Guest User


a guest
Mar 22nd, 2016
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  1. {
  2. "General" : {
  3. "Save": "Save",
  4. "Cancel": "Cancel",
  5. "NotSet": "Not Set",
  6. "Search" : "Search",
  7. "ErrorHeader" : "Please fix field below :",
  8. "Show" : "Show",
  9. "Rows" : "Rows",
  10. "NotFound" : "Not Found",
  11. "DataNotFound" : "Data Not Found",
  12. "RetrievingDataState" : "Retrieving data..",
  13. "Choose" : "Choose",
  14. "Close" : "Close",
  15. "Edit" : "Edit"
  16. },
  17. "AccountLookUp": {
  18. "title": "Account Lookup",
  19. "headercolumns": ["Account", "Action"],
  20. "dataColumns": ["AccountName"]
  21. },
  22. "CountryLookUp": {
  23. "title": "Country LookUp",
  24. "headercolumns": ["Country", "Action"],
  25. "dataColumns": ["name"]
  26. },
  27. "ProvinceLookUp": {
  28. "title": "Province LookUp",
  29. "headercolumns": ["Province", "Action"],
  30. "dataColumns": ["name"]
  31. },
  32. "CityLookUp": {
  33. "title": "City LookUp",
  34. "headercolumns": ["City", "Action"],
  35. "dataColumns": ["name"],
  36. "SelectPronviceFirst" : "Select Province first"
  37. },
  38. "PostalCodeLookUp": {
  39. "title": "Post Code LookUp",
  40. "headercolumns": ["Post Code", "Action"],
  41. "dataColumns": ["name"],
  42. "SelectCountryProvinceCityFirst" : "Please select country/province/city first"
  43. },
  44. "ServiceLevelLookUp": {
  45. "title": "Account Lookup",
  46. "headercolumns": ["Account", "Action"],
  47. "dataColumns": ["AccountName"]
  48. },
  49. "CaseTypeLookUp": {
  50. "title": "Account Lookup",
  51. "headercolumns": ["Account", "Action"],
  52. "dataColumns": ["AccountName"]
  53. },
  54. "CaseSubTypeLookUp": {
  55. "title": "Account Lookup",
  56. "headercolumns": ["Account", "Action"],
  57. "dataColumns": ["AccountName"]
  58. },
  59. "ParentCaseLookUp": {
  60. "title": "Account Lookup",
  61. "headercolumns": ["Account", "Action"],
  62. "dataColumns": ["AccountName"]
  63. },
  64. "CallCode1stLookUp": {
  65. "title": "Account Lookup",
  66. "headercolumns": ["Account", "Action"],
  67. "dataColumns": ["AccountName"]
  68. },
  69. "CallCode2ndLookUp": {
  70. "title": "Account Lookup",
  71. "headercolumns": ["Account", "Action"],
  72. "dataColumns": ["AccountName"]
  73. },
  74. "CallCode3rdLookUp": {
  75. "title": "Account Lookup",
  76. "headercolumns": ["Account", "Action"],
  77. "dataColumns": ["AccountName"]
  78. },
  79. "ConnectionTypeLookUp": {
  80. "title": "Account Lookup",
  81. "headercolumns": ["Account", "Action"],
  82. "dataColumns": ["AccountName"]
  83. },
  84. "ProductLookUp": {
  85. "title": "Account Lookup",
  86. "headercolumns": ["Account", "Action"],
  87. "dataColumns": ["AccountName"]
  88. },
  89. "ReferenceCaseLookUp": {
  90. "title": "Account Lookup",
  91. "headercolumns": ["Account", "Action"],
  92. "dataColumns": ["AccountName"]
  93. },
  94. "Home": {
  95. "Home": "Home",
  96. "ChangePassword": "Change Password",
  97. "LogOut": "Log Out",
  98. "MainNavigation": "Main Navigation",
  99. "WelcomeToPartnerPortal": "WELCOME TO PARTNER PORTAL",
  100. "Overview": "overview",
  101. "AllRightsReserved": "All Rights Reserved",
  102. "PendingCases": "Pending Cases",
  103. "CompletedCases": "Completed Cases",
  104. "CanceledCases": "Canceled Cases",
  105. "ManageCustomers": "Manage Customers",
  106. "ManageCustomersSubTitle": "View, edit and create account and contact.",
  107. "Contacts": "Contactsddfd",
  108. "CreateNewContact": "Create New Contact",
  109. "SearchContact": "Search Contact",
  110. "ManageCases": "Manage Cases",
