
Starting Over [kitkit]

Sep 19th, 2014
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  1. 04[19:13] <@Afiqah> [You've thought about this for a while, and, well, maybe its worth trying. The worst that happens is that nothing changes. (Well thats not entirely true, the worst that happens is they go on a murderous rampage, but you think that unlikely). It still takes you half an hour of starying at your screen before finally sending a message.]
  2. 04[19:14] <@Afiqah> emeraldEclipse PESTERs guillotineGladiator : (Uhm, hello?)
  3. [19:16] <Khavah> [You have to admit, you weren't expecting her to send you a message.]
  4. [19:16] <Khavah> guillotineGladiator TROLLS emeraldEclipse (Heya. What's up?)
  5. 04[19:17] <@Afiqah> emeraldEclipse PESTERs guillotineGladiator : (I was, uh, hoping to talk.)
  6. [19:18] <Khavah> guillotineGladiator TROLLS emeraldEclipse (Ah. I'm not really doing anything, right now. Did you want to do it in person, or across the chat clients?)
  7. 04[19:18] <@Afiqah> emeraldEclipse PESTERs guillotineGladiator : (Uhm, like this, for now?)
  8. [19:18] <Khavah> guillotineGladiator TROLLS emeraldEclipse (Okiedoke, then. What did you want to talk about?)
  9. 04[19:19] <@Afiqah> emeraldEclipse PESTERs guillotineGladiator : (What happened with Zeimah and you at dinner and my, uhm, reaction to it.)
  10. [19:21] <Khavah> guillotineGladiator TROLLS emeraldEclipse (Ah. Alright.)
  11. [19:21] <Khavah> [You're not really certain where this is going to go]
  12. 04[19:21] <@Afiqah> emeraldEclipse PESTERs guillotineGladiator : (I've, uh)
  13. 04[19:21] <@Afiqah> emeraldEclipse PESTERs guillotineGladiator : (Had to deal with a lot of doomed timelines, and, well)
  14. 04[19:23] <@Afiqah> emeraldEclipse PESTERs guillotineGladiator : (None of them have had you injuring or killing me as part of it. Whether thats partially been influenced by you honouring my request, or more of a general thing, I uh)
  15. 04[19:23] <@Afiqah> emeraldEclipse PESTERs guillotineGladiator : (I'm thinking I may have been a little too quick to draw a conclusion about you)
  16. [19:24] <Khavah> guillotineGladiator TROLLS emeraldEclipse (I admit that I can't really blame you for it)
  17. [19:24] <Khavah> guillotineGladiator TROLLS emeraldEclipse (Trolls are a lot more vicious, both culturally and instinctually, than humans are.)
  18. [19:25] <Khavah> guillotineGladiator TROLLS emeraldEclipse (And if I were in your shoes, in the middle of two aliens that looked like they were about to start attempting to rip the other's throat out with their teeth, I doubt I'd react all that differently)
  19. [19:25] <Khavah> guillotineGladiator TROLLS emeraldEclipse (All the same, though, thank you for at least reconsidering)
  20. 04[19:25] <@Afiqah> emeraldEclipse PESTERs guillotineGladiator : (I'm, uh, willing to try this again, if you are?)
  21. [19:27] <Khavah> guillotineGladiator TROLLS emeraldEclipse (Certainly)
  22. 04[19:30] <@Afiqah> [The fact they're being so reasonable about this makes you think that this might of been the right call. Though you're instincts are still really wary of them.]
  23. 04[19:30] <@Afiqah> emeraldEclipse PESTERs guillotineGladiator : (So, uhm. I'd be, uh, willing to meet up? If you'd like?)
  24. [19:31] <Khavah> guillotineGladiator TROLLS emeraldEclipse (I would. Do you have somewhere specific in mind?)
  25. 04[19:33] <@Afiqah> emeraldEclipse PESTERs guillotineGladiator : (I'd, uh, like to see your land? I've only seen it in passing, and it looks really nice.)
