
Beetleovens Fortress S6

Jan 17th, 2009
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  1. [22:04] <[Nom]Alexis> "Teilya? Teilya, are you all right? I'm not sure where you're getting your wild ideas, but you're obviously distressed. Perhaps it's best you call it a night."
  2. [22:04] * [Nom]Alexis makes an attempt to slip out of Teilya's grip and back away
  3. [22:05] <[Nom]Alexis> "If anything's wrong, you should really take it up with the master. Otherwise I'll leave you to yourself for now."
  4. [22:06] * [PB]Teilya stares hard at Alexis, before letting go and walk towards the door.
  5. [22:07] * [Nom]Alexis slowly retreats back to the kitchen as one does from a feral animal
  6. [22:07] <[PB]Teilya> Alexis, don't you try anything.
  7. [22:07] <[PB]Teilya> I will know.
  8. [22:07] * [Nom]Alexis gives a placating smile
  9. [22:07] <[Nom]Alexis> "Good night, Teilya."
  10. [22:07] <[PB]Teilya> Hmph...
  11. [22:08] * [Nom]Alexis once out of sight, Alexis whisks back to the kitchen, and prepares a tray of snacks to visit the master with...
  12. [22:08] * [PB]Teilya pushes open the medical room's doors and walks right in.
  13. [22:16] * [Kly]Sam tries to get out of the way, but gets hit by the door
  14. [22:16] <[Kly]Sam> Ow...
  15. [22:18] * [PB]Teilya pauses when she feel something blocking the door.
  16. [22:18] <[PB]Teilya> Huh?
  17. [22:18] <[PB]Teilya> Sam? Is that you?
  18. [22:20] <[Kly]Sam> S-sorry...
  19. [22:21] <[PB]Teilya> ...
  20. [22:21] * [PB]Teilya sighs, then closes the door behind her.
  21. [22:22] <[PB]Teilya> much did you hear?
  22. [22:23] <[Kly]Sam> ...most of it... sorry.
  23. [22:23] <[PB]Teilya>, it's fine...
  24. [22:24] <[PB]Teilya> Just...keep those to yourself, it's better no one else finds out...
  25. [22:27] * [Kly]Sam sighs, and backs away.
  26. [22:27] <[Kly]Sam> I will. Sorry...
  27. [22:27] * [PB]Teilya sighs again, then walks up and pulls Sam into a light hug.
  28. [22:28] <[PB]Teilya> No,'s'll be alright...
  29. [22:28] <[PB]Teilya> I won't let anything happen to you, okay?
  30. [22:29] * [PB]Teilya gently ruffles Sam's head with her hand.
  31. [22:32] <[Kly]Sam> H-hey...
  32. [22:34] <[GM]Tetro> [Fade out]
  33. [22:34] <[GM]Tetro> [Scene change!]
  34. [22:34] <[Pyg]Cerise> Brrr...It's chilly tonight.
  35. [22:35] <[Gtz]Mary> Is it? I love the night air... It feels me with a sense of peace.
  36. [22:35] * [Pyg]Cerise rubs her nose as she surveys the surroundings from the fortress walls.
  37. [22:37] <[Pyg]Cerise> I really hope we don't get attacked...
  38. [22:39] * [Pyg]Cerise fidgets a little, knowing Mary is nearby. How is she supposed to focus on keeping an eye out?
  39. [22:40] * [Gtz]Mary pulls loose the tie containing her ponytail, allowing it to blow freely
  40. [22:41] <[Gtz]Mary> Hey, Cerise... If you don't mind me asking, where are you from?
  41. [22:43] * [Pyg]Cerise looks at Mary, now with her hair feely flowing with the wind. She can't help but be dumb-founded and not hearing her question.
  42. [22:44] <[Pyg]Cerise> ...Um...What?
  43. [22:45] <[Gtz]Mary> Oh, I'm sorry... I know how it is, with the war and all.
  44. [22:45] <[Pyg]Cerise> No...I...uh, mean...What did you say?
  45. [22:46] <[Gtz]Mary> I asked where you were from, but you don't have to answer that. It just sort of came into my mind, that's all.
  46. [22:47] <[Pyg]Cerise> Oh...Well, I don't really have a place I come from.
