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  1. Session Start: Fri Nov 12 11:55:59 2010
  2. Session Ident: davidnaw
  3. 01[11:55] <Un-Dead> so you know #ads right
  4. 01[11:56] <Un-Dead> the channel that is the most annoying group of people ever
  5. 01[11:56] <Un-Dead> always bothering opers with channel issues
  6. [11:56] <davidnaw> yeh
  7. 01[11:56] <Un-Dead> well
  8. [11:56] <davidnaw> i was ready to close it down
  9. 01[11:56] <Un-Dead> [11:49] <mrGRINCH> hi mate
  10. 01[11:56] <Un-Dead> -
  11. 01[11:56] <Un-Dead> mrGRINCH is * nig
  12. 01[11:56] <Un-Dead> mrGRINCH is using modes +fix +
  13. 01[11:56] <Un-Dead> mrGRINCH real hostname
  14. 01[11:56] <Un-Dead> mrGRINCH using Abjects IRC HAI2U
  15. 01[11:56] <Un-Dead> mrGRINCH End of /WHOIS list.
  16. 01[11:56] <Un-Dead> -
  17. 01[11:56] <Un-Dead> [11:50] <Un-Dead> sup nigga
  18. 01[11:56] <Un-Dead> [11:51] <mrGRINCH> um
  19. 01[11:56] <Un-Dead> [11:51] <mrGRINCH> you're not going to like this
  20. 01[11:56] <Un-Dead> [11:51] <mrGRINCH> and I don't want to ask you
  21. 01[11:56] <Un-Dead> [11:51] <mrGRINCH> but I need a favour
  22. 01[11:56] <Un-Dead> [11:51] <Un-Dead> ..................................................................................................
  23. 01[11:56] <Un-Dead> [11:51] <Un-Dead> what
  24. 01[11:56] <Un-Dead> [11:51] <mrGRINCH> Sudobash has impersonated me using my vhost
  25. 01[11:56] <Un-Dead> [11:52] <mrGRINCH> and changed the founder on #Ads
  26. 01[11:56] <Un-Dead> [11:52] <mrGRINCH> and unregistered my name
  27. 01[11:56] <Un-Dead> [11:52] <Un-Dead> he couldent have done that without your nickserv password
  28. 01[11:56] <Un-Dead> [11:52] <mrGRINCH> well he has it also obviously
  29. 01[11:56] <Un-Dead> [11:52] <mrGRINCH> my name isn't even registered now
  30. 01[11:56] <Un-Dead> [11:53] <Un-Dead> let me see what i can do
  31. 01[11:56] <Un-Dead> [11:53] <mrGRINCH> I really appreciate it
  32. 01[11:56] <Un-Dead> [11:53] <Un-Dead> this is a bit of a
  33. 01[11:56] <Un-Dead> [11:53] <Un-Dead> strange scenario
  34. 01[11:56] <Un-Dead> [11:53] <mrGRINCH> well you know that it has always been my room
  35. 01[11:56] <Un-Dead> [11:54] <Un-Dead> im aware
  36. 01[11:56] <Un-Dead> [11:54] <mrGRINCH> c0ld also has all chat logs of sudo saying he will exploit abjects
  37. 01[11:56] <Un-Dead> [11:55] <mrGRINCH> I just re-registered my name
  38. 01[11:57] <Un-Dead> now i do know mrgrinch was original owner
  39. 01[11:57] <Un-Dead> but
  40. 01[11:57] <Un-Dead> this shit
  41. 01[11:57] <Un-Dead> is getting dumb
  42. [11:57] <davidnaw> •
  43. [11:57] <davidnaw> [11:59:06] -ChanServ- Channel #ads is now forbidden.
  44. [11:57] <davidnaw> •
  45. [11:57] <davidnaw> problem solved
  46. 01[11:58] <Un-Dead> word
  47. [11:58] <davidnaw> if anyone bitches
  48. [11:58] <davidnaw> we've had enough
  49. 01[11:58] <Un-Dead> yesir
  50. [12:12] <davidnaw> lol
  51. [12:12] <davidnaw> sudo crying to me
  52. 01[12:12] <Un-Dead> yeop
  53. 01[12:12] <Un-Dead> [12:11] <sudobash> man this is ridiculous I thought this was the wild wild west?