  111. "ManageCasesSubTitle": "View, implement and complete cases from your task list.",
  112. "CreateNewCase": "Create New Case",
  113. "AssignedCase": "Assigned Case",
  114. "PendingApprovalCase": "Pending Approval Case",
  115. "ApprovedCase": "Approved Case",
  116. "RejectedCase": "Rejected Case",
  117. "AllCase": "All Case",
  118. "ManageParts": "Manage Parts",
  119. "ManagePartsSubTitle": "The Manage Order Tool Provides a view of all your orders.",
  120. "SparePartClaims": "Spare Part Claims",
  121. "PurchaseParts": "Purchase Parts",
  122. "OrderUpdate": "Order Update",
  123. "OrderReturn": "Order Return",
  124. "FinalizePartClaims": "Finalize Part Claims",
  125. "CompletePartClaims": "Complete Part Claims",
  126. "CheckProductPrice": "CheckProductPrice",
  127. "ManageWarranty": "Manage Warranty",
  128. "ManageWarrantySubTitle": "To do warranty registration on behalf of the customer.",
  129. "WarrantyRegistrationPublic": "Warranty Registration (Public)",
  130. "WarrantyRegistrationASC": "Warranty Registration (ASC)",
  131. "CheckWarranty": "Check Warranty",
  132. "ManageClaims": "Manage Claims",
  133. "ManageClaimsSubTitle": "View and claim labour and transportation related amount.",
  134. "CreateClaims": "Create Claims",
  135. "ClaimPendingRejection": "Claim Pending Rejection",
  136. "ClaimDispute": "Claim Dispute",
  137. "AllCaseClaimStatus": "All Case Claim Status",
  138. "AllClaims": "All Claims",
  139. "ManageUsers": "Manage Users",
  140. "ManageUsersSubTitle": "To add users, you need to be signed in as the super user.",
  141. "CompanyProfile": "Company Profile",
  142. "Contacts": "Contacts",
  143. "PortalUsers": "Portal Users",
  144. "FormChangePassword" : "Form Change Password",
  145. "OldPassword" : "Old Password",
  146. "NewPassword" : "New Password",
  147. "ConfirNewPassword" : "Confirm New Password",
  148. "PasswordCheckNoMatch" : "Password doesn't match."
  149. },
  150. "ManageCustomers": {
  151. "ManageCustomers": "Manage Customers",
  152. "Contacts": "Contacts",
  153. "CreateNewContact": "Create New Contact",
  154. "GeneralInformation" : "General Information",
  155. "General": "General",
  156. "Salutation": "Salutation",
  157. "FirstName": "First Name",
  158. "LastName": "Last Name (*)",
  159. "Email": "E-mail",
  160. "MainContactNumber": "Main Contact Number",
  161. "SecondaryContactNumber": "Secondary Contact Number",
  162. "OtherNumber": "Other Number",
  163. "Fax": "Fax",
  164. "CompanyNameWarranty": "Company Name (Warranty)",
  165. "TaxID": "Tax ID",
  166. "JobTitle": "Job Title",
  167. "PersonalInformation": "Personal Information",
  168. "Gender": "Gender",
  169. "MaritalStatus": "Marital Status",
  170. "Birthday": "Birthday",
  171. "Characteristic": "Characteristic",
  172. "Address": "Address",
  173. "AddressType": "Address Type",
  174. "Street1": "Street 1",
  175. "Street2": "Street 2",
  176. "Street3": "Street 3",
  177. "City": "City",
  178. "StateProvince": "State / Province",
  179. "CountryRegion": "Country / Region",
  180. "ZipPostalCode": "Zip / Postal Code",
  181. "SearchContact": "Search Contact",
  182. "Name": "Name",
  183. "Phone": "Phone",
  184. "Email": "Email",
  185. "CompanyName": "Company Name",
  186. "FullName": "Full Name",
  187. "SecondaryContactNo": "Secondary Contact No",
  188. "MainPhoneExt": "Main Phone Ext",
  189. "FaxExt": "Fax Ext",
  190. "SpousePartnerName": "Spouse/Partner Name",
  191. "Anniversarry": "Anniversarry",
  192. "Save": "Save",
  193. "Cancel": "Cancel",
  194. "NotSet": "Not Set",
