
Wayfare Gaiden 1: My Momma, Right Or Wrong

Sep 21st, 2016
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  1. Miyuki:
  2. reposting
  4. Miyuki:
  5. As you're walking alongside the river, nearing the town in a dozen minutes or so, a strange-looking woman rises out of the current and swims alongside you, " name is Miyuki. I have a message for you, Chitin Clan outcast...Porsche, from Lady Cahya herself."
  7. Porsche:
  8. Porsche, while droning on at the river, is suddenly brought to a complete shock by, well, anything emerging from it. "D-do you always do that?"
  10. Miyuki:
  11. She nods, adjusting the little ear-like outcroppings on her face, "That is why I was sent."
  13. Sylina:
  14. "A Chitin messenger? Speak quickly!" Sylina assumes a defensive stance.
  16. Miyuki:
  17. "Oh. I was not told that you were in the practice of shooting the messenger."
  19. Sylina:
  20. "Not unless they shoot first."
  22. Sylina:
  23. "I've little patience for deception."
  25. Miyuki:
  26. "Hm. I have heard of you, and that sentence is more accurate cut off halfway."
  28. Porsche:
  29. "I haven't the slightest clue what that crazy cloaked figure responsible for this mess wants with me either way. It can't be anything that important."
  31. Miyuki:
  32. "Will you hear me out, or should I leave now?"
  34. Miyuki:
  35. for the record, Ynao is here too
  37. Porsche:
  38. "Well if you have no papers (which if you did, I doubt they'd survive the transportation) you may as well tell me outright."
  40. Porsche:
  41. "Unless this is some sort of secret message only I'm allowed to hear or something."
  43. Yunao:
  44. Yunao tries to keep his composure not to blow his daggers right through the face of the messenger. 8
  46. Yunao:
  47. DC will go up by 5 every so often
  49. Yunao:
  50. "Just hurry the hell up."
  52. Miyuki:
  53. "That is good. Lady Cahya wants you, Porsche, as a long-term goal. Immediately, she has sent me to inform you that she has your mother, Porsche. She would like to initiate an exchange."
  55. Porsche:
  56. Porsche holds her arm and gives the messanger a confused look. "My...mother? Um, I'm not sure if she knows this, but my mother has been dead for a while. Does she have any...proof to back this claim up?"
  57. Miyuki: (( wha ))
  58. Porsche: (( wasn't this how it was gonna go ))
  59. Yunao: (( lol ))
  60. Yunao: (( can i go back to bed then ))
  61. Miyuki: (( no ur mom is alive tho I mean you can say she's dead ))
  62. Porsche: (( I thought i made it clear that she thought her mom was ded ))
  63. Miyuki: (( AFAIK at least I don't think Agi killed off ur parents in your backstory if so then he's a cunt ))
  64. Miyuki: (( ah ))
  65. Miyuki: (( u did not ))
  66. Porsche: (( if it wasnt meant to be this way I guess I could take it back ))
  67. Miyuki: (( I think literally nobody asked anyone anything ever about your backstory ))
  68. Miyuki: (( And yeah sure Merge you can go to bed we can just do this during the session tomorrow I guess ))
  69. Miyuki: (( make MT wait ))
  70. Yunao: (( i'll be conscious for as i need to be ))
  71. Porsche: (( if you dont wanna take it back i guess u should carry on ))
  72. Porsche: (( there's still technically something I'd like to do with this scene ))
  73. Yunao: (( carry on folks ))
  74. Sylina: (( sorry lemme catch up ))
  75. Sylina: (( Yeah nah your mom was never dead in what I wrote ))
  76. Porsche: (( yea but u didnt say she wasnt dead either ))
  77. Miyuki: (( I mean, I haven't said I'M not dead ))
  78. Sylina: (( I'd guess in the retconned thing we're doing here you'd been doing the mercenary thing to support her ))
  79. Sylina: (( I dunno ))
  80. Sylina: (( kind of a wrench ))
  81. Miyuki: (( I mean porsche coulda been put up for adoption or something IDK ))
  82. Sylina: (( I guess it's up to you? ))
  83. Miyuki: (( either way there's no point if merge is slp ))
  84. Yunao: (( im making breakfast right now ))
  85. Porsche: (( I mean sure we could do what agi said tho that puts a wrench into what -I- was planning personally ))
  86. Miyuki: (( man you don't have to actually wake up for this (waiting) ))
  87. Miyuki: (( if you're tired you can go back to sleep ))
  88. Porsche: (( but w/e it was probably dumb anywya ))
  89. Yunao: (( i'd rather have 100% focus when we session ))
  90. Sylina: (( Breakfast? ))
  91. Sylina: (( dafuq? ))
  92. Yunao: (( it feels wrong to give less ))
  93. Yunao: (( gimme like 3minutes almost done ))
  94. Porsche: (( also with said plan I was assuming I was tackling this solo ))
  95. Porsche: (( thats what i get for thinking things up at wrk i guess ))
  96. Sylina: (( man you really are going the Agi route here ))
  97. Miyuki: (( well solo definitely wouldn't make any sense considering it happens while you're traveling back ))