  47. [22:48] * [Gtz]Mary twitches like she's been shot
  48. [22:48] <[Gtz]Mary> ...Sorry. Really, I didn't mean to bring up anything painful. We can talk about something else if yo want.
  49. [22:48] <[Pyg]Cerise> H-huh?
  50. [22:49] * [Pyg]Cerise panics at the sight of a distressed Mary.
  51. [22:49] <[Pyg]Cerise> Um...It's not painful or anything! Really! I don't mind!
  52. [22:50] <[Pyg]Cerise> The city we used to live in is long gone now.
  53. [22:51] <[Gtz]Mary> Mm... I'm sorry.
  54. [22:51] <[Pyg]Cerise> My family decided to continue their livelihood as traveling merchants.
  55. [22:51] <[Gtz]Mary> !
  56. [22:51] <[Gtz]Mary> Your... family?
  57. [22:53] <[Pyg]Cerise> Y-yes. I didn't really like moving around much so I decided to find a job in one place.
  58. [22:54] <[Gtz]Mary> Are they... well... you know... Well, right?
  59. [22:55] * [Gtz]Mary . o O ( Please God, tell me they're fine, tell me they're alive, tell me she isn't alone, tell me... )
  60. [22:55] * [Pyg]Cerise nods, a faint smile on her face.
  61. [22:56] <[Pyg]Cerise> I don't have to worry. My brother's keeping them all safe.
  62. [22:56] * [Pyg]Cerise seems to hold her rifle closer to her as she stares out into the distance.
  63. [22:56] <[Gtz]Mary> Oh, Cerise, you don't know how glad it makes me to hear that...
  64. [22:57] * [Gtz]Mary slowly walks over to Cerise and wraps her arms around her
  65. [22:57] <[Pyg]Cerise> ...Ah! M-M-Mary?
  66. [22:58] <[Gtz]Mary> I was always afraid for you... You never talked about your family, so I always feared for the worst. I'm glad yours are still well.
  67. [22:59] * [Gtz]Mary holds Cerise by the shoulders and gives Cerise a daunting look
  68. [22:59] <[Pyg]Cerise> Um...
  69. [23:01] <[Gtz]Mary> Why aren't you with them now? A girl your age should be with her family! Unless... Shoot, did I say too much again?
  70. [23:02] * [Pyg]Cerise shakes her head vigorously despite its reddish hue.
  71. [23:02] <[Pyg]Cerise> O-of course not!
  72. [23:04] <[Pyg]Cerise> I just wanted to experience doing things on my own...
  73. [23:06] <[Pyg]Cerise> ...Though I suppose the decision to be a maid is a strange choice to make.
  74. [23:06] <[Gtz]Mary> *Sigh* You dope, in such a hurry to grow up... Though I suppose we all have to grow up fast in this world. I hate that for you.
  75. [23:06] <[Pyg]Cerise> ...B-but I'm glad I did.
  76. [23:06] * [Gtz]Mary smiles, and puts an arm back around Cerise
  77. [23:07] * [Pyg]Cerise tries looking straight at Mary's eyes, her body visibly shaking now.
  78. [23:07] <[Gtz]Mary> Yeah, I'm glad you did too. But you better see your family as soon you can, you hear me? You don't know how good you have it until it's gone. I'd like to meet them too, actually.
  79. [23:07] <[Pyg]Cerise> (Wait a minute! C-could this be it?)
  80. [23:09] <[Gtz]Mary> ...Cerise, is there something wrong? Are you really that cold out here? You're shaking, and your heart's beating like a hummingbird.
  81. [23:09] <[Pyg]Cerise> I...Um....Uh....
  82. [23:10] <[Gtz]Mary> ...Hey, that reminds me...
  83. [23:10] <[Pyg]Cerise> (My heart's beating that loudly?)
  84. [23:10] <[Pyg]Cerise> (Damn it, Cerise! Calm down!)
  85. [23:11] <[Pyg]Cerise> ...O-of what?
  86. [23:11] <[Gtz]Mary> There's something I haven't done with yet. Put down your rifle for a second.
  87. [23:12] * [Gtz]Mary stands directly in front of Cerise, or at least as directly as she can get
  88. [23:12] * [Pyg]Cerise lays her gun by the wall.