  195. "Search" : "Search",
  196. "ErrorHeader" : "Please fix field below :",
  197. "SuccessSaveCustomer" : "Contact has been succesfully saved.",
  198. "TabContact" : "Contact",
  199. "TabEditContact" : "Edit Contact",
  200. "TabSerialNumber" : "Serial Number",
  201. "TabSNUnderRegistration" : "SN (Under Registration)",
  202. "ContactName" : "Contact Name",
  203. "SiteAddress" : "Site Address",
  204. "VoidWarranty" : "Void Warranty",
  205. "BtnAddSNRegistration" : "Add SN (Registration)"
  206. },
  207. "ManageCases": {
  208. "ManageCases": "Manage Cases",
  210. "ResetForm": "Reset Form",
  211. "SaveNewCase": "Save New Case",
  212. "Overview": "Overview",
  213. "StatusReasonNotSet": "Status Reason : Not Set",
  215. "ReportedDateTime": "Reported Date Time (*)",
  216. "CaseNo": "Case No",
  217. "CaseTitle": "Case Title (*)",
  218. "Origin": "Origin",
  219. "Priority": "Priority",
  220. "ServiceLevel": "Service Level",
  221. "ServiceLevelLookUp": "Service Level LookUp",
  222. "Action": "Action",
  223. "Choose": "Choose",
  224. "Close": "Close",
  225. "CaseType": "Case Type (*)",
  226. "CaseTypeLookUp": "Case Type LookUp",
  227. "CaseType2": "Case Type",
  228. "CaseSubtype": "Case Subtype (*)",
  229. "CaseSubTypeLookUp": "Case Sub Type LookUp",
  230. "CaseSubType2": "Case Sub Type",
  231. "ParentCase": "Parent Case",
  232. "CaseLookUp": "Case LookUp",
  233. "Case": "Case",
  234. "CallCode1stlevel": "Call Code(1st level) (*)",
  235. "CallCode1stlvlLookUp": "Call Code (1st lvl) LookUp",
  236. "CallCode": "Call Code",
  237. "CallCode2ndlevel": "Call Code(2nd level) (*)",
  238. "CallCode2ndlvlLookUp": "Call Code (2nd lvl) LookUp",
  239. "CallCode3rdlevel": "Call Code(3rd level) (*)",
  240. "CallCode3rdlvlLookUp": "Call Code (3rd lvl) LookUp",
  241. "Subject": "Subject",
  242. "SerialNumber": "Serial Number",
  243. "SerialNumberLookUp": "Serial Number LookUp",
  244. "Product": "Product",
  245. "ProductLookUp": "Product LookUp",
  246. "ReferenceCase": "Reference Case",
  247. "ApprovalRequiredNo": "Approval Required : No",
  249. "Customer": "Customer",
  250. "ASCCompanyLookUp": "ASC Company LookUp",
  251. "ContactName": "Contact Name",
  252. "ContactLookUp": "Contact LookUp",
  253. "Phone": "Phone",
  254. "Email": "Email",
  255. "Address": "Address",
  256. "TaxID": "Tax ID",
  257. "TotalmilieageKM": "Total milieage (KM)",
  259. "Name": "Name",
  260. "ApprovedNo": "Approved : No",
  262. "DateofPurchase": "Date of Purchase",
  263. "Warrantyinfo": "Warranty info",
  264. "Warrantycardno": "Warranty card no",
  265. "Warrantyremarks": "Warranty remarks",
  266. "Repeatrepaircase": "Repeat repair case",
  267. "MachineInfo": "Machine Info",
  268. "MachineDetail": "Machine Detail",
  269. "TotalPageCount": "Total Page Count",
  270. "TonerInkchangeCountBKYLCYMZ": "Toner / Ink change Count (BK/YL/CY/MZ)",
  271. "DrumCount": "Drum Count",
  272. "DotCountBKYLCYMZ": "Dot Count (BK/YL/CY/MZ)",
  273. "PaperJam": "Paper Jam",
  274. "ADFJamCount": "ADF Jam Count",
  275. "SNMainPCB": "S/N Main PCB",
  276. "Powerontime": "Power on time",
  277. "ConnectionType": "Connection Type",
  278. "Attachment": "Attachment",
  279. "AddFiles": "Add Files",
  280. "Startupload": "Start upload",
  281. "Cancelupload": "Cancel upload",
  282. "Delete": "Delete",
  283. "ASCInfo": "ASC Info",
  284. "ASCCompany": "ASC Company",
  285. "ASCParentCompany": "ASC Parent Company",
  286. "ASCCompanyAddress": "ASC Company Address",
  287. "ASCINFO": "ASC INFO",
  288. "ASCReferenceNumber": "ASC Reference Number",