  26. [19:34] <Khavah> guillotineGladiator TROLLS emeraldEclipse (Certainly! It is pretty great.)
  27. [19:34] <Khavah> guillotineGladiator TROLLS emeraldEclipse (I'll meet you here, then?)
  28. 04[19:34] <@Afiqah> emeraldEclipse PESTERs guillotineGladiator : (Yes, I'll be there shortly.)
  29. [19:34] <Khavah> guillotineGladiator TROLLS emeraldEclipse (If you don't know how to swim, by the way, I should get you a lifejacket or something)
  30. [19:35] <Khavah> guillotineGladiator TROLLS emeraldEclipse (A solid like four-fifths is water)
  31. 04[19:35] <@Afiqah> emeraldEclipse PESTERs guillotineGladiator : (I know how to swim! I'm actually pretty good at it.)
  32. [19:36] <Khavah> guillotineGladiator TROLLS emeraldEclipse (Okiedoke, then, so you won't drown if you fall off the boat)
  33. [19:37] <Khavah> guillotineGladiator TROLLS emeraldEclipse (See you here, then)
  34. 04[19:38] <@Afiqah> [You start doing the circuit, waiting patiently at the last Gate to Khavah's land for a few minutes. You don't want to rush this. After a good five minutes you send them a message saying you're coming through, and step through the gate.]
  35. [19:42] <Khavah> [You're waiting near the gate, idly wandering around, when Afiqah shows up. "Hey there," you say, approaching her with a small smile. You stop, though, out of reach for either of you. You don't wanna be too much and cause her to rabbit again.]
  36. 04[19:43] <@Afiqah> [You're clearly nervous, though you're also clearly trying not to be. "Uhm, hi." You say quietly, trying to smile in return.]
  37. 03[19:45] * Rave is now known as workingRave
  38. [19:46] <Khavah> [Clearly, the thing for you to do is to not notice her anxiety. Or, well, don't appear to. "So, land is this way. I'll show you around, then!" You open the door and gesture. After a couple flights of stairs is the gate down to the land.]
  39. 04[19:48] <@Afiqah> ["Thank you." You follow behind. Looking around the spire to see if theres anything interesting.]
  40. [19:51] <Khavah> [Your spire is fairly utilitarian and stark. You don't really decorate much. Soon the two of you are on the land, in the cool gloom. There's a dock, nearby, and a small motorboat. "This is how I get around the land, mostly. When I'm not warping around, of course."]
  41. [19:55] <Khavah> [The water is pitch black, but when Khavah approaches it, nebulae fade into existance. The water looks more like space, as she stands on the pier]
  42. 04[19:55] <@Afiqah> [You nod. "I, uh, tend to warp around a lot myself. It's useful, isn't it?" You're looking around the land now, a proper smile (if small) on your face. You like this place.]
  43. [20:01] <Khavah> [You chuckle. "Oh, yeah, who needs something like obeying physics when you can just, you know, not?" You clamber into the boat, sitting next to the motor. There's another bench, room enough for Afiqah. You turn to her expectantly.]
  44. 04[20:02] <@Afiqah> [You carefully step in and take the seat. "Well, clearly the rules of physics as we know them need to be changed!"]
  45. [20:04] <Khavah> ["Exactly. They should allow people to teleport around whenever they want. Or, failing that, just us." You pull the cord, and the motor starts up. The boat moves out, the nebulae continuing to be centered on the boat. "Sorry about the darkness, by the way. I know you don't have as good low light vision."]
  46. 04[20:05] <@Afiqah> ["It's not your, uhm, fault." You carefully lean over the edge to take a look at the nebula. "So, where are you taking me?"]
  47. [20:11] <Khavah> ["Around, mainly. The Forge is the eventual destination, being the font of the World and everything." The boat moves past a small town on the shore. A few consorts scramble up to the sea line, waving as you pass.]
