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Jan 15th, 2018
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  1. [16:08] <@Sendingbot> ::[ DM Shout : A horrible BOOM rocks the House of Trade! ]::
  2. [16:09] <@Sendingbot> ::[ DM Shout : Another BOOM shakes the House of Trade again! ]::
  3. [16:13] <@Sendingbot> ::[ DM Shout : Alarm klaxons blare through Sanctuary as the sounds of fighting and explosions rock the House of Trade. ]::
  4. [16:14] <@Sendingbot> ::[ DM Shout : Battle roars in the House of Trade as Lowersmen appear to be robbingthe bank of Sanctuary! ]::
  5. [16:15] <@Sendingbot> ::[ DM Shout : From the many doors of the House of Trade more Lowersmen and Covenant pull in to aid their comrades! ]::
  6. [16:25] <@Sendingbot> ::[ DM Shout : As fighting rages through the House of Trade there is a sudden violent expplosion from the district of the Workmill, smoke billows into the caverns over Sanctuary.... ]::
  7. [16:28] <@Sendingbot> ::[ DM Shout : As city defenders and citizens battle through the streets, roaring flames engulf the Workmill, screams of dieing laborer mix with collapsing animatronic laborers. ]::
  8. [16:37] <@Sendingbot> ::[ Unauthorised Dunwarren Sending by Fort Mur Saboteurr : Salutations from his benevolent Orbulence, inferiors. We hope you enjoy your goods exploded, charred and melting. Enjoy hammering your junk together by hand. The Baron never forgets and NEVER forgives insult given. ]::
  9. [16:38] <@Sendingbot> ::[ Unauthorised Dunwarren Sending by Fort Mur Saboteurr : The Baron will be expecting representives from your city hovel soon, come prepared with gifts crawling on your belly like the worms you are. We give thanks to the Covenant ooze guzzlers for providing the distraction necessary. ]::
  10. [16:40] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Saevel Raedrimn : Councilor Orrell, do make your presence known if you are yet well. ]::
  11. [16:43] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Eedris Awyr : Your councillor is fine. He is talking with those of the citadel below ]::
  12. [16:49] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Oliver Orrell : The aggression against the Covenant will stop for now. The House of Trade`s coin, and the money of the people, will be returned to the bank relatively soon. ]::
  13. [16:51] <@Sendingbot> ::[ Unauthorised Dunwarren Sending by Gaspar Castel : Saboady, I challenge you to our most honored tradition. Do you yet fear the name Castel? There is much you must answer while we dance the grave. Name where one of our paths will end. ]::
  14. [16:52] <@Sendingbot> ::[ DM Shout : Forgotten in the clangs of steel and spellfire as Sanctuary chases justice and vengeance, the Workmill flames burn themselves out. The last remnants of Sanctuary industry outside the walls of the Spellguard Forges crumbles. ]::
  15. [16:53] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Oliver Orrell : Within an hour, I`d like to finish off the Great Games, if either team is willing to participate! The coin`s still on the line, and the belts are earnestly waiting the true champions! ]::
  16. [16:53] *** Cybile ( joined
  17. [16:54] <@Sendingbot> ::[ Unauthorised Dunwarren Sending by The Man in the Mask : Exciting times, Sanctuary. Blood still fresh on the pavestones here, men and women butchered in the streets. The slaver`s mill, destroyed... ]::
  18. [16:55] <@Sendingbot> ::[ Unauthorised Dunwarren Sending by The Man in the Mask : [A bitter laugh] Ohoh, but don`t fear. The Great Games will recommence in an orderly, and timely manner. We wouldn`t want you waking up, now would we? ]::
  19. [16:56] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Charlie Graystard : To those that know well the man Named Gunther, his corpse yet resides in the Mausoleum. Those that wish to pay their last respects or feel it is not his time to meet the Bone Lord, please make your way there. ]::
  20. [16:56] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Oliver Orrell : If anyone wants to listen to a man who has yet to reveal himself publically, nor the balls to show himself in the raid that the Covenant just committed, by all means, go ahead! ]::
  21. [16:57] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Oliver Orrell : Listen to a man that has yet to really burden the responsibility of running this city, a man that has cowered in piss and filth for years on end, speaking, but never really doing anything. A man of no action. A real proper coward. ]::