  289. "ASCAppointmentDate": "ASC Appointment Date",
  290. "ASCRemarks": "ASC Remarks",
  292. "ASCContact": "ASC Contact",
  293. "CaseRelationship": "Case Relationship",
  294. "ChildCases": "Child Cases",
  295. "Status": "Status",
  296. "CaseTitle2": "Case Title",
  297. "MergeCases": "Merge Cases",
  298. "ReferenceCases": "Reference Cases",
  300. "Diagnostic": "Diagnostic",
  301. "ResolutionCode1stLevel": "Resolution Code (1st Level)",
  302. "ResolutionCode1LookUp": "Resolution Code 1 LookUp",
  303. "ResolutionCode2ndLevel": "Resolution Code (2nd Level)",
  304. "ResolutionCode2Lookup": "Resolution Code 2 Lookup",
  305. "ResolutionCode3rdLevel": "Resolution Code (3rd Level)",
  306. "ResolutionCode3LookUp": "Resolution Code 3 LookUp",
  307. "ResolutionRemark": "Resolution Remark",
  308. "ReplacementSerialNo": "Replacement Serial No",
  309. "RefurbishMachineStatus": "Refurbish Machine Status",
  310. "RefurbishMachineStatusLookUp": "Refurbish Machine Status LookUp",
  311. "StartRepairDateTime": "Start Repair (Date Time)",
  312. "EndRepairDateTime": "End Repair (Date Time)",
  313. "ResolutionTimeHoursMins": "Resolution Time (Hours & Mins)",
  314. "CloseDateTime": "Close (Date Time)",
  316. "ASCContactAddress": "ASC Contact Address",
  317. "Accessories": "Accessories",
  318. "Parts": "Parts",
  319. "OrderNumber": "Order Number",
  320. "OrderType": "Order Type",
  321. "OrderStatusReason": "Order Status Reason",
  322. "CaseNumber": "Case Number",
  323. "CaseTitle": "Case Title",
  324. "RequestedDate": "Requested Date",
  325. "PartnerTier1": "PartnerTier1",
  326. "LaborTransportClaim": "Labor & Transport Claim",
  328. "Currency": "Currency",
  329. "LabourAmountcalc": "Labour Amount (calc)",
  330. "LabourAmountAgreed": "Labour Amount (Agreed)",
  332. "Currency": "Currency",
  333. "TransportionAmountcalc": "Transportion Amount (calc)",
  334. "TransportationAmountAgreed": "Transportation Amount (Agreed)",
  335. "CaseLog": "Case Log",
  336. "CaseNo": "Case No",
  337. "FromStatusReason": "From Status Reason",
  338. "ToStatusReason": "To Status Reason",
  339. "FromOwner": "From Owner",
  340. "ToOwner": "To Owner",
  341. "CreatedBy": "Created By",
  342. "CreatedDateTime": "Created Date Time",
  344. "Accept": "Accept",
  345. "Reject": "Reject",
  346. "Assign": "Assign",
  347. "CaseNumber": "Case Number",
  348. "ApprovalRequired": "Approval Required",
  349. "Approved": "Approved",
  352. "Acknowledge": "Acknowledge",
  353. "CreatedOn": "Created On",
  355. "Resubmit": "Resubmit",
  356. "Cancel": "Cancel",
  357. "ALLCASE": "ALL CASE",
  358. "CaseStatusReason": "Case Status Reason",
  359. "ASCParent": "ASC Parent",
  360. "Description": "Description"
  361. },
  362. "ManageParts": {
  363. "ManageParts": "Manage Parts",
  364. "SparePartClaims": "Spare Part Claims",
  365. "OrderNumber": "Order Number",
  366. "OrderTypes": "Order Types",
  367. "OrderStatusReason": "Order Status Reason",
  368. "CaseNumber": "Case Number",
  369. "CaseTitle": "Case Title",
  370. "RequestedData": "Requested Data",
  371. "PartnerTier1": "Partner (Tier 1)",
  372. "Purchaseparts": " Purchase parts",
  373. "OrderType": "Order Type",
  374. "ASCPONo": "ASC PO No",
  375. "ASCContact": "ASC Contact",
  376. "RequestedDate": "Requested Date",
  377. "Receiveparts": "Receive parts",
  378. "OrderPartRequestQuantityUpdate": "Order (Part Request) Quantity Update",
  379. "UpdateType": "Update Type",
  380. "No": "No",
  381. "OrderID": "Order ID",
  382. "ItemNo": "Item No",
  383. "ProductName": "Product Name",
  384. "PWHName": "PWH Name",