  89. [23:12] <[Gtz]Mary> All right. Now close your eyes.
  90. [23:12] <[Pyg]Cerise> (Wh-what is this? What's she planning? It can't be...!)
  91. [23:13] <[Pyg]Cerise> ...O-okay!
  92. [23:13] <[Pyg]Cerise> (This is it, Cerise! There's no turning back now!)
  93. [23:13] * [Pyg]Cerise shuts her eyes tight.
  94. [23:13] <[Gtz]Mary> I haven't done this since I worked at the hospital, so sorry if it's a little sloppy...
  95. [23:14] =-= Ataisai is now known as Kagami_is_out
  97. [23:14] * [Gtz]Mary very gently places her hands across her face, feeling out every texture and curve
  98. [23:15] * [Gtz]Mary feels everything. The lips, nose, eyes, brow, chin, ears...
  99. [23:15] <[Pyg]Cerise> (My dearest Mary, have you finally realized it? Please, let it be true! I could die happy after this!)
  100. [23:15] <[Gtz]Mary> This is my way of 'seeing' you. Really I should have done this earlier, but I kept forgetting...
  101. [23:16] <[Gtz]Mary> ..hmhmm... You're quite a pretty girl, Cerise. Got any boyfriends yet?
  102. [23:16] <[Pyg]Cerise> Wha-Of course not!
  103. [23:17] * [Pyg]Cerise , despite her outburst, keeps her eyes shut.
  104. [23:17] <[Gtz]Mary> Hahahaha, "Of course not!"? Where have I heard that before, I wonder...
  105. [23:17] * [Gtz]Mary brings her hands back to Cerise's ears, and tugs on them playfully
  106. [23:18] <[Gtz]Mary> Oh, I know why now. It's because of these big ole' ears you got!
  107. [23:18] <[Pyg]Cerise> Aah! H-hey!
  108. [23:20] * [Gtz]Mary pulls her in and plants a simple peck on Cerise's forehead
  109. [23:20] <[Pyg]Cerise> ...!!
  110. [23:21] <[Gtz]Mary> Hey Cerise, I wanna tell you something. It's something my Mom told me before she passed away.
  111. [23:21] <[Gtz]Mary> "To the world you might be one person, but to one person you might be the world."
  112. [23:21] * [Pyg]Cerise 's knees become jello for a moment, but she tries to keep herself up.
  113. [23:23] * [Pyg]Cerise lost her voice.
  114. [23:28] <[Pyg]Cerise> Umm...
  115. [23:28] <[Gtz]Mary> ...Hehe, sorry, I guess that is a little corny. But I like it.
  116. [23:28] <[Pyg]Cerise> No...It sounds good...
  117. [23:28] <[Pyg]Cerise> I like it.
  118. [23:30] <[Pyg]Cerise>
  119. [23:30] <[Gtz]Mary> Hmm?
  120. [23:30] * [Pyg]Cerise 's eyes wander over back to her gun.
  121. [23:31] <[Pyg]Cerise> I should get back to patrolling. The shift is almost over.
  122. [23:31] <[Gtz]Mary> ! Oh! I'm sorry, jeez, I forgot all about that...
  123. [23:31] * [Gtz]Mary back away from Cerise a step
  124. [23:32] <[Pyg]Cerise> ...Th-thanks though, Mary.
  125. [23:34] <[Gtz]Mary> Am.. I even allowed to be up here? I sort of left without asking... Darn it, I'm dragging everyone down again...
  126. [23:35] <[GM]Tetro> [Fade out]
  127. [23:36] * [Nom]Alexis knocks on Ludwig's door while carrying a silver platter
  128. [23:36] <[Nom]Alexis> "Master? Could I tempt you with tea and biscuits this evening?"
  129. [23:37] * [GM]Ludwig speaks up from behind the door tentatively. "Ah... Alexis? Sure, um... hang on a second."
  130. [23:38] <[GM]Ludwig> ...okay, come on in.
  131. [23:39] * [Nom]Alexis lets him/herself in and promptly starts setting up evening tea
  132. [23:40] <[Nom]Alexis> "Say, master. Are you in the mood for a bit of a chat?"
