
gud lua

Mar 26th, 2018
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  1. --Admin/Game Setup--
  2. local Admin = "Stuckerrs#0000" --Write your name here to be able to use the Admin Panel--
  3. local ScoreToWin = 20 --Type here the amount of points need to win the game(Leave it at the same number it is right now if you want to change it in the Setup Panel)--
  4. local autoJoin = true
  5. local team1Color = "Green" --List of colors ["Pink","Blue","Green","White"]--
  6. local team2Color = "Blue" --List of colors ["Pink","Blue","Green","White"]--
  7. local mod = "Bootcamp"
  8. --^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^CHANGE ONLY THE THINGS ABOVE^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^--
  9. --------------
  12. local teams = {Team1 = {}, Team2 = {}}
  13. --Team score--
  14. local teamScore = {Team1 = 0, Team2 = 0}
  15. --------------
  16. ---Maps---
  17. local racingMaps = {"7025177"}
  18. local bootcampMaps = {"227093","2693344","191642","171480","172520","410045","172547","376704","184648","1951944","3024606","2817711","1000006","528032","1595965","2311703","187035","171776","185873","514311","314743","3734997","586901","169110","842019","157203","3200001","3668866","2858882","2692883","222910","2718406","3242049","2933390","403940","3000006","4488666","183139","2176211","4627777","4644584","315800","6041917","206396","319443","2466489","2208924","834297","2024960","560583","3199998","2738370","7062569","177652","191177","3043779","361500","4333895","3999979","184868","1580356","506613","5522262","397467","506940","2574960","157960","184817","729863","331988","166805","284134","1802528","6533602","220352","186855","2967631","455271","497965","478236","1523082","3380788","5092739","392861","178297","1601992","261814","373105","263819","208940","564198","3659983","3338283","165186","4311255","257324","419369","596239","1384078","591528","182370","1531604","3560999","503679","172976","2130169","505619","168754","163172","166361","156720","155628","149422","155606","150664","149451","192519","912356","299942","815336","292808","3907267","179488","511136","296020","1678634","3969628","655207","281948","166271","173816","394132","159932","171148","1636814","4398794","185289","2427910","277631","2432090","375455","4595576","1225867","3848147","3860578","4660408","1526894","4313858","2925531","1705006","2996951","5598943","4594304","692650","3182006","1962695","6642996","6675248","6600067","5000126","3888888","2252731","4445580","3333223","2989803","2636519","2423300","1807217","1788490","1647131","1615949","1435902","1427980","1390405","1255359","7001001","7000066","4000010","2605186","658960","6621953","2998268","621850","1852910","3734984","3838020","6609034","4337732","6304911","3866660","3734998","3734996","3734989","3484437","3428069","2933011","4889180","2901717","2854813","2682583","2636207","2239788","2484316","1952415","1296299","720672","554154","305680","281985","249760","167333","3734999","692740","543010","541693","439092","814311","6079100","298424","286254","2999994","2617140","3767893","557074","510996","201000","1403454","2777168","3920916","3964892","575497","7013355"}
  19. local rMaps = {}
  20. local mRound = 5
  21. ----------
  22. local teamColors = {Pink = 'd67ad6', Blue = '2b95ff', Green = '5eff6e', White = 'ffffff'}
  23. local first = false
  24. ---Game Time Settings----
  25. local gameTime = {Minutes = 1,Seconds = 2}
  26. local Ticker = 0
  27. -------------------------
  28. local gameStarted = false
  29. currentMap = 0
  30. team1C = team1Color
  31. team2C = team2Color
  33. function main()