  385. "Status": "Status",
  386. "QtyRequest": "Qty Request",
  387. "QtyDelivered": "Qty Delivered",
  388. "QtyReceived": "Qty Received",
  389. "QtyConsumed": "Qty Consumed",
  390. "QtyGoodReturn": "Qty(Good)Return",
  391. "QtyDefectReturn": "Qty(Defect)Return",
  392. "UpdateQty": "Update Qty",
  393. "Consumedparts": "Consumed parts",
  394. "Returnparts": " Return parts",
  395. "OrderPartRequestQuantityReturnUpdate": "Order (Part Request) Quantity Return Update",
  396. "Returnpartclaims": "Return part claims",
  397. "Technicican": "Technicican",
  398. "QtyDefectReturnRcv": "Qty(Defect)Return Rcv",
  399. "UpdateQtyGood": "Update Qty (Good)",
  400. "UpdateQtyDefect": "Update Qty (Defect)",
  401. "QtyGoodReturnRcv": "Qty( Good )Return Rcv",
  402. "Finalizepartclaims": "Finalize part claims",
  403. "Completepartclaims": "Complete part claims"
  404. },
  405. "ManageWarranty": {
  406. "ManageWarranty": "Manage Warranty",
  407. "WarrantyRegistration": "Warranty Registration",
  408. "SomeFieldinthisformisRequired": "Some Field in this form is Required",
  409. "Pleasefixfieldbelow:": "Please fix field below :",
  410. "ProductInformation": "Product Information",
  411. "SerialNumber": "Serial Number (*)",
  412. "ProductName": "Product Name (*)",
  413. "DateofPurchase": "Date of Purchase (*)",
  414. "Purpose": "Purpose",
  415. "CompanyName": "Company Name",
  416. "ProofofPurchase": "Proof of Purchase",
  417. "Next": "Next",
  418. "CustomerInformation": "Customer Information",
  419. "Salutation": "Salutation",
  420. "FirstName": "First Name",
  421. "LastName": " Last Name",
  422. "MainContactNo": "Main Contact No.",
  423. "SecondaryContactNo": "Secondary Contact No",
  424. "Email": "Email",
  425. "Street1": "Street 1",
  426. "Street2": "Street 2",
  427. "Street3": "Street 3",
  428. "StateProvince": "State/Province",
  429. "City": "City",
  430. "PostalCode": "Postal Code",
  431. "Country": "Country",
  432. "Back": "Back",
  433. "AdditionalInfo": "Additional Info",
  434. "WhendidyoubuythisProduct": " When did you buy this Product",
  435. "DealerName": "Dealer Name",
  436. "HowdidyouknowabouttheProduct": "How did you know about the Product",
  437. "WhydoyouchooseBrother": " Why do you choose Brother ?",
  438. "MachinePrice": "Machine Price",
  439. "ConsumablePrice": "Consumable Price",
  440. "Promotion": "Promotion",
  441. "Automatic2sidedFunction": "Automatic 2-sided Function",
  442. "Wirelessfunction": "Wireless function",
  443. "MobilePrintfunction": "Mobile Print function",
  444. "Other": "Other",
  445. "Otherpleasespecify": "Other : (please specify)",
  446. "Submit": "Submit",
  447. "CheckWarranty": " Check Warranty",
  448. "SerialNumber2": "Serial Number",
  449. "Product": "Product",
  450. "Search": "Search",
  451. "WarrantyInformation": "Warranty Information",
  452. "ApprovalStatus": " Approval Status",
  453. "Warranty": "Warranty",
  454. "DateofPurhase": " Date of Purhase",
  455. "RegisteredDate": "Registered Date",
  456. "Description": "Description",
  457. "WarrantyType": "Warranty Type",
  458. "WarrantyComponent": "Warranty Component",
  459. "StartDate": "Start Date",
  460. "ExpiryDate": "Expiry Date"
  461. },
  462. "ManageClaims": {
  463. "ManageClaims": "Manage Claims",
  464. "OpenClaims": "Open Claims",
  465. "ASCLabourTransportationClaims": "ASC Labour & Transportation Claims",
  466. "ASCParent": "ASC Parent",
  467. "ASCCompany": "ASC Company",
  468. "Status": "Status",
  469. "Search": "Search",
  470. "FromDate": "From Date",
  471. "ToDate": "To Date",