  133. [23:40] * [GM]Ludwig isn't visibly present at first, but comes wandering in from a side room after a few seconds, pulling on the shirt of some plain cloth pajamas over his head.
  134. [23:40] <[GM]Ludwig> A chat...?
  135. [23:41] <[Nom]Alexis> "I had a question actually. And if you're in an obliging mood today..."
  136. [23:42] <[GM]Ludwig> Hmm. Well, the least I can do is listen. What is it?
  137. [23:42] <[Nom]Alexis> "I might get to the point then, master."
  138. [23:43] * [GM]Ludwig takes a cup and a seat at the table, and motions for Alexis to do the same.
  139. [23:44] * [Nom]Alexis finishes laying out the goods from the platter, pours Ludwig and him/herself some tea, and takes a seat at the master's bidding. S/he lets some silence set in before she starts.
  140. [23:47] <[Nom]Alexis> "Master, how much did you tell her?"
  141. [23:48] <[GM]Ludwig> Tell... who? There are several "her"s around, you know.
  142. [23:49] <[Nom]Alexis> "Teilya, master. She knows. Or at least suspects. The only other person who knows is you, master."
  143. [23:50] * [GM]Ludwig stops, frozen, for several seconds.
  144. [23:51] <[GM]Ludwig> I haven't told her anything. I haven't told anyone.
  145. [23:52] <[GM]Ludwig> Are you sure she knows? What happened?
  146. [23:53] <[Nom]Alexis> "Well...she called for me. Sam had disappeared and I was looking for her, and Teilya then went quite berserk..."
  147. [23:53] * [Nom]Alexis falls into a brooding silence
  148. [23:55] <[GM]Ludwig> Sam had disappeared?
  149. [23:57] <[Nom]Alexis> "We were getting to the dishes and I must have dozed off a bit because when I turned around she was, er, gone."
  150. [23:57] * [GM]Ludwig remains silent for a goodly while, except for the tiny noise caused by sipping tea.
  151. [23:58] * [Nom]Alexis starts to feel fidgety
  152. [23:58] <[GM]Ludwig> I'll talk to Teilya about it. And Sam.
  153. [00:00] <[GM]Ludwig> I can tell you for certain, she shouldn't know, and if she suspects, I don't know how, yet.
  154. [00:00] <[Nom]Alexis> "...Except...well, I probably didn't doze off, since, well, you know, so..."
  155. [00:01] <[GM]Ludwig> Yes... I know.
  156. [00:01] * [Nom]Alexis is playing nervously with his/her cuffs now
  157. [00:02] <[Nom]Alexis> "If I let something horrible and let something out and Sam and Teilya saw it then..."
  158. [00:02] <[GM]Ludwig> ...then we'll deal with that, when and if it happens.
  159. [00:02] <[GM]Ludwig> Or has happened.
  160. [00:03] * [Nom]Alexis steels herself
  161. [00:03] <[GM]Ludwig> I knew... it was a risk, letting you go out there.
  162. [00:04] <[Nom]Alexis> "Yes. That's why I think it's time for a chat. Just you and I and me. I think it'll do us good. Since hadn't been out for so long. So, if you please, master..."
  163. [00:05] * [GM]Ludwig blinks and looks up. His voice is very carefully neutral. "Now?"
  164. [00:06] <[Nom]Alexis> "Well, if you're not in the mood I'll just walk out now and we can pretend I didn't say anything and all will be right in the world I'm sure because in the end It's all about the attitude with which you face life and its challenges and...yeah."
  165. [00:07] * [GM]Ludwig stands up, crosses over to the bedroom door and locks it, then back to his chair.
  166. [00:08] <[GM]Ludwig> Whenever you're both ready, then.
  167. [00:09] <[Nom]Alexis> "As always then, master. You just need to call out."
  168. [00:09] * [Nom]Alexis holds his/her breath
  169. [00:15] * [GM]Ludwig stares intensely into Alexis' eyes.
  170. [00:16] <[GM]Ludwig> Show yourself. I command it.
  171. [00:18] * [Nom]Alexis closes his/her eyes, and sits back in his/her seat, head lowered. Slowly, s/he breaks out into a soft chuckle.
  172. [00:19] <[Nom]Alexis> "My, my, my, Master Ludwig. This is quite the surprise. You actually did it. And in the bounds of the mansion too."