  98. Sylina: (( thinking up overly complicated things and never telling them to anyone ))
  99. Sylina: (( you even did it at work ))
  100. Sylina: (( I'm proud of u ))
  101. Miyuki: (( I don't really mind if porsche thinks her mom is dead for some reason obv ))
  102. Miyuki: (( not like I can't work with that ))
  103. Miyuki: (( I just wanna know what route you're goin ))
  104. Miyuki: (( hell porsche could be trying to lie IDK ))
  105. Miyuki: (( the hell was porsche's mom's name agi ))
  106. Sylina: (( I did not provide one. ))
  107. Porsche: (( well the course of action was that while she thought she was dead, she'd probably believe anyone who'd tell her she was alive. ))
  108. Sylina: (( Give me a sec to think of something chitiny ))
  109. Porsche: (( but wouldn't really tell anyone about her doubts (that her mom is dead) except those close to her ))
  110. Sylina: (( I got nothin ))
  111. Yunao: (( breakfast in hand ))
  112. Sylina: (( I randomly have a Youtuber named Varemia's profile up ))
  113. Yunao: (( how we doin ))
  114. Sylina: (( that's close enough ))
  115. Miyuki: (( no ))
  116. Miyuki: (( chitin names have meaning ))
  117. Miyuki: (( remember ))
  118. Sylina: (( Okay, provide me with your complex lexicon in your made-up language and I'll see what I can do. ))
  119. Miyuki: (( cahya, surendra, and aruna were all hindi ))
  120. Miyuki: (( or well, sanskrit ))
  121. Miyuki: (( that was mostly a coincidence ))
  122. Miyuki: (( any language works as long as the name has meaning relating to the person ))
  123. Miyuki: (( they don't choose their own names though, and they only stop changing names when they leave the clan(so usually never but in this case she did leave) ))
  124. Sylina: (( Can I just come up with it later so the scene can progress? ))
  125. Miyuki: (( sushila, samira, Banu, etc are persian ))
  126. Miyuki: (( the scene can't progress rn anyway ))
  127. Miyuki: (( wait no IIRC sushila is hindi (hmm) ))
  128. Porsche: (( why not ))
  129. Miyuki: (( we have no idea what we're doing with it for starters ))
  130. Miyuki: (( second, merge is making breakfast ))
  131. Yunao: (( but im here tho ))
  132. Sylina: (( ye ))
  133. Porsche: (( werent u the one who was all like ))
  134. Porsche: (( planning is for squares ))
  135. Porsche: (( dont go back on your words ))
  136. Miyuki: (( No, I was all like trying to force the players into a pre-set game is for squares ))
  137. Miyuki: (( I was more just...asking you how you want to take the scene ))
  138. Porsche: (( I've had plenty of times where my plans go off the rails ))
  139. Miyuki: (( whether you want her to know her mom is dead or not ))
  140. Porsche: (( huh? ))
  141. Miyuki: (( I can't really continue without first clearing that up, deciding whether to retcon what porsche said or not, or going on with it ))
  142. Miyuki: (( you gave what you had thought of but also said you might drop it and never said what you wanted to do (waiting) ))
  143. Miyuki: (( it's up to you and agi, not me; I'm not deciding your backstory for you ))
  144. Porsche: (( I already said, she'd probably believe anyone if they said her mom was still alive out there, but she wouldn't really share her thoughts openly ))
  145. Miyuki: (( you didn't make it clear that was what you were actually going with, just that that was what you'd thought of at work ))
  146. Miyuki: (( That works though ))
  147. Porsche: (( I figured that'd be more interesting/less trite than "lmao ur mom is kidnapped are u a bad enough dude to rescue your mom" ))
  148. Porsche: (( even if its essentially the same setup it just works better just trust me on this im a professional makegooder ))
  149. Miyuki: (( I mean ))
  150. Miyuki: (( that wasn't the setup in the first place lol ))
  152. Miyuki:
  153. "Oh? Hm...Lady Cahya does not lie to us. (Mother's Firstname) (Lastname b/c tirk deleted his token and I have no idea what Porsche's last name was), is it not?"
  154. Porsche: (( but im over here by the river ))
  155. Miyuki: (( >liberalmapping ))
  156. Miyuki: (( go back to one of the countries with good political systems you fucking commie ))
  157. Porsche: (( anarchy for the people ))
  158. Sylina: (( it's cute how you think I name things ))
  159. Porsche: (( what would porsches last name be anyway ))
  160. Sylina: (( "Itisamystery" ))
  161. Yunao: (( 'car' ))
  162. Porsche: (( Aktiengesellschaft? ))
  163. Porsche: (( im pretty sure thats what AG stands for at least ))
  165. Miyuki:
  166. "Don't tell me mistress Rellion got the wrong woman...Hm. You would not care about an innocent civilian..."
  167. Sylina: (( "Agisamoron" ))
  169. Porsche:
  170. "That uh...." Porsche crosses her arms. "I mean I...did you actually see her yourself?"