  472. "ClaimNumber": "Claim Number",
  473. "Currency": "Currency",
  474. "ASCInvoiceNumber": "ASC Invoice Number",
  475. "ClaimPendingRejection": "Claim Pending Rejection",
  476. "ASCLabourTransportationCaseClaimPendingRejection": "ASC Labour & Transportation Case Claim Pending Rejection",
  477. "Accept": "Accept",
  478. "Dispute": "Dispute",
  479. "CaseNumber": "Case Number",
  480. "RepeatRepair": "Repeat Repair",
  481. "ClosedxDays": "Closed > x Days",
  482. "CaseClosedDate": "Case Closed Date",
  483. "CaseClaimStatus": "Case Claim Status",
  484. "LabourAmount": "Labour Amount",
  485. "Description": "Description",
  486. "ClaimDispute": "Claim Dispute",
  487. "ASCLabourTransportationCaseClaimDispute": "ASC Labour & Transportation Case Claim Dispute",
  488. "Resubmit": "Re-submit",
  489. "TransportAmount": "Transport Amount",
  490. "AllCaseClaimsStatus": "All Case Claims Status",
  491. "ASCLabourTransportationCaseClaim": "ASC Labour & Transportation Case Claim",
  492. "AllClaims": "All Claims"
  493. },
  494. "ManageUsers": {
  495. "ManageUsers": "Manage Users",
  496. "CompanyProfile": "Company Profile",
  497. "CompanyInformation": "Company Information",
  498. "AccountName": "Account Name",
  499. "AccountNumber": "Account Number",
  500. "AccountTier": "Account Tier",
  501. "Phone": "Phone",
  502. "Fax": "Fax",
  503. "Website": "Website",
  504. "PrimaryContact": "Primary Contact",
  505. "ParentAccount": "Parent Account",
  506. "MailingAddress": "Mailing Address",
  507. "Street1": "Street 1",
  508. "Street2": "Street 2",
  509. "Street3": "Street 3",
  510. "City": "City",
  511. "StateProvince": "State / Province",
  512. "CountryRegion": "Country / Region",
  513. "PostalCode": "Postal Code",
  514. "BillingAddress": "Billing Address",
  515. "ChildCompanies": "Child Companies",
  516. "Email": "Email",
  517. "Contacts": "Contacts",
  518. "FullName": "Full Name",
  519. "CompanyName": "Company Name",
  520. "MainContactNumber": "Main Contact Number",
  521. "SecondaryContactNo": "Secondary Contact No",
  522. "Users": "Users",
  523. "EmailAddress": "Email Address",
  524. "Status": "Status",
  525. "CreatedOn": "Created On",
  526. "PortalUsers": "Portal Users"
  527. },
  528. "errMsg": {
  529. "Case": {
  530. "ReportedDateTime": "Reported Date Time must not empty",
  531. "CaseTitle": "Case Title must not empty",
  532. "CaseType": "Case Type must not empty",
  533. "CaseSubType": "Case Sub Type must not empty",
  534. "CallCodeSt": "Call Code 1st must not empty",
  535. "CallCodeNd": "Call Code 2nd must not empty",
  536. "CallCodeRd": "Call Code 3rd must not empty",
  537. "ProductMustNotEmpty": "Product must not empty",
  538. "CannotCreateCase": "Cannot create case because case with this serial number & product already Exists",
  539. "CustomerMustNotEmpty": "Customer must not empty",
  540. "TheSpecifiedContact": "The specified contact doesn't belong to the account selected as customer.Specify a contact that belongs to the selected account, and then try again",
  541. "SerialNumberMustNotEmpty": "Serial Number must not empty",
  542. "CannotResolvethisCase": "Cannot resolve this case",
  543. "FailedToAcceptCase": "Failed to accept case %ticketnumber",
  544. "ASCBrotherTeamCannotFoundInServiceApplicationSettings": "ASC Brother Team cannot found in service application settings",
  545. "FailedToChangeOwnerForCaseTicketNumber :": "Failed to change owner for case ticket number : %ticketnumber",
  546. "CannotFoundCaseID": "Cannot found case ID %ticketnumber",
  547. "CannotFoundContactID": "Cannot found Contact ID",