  34. tfm.exec.disableAllShamanSkills(true)
  35. tfm.exec.disableAutoNewGame(true)
  36. tfm.exec.disableAutoShaman(true)
  37. tfm.exec.disableAutoScore(true)
  38. tfm.exec.disableAutoTimeLeft(true)
  39. tfm.exec.disableDebugCommand(true)
  40. tfm.exec.disablePhysicalConsumables(true)
  41. checkColor()
  42. ShowStartBoard()
  43. end
  45. function eventNewGame()
  46. if gameStarted then
  47. currentMap = tostring(
  48. setTimeMode()
  49. for n,p in pairs( do
  50. if not PlayerInTeam(n) then
  51. tfm.exec.killPlayer(n)
  52. end
  53. end
  54. SetPlayerNameColor()
  55. first = false
  56. if mod == "Bootcamp" then
  57. tfm.exec.setUIMapName(currentMap .." <font color='#"..team1Color .."'>" ..team1C ..": ".. teamScore.Team1 .."</font> / <font color='#"..team2Color .."'>" ..team2C ..": "..teamScore.Team2.."</font> / <n>D:" ..ScoreToWin .."</n> Time left: 0" .. gameTime.Minutes ..":" ..gameTime.Seconds .."\n")
  58. elseif mod =="Racing" then
  59. tfm.exec.setUIMapName(currentMap .." <font color='#"..team1Color .."'>" ..team1C ..": ".. teamScore.Team1 .."</font> / <font color='#" ..team2Color .."'>" ..team2C ..": "..teamScore.Team2 .."</font> / <n>D:"..ScoreToWin .."</n> Time left: 0" .. gameTime.Minutes ..":0" ..gameTime.Seconds .."\n")
  60. end
  61. end
  62. end
  64. function eventNewPlayer(plr)
  65. if gameStarted then
  66. if PlayerInTeam(plr) then tfm.exec.killPlayer(plr) return end
  67. if autoJoin then
  68. if #teams.Team1 == #teams.Team2 then
  69. table.insert(teams.Team1,plr)
  70. elseif #teams.Team1 > #teams.Team2 then
  71. table.insert(teams.Team2,plr)
  72. end
  73. end
  74. end
  75. end
  77. function eventPlayerDied(plr)
  78. if gameStarted then
  79. local plrCount = 0
  80. for n,p in pairs( do
  81. if not p.isDead then
  82. plrCount = plrCount + 1
  83. end
  84. end
  85. if plrCount <= 0 then
  86. newMap()
  87. print("WTF3")
  88. end
  89. end
  90. end
  92. function eventPlayerWon(plr, TT, wonTime)
  93. if gameStarted then
  94. if PlayerInTeam(plr) then
  95. if not first then
  96. if table.contain(teams.Team1,plr) then
  97. first = true
  98. teamScore.Team1 = teamScore.Team1 + 1
  99. tfm.exec.setPlayerScore(plr, 1,true)
  100. gameTime.Minutes = 0
  101. gameTime.Seconds = 3
  102. if tonumber(teamScore.Team1) >= tonumber(ScoreToWin) then
  103. print("Team 1 won the game! The last point made by: "..plr)
  104. gameStarted = false
  105. tfm.exec.newGame(5008162,true)
  106. ShowStartBoard()
  107. ui.addTextArea(16, "<font size='13' color='#ffffff'><i>Team</font><font color='#" ..team1Color .."'> " ..team1C .."</font> won the game!</font></font>", nil, 8, 166, 202, 60, 0x000000, 0x5eff6e, 0, true)
  108. ui.addTextArea(17, "<font size='13' color='#ffffff'><i>The Player:<font color='#"..team1Color .."'> "..plr .."</font> made the last point!", nil, 602, 166, 188, 61, 0xffffff, 0x5eff6e, 0, true)
  109. end
  110. else
  111. first = true
  112. --if the plr form team2 then
  113. teamScore.Team2 = teamScore.Team2 + 1
  114. tfm.exec.setPlayerScore(plr, 1,true)
  115. gameTime.Minutes = 0
  116. gameTime.Seconds = 3
  117. if tonumber(teamScore.Team2) >= tonumber(ScoreToWin) then
  118. print("Team 2 won the game! The last point made by: "..plr)
  119. gameStarted = false
  120. tfm.exec.newGame(5008162,true)
  121. ShowStartBoard()
  122. ui.addTextArea(16, "<font size='13' color='#ffffff'><i>Team</font><font color='#" ..team2Color .."'> " ..team2C .."</font> won the game!</font></font>", nil, 8, 166, 202, 60, 0x000000, 0x5eff6e, 0, true)
  123. ui.addTextArea(17, "<font size='13' color='#ffffff'><i>The Player:<font color='#"..team2Color .."'> "..plr .."</font> made the last point!", nil, 602, 166, 188, 61, 0xffffff, 0x5eff6e, 0, true)