  54. 01[12:12] <Un-Dead> -
  55. 01[12:12] <Un-Dead> sudobash is ~sudobash@SudoBash.Kicks.Ass * sudobash
  56. 01[12:12] <Un-Dead> sudobash has identified for this nick
  57. 01[12:12] <Un-Dead> sudobash is using modes +firx +
  58. 01[12:12] <Un-Dead> sudobash real hostname
  59. 01[12:12] <Un-Dead> sudobash on !@#senseless @#traficwhores !@#exchange !@#monetizing #adscraft @#sploits !@#war #surfboard_hacker +#elite-chat @+#ex.ploit +#Games
  60. 01[12:12] <Un-Dead> sudobash using Abjects IRC Server
  61. 01[12:12] <Un-Dead> sudobash End of /WHOIS list.
  62. 01[12:12] <Un-Dead> -
  63. 01[12:12] <Un-Dead> [12:11] <Un-Dead> that would be efnet
  64. 01[12:12] <Un-Dead> [12:11] <sudobash> but you all can't give me a chance, ban the channel after I've had it for a single day
  65. 01[12:12] <Un-Dead> [12:12] <Un-Dead> i dont even know the story bro
  66. 01[12:12] <Un-Dead> [12:12] <Un-Dead> all i know is grinch and c0ld kept bothering opers
  67. 01[12:12] <Un-Dead> [12:12] <Un-Dead> yada yada yada
  68. 01[12:12] <Un-Dead> [12:12] <sudobash> why ban a channel instead of kline someone?
  69. 01[12:12] <Un-Dead> [12:12] <Un-Dead> and that something about the channel was taken by force
  70. 01[12:12] <Un-Dead> [12:12] <Un-Dead> and they had enough
  71. 01[12:12] <Un-Dead> [12:12] <Un-Dead> because it wasent one person causing drama
  72. 01[12:12] <Un-Dead> [12:12] <Un-Dead> it was the channel as a whole
  73. 01[12:13] <Un-Dead> i dont get it man
  74. 01[12:13] <Un-Dead> what part of final
  75. 01[12:13] <Un-Dead> do people not get
  76. 01[12:13] <Un-Dead> and they think its personal?
  77. [12:13] <davidnaw> haaha
  78. [12:13] <davidnaw> fags
  79. 01[12:14] <Un-Dead> [12:13] <sudobash> I re registered that channel, it was a completely different channel with new access list
  80. 01[12:14] <Un-Dead> [12:14] <sudobash> you all really are abusing your power
  81. 01[12:14] <Un-Dead> [12:14] <sudobash> it was a brand new channel
  82. 01[12:14] <Un-Dead> yeah we are
  83. 01[12:14] <Un-Dead> ABUZE!
  84. [12:14] <davidnaw> kill him if you have to
  85. [12:14] <davidnaw> tell him to chill
  86. [12:15] <davidnaw> lol
  87. [12:15] <davidnaw> hes an op in your chan
  88. [12:15] <davidnaw> lol
  89. 01[12:15] <Un-Dead> [12:14] <sudobash> technically it was a brand new channel less than a day old
  90. 01[12:15] <Un-Dead> [12:14] <sudobash> and I feel abused
  91. 01[12:15] <Un-Dead> [12:14] <sudobash> and will report the abuse to the higher ups via email
  92. 01[12:15] <Un-Dead> [12:15] <Un-Dead> relax brother man
  93. 01[12:15] <Un-Dead> [12:15] <Un-Dead> just start a new channel?
  94. 01[12:15] <Un-Dead> [12:15] <Un-Dead> feel free to email
  95. 01[12:15] <Un-Dead> [12:15] <Un-Dead> all other emails are fake anyway
  96. 01[12:15] <Un-Dead> [12:15] <Un-Dead> abuse@ and kline@ are not real ;)
  97. 01[12:15] <Un-Dead> im going to laugh
  98. 01[12:15] <Un-Dead> really hard
  99. 01[12:16] <Un-Dead> when i reply to his email :)
  100. [12:16] <davidnaw> you can tell him
  101. [12:16] <davidnaw> davidnaw is sra/NA
  102. 01[12:16] <Un-Dead> nah
  103. [12:16] <davidnaw> and hes the one that dropped it
  104. 01[12:16] <Un-Dead> its funnier that he doesent whois you
  105. [12:17] <davidnaw> haha
  106. [12:17] <davidnaw> yeh
  107. [12:21] <davidnaw> he done ocmplaing?