  173. [00:19] * [Nom]Alexis looks up, eyes inflamed with a dark glow
  174. [00:19] <[Nom]Alexis> "How courageous of you."
  175. [00:20] <[GM]Ludwig> There is no risk. You have no power here that I do not choose to give you.
  176. [00:20] <[Nom]Alexis> "Ah, how fast they learn, these magelings. Yes, yes, you are right. What a shame."
  177. [00:20] * [Nom]Alexis sighs, and takes a cup of tea
  178. [00:21] * [GM]Ludwig takes his own, with the air of one forced to entertain a guest they would just as soon cast out.
  179. [00:22] <[Nom]Alexis> Well, I'm sure you didn't come for small talk. So shall we get down to business?
  180. [00:23] <[GM]Ludwig> Leave. Her. Alone.
  181. [00:23] * [Nom]Alexis raises an eyebrow while taking a sip of tea
  182. [00:24] <[Nom]Alexis> "You'll have to specify, master. It's hard enough to understand mortals as is."
  183. [00:25] * [GM]Ludwig sets his cup down and starts adding some sugar to the drink.
  184. [00:25] <[GM]Ludwig> There is nothing to specify. I said before, there are several "her"s around. I meant all of them.
  185. [00:26] <[GM]Ludwig> You exist here, you are bound here, to serve a single purpose.
  186. [00:27] <[Nom]Alexis> "Tsk, master. We've had this talk before. I've been quite tolerant of your servants, though I don't see why you need so many."
  187. [00:28] <[GM]Ludwig> What did you do to Sam?
  188. [00:28] <[Nom]Alexis> "Fulfilling my 'one purpose', thank you very much. Pulling my weight, doing my bit for the good of the house."
  189. [00:29] * [GM]Ludwig 's voice becomes tinged with annoyance, the first sign of emotion he's shown since calling "him" out.
  190. [00:30] <[GM]Ludwig> Don't feed me that line. I want a straight answer. What did you do to Sam?
  191. [00:31] * [Nom]Alexis sighs again, frustrated with this little mortal man to which he is bound
  192. [00:32] <[Nom]Alexis> "Let's try this again, master. I'll explain how this is supposed to work."
  193. [00:32] * [Nom]Alexis sets down his tea
  194. [00:33] <[Nom]Alexis> "Now, your servants I tolerate. The Beetlehoven house can't be without peons to do their bidding, no?"
  195. [00:33] * [Nom]Alexis scoffs
  196. [00:34] <[Nom]Alexis> "But this...Sam. What is she? You have let her into your house, and she is neither your blood nor your serf. You must have been quite mad."
  197. [00:36] <[GM]Ludwig> ...perhaps...
  198. [00:36] * [GM]Ludwig sighs and rallies himself.
  199. [00:36] <[GM]Ludwig> She is... my responsibility. She belongs here, now.
  200. [00:37] * [Nom]Alexis stares in disbelief
  201. [00:39] <[Nom]Alexis> "What? You've taken her in? As some kind of...of.../guest/? By the thousand hells, master, you're out of your mind. What kind of situation do you think you are in, to be luxuriously inviting more to your house? You're fighting a war! The end is on your very doorstep and you're turning your fortress into some kind of animal shelter."
  202. [00:40] * [GM]Ludwig smirks.
  203. [00:40] <[GM]Ludwig> This may be a hard fact for you to swallow, coming from a mortal such as myself, but you truly understand practically nothing.
  204. [00:41] * [Nom]Alexis snorts in disgust
  205. [00:42] <[Nom]Alexis> "Have it your way, then master. Go and take in every wretchling that comes begging for your benevolence. See how much you can spare before you break."
  206. [00:43] * [GM]Ludwig laughs darkly.
  207. [00:44] <[Nom]Alexis> "Nevertheless, master, my hands are quite tied on this. There are rules, protocols, /responses/ that must be followed. Rules that, I must add, you were quite eager to invoke when you needed your enemies destroyed."
  208. [00:46] <[GM]Ludwig> I know the rules well enough.
  209. [00:47] <[GM]Ludwig> You are a weapon. That is your purpose.
  210. [00:48] <[GM]Ludwig> To destroy my enemies is why you are allowed to exist at all.