  548. "FailedToAcknowledgeCase": "Failed to Acknowledge case %ticketnumber",
  549. "FailedToReSubmitCase": "Failed to ReSubmit case %ticketnumber",
  550. "StatusOrderNeitherFinalizedNorCompletedForCaseNumber ": "Status order neither Finalized nor Completed for Case Number %ticketnumber",
  551. "NotFoundThisCase": "Not found this case",
  552. "WhenApprovalRequiredIsYesApprovedMustBeYes": "When Approval Required is Yes, Approved must be yes",
  553. "StatusOfOneOrderLineRelatedToTheCaseIsCreatedOrPendingApproval": "Status of one Order Line related to the Case is Created or Pending Approval",
  554. "NotAcceptThisStatus": "Not accept this status",
  555. "CannotUpdateStatus": "Cannot update status",
  556. "StatusOrderNeitherFinalizedNorCompleted": "Status order neither Finalized nor Completed",
  557. "SomeSuccesfullyToRejectAndSomeFailToReject": "Some succesfully to reject and some fail to reject",
  558. "FailToRejectAllCase": "Fail to reject all case",
  559. "SomeSuccesfullyToCancelAndSomeFailToCancel": "Some succesfully to cancel and some fail to cancel",
  560. "FailToCancelAllCase": "Fail to cancel all case",
  561. "SomeSuccesfullyToResubmitAndSomeFailToResubmit": "Some succesfully to resubmit and some fail to resubmit",
  562. "FailToResubmitAllCase": "Fail to resubmit all case",
  563. "FailedToChangeOwner": "Failed to change owner",
  564. "CannotFoundServiceApplicationSettings": "Cannot found service application settings"
  565. },
  566. "Parts": {
  567. "WrongOrderType": "Wrong order type",
  568. "WrongUpdateType": "Wrong update type",
  569. "WrongUpdateQuantity": "Wrong update quantity",
  570. "OrderFailToBeSubmitted": "Order fail to be submitted",
  571. "OrderFailToBeApproved": "Order fail to be approved",
  572. "CanotFindServiceApplicationSettingToValidationThisOrderType": "Canot find service application setting to validation this order type",
  573. "OrderIdNotFound": "Order Id not found",
  574. "FailedToChangeStatusToComplete": "Failed to change status to complete",
  575. "OrderProductCannotUpdateQuantityBecauseQtyDeliveryLessThanQtyReceiveQtyUpdate": "Order product : %productname Cannot update quantity because qty delivery less than qty receive + qty update",
  576. "OrderProductCannotUpdateQtyConsumeBecauseQtyReceivedLessThanQtyConsumeQtyUpdate": "Order product : % productname Cannot update qty consume because qty received less than qty consume + qty update",
  577. "OrderProductCannotUpdateQtyConsumeBecauseOrderTypeIsNotASCPartClaims": "Order product : %productname Cannot update qty consume because order type is not ASC Part Claims",
  578. "OrderProductCannotUpdateQtyConsumeBecauseQtyRequestLessThanQtyConsumeQtyUpdate": "Order product : %productname Cannot update qty consume because qty request less than qty consume + qty update",
  579. "CannotFoundThisOrderID": "Cannot found this Order ID : %productnumber",
  580. "OrderNumberFailedToChangeStatusToFinalize": "Order Number : %productnumber Failed to change status to Finalize",
  581. "NoOrderID": "No Order ID",
  582. "OrderProductCannotUpdateQtyGoodReturnBecauseQtyReceivedLessThanQtyGoodReturnQtyConsumeQtyUpdate": "Order Product : %productnumber cannot update qty good return because qty received less than qty good return + qty consume + qty update",
  583. "OrderProductCannotUpdateQtyDefectReturnBecauseQtyConsumeLessQtyDefectReturnQtyUpdate": "Order Product : %productnumber cannot update qty defect return because qty consume less qty defect return + qty update",
  584. "OrderProductWrongOrderType": "Order Product : %productnumber wrong order type",