  22. [16:58] <@Sendingbot> ::[ Unauthorised Dunwarren Sending by The Man in the Mask : From one mask to another, Councilor, let`s be cordial now. Calandra`s pen scratches frantic ruts in a desk, time`s running out. ]::
  23. [16:59] <@Sendingbot> ::[ DM Shout : A loud gong is struck from within the halls of the Mausoleum, scriveners file out into the streets and into the House of Trade and Workmill to carry out their grim duty. ]::
  24. [16:59] <@Sendingbot> ::[ Unauthorised Dunwarren Sending by The Man in the Mask : How long until they clue in, Councilor? That fetchling of the fey has the wrong eye color, my friend. Did you think no one would notice? ]::
  25. [17:00] <@Sendingbot> ::[ DM Shout : A clerk runs through Lower Sanctuary holding an overflowing satchel of coin! The many rebels below prepare to stop him! ]::
  26. [17:03] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Saevel Raedrimn : All available Sentinels are requested within the House of Governance as soon as possible. ]::
  27. [17:04] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Saevel Raedrimn : One of the Scriveners are also sought within the House of Governance once your grim duties are complete. ]::
  28. [17:05] <@Sendingbot> ::[ DM Shout : A lone clerk parades the work, holding the missing coin from the bank. ]::
  29. [17:06] <@Sendingbot> ::[ DM Shout : The rich and wealthy of Sanctuary cheer! Their great power over the tentdwellers shall continue! Their long era of coin shall continue. ]::
  30. [17:08] <@Sendingbot> ::[ DM Shout : The Lowersmen wonder if their efforts were for naught as they bicker with an enraged keep of drow. ]::
  31. [17:08] <@Sendingbot> ::[ DM Shout : A bloody hour of mayhem and madness has tolled in Sanctuary. ]::
  32. [17:11] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Svirfneblin Machinist Recording : Cargo UNKNOWN has been routed to THE WESTERN FORUM through the Dunwarren Teleportation System. WARNING: Do not attempt to handle hazardous materials without supervision. ]::
  33. [17:15] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Saevel Raedrimn : Attention Citizens of Sanctuary. Until such time that we are fully recovered from the tragic events of this day, the Sentinels of the Coming Dawn are hereby ordered to see to the defenses and security of the city at large. They shall act with my full authority in all matters. ]::
  34. [17:17] <@Sendingbot> ::[ Spellguard Broadcast : The Watchers and Warders shall remain vigilant against the myriad threats that have brought this hour of ruin upon the city. ]::
  35. [17:18] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Sabrina McBride : With all due respect. It`s time that the councilors stop throwing a temper tantrum, and restore the Watchers as peacekeeping authority. It is that division which leaves the city in chaos and ruin. Let us do our jobs and stop handing them off to a flavor of the week. Thanks. ]::
  36. [17:22] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Sabrina McBride : Secretary Thervion, some of us in the Watchers just want to get the job done. Arnold Christianson seeks to divorce the Watchers from the would-be corruption.. I stand behind this man, and many others do too. It`s time for a change! ]::
  37. [17:23] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Oliver Orrell : I need an available clerk to take over the bank`s buisness for the time being. Come to the House of Trade immediately. ]::
  38. [17:24] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Oliver Orrell : And two available watchers, to stand guard. ]::
  39. [17:26] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Gaspar Castel : My sister and I await, Saboady. Our dark is red. ]::
  40. [17:41] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Arnold Christianson : Counciler Orrel is requested once more at the Sanctuary Bank. ]::
  41. [17:44] *** tfh quit (Quit: Leaving)
  42. [17:45] *** tfh ( joined
  43. [17:54] <@Sendingbot> ::[ DM Shout : Rumors spread through the tradehall. The bank of Sanctuary, empty.... ]::
  44. [17:54] <@Sendingbot> ::[ DM Shout : Councilors and citizens argue as Lord Hyram Sinclair leads the Councilor and an entourage of aristocrats. ]::