  172. Porsche:
  173. "She looked, uh, I mean....looks like (whatever Porsche's mom looked like, there has to be some standout features)"
  174. Sylina: (( I'll figure it out I ges ))
  175. Sylina: (( my b ))
  176. Miyuki: (( She's a Chitin clansman ))
  177. Miyuki: (( so uh, probably some. ))
  179. Miyuki:
  180. "The woman was certainly of Chitin upbringing, there are few outside the main clan. Much less those who left after they've least, that is what Lady Cahya says. I would not know by sight, I am not a natural member."
  182. Sylina:
  183. "You monsters...! Did you have a point to make or did you come here strictly to taunt her"?
  185. Yunao:
  186. focass: ( 9 )
  188. Miyuki:
  189. She seems to wonder for a moment, treading water , "..oh? Is this not politeness...? Hm. I mean you no insults. I am sent to deliver the message, it is all."
  191. Miyuki:
  192. "Oh! You forgot!"
  194. Miyuki:
  195. "I'm here for an exchange."
  197. Miyuki:
  198. "I said that earlier."
  200. Miyuki:
  201. "Ah, to offer one."
  203. Porsche:
  204. Porsche taps her foot nervously. "That sounds like uhm...well, okay, let's say you're correct here and my mom has been alive this whole time...."
  206. Porsche:
  207. "What is this offer you plan for us anyway?"
  209. Miyuki:
  210. "Lady Cahya presented two options, though you could offer others if you know of any who would be suitable subjects."
  212. Sylina:
  213. it's less that I forgot and more that like
  215. Sylina:
  216. fuck you
  218. Miyuki:
  219. "She would trade your mother for you or the green-haired boy there...I hear he has a history with the Chitin? Ahem...that, or return her underling...Baika? I have never met that one."
  221. Porsche:
  222. all right usre here ya go
  224. Porsche:
  227. Porsche:
  228. pikachu is yunao
  230. Yunao:
  231. -1 Thief - "Fuck off with that shit."
  233. Sylina:
  234. thief is bad
  236. Sylina:
  237. remember Haze
  239. Yunao:
  240. I'm glad anytime I want to threaten anyone it misses in RP
  242. Yunao:
  243. Nothing can top Haze
  245. Sylina:
  246. or was it... what was it
  248. Sylina:
  249. Poison Gas?
  250. Porsche: (( do we know who Baika is exactly ))
  252. Miyuki:
  253. smog
  255. Yunao:
  256. smog
  258. Sylina:
  259. Smog.
  260. Porsche: (( or well, do i do ))
  261. Yunao: (( turn me in let me at em coach ))
  262. Miyuki: (( well you might not remember her name ))
  263. Miyuki: (( but it's probably p obv they mean the captured chitin member ))
  264. Sylina: (( Armorbitch? ))
  265. Porsche: (( yea i figured ))
  267. Yunao:
  269. Sylina: (( I'd say that's a really fair trade. ))
  271. Porsche:
  272. " that the name of the woman with the white exoskeleton?"
  274. Miyuki:
  275. Miyuki ducks under the water to dodge the needle, "Yeblgrghle"
  277. Porsche:
  278. "I mean, she did seem pretty far gone in terms of loyalty. It's sad, but I don't think we could do much by holding her up in the first place."
  280. Porsche:
  281. "So yeah sure, it should be easy enough to arrange an exchange there....though I'm a little suspicious..."
  283. Miyuki:
  284. She pops back up, "I am not here to fight you. I do not even carry the blood of the Chitin...what feud have you with me, green one?"
  286. Sylina:
  287. "To trade a mother thought gone for a prisoner of little consequence? That's a baited trap if I ever saw one."
  289. Yunao:
  290. "Just the words spewing out of your mouth makes me sick. Nothing against you but Cahyabitch can go fuck right off."
  292. Miyuki:
  293. "Hm. I would tell her you said that, but she knows."
  295. Miyuki:
  296. "She always knows."
  298. Miyuki:
  299. "Lady Cahya has no need for traps. You are to attack us no matter what, yes? Lady Cahya wishes to have as many of her clan with her as possible to fight with you."
  301. Miyuki:
  302. "According to her, an old woman with little to no combat potential is more than worth a soldier."
  304. Porsche:
  305. "I expect it, but I'll go through with it anyway. Mostly because um...*ahem* well, I just want to see just how confident this Cahya is. Even if she is lying about my mother, she does know quite a bit"
  307. Porsche:
  308. "If you still have your hangups, I'll be glad to make this deal alone."
  310. Miyuki:
  311. "I will not be the one to make the exchange. That shall be Rellion. She has said '"Alone, together, does it matter? Ain't a threat either way."' And other such coarse ways of speaking."
  313. Miyuki:
  314. "However, you need your part of the bargain, first, yes? And Rellion is not here with your mother, either... We must arrange a meeting point."
  316. Miyuki:
  317. "There is no sense attempting to hide it from Lady Cahya. No matter what I promise you, no matter how secretly you relay the message, she will know."