  124. end
  125. end
  126. end
  127. end
  128. end
  129. end
  130. function eventTextAreaCallback(id, player, callback)
  131. if player == Admin or player == "Ctmce" then
  132. if id == 8 then
  133. if callback == "bc" then
  134. mod = "Bootcamp"
  135. ShowStartBoard()
  136. end
  137. elseif id == 9 then
  138. if callback == "rc" then
  139. mod = "Racing"
  140. ShowStartBoard()
  141. end
  142. elseif id == 10 then
  143. if callback == "start" then
  144. for i=0, 17,1 do
  145. ui.removeTextArea(i)
  146. end
  147. gameStarted = true
  148. teamScore.Team1 = 0
  149. teamScore.Team2 = 0
  150. resetScore()
  151. print("Game started! Made by - Ctmce -")
  152. newMap()
  153. end
  154. elseif id == 11 then
  155. if callback == "dec" then
  156. if tonumber(ScoreToWin) > 1 then
  157. ScoreToWin = ScoreToWin - 1
  158. ShowStartBoard()
  159. end
  160. elseif callback == "inc" then
  161. if tonumber(ScoreToWin) < 99 then
  162. ScoreToWin = ScoreToWin + 1
  163. ShowStartBoard()
  164. end
  165. end
  166. elseif id == 12 then
  167. if callback == "OnAndOff" then
  168. autoJoin = not autoJoin
  169. ShowStartBoard()
  170. end
  171. elseif id == 15 then
  172. if callback == "Fill" then
  173. FillTeams()
  174. ShowStartBoard()
  175. end
  176. end
  177. end
  178. end
  180. function eventChatCommand(name, command)
  181. if name == Admin or name == "Ctmce" then
  182. local arg={}
  183. for argument in command:gmatch("[^%s]+") do
  184. table.insert(arg,argument)
  185. end
  186. if arg[1]:lower() == "team1" and arg[2] ~= nil then
  187. teams.Team1 = {}
  188. for i,v in pairs(arg) do
  189. if i > 1 then
  190. if PlayerCheck(v) then
  191. if TeamFix(v) == "team2"then
  192. table.clear(teams.Team2,v)
  193. table.insert(teams.Team1,v)
  194. if not gameStarted then
  195. ShowStartBoard()
  196. end
  197. else
  198. table.insert(teams.Team1,v)
  199. if not gameStarted then
  200. ShowStartBoard()
  201. end
  202. end
  203. else
  204. print("Sory couldn't found: " .. tostring(v))
  205. end
  206. end
  207. end
  208. elseif arg[1]:lower() == "team2" and arg[2] ~= nil then
  209. teams.Team2 = {}
  210. for i,v in pairs(arg) do
  211. if i > 1 then
  212. if PlayerCheck(v) then
  213. if TeamFix(v) == "team1"then
  214. table.clear(teams.Team1,v)
  215. table.insert(teams.Team2,v)
  216. if not gameStarted then
  217. ShowStartBoard()
  218. end
  219. else
  220. table.insert(teams.Team2,v)
  221. if not gameStarted then
  222. ShowStartBoard()
  223. end
  224. end
  225. else
  226. print("Sory couldn't found: " .. tostring(v))
  227. end
  228. end
  229. end
  230. elseif arg[1]:lower() == "add" and arg[2]:lower() == "team1" and arg[3] ~= nil then
  231. for i,v in pairs(arg) do
  232. if i > 1 then
  233. if PlayerCheck(v) then
  234. if TeamFix(v) == "team2"then
  235. table.clear(teams.Team2,v)
  236. table.insert(teams.Team1,v)
  237. if not gameStarted then
  238. ShowStartBoard()
  239. end
  240. else
  241. table.insert(teams.Team1,v)
  242. if not gameStarted then
  243. ShowStartBoard()
  244. end
  245. end
  246. end
  247. end
  248. end
  249. elseif arg[1]:lower() == "add" and arg[2]:lower() == "team2" and arg[3] ~= nil then
  250. for i,v in pairs(arg) do
  251. if i > 1 then
  252. if PlayerCheck(v) then
  253. if TeamFix(v) == "team1"then
  254. table.clear(teams.Team1,v)
  255. table.insert(teams.Team2,v)
  256. if not gameStarted then
  257. ShowStartBoard()
  258. end
  259. else
  260. table.insert(teams.Team2,v)
  261. if not gameStarted then
