration.mantle %ansi( green)s, %ansi( 12)off)%ansi( green) (@durlast.mantle)
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