  319. Miyuki:
  320. NOW PLAYING Valkyrie Anatomia - Behave Irrationally
  322. Miyuki:
  323. right I guess
  324. Porsche: (( so just how much of a pain is it to shlep all the way to big boss mama fenfen's house from here ))
  325. Sylina: (( it took three days of travel. ))
  326. Miyuki: (( it's days away, you would definitely need to have her send someone ))
  327. Porsche: (( could I just like call Fenfen to make the exchange for me or would that be too dangerous ))
  328. Sylina: (( She might not even agree to it ))
  329. Miyuki: (( she's another one of those old women with no combat expertise ))
  330. Sylina: (( You don't have that kind of jurisdiction ))
  331. Sylina: (( you could try tho ))
  332. Porsche: (( no it is definitely a dumb idea ))
  333. Miyuki: (( Literally the only person who wouldn't be totally fucked if they attacked would be Hanuel anmd he's all they got left ))
  335. Porsche:
  336. "Well there's no way I'd be able to make it to where Baika is holed up in a timely matter. I'd have to uhm...send...someone else to get their hands dirty for me? Actually, I'm not sure who would be willing to do this..."
  338. Miyuki:
  339. "Have her delivered here, and then pick her up, says Lady Cahya."
  341. Miyuki:
  342. "...I will omit the 'ahya~s'".
  344. Porsche:
  345. "That seems pretty risky as well. Are there any other members of the guard there capable of handling someone like that who could afford to take a break for that many days?"
  347. Sylina:
  348. Sylina softens her defense, seeing the strange woman not retaliate after Yunao's attack. "This is undoubtedly a delicate situation..."
  350. Miyuki:
  351. "She cares not who makes the exchange, however."
  353. Miyuki:
  354. "....she has given a time limit, of four days. It is a three day trip from there to here. She has not said what happens if the deadline is not met."
  356. Sylina:
  357. "Could we have a moment to discuss?"
  359. Miyuki:
  360. "I do not mind."
  362. Porsche:
  363. Porsche turns to the group "I mean so long as we can get her over here, the kids at the temple should be able to restrain her in case of funny business, right? Hrmm...still, I don't feel too comfortable not making the exchange myself..."
  365. Yunao:
  366. "Might as well talk in the open since Cahyabitch probably 'knows' anyway."
  368. Miyuki:
  369. "...neither does Lady Cahya."
  371. Porsche:
  372. "If it is a trap, I feel I should take full responsibility for it."
  374. Yunao:
  375. "You really think she has your mom?"
  377. Sylina:
  378. To the group, spyflies be damned, "We already plan on releasing the prisoners as-is, what do we stand to gain by giving them another soldier to bolster their defenses?"
  380. Sylina:
  381. "If your mother IS among the captives, as she claims, then she would be freed with the rest of them."
  383. Porsche:
  384. "I's pretty crazy. For all intents and purposes, she should have been gone a long time ago. Still, I never really did get that much closure on it...and the possibility has been rattling in my mind on occasion..."
  386. Sylina:
  387. "It could be a simple ploy for time."
  389. Miyuki:
  390. "It is not."
  392. Yunao:
  393. "Anything coming out of that shithole base is probably going to attack us anyway, anything we know or used to know will come back in another form, one normal to them, one disgusting to us."
  395. Miyuki:
  396. "...ahem. I do not think I look disgusting. I was no more fetching previously. I do wish I still had the eye..."
  398. Porsche:
  399. Porsche takes off her cap and rubs her skull. "This is all frankly a little bit too much for me. There's still the possibility we dont even make it out alive, or free anyone really."
  401. Sylina:
  402. Sylina drops her voice to a whisper. "She can still hear us...? This is another level of troubling..."
  404. Miyuki:
  405. "I can, as can Lady Cahya."
  407. Miyuki:
  408. "Various reasons."
  410. Sylina:
  411. "None pleasant, I'm sure."
  413. Porsche:
  414. "And time is really all we have to lose. Or well...what i have to lose."
  416. Yunao:
  417. Yunao just sits his butt down onto the grass and shrugs, "Obviously it's a lose-lose situation for us."
  419. Porsche:
  420. "As that one Chitin prisoner is a pretty small deal in the grand scheme of things."
  422. Miyuki:
  423. "I simply have good hearing. Water carries sound well."
  425. Sylina:
  426. bitch I ain't in water
  428. Miyuki:
  429. I AM water
  431. Sylina:
  432. I ain't in you either
  434. Miyuki:
  435. someone with eardrums made of water'd be p good hearman
  437. Porsche:
  438. "Worst outcome is that i have to sit out for a few days to make this exchange...that may or may not be a trap. Who knows."
  440. Miyuki:
  441. "Oh, but do not worry. We knew you would attack previously. She will whatever she plans to do until four days are gone, even should you plot to attack before then."
  443. Sylina:
  444. "Porsche, without you our front lines weaken SIGNIFICANTLY. If you sit out, we're stuck waiting as well."
  446. Porsche:
  447. " this was a deliberately planned ploy for time then..."