  45. [17:56] <@Sendingbot> ::[ Unauthorised Dunwarren Sending by Bluthilda Onyxdottir : Mayor`s got something to say! Listen up! ]::
  46. [17:57] <@Sendingbot> ::[ Unauthorised Dunwarren Sending by Jack Bundy : My War is not over, I will have the head of those who enslaved me long ago, and all that stand in my way. ]::
  47. [17:58] <@Sendingbot> ::[ Message Relayed by Beggar Child : I have a message! `Sanctuary`s broke! Sanctuary`s broke! All the money`s in the Spellguards hands, and Sanctuary is BROKE!` ]::
  48. [17:58] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Sabrina McBride : There is only one Mayor, and he is the symbol of the love of Charles and Melinda Bresley.. the same love that goes to this Sanctuary. I won`t hear of any usurpers! ]::
  49. [18:04] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Arnold Christianson : Sanctuary... No more... No more! We`ve tolerated this for to long! Lower exports men like the ones you saw today. Lower has been a threat to us from the start! They export crime, terrorism, and cults! ]::
  50. [18:05] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Arnold Christianson : We need to bring them in line! How many more people have to die because Lower wants to live in the gutter forever? How many more people have to die because they blame everyone for themselves while they wallow in the ooze?! ]::
  51. [18:07] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Arnold Christianson : The Watch needs to be able to /do it`s job/! And it needs to be able to keep these dregs from Lower out! If they want to come here and live productive lives they can do that! But I will NOT stand by while they pillage my home! ]::
  52. [18:08] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Arnold Christianson : Thervion! I`m waiting for you! Your revolution has done nothing but cost lives! I can`t sit by and watch while we suffer for it anymore! ]::
  53. [18:10] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Eedris Awyr : I am new to this place, and don`t have the full context of what just occurred, but while these lower people did kill many, the ones who did the pillaging are the ones from a place called final. One are killers, the other thieves. Clarity is needed. ]::
  54. [18:13] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Goliath Rex : "Know where all the coins are, now, Sanctuary? They`re in FINAL. Just like our hopes and dreams! Locked away, in a club for rich boys, where NONE OF US CAN GET TO. We demand a tax on Final! We want our money back, and we want it now! Make this THIEVERY stop!" ]::
  55. [18:27] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Goliath Rex : "Oi! If you`ve got some BOLLOCKS, it`s time to make a stand. Come and help me BLOCKADE the Tower`s forge! No more freedom for Final Sanctuary! Let`s get our damned money back!" ]::
  56. [18:31] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Hope Salette : Have you not had your fill of bloodshed today? Goliath, it was your fellow pact holders who wreaked Carnage in the House of Trade. We are still counting our dead.... If we have not had enough of bloody revolution, then let us draw our plans for a better world with steady minds... Not hateful hearts. ]::
  57. [18:36] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Hope Salette : I KNOW there remain righteous men in Sanctuary. You are bone-weary of the endless mill of death and horror, and wonder what better world may yet be salvaged from this wreckage. I tell you, Hope remains. We can find it together, but I assure you, it will never be found at the end of a blade. ]::
  58. [18:42] <@Sendingbot> ::[ DM Shout : As the Mayor and his Council speak over the moving of coin, a small clash occurs of Lowersmen and Spellguard forces. Ending with the Doorman pushing one of the rebels down into flooded Lower Sanctuary. ]::
  59. [18:50] <@Sendingbot> ::[ Unauthorised Dunwarren Sending by Goliath Rex : "NICE TRY! Goliath Rex don`t kick it so easy, ya` Slaveguard catamites! You know what they just went n` tried, lads? They tried to KILL YOUR FAVOURITE MERCHANT! Threw me off a cliff! Quit standin` for it! RISE UP, ALREADY!" ]::
  60. [19:10] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Oliver Orrell : Clerk Oby, come to the House of Governance. For the rest of the city; there will be an announcement quite soon, with all the going ons of this city. Bare with us a moment longer, please! We really are trying our best. ]::