  211. [00:48] * [GM]Ludwig laughs again.
  212. [00:48] * [Nom]Alexis rolls his eyes
  213. [00:48] <[GM]Ludwig> "The end is on our doorstep", you said.
  214. [00:48] <[GM]Ludwig> "Take in every wretch you can", you said.
  215. [00:49] <[GM]Ludwig> This shows just how little you understand.
  216. [00:50] <[Nom]Alexis> "Yes, yes, master, I'm aware of your cruel sense of humour. Let's pretend that I am just another of your fellow mortal simpletons and understand absolutely nothing. But this is another issue entirely."
  217. [00:50] <[Nom]Alexis> "A weapon I may be, but there are very specific ways with which I am wielded. Under your command is one."
  218. [00:50] <[Nom]Alexis> "At the defense of your house, is, for better or worse, another."
  219. [00:51] * [Nom]Alexis clears his throat
  220. [00:52] <[GM]Ludwig> I did not say you were mistaken, to consider her a threat to this house. I told you to leave her alone in spite of it.
  221. [00:53] <[Nom]Alexis> "What /you/ need to understand, master, is that this 'Sam' you have so capriciously taken in is under no protection of this house. She is, shall we say, not covered. The eviction response comes quite automatically."
  222. [00:53] <[GM]Ludwig> The end came to my doorstep... and I gave it a bed.
  223. [00:53] * [Nom]Alexis sighs again
  224. [00:53] <[GM]Ludwig> She is covered, you simpleton. I am covering her.
  225. [00:53] <[GM]Ludwig> I cannot put it more plainly than that.
  226. [00:55] <[Nom]Alexis> "Fine, master. She is under your protection. I will leave her well alone. But the demands of your forefathers were very exact. /My/ protection extends to your house and your kin. Nothing more, nothing less. Right now, Sam is neither. You can't personally vouch for her safety forever."
  227. [00:56] <[GM]Ludwig> I doubt I shall have to for long.
  228. [00:56] <[Nom]Alexis> "Oh? Are you planning to induct her, master?"
  229. [00:56] <[Nom]Alexis> "Ahem"
  230. [00:57] <[Nom]Alexis> "Marry her or something?"
  231. [00:57] * [GM]Ludwig chuckles and shakes his head.
  232. [00:57] <[GM]Ludwig> You don't understand. But it is not required that you do so. Only that you do as you are told.
  233. [00:58] <[Nom]Alexis> "I'm hurt, master. After all I've done for you and your line."
  234. [00:59] <[GM]Ludwig> Hurt.
  235. [00:59] * [GM]Ludwig takes his turn to scoff.
  236. [00:59] <[GM]Ludwig> Coming from her, I would believe it. From you?
  237. [01:00] <[Nom]Alexis> "Bah, have it your way then. Your line is doomed even with my help."
  238. [01:03] * [GM]Ludwig finishes his tea and stares into the empty cup.
  239. [01:04] <[GM]Ludwig> It is within my power... to dissolve your contract.
  240. [01:04] * [Nom]Alexis raises an eyebrow again
  241. [01:04] <[GM]Ludwig> To just let you go.
  242. [01:06] <[Nom]Alexis> "And is it in your power to survive after that as well? And have you pondered on the consequences of such a step? The repercussions on mind, body and soul? Your father was twice he man you were, even if he was a spineless cowards, and even he underestimated the eldritch powers that scribed our contract.."
  243. [01:06] * [GM]Ludwig moves suddenly, quickly, slamming the cup back into its saucer.
  244. [01:07] <[GM]Ludwig> Damn it, I don't have anything else I can offer you but freedom!
  245. [01:07] <[Nom]Alexis> "Do you think it so simple? Don't you care at all what happens to us? To her? So you even know /what/ will happen to her?"
  246. [01:07] * [Nom]Alexis composes himself again
  247. [01:08] <[Nom]Alexis> "It seems I've overstayed my welcome. Goodnight, Master Ludwig."
  248. [01:10] * [GM]Ludwig doesn't say anything, staring down at the fists gripping his knees, shaking with emotion.
  249. [01:10] * [Nom]Alexis straightens her dress and make a soft coughing noise
  250. [01:11] <[Nom]Alexis> "Well, it's a shame master. I think Sam is a good match for you. Mary would be so heartbroken though."