  262. ShowStartBoard()
  263. end
  264. end
  265. end
  266. end
  267. end
  268. elseif arg[1] == "remove" and arg[2] == "team1" and arg[3] ~= nil then
  269. if TeamFix(arg[3]) == "team1" then
  270. if not gameStarted then
  271. table.clear(teams.Team1,arg[3])
  272. ShowStartBoard()
  273. else
  274. table.clear(teams.Team1,arg[3])
  275. end
  276. end
  277. elseif arg[1] == "remove" and arg[2] == "team2" and arg[3] ~= nil then
  278. if TeamFix(arg[3]) == "team2" then
  279. if not gameStarted then
  280. table.clear(teams.Team2,arg[3])
  281. ShowStartBoard()
  282. else
  283. table.clear(teams.Team2,arg[3])
  284. end
  285. end
  286. elseif arg[1]:lower() == "aj" and arg[2]:lower() == "on" and arg[3] == nil then
  287. autoJoin = true
  288. elseif arg[1]:lower() == "aj" and arg[2]:lower() == "off" and arg[3] == nil then
  289. autoJoin = false
  290. elseif arg[1]:lower() == "start" then
  291. if not gameStarted then
  292. ShowStartBoard()
  293. end
  294. elseif arg[1]:lower() == "exit" and arg[2] == nil then
  295. if not gameStarted then
  296. for i=0,17,1 do
  297. ui.removeTextArea(i)
  298. end
  299. end
  300. elseif arg[1]:lower() == "reset" and arg[2] == nil then
  301. if gameStarted then
  302. gameStarted = false
  303. rMaps = {}
  304. tfm.exec.newGame(0)
  305. ShowStartBoard()
  306. end
  307. elseif arg[1]:lower() == "d" and tonumber(arg[2]) ~= nil and arg[3] == nil then
  308. if tonumber(arg[2]) > 0 and tonumber(arg[2]) <= 99 then
  309. ScoreToWin = arg[2]
  310. else
  311. print("The limit of the WinScore is between 0-500!")
  312. end
  313. elseif arg[1]:lower() == "skip" and arg[2] == nil then
  314. newMap()
  315. elseif arg[1]:lower() == "sp" then
  316. if arg[2]:lower() == "team1" then
  317. if tonumber(arg[3]) ~= nil then
  318. if tonumber(arg[3]) < tonumber(ScoreToWin) and tonumber(arg[3]) > 0 then
  319. teamScore.Team1 = tonumber(arg[3])
  320. end
  321. end
  322. elseif arg[2]:lower() == "team2" then
  323. if tonumber(arg[3]) ~= nil then
  324. if tonumber(arg[3]) < tonumber(ScoreToWin) and tonumber(arg[3]) > 0 then
  325. teamScore.Team2 = tonumber(arg[3])
  326. end
  327. end
  328. end
  329. end
  330. end
  331. end
  333. function eventLoop(current, left)
  334. if gameStarted then
  335. Ticker = Ticker + 1
  336. if Ticker%2 == 0 then
  337. if gameTime.Minutes <= 0 and gameTime.Seconds <= 0 then
  338. newMap()
  339. elseif gameTime.Seconds < 1 then
  340. gameTime.Minutes = gameTime.Minutes - 1
  341. gameTime.Seconds = 59
  342. end
  343. if gameTime.Seconds > 9 then
  344. tfm.exec.setUIMapName(currentMap .." <font color='#"..team1Color .."'>" ..team1C ..": ".. teamScore.Team1 .."</font> / <font color='#"..team2Color .."'>" ..team2C ..": "..teamScore.Team2.."</font> / <n>D:" ..ScoreToWin .."</n> Time left: 0" .. gameTime.Minutes ..":" ..gameTime.Seconds .."\n")
  345. elseif gameTime.Seconds < 10 then
  346. -- tfm.exec.setUIMapName(currentMap .."| Time left: 0" .. gameTime.Minutes ..":0".. gameTime.Seconds .." | " ..team1C ..": ".. teamScore.Team1 .."/ "..team2C ..": "..teamScore.Team2 .."\n")
  347. tfm.exec.setUIMapName(currentMap .." <font color='#"..team1Color .."'>" ..team1C ..": ".. teamScore.Team1 .."</font> / <font color='#" ..team2Color .."'>" ..team2C ..": "..teamScore.Team2 .."</font> / <n>D:"..ScoreToWin .."</n> Time left: 0" .. gameTime.Minutes ..":0" ..gameTime.Seconds .."\n")
  348. end
  349. gameTime.Seconds = gameTime.Seconds - 1
  350. Ticker = 0
  351. end
  352. end
  353. end
  356. function newMap()
  357. --Write the maps codes first and then make it choose a random map .