  449. Sylina:
  450. "Time is absolutely an issue here..."
  452. Miyuki:
  453. "Mm. Was it? It may be a generous offer to regain your mother without combat. You could leave us to our devices."
  455. Porsche:
  456. "Well, I would prefer to do this without too many people getting hurt...gah. I feel like any route we take we face significant risk."
  458. Sylina:
  459. "...ultimately, Porsche, it's your family. If you want to stay behind and take that risk, I think we'd all understand."
  461. Miyuki:
  462. "After all, you speak of storming the Chitin stronghold, but for what purpose? You do not care about Hyeon-Woo, or the girl. You could trade for your mother, and leave us be."
  464. Miyuki:
  465. "...ah, but you may wish to hide that second part, I doubt if the High Matron of Nimae would appreciate it should she know."
  467. Porsche:
  468. "Well, our entire job here is to get the Matron's son back in one piece. Even if we didn't care, it's still our job in the end, and at the very least a good member of the Chitin should know the importance of their given duties...."
  470. Sylina:
  471. "Convincing Lady Fen to wait three extra days, though... I wouldn't be inclined to test her patience."
  473. Porsche:
  474. "But really, I know of the stuff you do to the people you kidnap, and seriously it's messed up and I really wouldn't wish that on anyone."
  476. Miyuki:
  477. "I was one of those people, you know. Do I look any worse for wear? Other thant he eye."
  479. Sylina:
  480. nah u p cute
  482. Miyuki:
  483. "Lady Cahya admired Aruna, you know, at first. She emulated him, learned true medical practices. She may operate on herself without anaesthetic, but she never did me."
  485. Miyuki:
  486. "...although she did use mosquitos for the anaesthetic. I was unnerved."
  488. Yunao:
  489. "DIsgusting."
  491. Porsche:
  492. Porche crumples up her cap. "Yeah it feels a little selfish but all things considered...I actually do believe her words about my mother. I mean, she was much more of a Chitin than I ever was. I just thought even if she was alive, she would have escaped..."
  494. Porsche:
  495. "I feel like refusing this offer would only complicate this situation further, and to legnths I might not be able to forgive myself for if they all come to pass....*sigh*"
  497. Yunao:
  498. "Do what you need to do Porsche, for your sake and your mom's."
  500. Miyuki:
  501. "Is that a yes, then?"
  503. Porsche:
  504. Porsche looks to the sky and gives a melancholy look, a look so downtrodden even her dam token changes. "Suppose I can't fool myself, can I? I'll just have to take full responsibility for this deal myself." Porsche rubs her face and gives a somewhat scowled look to the Chitin person, knowing full dam well what their plan for this was.
  506. Miyuki:
  507. "Do not scowl at me. Hm. Scowl...that gives me an idea. Ah, but no. You should blame Lady Cahya, if anyone. She is prepared to take responsibility."
  509. Porsche:
  510. "All right, I suppose I'll call the matron to send your little star player over here if that makes you so happy. Just bring my mom over here and don't try any funny business. I don't care what you've done to her over the years so long as she makes it here proper."
  511. Yunao: (( its a corpse ))
  513. Miyuki:
  514. "I can't say how long she has been with uh, but I believe she is a new capture..."
  516. Miyuki:
  517. us*
  519. Miyuki:
  520. "And it does make me happy, yes. Baika was a good friend, if hotheaded. Erm...figuratively, she did not enjoy being hot anywhere literally."
  522. Porsche:
  523. "Well that's nice and dandy then. That means I'll probably have to kick less of your asses out of the gate."
  525. Miyuki:
  526. "I do hope I am not ordered to fight you soon. I enjoyed this exchange...but Lady Cahya would like you to continue the preparation of the other exchange."
  528. Sylina:
  529. whoashit new token
  531. Porsche:
  532. The Porscheperson turns over to the rest of the group. "Sooo....all things considered, this is probably more than a little crippling to our resolve isn't it? Still, I think it'd be wise for you to go on without me instead of giving these goons precisely what they want by waiting it out, wouldn't it?"
  534. Yunao:
  535. "Damn Shitins. Without you out there with us, we're definitely not going to be able to hold blows as well as you could."
  537. Porsche:
  538. "True I suppose...but I guess the good thing about us soldiers is that we're just about everywhere. Is there anyone else you know that could take my place? If only for this one mission?"
  539. Sylina: (( and then Tirk took over playing Yin. ))
  541. Yunao:
  542. "Not that I can really think of, I really don't want to bring whatshernoisybitch and Theron."
  544. Sylina:
  545. "Unless we're fortunate enough to run across Wei, I don't know of anyone else."
  547. Miyuki:
  548. "I will leave you to deliberate. Ah, but do try and decide on a meeting point, yes?"
  550. Miyuki:
  551. "Lady Cahya will know."