  108. 01[12:21] <Un-Dead> i guess so
  109. 01[12:22] <Un-Dead> he hasent sent me anything
  110. 01[12:26] <Un-Dead> back on abjects [12:26] <+sudobash> man I'm sure surfboard_hacker has had it's share of drama but they never go anywhere
  111. 01[12:26] <Un-Dead> im killing
  112. [12:31] <davidnaw> what a flamer
  113. 01[12:33] <Un-Dead> [12:32] <sudobash> I just dont understand man you wouldn't ban the channel for me when mrGRINCH was owner, but when mrGRINCH wants the channel banned it gets done asap
  114. 01[12:33] <Un-Dead> [12:32] <sudobash> he is a fucking idiot from HF
  115. 01[12:33] <Un-Dead> [12:32] <sudobash> he cant even code
  116. 01[12:33] <Un-Dead> [12:32] <Un-Dead> dude
  117. 01[12:33] <Un-Dead> [12:32] <sudobash> but you all treat him with respect
  118. 01[12:33] <Un-Dead> [12:32] <Un-Dead> its not about the fucking change
  119. 01[12:33] <Un-Dead> [12:33] <Un-Dead> its abotu the channel as a whole
  120. 01[12:33] <Un-Dead> [12:33] <Un-Dead> you just had bad timing
  121. 01[12:33] <Un-Dead> permission to akill for a couple days?
  122. [12:33] <davidnaw> warn him
  123. [12:33] <davidnaw> if you hear one more word
  124. [12:33] <davidnaw> hes akilled
  125. 01[12:36] <Un-Dead> ok
  126. 01[12:36] <Un-Dead> [12:34] <Un-Dead> listen
  127. 01[12:36] <Un-Dead> [12:34] <Un-Dead> its over
  128. 01[12:36] <Un-Dead> [12:34] <Un-Dead> start a new channel
  129. 01[12:36] <Un-Dead> [12:34] <sudobash> it will just get banned
  130. 01[12:36] <Un-Dead> [12:34] <Un-Dead> one more word and i will kline you
  131. 01[12:36] <Un-Dead> [12:34] <sudobash> that wasn't even an illegal channel....
  132. 01[12:36] <Un-Dead> [12:34] <Un-Dead> dont cause drama and the channel will not be banned
  133. 01[12:36] <Un-Dead> [12:34] <sudobash> I didnt cause drama in that one really
  134. 01[12:36] <Un-Dead> [12:34] <sudobash> I was trying to remove the drama
  135. 01[12:36] <Un-Dead> [12:34] <Un-Dead> enough
  136. 01[12:36] <Un-Dead> [12:34] <sudobash> sorry
  137. 01[12:36] <Un-Dead> [12:35] <sudobash> this server is obviously like all the others
  138. 01[12:36] <Un-Dead> klined
  139. 01[12:36] <Un-Dead> sorry about all the drama
  140. [12:37] <davidnaw> :D
  141. [12:37] <davidnaw> fun every now and then
  142. 01[12:37] <Un-Dead> lol
  143. 01[12:38] <Un-Dead> people just cant let irc shit go
  144. 01[12:38] <Un-Dead> lol
  145. 01[12:38] <Un-Dead> god damn
  146. 01[12:38] <Un-Dead> ITS IRC!
  147. [12:39] <davidnaw> haha
  148. [12:39] <davidnaw> no shit
  149. 01[13:44] <Un-Dead> yp
  150. 01[13:44] <Un-Dead> yo*
  151. [13:46] <davidnaw> sups
  152. 01[13:46] <Un-Dead> retard is back
  153. 01[13:46] <Un-Dead> he also sent an email
  154. [13:46] <davidnaw> lol
  155. [13:46] <davidnaw> oh word?
  156. 01[13:46] <Un-Dead> [13:38] <cannabisgood> all the emails are bouncing
  157. 01[13:46] <Un-Dead> -
  158. 01[13:46] <Un-Dead> cannabisgood is * Sudo Bash
  159. 01[13:46] <Un-Dead> cannabisgood is using modes +fix +
  160. 01[13:46] <Un-Dead> cannabisgood real hostname
  161. 01[13:46] <Un-Dead> cannabisgood using Abjects IRC Server
  162. 01[13:46] <Un-Dead> cannabisgood End of /WHOIS list.
  163. 01[13:46] <Un-Dead> -
  164. 01[13:46] <Un-Dead> [13:39] <Un-Dead>
  165. 01[13:46] <Un-Dead> [13:39] <Un-Dead> is not bouncing
  166. 01[13:46] <Un-Dead> [13:39] <Un-Dead> unless your email is fucked up
  167. 01[13:46] <Un-Dead> [13:40] <cannabisgood> maybe I had .com
  168. 01[13:46] <Un-Dead> [13:40] <cannabisgood> so you all let him re register the channel?