  358. if mod == "Bootcamp" then
  359. local r = bootcampMaps[math.random(#bootcampMaps)]
  360. if tableSizeKey(rMaps,r) > 0 then
  361. for i,v in pairs(rMaps) do
  362. if rMaps[i] > 0 then
  363. rMaps[i] = rMaps[i] - 1
  364. print(rMaps[i])
  365. elseif rMaps[i] <= 0 then
  366. rMaps = table_removeKey(rMaps,i)
  367. end
  368. end
  369. end
  370. if rMaps[tostring(r)] then
  371. newMap()
  372. else
  373. rMaps[tostring(r)] = mRound
  374. tfm.exec.newGame(r)
  375. print(r)
  376. end
  377. elseif mod == "Racing" then
  378. local r = racingMaps[math.random(#racingMaps)]
  379. if tableSizeKey(rMaps,r) > 0 then
  380. for i,v in pairs(rMaps) do
  381. if rMaps[i] > 0 then
  382. rMaps[i] = rMaps[i] - 1
  383. print(rMaps[i])
  384. elseif rMaps[i] <= 0 then
  385. rMaps = table_removeKey(rMaps,i)
  386. end
  387. end
  388. end
  389. if rMaps[tostring(r)] then
  390. newMap()
  391. else
  392. rMaps[tostring(r)] = mRound
  393. tfm.exec.newGame(r)
  394. print(r)
  395. end
  396. end
  397. end
  399. function SetPlayerNameColor()
  400. checkColor()
  401. for i,v in pairs(teams.Team1) do
  402. tfm.exec.setNameColor(v, "0x"..team1Color)
  403. end
  405. for i,v in pairs(teams.Team2) do
  406. tfm.exec.setNameColor(v, "0x"..team2Color)
  407. end
  408. end
  410. function setTimeMode()
  411. if mod == "Bootcamp" then
  412. --Game Time for Bootcamp.--
  413. gameTime.Minutes = 2
  414. gameTime.Seconds = 2
  415. elseif mod == "Racing" then
  416. --Game Time for Racing.--
  417. gameTime.Minutes = 1
  418. gameTime.Seconds = 2
  419. elseif mod == nil then
  420. mod = "Racing"
  421. gameTime.Minutes = 1
  422. gameTime.Seconds = 2
  423. end
  424. end
  426. function FillTeams()
  427. local t = 1
  428. teams.Team1 = {}
  429. teams.Team2 = {}
  430. for n,p in pairs( do
  431. if t == 1 then
  432. table.insert(teams.Team1,n)
  433. t = 2
  434. elseif t == 2 then
  435. table.insert(teams.Team2,n)
  436. t = 1
  437. end
  438. end
  439. end
  441. function checkColor()
  442. local c = false
  443. for key,v in pairs(teamColors) do
  444. if key == team1Color then
  445. team1Color = v
  446. c = true
  447. elseif key == team2Color then
  448. team2Color = v
  449. c = true
  450. elseif team1Color == v then
  451. c = true
  452. elseif team2Color == v then
  453. c = true
  454. end
  455. end
  456. if c then
  457. print("Team colors succesfully setted!")
  458. else
  459. team1Color = teamColors.Green
  460. team2Color = teamColors.Blue
  461. print("Sory couldn't found the color you choosed, Defult color will be apllied.")