  552. Porsche: (( i cant believe theyre gonna get a chef to replace the tank ))
  553. Miyuki: (( I expected all of you to wait or none of you ))
  554. Miyuki: (( But this technically works ))
  556. Miyuki:
  557. "Goodbye!" Miyuki de-forms back into the water, presumably to swim away
  559. Miyuki:
  560. but maybe not
  562. Porsche:
  563. "Well the meeting point shouldn't be too far away from here. At the very least I won't be -too- far from the action as it unfolds."
  564. Yunao: (( and porsche will never come back normal again ))
  565. Yunao: (( and will forever be a question mark ))
  567. Sylina:
  568. Drink her
  570. Sylina:
  571. drink her now
  572. Porsche: (( rip ))
  573. Yunao: (( I really like your solid black shading blocks ))
  574. Yunao: (( it looks really nice ))
  576. Miyuki:
  577. idk if u wanna get into that level of fetish agi
  579. Miyuki:
  580. what are you GW
  582. Porsche:
  583. "I'll just call Fen right now. Perhaps she knows at least someone from around here to help us out...failing that, we could always just ask around like pests."
  585. Sylina:
  586. She's making that call alone.
  587. Sylina: (( "Yo what up big L. F." ))
  588. Sylina: (( I kinda feel like she should make that call now. ))
  589. Sylina: (( Or at least IC. ))
  590. Sylina: (( I want to see Fen's reaction. ))
  591. Thrice:
  592. It's -4 AM where Tirk is
  593. Thrice:
  594. and merge
  595. Thrice:
  596. let them sneep
  598. Porsche:
  599. aw darnit
  601. Porsche:
  602. i was hoping to call off screen
  604. Porsche:
  605. let's just make my obligatory nickname for fen this call like, uh...
  606. Sylina: (( We could get a cliffnotes versoin. ))
  607. Sylina: (( ion ))
  608. Sylina: (( as long as there's some degree of "You agreed to do WHAT?!" ))
  609. Thrice:
  610. fender bender
  612. Porsche:
  613. "Big Mama F to the E N Fen Get the Money Dollah Dollah Bill Yall, what's crackin."
  614. Thrice:
  615. I'm going to assume that's 100% canon if you don't retract it within five seconds
  617. Porsche:
  618. i retract i- dammit its 6 seconds now
  620. Porsche:
  621. does hip hop slang even exist in this world
  622. Sylina: (( Anything you want does ))
  623. Sylina: (( it's a hodgepodge of all cultures from all times in all worlds ))
  624. Sylina: (( You're from West Chestchester ))
  625. Thrice: (( it may, either way you just said a bunch of retard gibberish ))
  626. Thrice: (( whether it does or not ))
  627. Sylina: (( dolla dolla bill, y'all ))
  629. Porsche:
  630. >Thrice calling Wu Tang Clan special person gibberish
  632. Porsche:
  633. i should sue for hate crimes
  634. Thrice: (( I'd say it to macklemore or eminem out of context too ))
  635. Thrice: (( IDEK how to SPELL macklemore ))
  636. Thrice:
  637. Thankfully it seems Fen herself did not answer the phone, it's a voice you don't recognize, "...Mistress Fen, you have not given your number out to any, ah...strangers, have you?
  639. Porsche:
  640. "Who is this now? It's me, Porsche, if you don't know who that is, I'd advise stepping away from the phone."
  641. Thrice:
  642. "Ah...High Matron, it's a car?"
  643. Thrice:
  644. we got KITT on the line
  646. Fen:
  647. "...Oh. Again? Please, let this be good news..."
  649. Fen:
  650. "Porsche, I stake? I apologize, my new secretary has not met you yet."
  652. Harf-Elf Meido:
  653. ? ? ? Why is the high matron talking to a car
  655. Porsche:
  656. "Well's probably not all that good, at least for you."
  658. Porsche:
  659. "Basically (I go over all that shit from before give me a break here.)"
  661. Fen:
  662. your words are followed by a silence so loud you can hear that pipe drop, " AGREED? You...You're going to SIT THERE, for three days, doing nothing?! Do you not realize that's what they want? They'll use that time! My son will be... Tell me, please, you were lying to them? Tricking them? You are more clever than that, surely?"
  664. Porsche:
  665. "....sorry lady, but I honestly feel like its my duty and my responsibility to look out for my's a little strange, as I didn't even know she was still alive until recently...but they seem to know quite a bit about her. I'm fairly confident they're sincere about her existence...though their plan to buy themselves some time is fairly obvious yes."
  667. Fen:
  668. "Your duty was, and is, to rescue my son. As quickly as you were able. Before..."
  670. Sylina:
  671. Is it too late for me to've rolled Intuition somewhere during the conversation w/waterbitch
  673. Fen:
  674. "I understand about a family member...but they told you they would do nothing until that deadline. There is no reason for you to abide by their conditions, other than honour."
  676. Miyuki:
  677. I mean I guess I can allow it but try and do it in the moment from now on
  679. Miyuki:
  680. What for
  681. Sylina: (( It MIGHT be worthwhile to give her the good news about the shorter path. ))
  683. Sylina:
  684. I dunno just to see if she thought she was telling the truth at least
  686. Porsche:
  687. "I know the Chitin well enough to know that if I were to trick them, both me and my mom would pay the price hardcore...."