  169. 01[13:46] <Un-Dead> [13:41] <Un-Dead> no?
  170. 01[13:46] <Un-Dead> [13:42] <cannabisgood> says invite only now
  171. 01[13:46] <Un-Dead> [13:42] <Un-Dead> thats because it's forbidden
  172. 01[13:46] <Un-Dead> [13:43] <cannabisgood> geez a forbidden channel thats not even illegal
  173. 01[13:46] <Un-Dead> then the email is
  174. 01[13:47] <Un-Dead> Please give me a second of your time to inform you of my situation, my channel has been banned from abjects servers although it is in compliance with all the rules and regulations required. The channel was under new management and was killed before I had the opportunity to rid the users who were causing problems. The channel that is in question is #ads, an internet ad related chat room for users to discuss internet money making techniques and opinions. We are breaking no laws, and most of our users are never heard from, but a few who were on the server prior to the channels creation, decided it would be funny to annoy some IRCops, causing drama for the channel. I would have never recommend this server if I had thought it would bring drama along with it, that is why I re-registered the channel and created a completely different access list. Essentially the channel was a completely new channel as of last night, but today it was treated as the same channel, and the previous owner along with some of the other disruptive users, were allowed to influence the IRCops again to ban the channel and kline me. I have done nothing wrong and I have been a member of Abjects for at least 4 years under different nicks. I have a few friends on the server but along with friends your bound to make a few enemies. The channel I re-created last night was in the process of reconciling the drama from the disruptive users by removing their status and their association with the channel. Apparently some IRCops decided that they channel needed to be banned because a few bad apples decided they weren't getting their way and annoyed the IRCops until they got the channel banned. Surely you can see how this is not the channels fault but rather that of the disruptive users, and can make right whats has been wronged? I will be forced to move to another server which is not what I want to do, since these servers feel so much like home.
  175. 01[13:47] <Un-Dead> lol
  176. [13:47] <davidnaw> haha
  177. [13:47] <davidnaw> ban evasion
  178. [13:47] <davidnaw> hes fucked
  179. 01[13:49] <Un-Dead> not yet
  180. 01[13:49] <Un-Dead> let me reply to his email first
  181. 01[13:49] <Un-Dead> then you can
  182. [13:50] <davidnaw> ok
  183. 01[13:54] <Un-Dead> is the ban evasion grounds for permaban?
  184. [13:54] <davidnaw> yeh
  185. [13:54] <davidnaw> wait tho
  186. [13:54] <davidnaw> you in help?
  187. 01[13:54] <Un-Dead> yeah
  188. [13:54] <davidnaw> suspect
  189. 01[13:54] <Un-Dead> thats not him
  190. [13:55] <davidnaw> i know
  191. [13:55] <davidnaw> but
  192. [13:55] <davidnaw> chill for a sec
  193. [13:55] <davidnaw> he joins right as services acts up
  194. [13:55] <davidnaw> or ask about them
  195. 01[13:55] <Un-Dead> hmm
  196. 01[13:55] <Un-Dead> valid
  197. 01[13:56] <Un-Dead> so hold off on the email?
  198. 01[13:56] <Un-Dead> Sudobash,
  199. 01[13:56] <Un-Dead> You were k-lined by order of SRA/NA because you refused to drop a subject you were told multiple times to leave alone.
  200. 01[13:56] <Un-Dead> You continually disrespected the network and the opers who try to keep everything running smoothly.
  201. 01[13:56] <Un-Dead> As explained to you several times, the issue was not the change of ownership, the issue was with the drama the channel in question created.
  202. 01[13:56] <Un-Dead> When you were told to simply start a new channel you refused this idea. The decision is final in that #ads will be closed until further notice.
  203. 01[13:56] <Un-Dead> This decision is final and irreversible. Please keep in mind you brought this on yourself. The actions of the opers involved were taken
  204. 01[13:56] <Un-Dead> Because you are incapable of accepting the action of authority. The actions are unfair because you believe them to be, however you are mistaken
  205. 01[13:56] <Un-Dead> The steps were taken because of your blatant disregard for authority and its need to control the network and oversea it runs smoothly.
  206. 01[13:56] <Un-Dead> We regretfully inform you that you are no longer welcome on the Abjects network due to ban evasion and other such infractions.