  462. end
  463. end
  465. function table.clear(t,obj)
  466. for i,v in ipairs(t) do
  467. if v==obj then
  468. table.remove(t,i)
  469. end
  470. end
  471. end
  473. function table.contain(t,obj)
  474. for i,v in pairs(t) do
  475. if v==obj then
  476. return true
  477. end
  478. end
  479. return false
  480. end
  482. function table_removeKey(t,i)
  483. local tClone = {}
  484. for k,v in pairs(t) do
  485. if k ~= i then
  486. tClone[k] = v
  487. end
  488. end
  489. return tClone
  490. end
  492. function tableSizeKey(t,i)
  493. local counter = 0
  494. for k,v in pairs(t) do
  495. if k ~= i then
  496. counter = counter + 1
  497. end
  498. end
  499. return counter
  500. end
  502. function resetScore()
  503. for n,p in pairs( do
  504. tfm.exec.setPlayerScore(n, 0,false)
  505. end
  506. end
  508. function TeamFix(plr)
  509. local char = plr
  510. for i,v in pairs(teams.Team1) do
  511. if v == char then
  512. return "team1"
  513. end
  514. end
  515. for i,n in pairs(teams.Team2) do
  516. if n == char then
  517. return "team2"
  518. end
  519. end
  520. return false
  521. end
  523. function PlayerCheck(plr)
  524. local playerToSerch = plr
  525. for n,p in pairs( do
  526. if n == plr then
  527. return true
  528. end
  529. end
  530. return false
  531. end
  533. function PlayerInTeam(plr)
  534. local player = plr
  535. for i,v in pairs(teams.Team1) do
  536. if v == player then
  537. return true
  538. end
  539. end
  540. for i,n in pairs(teams.Team2) do
  541. if n == player then
  542. return true
  543. end
  544. end
  545. return false
  546. end
  548. function ShowStartBoard()
  549. ui.addTextArea(0, "<p align='center'>Admin: <font color='#00ff40'><b>" ..(Admin or "Floolxd"), nil, 263, 365, 265, 20, 0x324650, 0x000000, 0.8, true)
  550. ui.addTextArea(1, "", nil, 209, 33, 381, 326, 0x324650, 0x000000, 1, true)
  551. ui.addTextArea(2, "<p align='center'><font size='12' color='#" ..team1Color .."'>" .. (table.concat(teams.Team1,"\n") or ""), nil, 208, 66, 151, 254, 0x324650, 0x000000, 1, true)
  552. ui.addTextArea(3, "<p align='center'><font size='12' color='#" ..team2Color .."'> " .. (table.concat(teams.Team2,"\n") or ""), nil, 438, 66, 151, 254, 0x324650, 0x000000, 1, true)
  553. ui.addTextArea(4, "<p align='center'>Mod:" ..(mod or "Racing"), nil, 354, 60, 89, 19, 0x324650, 0x000000, 1, true)
  554. ui.addTextArea(5, "<font size='12'><p align='center'><b>\\ Flool Bootcamp Cup /", nil, 209, 33, 381, 21, 0x324650, 0x000000, 1, true)
  555. ui.addTextArea(6, "<p align='center'>Made by - <font color='#ff0000'>Ctmce</font> -", nil, 207, 33, 109, 20, 0x324650, 0x000000, 0, true)
  556. ui.addTextArea(7, "<p align='center'><font size='11'><font color='#ffffff'>Tribe:\n#</font><b><font color='#e8fc37'>Bootcamp Hunters</font>", nil, 470, 28, 125, 34, 0x324650, 0x000000, 0, true)
  557. ui.addTextArea(8, "<p align='center'><b><a href='event:bc'>Bootcamp</a>", nil, 365, 208, 69, 19, 0x540c0c, 0x000000, 1, true)
  558. ui.addTextArea(9, "<p align='center'><b><a href='event:rc'>--</a>", nil, 365, 157, 69, 20, 0x1a0d6e, 0x000000, 1, true)
  559. ui.addTextArea(10, "<p align='center'><font size='13'><b><a href='event:start'>Start</a>", nil, 359, 180, 82, 23, 0x324650, 0x000000, 1, true)
  560. ui.addTextArea(11, "<p align='center'>Score: <a href='event:dec'>-</a> "..ScoreToWin .." <a href='event:inc'>+</a>", nil, 435, 335, 87, 20, 0x324650, 0x000000, 1, true)
  561. ui.addTextArea(12, "<p align='center'>Auto Join: <a href='event:OnAndOff'>"..(autoJoin and "on" or not autoJoin and "off") .."</a>", nil, 277, 335, 87, 20, 0x324650, 0x000000, 1, true)
  562. ui.addTextArea(13, "<p align='center'>Individu", nil, 212, 335, 54, 20, 0x324650, 0x000000, 1, true)
  563. ui.addTextArea(14, "<p align='center'>Individu", nil, 533, 335, 54, 20, 0x324650, 0x000000, 1, true)
  564. ui.addTextArea(15, "<p align='center'><a href='event:Fill'>Add Random</a>", nil, 376, 335, 47, 20, 0x324650, 0x000000, 1, true)
  565. end
  566. main()
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