  689. Miyuki:
  690. sure
  691. 17
  692. Porsche: (( youll have to refresh me on this shorter path business ))
  693. Miyuki: (( the shrine ))
  694. Sylina: (( god damn it is it not /rsec ))
  695. Sylina: (( Unknown roll: "19 dang-ass secret rolls". Use #d#+#. ))
  696. Sylina: (( I might have liked that. ))
  697. Sylina: (( IS /rsec ))
  698. Sylina: (( Unknown roll: "10 the hell happened?". Use #d#+#. ??? ))
  700. Unknown roll: "4". Use #d#+#.
  701. * Agidius rolls secretly to you: 4d6+2 => 10 + 2 = 12
  702. Porsche: (( a shorter path to...the shrine? ))
  703. * You roll secretly: 1d3+0 => 2 + 0 = 2
  704. Sylina: (( To the stronghold. ))
  705. Miyuki: (( no, going through the shrine gives you a much shorter path to where you presume the chitin are ))
  706. Miyuki: (( Fen didn't know about that obviously, she just knew Haroda might know a way in ))
  708. Miyuki:
  709. Sylina didn't pick up any hints of secrecy or lies from her conversation with Miyuki
  711. Porsche:
  712. "I could try and sneak a fast one on them, but that isn't really my specialty...and one slip up is enough to make them go berserk."
  714. Miyuki:
  715. Whether it be about Cahya knowing things, the exchange, or enjoying the conversation
  716. Sylina: (( 1s all around gotcha ))
  718. Porsche:
  719. "So it's probably in your best interest to tell me if you have any connections to well...anyone else around here who could possibly take my place."
  721. Fen:
  722. "Berserk, and do what? They would not kill the subjects - that's why they're buying time, to operate on them!"
  724. Fen:
  725. "What are they going to DO, operate harder?"
  727. Sylina:
  728. oh no u didn't just try to coerce the queen
  730. Fen:
  731. "If I knew anyone who would be willing to replace you, I would have already called them."
  733. Yin:
  734. **two miles down the road** "where the fuck did everybody go"
  736. Sylina:
  737. no Yin get back here
  739. Sylina:
  740. we use the buddy system
  742. Sylina:
  743. yours is Yunao
  745. Yin:
  746. mine is Rei
  748. Yin:
  751. Yin:
  754. Sylina:
  755. the other half of Porsche
  757. Yin:
  758. 1.5+1 I guess that makes 2
  760. Yin:
  761. +.5*
  763. Yin:
  764. yin is the best at maths in the party
  766. Yin:
  767. that should say something
  769. Porsche:
  770. "Well I meant berserk as in, my mother would be the one paying the price. I'm sorry, they really have me in a chokehold here. If I had any other possible choice in the matter, trust me, I'd do anything to get the other captured subjects, including your son, back."
  772. Sylina:
  773. I was p good at maths at 15 and a half
  775. Fen:
  776. " you trust them to this exchange, but not on their word they'll do nothing?"
  778. Sylina:
  779. sorry
  780. Porsche: (( hol up lets back up a bit ))
  782. Sylina:
  783. three quarters
  785. Fen:
  786. "...arguing now will get neither of us anywhere. It will only take two days, if I send the fastest airship I own...I have no choice but to send Haneul as well, or we risk that Chitin woman breaking free. Should we be attacked during this time, my city shall be all but defenseless."
  788. Porsche:
  789. "Well if I'm being honest, I feel like their agreement to exchange will come with a few extra baggage as well. While I think they're sincere about my mom, I'd be a fool to not suspect there'd be some fishy business with the trade as well...that's why I'm willing to put myself at risk for it above anyone else."
  791. Fen:
  792. "You are also risking the physical and mental fortitude of my son and servant, by forgoing participation in their retrieval...there is one I know of in Sanjoku who could replace you in your unit. I asked him previously, but he declined...I doubt you could convince him. Attempt to anyway."
  794. Fen:
  795. 'i don't fuckin no his name bc nobody ever fukkin told me'
  797. Fen:
  798. 'like wtf'
  800. Porsche:
  801. "*Sigh* All right, hopefully that's settled. With all that said, I can at least tell you some good news. Abou the shrine..." Porsche goes on to tell Fen about how Haroda's Shrine leads to a nifty shortcut to where we presume the chitin reside
  803. Fen:
  804. "You ALSO put at risk the entire city of Nimae. Our defenses are thin at best...we shall be starved for soldiers for at least four days."
  806. Fen:
  807. "That is why I asked you to undertake this mission, instead of what few men we have. Even for my son, I would not sacrifice my city."
  809. Porsche:
  810. "Hmm...that is a significant amount of baggage...but I suppose heading over to Nimae itself would provide other sorts of risks, wouldn't it?"
  812. Fen:
  813. "Yes, it would. This Cahya woman seems to know all about you and your actions, no matter how well you hide them. Bringing you here could be catastrophic. But if what you say about this shortcut is true, then perhaps you may still be able to save my son in time..."