  251. [01:13] * [GM]Ludwig breaks down at - her words? just the sound of her voice? - and collapses from his chair, sobbing, hard and often.
  252. [01:15] <[Nom]Alexis> "Well, um, I'll let you have some quiet time, master. I'll see you in the morn."
  253. [01:15] <[GM]Ludwig> N... no...
  254. [01:16] <[GM]Ludwig> Please don't...
  255. [01:16] * [Nom]Alexis stops in the middle of tidying up the remnants of tea
  256. [01:16] * [GM]Ludwig struggles for composition, pulling himself up to lean on the back of the chair.
  257. [01:16] <[Nom]Alexis> "Is there something else you needed, master?"
  258. [01:17] <[GM]Ludwig> I...
  259. [01:17] <[GM]Ludwig> I j-just...
  260. [01:17] <[GM]Ludwig> ...don't want to be alone, right now.
  261. [01:18] * [GM]Ludwig fidgets a bit before looking up at the maid.
  262. [01:18] * [Nom]Alexis gives Ludwig a worried glance, but normalises quickly
  263. [01:18] <[GM]Ludwig> Miss Alexis, even considering my position, it is almost inexcusably forward of me to ask this, but...
  264. [01:19] <[GM]Ludwig> ...would you please sleep with me tonight?
  265. [01:19] * [GM]Ludwig blinks, seeming to just realize what he's said.
  266. [01:19] * [Nom]Alexis gives the slightest hint of a pause
  267. [01:19] <[GM]Ludwig> And none of your jokes. That's not what I meant.
  268. [01:20] * [Nom]Alexis smirks
  269. [01:20] <[Nom]Alexis> "Well, you really were asking for it."
  270. [01:21] * [Nom]Alexis 's smile softens
  271. [01:21] * [GM]Ludwig can't help but laugh. It feels good to do so, a release of tension.
  272. [01:21] <[Nom]Alexis> "Very well, master, I'll stay up with you until you are asleep."
  273. [01:21] * [GM]Ludwig exhales one long breath.
  274. [01:22] <[GM]Ludwig> Th... thank you, Alexis.
  275. [01:22] * [Nom]Alexis rears up in mock formality
  276. [01:22] <[Nom]Alexis> "So, master, should I tell you a story, or sing a lullaby?"
  277. [01:24] * [GM]Ludwig shuffles over to his bed, too drained to do anything but take the question seriously.
  278. [01:24] <[GM]Ludwig> If you like.
  279. [01:25] <[GM]Ludwig> For myself, just... it's enough for you just to be here.
  280. [01:25] <[Nom]Alexis> "Very well, master. I'll be here if you need me."
  281. [01:26] * [Nom]Alexis prepares a seat next to Ludwig's bed, and starts humming
  282. [01:26] <[GM]Ludwig>
  283. [01:27] * [GM]Ludwig blushes a little as he pulls the covers up to his neck and pats a space next to him on the bed.
  284. [01:27] <[GM]Ludwig> Here... please?
  285. [01:27] <[Nom]Alexis> "Ooh. I hope someone gets the wrong idea."
  286. [01:28] <[GM]Ludwig> Hey, none of your jokes. I said so.
  287. [01:28] <[Nom]Alexis> "Alright, alright. That was the last one tonight, I promise."
  288. [01:30] * [Nom]Alexis complies, and resumes humming some old folk tune, long forgotten by civilisation.
  289. [01:30] * [GM]Ludwig closes his eyes and drifts away...
  290. [01:33] <[GM]Ludwig> [Scene!]
  291. [01:33] <[GM]Ludwig> [NEXT WEEK]
  292. [01:33] <[GM]Ludwig> [SHIT BLOWS UP]
  293. [01:33] <[GM]Ludwig> [AND OTHER SHIT HAPPENS TOO]
  294. [01:33] <[GM]Ludwig> [MAYBE]
  295. [01:34] <[GM]Ludwig> [DON'T MISS IT!]
  296. [01:34] <[Nom]Alexis> [ANY ONE OF THESE MAIDS COULD DIE]
  297. [01:34] <[Gtz]Mary> [bullshit.]
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