  61. [19:18] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Oliver Orrell : Well, okay. The Merchants have fled from the streets of Sanctuary, along with all their gold, to Final Sanctuary. Anyone who had gold will be compensated over time as the gold from the move was quite ah... large. So be patient with us as we resolve this. The Council itself will strive to- ]::
  62. [19:19] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Oliver Orrell : Create a new bank, under complete Council authority. No one will be able to touch your gold without our permission, as the Council. This will not happen again, and we are sorry for the inconvinience. ]::
  63. [19:20] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Oliver Orrell : Secondly, as you can see the great Eye Tyrant Mur attacked our city for the slightest of offenses. An assault that had no real reason for his irritation, but just to prove he can. I don`t think anyone agrees with working with an eye-tyrant that much anyway, so I`ll ask all of you, Sanctuary... ]::
  64. [19:21] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Oliver Orrell : Are you quite done with the old deals of the Directorate? Because I am. No more, I say. Gather your weapons, your armor. Prepare yourselves for a new battlefield; the siege of Mur. I say no more to the oppression of this tyrant, and I beg for all of you to see the same. ]::
  65. [19:23] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Oliver Orrell : Finally... I will be relinquishing my position over the Stadium. While I have enjoyed the Great Games today... As you can all see, things are not as they should be. Instead, I will take to the Blue Mushroom, and begin to negotiate new trade deals with the powers of the Dark Lake. I will- ]::
  66. [19:23] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Gaspar Castel : Saboady, my sister and I await you where our first contract was sealed. There are many things you must answer while we dance the grave. It is a red dark. ]::
  67. [19:24] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Oliver Orrell : Figure out who the victors of the Great Games were relatively soon. My condolences to the two competitors who lost their lives this dark. That is all, Sanctuary. Be blessed by the gods.. ]::
  68. [19:25] <@Sendingbot> ::[ Message Relayed by Beggar Child : I`m supposed to say... `What a joke, Sanctuary`s broke. Broke, broke, broke... and it`s your faces covered in yolk!` ]::
  69. [19:26] <@Sendingbot> ::[ Unauthorised Dunwarren Sending by Ruby Ghazin Sabaody : You were as children, too young to understand.... I have heard the honeyed whispers that Sinclair has fed you. Meet me in the ancient grounds below the city and its pipes. If you wish an answer, come alone to the lost arena. ]::
  70. [19:26] <@Sendingbot> ::[ Unauthorised Dunwarren Sending by Ruby Ghazin Sabaody : The Sons betray their father, and sharpen their knives. This comes to all who I have raised from squallor. ]::
  71. [19:27] <@Sendingbot> ::[ Unauthorised Dunwarren Sending by Ruby Ghazin Sabaody : Any who does not hold the colors of the Sons of Senuspur will die, if they enter the arena. ]::
  72. [19:41] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Nraxi Mulphis : Bring the corpses of orcs and remains that can be brought from the dead to walk again to the Neophyte of the Black Pyramid and you will be paid. Orcs are worth 150 gold. ]::
  73. [19:47] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Arnold Christianson : I need a Sentinel in the square. Because I`m about to enforce one of your Councilor`s edicts hard. ]::
  74. [20:05] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Secretary Calandra Thervion : Ahem! Regardless of intentions, there shall be no mass deputization of any fighting force permitted by a single standing Councilor so long as I am Secretary. ]::
  75. [20:06] <@Sendingbot> ::[ DM Shout : Rumor quickly spreads through Upper Sanctuary that a Warder has been cut down in the street by a coalition of elves, who shouted "Take that, impudent monkey!" ]::
  76. [20:06] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Secretary Calandra Thervion : The Mayor has a Council for a reason, Saeval. If you wish to uplift a guard, then make a vote. ]::