  815. Fen:
  816. "But, if they needed more than a few days, they would have made sure they got them."
  817. Thrice:
  818. I'm guessing that's that then
  820. Porsche:
  821. "Hmm...that's good news then. But I'll just have to make sure they don't hold out on us...somehow."
  823. Arawn:
  824. Yeah well
  826. Arawn:
  827. Fuck you guys too
  829. Porsche:
  830. i always get the last word in
  832. Arawn:
  833. porsche sure is immature
  835. Arawn:
  836. moreso than this kid and he's 13
  838. Arawn:
  839. and u agreed to let him run to his death
  841. Porsche:
  842. ive been guilt tripped enough here leave her alone
  844. Sylina:
  845. Hey man
  847. Sylina:
  848. He said he would be fine
  850. Sylina:
  851. that's enough for me
  853. Sylina:
  854. so uh
  856. Sylina:
  857. yeah
  859. Sylina:
  860. I guess Porsche's sitting out.
  862. Sylina:
  863. (waiting)
  865. Sylina:
  866. Does that in turn mean that you're sitting out, Tirk, or were you looking to take over someone in the meantime?
  868. Porsche:
  869. oh idk if i was actually gonna still do stuff during whatever stretch of time I have to sit out for
  871. Porsche:
  872. but I guess there's not terribly much I could during that period
  874. Porsche:
  875. so i guess im ok with sitting out
  877. Sylina:
  878. you could do crunches
  880. Yunao:
  881. u should play yunao for me tomorrow
  883. Arawn:
  884. I have no idea what Porsche could do during these sessions or how long they could take
  886. Arawn:
  887. I mean she could dick around with Theron and Alte
  889. Sylina:
  890. Right when she got that swanky new token
  892. Arawn:
  893. do missions with them
  895. Arawn:
  896. Or do something with the kids
  898. Arawn:
  899. or help Rei out or something
  901. Arawn:
  902. since Rei would also be sitting out
  904. Arawn:
  905. As for you, Tirk, you're free to take over Yin for a few sessions
  907. Yunao:
  908. i may or may not be able to play tomorrow
  910. Yunao:
  911. so that's why im suggesting he play for me
  913. Yunao:
  914. i've got a clinical on thursday
  916. Sylina:
  917. oh shit
  919. Yunao:
  920. so ill probably hauling my ass for that
  922. Arawn:
  923. Do you wanna do that tirk
  925. Arawn:
  926. I mean we could also arrange it so you play one of the kids I guess
  928. Arawn:
  929. main problem with that is not knowing how those builds work
  931. Arawn:
  932. yunao is fairly simple he's mostly Moves and weapon tricks
  934. Arawn:
  935. I will say
  937. Arawn:
  938. not having porsche is gonna be a duzy
  940. Arawn:
  941. esp for the shrine guardian should you end up fighting him and you most likely will unless you burrow under the shrine
  943. Arawn:
  944. though really there's no reason she can't help you fight him
  946. Arawn:
  947. it's five hours from the abbey
  949. Arawn:
  950. those guys won't even be here for two days
  952. Arawn:
  953. with the prisoner
  955. Porsche:
  956. if im not there for the Shrine Guardian I'll be there for ur funerals i guess
  958. Yunao:
  959. its ok if we die
  961. Yunao:
  962. i have three backup characteres
  964. Arawn:
  965. if the whole party somehow gets wiped out, which is kind of unlikely, IDK if I';d continue in the same area as you were
  967. Arawn:
  968. probably start off in another place
  970. Arawn:
  971. but more realistically the game would just die lol
  973. Yunao:
  974. the chances of death went up
  976. Yunao:
  977. im sure MT wont be able to fill tirk's shoes for porsche
  979. Yunao:
  980. unless he's somehow got the beefy cheeks to absorb beestings in the butt
  982. Arawn:
  983. MT's character is a pretty decent tank
  985. Yunao:
  986. we also have to recruit that mofo
  988. Arawn:
  989. but more importantly vastly improves the survival rate of the party through shit like Light Screen and Chef snacks
  991. Yunao:
  992. whats gonna make a guy whos a handicapped retired person who cooks for nostalgia wanna do with us
  994. Arawn:
  995. idk
  997. Arawn:
  998. maybe money, maybe AUNTIE FENNY SAYS U HAFTA!!!
  1000. Yunao:
  1001. fenny already hates us
  1003. Yunao:
  1004. u fuks jerkin off while muh son is dying
  1006. Yunao:
  1007. p o s
  1009. Yunao:
  1010. Yunao used a random move! Yunao used Parabolic Charge!
  1012. Yunao:
  1013. yeah gonna dive my head in the perfect arc into a spike and die
  1015. Sylina:
  1016. Actually yeh Porsche totally could help with the guardian
  1018. Miyuki:
  1019. Miyuki used a random move! Miyuki used Mega Kick!
  1021. Sylina:
  1022. if she wants to
  1024. Sylina:
  1025. Sylina used Metronome! Sylina used Blast Burn!
  1027. Sylina:
  1028. aw ye
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