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a guest
Oct 3rd, 2017
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text 1.27 KB | None | 0 0
  1. [sdl]
  2. fullscreen=true
  3. fulldouble=false
  4. fullresolution=desktop
  5. windowresolution=original
  6. output=overlay
  7. autolock=true
  8. sensitivity=100
  9. waitonerror=true
  10. priority=higher,normal
  12. usescancodes=true
  13. [dosbox]
  14. language=
  15. machine=svga_s3
  16. captures=capture
  17. memsize=64
  18. [render]
  19. frameskip=0
  20. aspect=true
  21. scaler=none
  22. [cpu]
  23. core=auto
  24. cputype=auto
  25. cycles=10000
  26. cycleup=10
  27. cycledown=20
  28. [mixer]
  29. nosound=false
  30. rate=44100
  31. blocksize=1024
  32. prebuffer=20
  33. [midi]
  34. mpu401=intelligent
  35. mididevice=default
  36. midiconfig=
  37. [sblaster]
  38. sbtype=sb16
  39. sbbase=220
  40. irq=7
  41. dma=1
  42. hdma=5
  43. sbmixer=true
  44. oplmode=auto
  45. oplemu=default
  46. oplrate=44100
  47. [gus]
  48. gus=false
  49. gusrate=44100
  50. gusbase=240
  51. gusirq=5
  52. gusdma=3
  53. ultradir=l:\ULTRASND
  54. [speaker]
  55. pcspeaker=true
  56. pcrate=44100
  57. tandy=auto
  58. tandyrate=44100
  59. disney=true
  60. [joystick]
  61. joysticktype=auto
  62. timed=true
  63. autofire=false
  64. swap34=false
  65. buttonwrap=false
  66. [serial]
  67. serial1=dummy
  68. serial2=dummy
  69. serial3=disabled
  70. serial4=disabled
  71. [dos]
  72. xms=true
  73. ems=true
  74. umb=true
  75. keyboardlayout=auto
  76. [ipx]
  77. ipx=false
  78. [autoexec]
  79. cd ..
  80. cd ..
  81. mount c .\games\WackyWhe
  82. imgmount d .\games\WackyWhe\cd\wackywheels.iso -t cdrom
  83. c:
  84. cd wacky
  85. cls
  86. @ww
  87. exit
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