  585. "OrderProductWrongProductType": "Order Product : %productnumber wrong product type",
  586. "OrderProductDoesntHaveProduct": "Order Product : %productnumber doesn't have product",
  587. "OrderProductCannotUpdateQtyGoodReturnReceiveBecauseQtyGoodReturnLessThanQtyGoodReturnReceiveQtyUpdate": "Order Product : %productnumber cannot update qty good return receive because qty good return less than qty good return receive + qty update",
  588. "OrderProductCannotUpdateQtyDefectReturnReceiveBecauseQtyDefectReturnLessThanQtyDefectReturnReceiveQtyUpdate": "Order Product : %productnumber cannot update qty defect return receive because qty defect return less than qty defect return receive + qty update",
  589. "OrderNumberFailedToChangeStatusToComplete": "Order Number : %productnumber Failed to change status to Complete"
  590. },
  591. "Warranty": {
  592. "ProductNotFoundInThisSerialNumber": "Product not found in this Serial Number",
  593. "ProductMustBeFilled": "Product must be filled",
  594. "SerialNumberMustBeNineDigitOrFiveteenDigit": "Serial Number must be 9 digit or 15 digit",
  595. "SerialNumberHasBeenRegisteredInWarranty": "Serial Number has been registered in warranty",
  596. "ShipDateMustBeFilledInWarrantyTable": "Ship date must be filled in warranty table",
  597. "DateOfPurchaseCannotBeLessThanShipDate": "Date of purchase cannot be less than ship date",
  598. "SerialNumberNotFoundInWarrantyTable": "Serial Number not found in warranty table",
  599. "DateOfPurchaseMustBeFilled": "Date of Purchase must be filled",
  600. "CanNotUseTheFutureDate": "Can not use the future date",
  601. "CompanyNameMustBeFilled": "Company Name must be filled",
  602. "LastNameMustBeFilled": "Last Name must be filled",
  603. "PDPATermCondition": "PDPA and Term And Condition must be checked",
  604. "TheWarrantyStatusForSNCantBeConfirmed": "The warranty status for SN %sn can't be confirmed. Please contact Brother to follow up",
  605. "TheWarrantyStatusForSNHasBeenConfirmed": "The warranty status for SN %sn has been confirmed",
  606. "TheWarrantyStatusForSNWillBeCheck": "The warranty status for SN %sn will be check. Please contact Brother to follow up",
  607. "ErrorServer": "Error Server"
  608. },
  609. "Attachment": {
  610. "NotFound": "NotFound"
  611. },
  612. "Customers": {
  613. "LastNameMustBeFilled": "Last Name must be filled",
  614. "ErrorSearchCustomerNotFound" : "Server error happened, please check the API log for more information."
  615. },
  616. "Users": {
  617. "PasswordHasBeenChanged": "Password has been changed",
  618. "EmailNotRegisterdInPortalUser": "Email not registerd in Portal User"
  619. },
  620. "Claims": {
  621. "CaseClaimNotFound": "Case Claim %caseclaim not found",
  622. "CannotFoundResolveCase": "Cannot found resolve case",
  623. "ClaimNotFound": "Claim %claim not found",
  624. "CaseClaimFailedToRemovedFromClaim": "Case Claim %caseclaim failed to removed from Claim",
  625. "CannotFoundThisClaim": "Cannot found this claim",
  626. "CaseClaimStatusShouldAllBePendingApproval": "Case Claim status should all be Pending Approval",
  627. "CannotAddCase": "Cannot Add case %case to case claim table"
  628. },
  629. "PortalUser": {
  630. "ErrorPasswordNotMatch" : "Password doesn't match.",
  631. "SuccessChangePassword" : "Password changed succesfully",
  632. "PasswordMustNotEmpty" : "Password must not empty",
  633. "InvalidPassword" : "Invalid password.",
  634. "FailToChangePassword" : "Fail to change password."
  635. }
  636. }
  637. }
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