  207. 01[13:56] <Un-Dead> Un-Dead
  208. 01[13:56] <Un-Dead> Abjects K-Line Staff
  209. 01[13:56] <Un-Dead>
  210. 01[13:56] <Un-Dead>
  211. 01[13:56] <Un-Dead> irc://
  212. [13:56] <davidnaw> non reading mfers
  213. [13:57] <davidnaw> good enough for me
  214. 01[13:57] <Un-Dead> word
  215. 01[13:57] <Un-Dead> sent
  216. [13:57] <davidnaw> now nuke his ass
  217. [13:57] <davidnaw> :D
  218. 01[13:57] <Un-Dead> lol
  219. 01[13:57] <Un-Dead> i dunno how to do that
  220. 01[13:58] <Un-Dead> i dunno if i can?
  221. 01[14:03] <Un-Dead> [13:57] <Un-Dead> email sent
  222. 01[14:03] <Un-Dead> [13:59] <cannabisgood> it doesnt matter
  223. 01[14:03] <Un-Dead> [13:59] <cannabisgood> I was gonna give mrGRINCH back his power
  224. 01[14:03] <Un-Dead> [14:02] <cannabisgood> thanks a lot
  225. 01[14:03] <Un-Dead> mr kranky pants
  226. [14:03] <davidnaw> haha
  227. [14:03] <davidnaw> children
  228. 01[14:11] <Un-Dead> [14:06] <cannabisgood> dude I just came on here to get the email i wasn't ban evading really
  229. 01[14:11] <Un-Dead> [14:06] <cannabisgood> and that last kline didn't work I didnt evade
  230. 01[14:11] <Un-Dead> [14:07] <cannabisgood> I'm leaving now you dont have to kline me again jeez
  231. 01[14:11] <Un-Dead> ...
  232. 01[14:11] <Un-Dead> the kline didnt work
  233. 01[14:11] <Un-Dead> therefor
  234. 01[14:11] <Un-Dead> he didnt evade
  235. 01[14:11] <Un-Dead> thats the best defense i have ever heard
  236. [14:11] <davidnaw> lol
  237. [14:11] <davidnaw> what a fag
  238. 01[14:12] <Un-Dead> i love that
  239. 01[14:12] <Un-Dead> i love that thinking
  240. [14:12] <davidnaw> SBB-1 is his too
  241. 01[14:12] <Un-Dead> "well you didnt lock the door so its not BREAKING AND ENTERING
  242. [14:12] <davidnaw> lol
  243. -
  244. 01[14:13] SBB-1 is * SBB1
  245. 01[14:13] SBB-1 has identified for this nick
  246. 01[14:13] SBB-1 is using modes +firx +
  247. 01[14:13] SBB-1 real hostname
  248. 01[14:13] SBB-1 on +#senseless +#war
  249. 01[14:13] SBB-1 using Abjects IRC Server
  250. 01[14:13] sbb-1 End of /WHOIS list.
  251. -
  252. 01[14:13] <Un-Dead> i cant really do anything without services
  253. 01[14:13] <Un-Dead> other then continual /kill
  254. 01[14:13] <Un-Dead> which is pointless
  255. [14:47] <davidnaw> hrm
  256. [14:47] <davidnaw> looks like drak might be removing
  257. 01[14:48] <Un-Dead> removing what?
  258. [14:48] <davidnaw> look in opers
  259. 01[14:48] <Un-Dead> oh
  260. 01[14:48] <Un-Dead> are you kissing me
  261. 01[14:48] <Un-Dead> kidding*
  262. 01[14:56] <Un-Dead> hmm
  263. 01[14:56] <Un-Dead> before split
  264. 01[14:56] <Un-Dead> i got
  265. 01[14:56] <Un-Dead> [14:51] <scarlet> ok so .. what is that kline email about? and what SRA/NA told you to deal with this?
  266. 01[14:56] <Un-Dead> you want me to just say i acted alone?
  267. [14:58] <davidnaw> i dont care
  268. 01[14:58] <Un-Dead> what are they so upset about?
  269. [14:59] <davidnaw> no idea
  270. 01[14:59] <Un-Dead> hm
  271. 01[14:59] <Un-Dead> you would think if they put you in SRA/NA they would trust your judgement?
  272. [15:00] <davidnaw> everyone complained about that chan
  273. [15:00] <davidnaw> who knows
  274. [15:00] <davidnaw> maybe its one of their friends
  275. [15:00] <davidnaw> i dunno
  276. 01[15:00] <Un-Dead> i doubt it
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