  77. [20:10] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Dirty Worminger : I just love being on my way back to my dingy tent after a long day of thankless worming to catch word there`s elves murdering us hard-working humans who built this city up from the ruins them gnomes left behind and calling us monkeys. Do they think the Bresleys were monkeys, too? ]::
  78. [20:15] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Nraxi Mulphis : Great workforce of Sanctuary! You most hungry souls, there is fresh meat in the square, if you dare eat it. Since no Scrivener comes for the corpse, it must be free meat? I do not advise this but maybe you are hungry enough my advice does not matter? ]::
  79. [20:19] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Saevel Raedrimn : Greetings, Citizens of Sanctuary. I am Councilor Saevel Raedrimn. Not long ago in the process of enforcing an edict recently issued by myself as Councilor of the Street of the Gods prefecture a practioner of the foul magicks of Velsharoon was stopped. ]::
  80. [20:21] <@Sendingbot> ::[ Unauthorised Dunwarren Sending by Reluvethel Xilzeiros : It is pleasing to hear that hose of eternal blood who I have called the lapdogs of the human boy mayor of less than a decade have found some of their forsaken pride and struck out against their lessers who have shamed them for so long. Truly a dark full of surprises. ]::
  81. [20:22] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Saevel Raedrimn : The man grew violent and was subdued. A warder, seemingly uncaring, sought to protect this man and issued acid magicks toward me, hitting a nearby companion. An order to desist from these actions was made by myself. He refused and continued spew foul magicks. ]::
  82. [20:24] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Saevel Raedrimn : In his violent attempt, he was unfortunately slain. A most regretable consequence of his actions. ]::
  83. [20:26] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Sanctuary Resident : I didn`t see how it started, but I saw the elves and some disgusting cannibal arguing. I, for one, choose weird feyfolk over cannibal necromancers any dark. ]::
  84. [20:34] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Arnold Christianson : First the Watch can`t enforce the law, then the lawbook gets erased for this councilor`s enforce their own laws, and now the Councilor`s can`t deputize their own force to enforece their laws. ]::
  85. [20:36] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Arnold Christianson : Thervion I need to ask you: Are we to live with no laws at all enforced by a councilor and his deputy? We need to decide on a force for law enforcement, and we need real defined laws. We ned them now. We need the Watch. ]::
  86. [21:00] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Istar Ishkibal : The Great Sons of Old Netheril have come to Sanctuary... and we are broke. I, Istar Ishkibal, call upon you common adventurers to attend me as I set forth into the dark caves. To the `freedom square` with you. ]::
  87. [21:04] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Oliver Orrell : And so the Sons of Senuspur return, with a bloodied head in hand. I decree that the bounty placed by the Council fulfilled, and that the Sons may reside within the city. Congratulations, Sons of Senuspur. You`ve proved your mettle. ]::
  88. [21:19] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Rose Felher : Alright, I need a couple of people can mine, and a couple people who can fight to meet me at the square. With all that has been happening, I think I have an idea to get sanctuary a bit of coin. ]::
  89. [21:19] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Rose Felher : Saevel, I need to meet with you as well.. For a brief talk. ]::
  90. [21:37] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Byran Ayes : Upon this broken world, I have witnessed the courage of man. Some sought to endure, some to survive, some to sacrifice. Whatever Path you walk, know that we Knights are the guardians of it, and of you. ]::
  91. [21:41] <@Sendingbot> ::[ City Sending by Byran Ayes : Fate has decided one thing for all, though- that the times have made soldiers of us all. Those who embrace this reality- they who would stare into the void to bring about this death and destruction to the foe- need but make themselves known to me. Those who would not, I advise you step aside. ]::
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