  48. 04[20:13] <@Afiqah> [You wave back. "So, uhm. How have you been doing?" You kind of feel bad that they were a little isolated.]
  49. 03[20:14] * Ops ( has left #talk
  50. 03[20:16] * Ops ( has joined #talk
  51. [20:17] <Khavah> ["I've been doing okay. Gathering frogs and working on breeding the G-Frog, with Heqet's occasional help. Working on the planet healer." You pass by a small islet. This one has nebulae around it as well, despite you not being on it.]
  52. [20:18] <Khavah> ["What about you?"]
  53. 04[20:18] <@Afiqah> ["Heqet?" You ask, frowning. Maybe a consort?]
  54. [20:21] <Khavah> [You glance at her. "My Denizen."]
  55. 04[20:23] <@Afiqah> ["Oh. Of course." You blush a little. How'd you forget that? "And I'm okay. To be honest, I was getting a little, uhm, lonely seeing only Izzy in session."]
  56. [20:27] <Khavah> [You nod. "I bet it can be," you say. You haven't really been seeing anyone at all, but you're not all that lonely. "How's she doing, by the way?"]
  57. 04[20:33] <@Afiqah> ["Good. I think. We, uh." You decidedly look away as you're blushing pretty heavily. "We decided to become moirails"]
  58. [20:37] <Khavah> ["You did?" It's clear that whatever you expected, that's not it. You stare in silence for a bit. "Well, when Zeimah and I said for you to go to Izzy to learn about quadrants, I know I didn't expect you to enter one with her." You shake your head a bit, chuckling. "Congrats, nonetheless."]
  59. 04[20:39] <@Afiqah> ["Er, thanks." You still don't look back, dragging your hand through the water. "I just, wanted someone I could be around and talk with stuff about, since everyone I could do that with is gone."]
  60. 02[20:41] * Muss ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  61. [20:43] <Khavah> [You nod. "Well, a moirail's pretty damn good for that. The best, in fact." The water feels just like regular water, no matter if it's black or nebulaic or anything in between. Any water removed from the body looks and acts just like regular water, as well. Something large and indistinct shifts on another nearby island, which is another source of nebulae.]
  62. 04[20:45] <@Afiqah> [You just like the feel of the water on your skin. Reminds you of home a little bit. "So I've been told."]
  63. [20:48] <Khavah> ["You've been told correctly, then. If that's not the case, then I recommend breaking up." There's a pause, and then you all but facepalm. "Not that I'm saying that your relationship with Izzy is like that," you say hurriedly. "Just in general."]
  64. 02[20:50] * Ames ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  65. 04[20:51] <@Afiqah> ["Haven't exactly had a lot of, uhm, relationships." You say quietly. "Still, uh figuring things out."]
  66. [20:55] <Khavah> ["Ah. Yeah, you don't have the 'if you don't fill your pails you will get culled' societal pressure. Well, take it from me: If a relationship isn't fulfilling your needs, best to just cut it off."]
  67. 04[20:57] <@Afiqah> [You make a non-commital noise. "Just thought I'd have more experience by now. In, uh, human relations at any rate. Izzy is doing great though."]
  68. [21:02] <Khavah> [You shrug. "Romance comes and goes as it pleases, and forcing it doesn't end well. Don't worry, traumatic situations bring people together into possibly-healthy relationships, so you're bound to get some experience with someone at some point!"]
  69. 04[21:05] <@Afiqah> ["I'm not forcing it." You say intently. "Just a little, uhm, annoyed." How'd you end up talking about this anyways?]
  70. [21:09] <Khavah> ["Ah, okay. In that case, continue to not force it." You continue to steer the boat, around a few more islands.]
  71. 04[21:10] <@Afiqah> [You huff and lean down on the front ofthe boat.]
  72. [21:16] <Khavah> [You're not sure if you should laugh or apologize. You're saved from making a bad decision when you approach the Forge. "Here we are." The island that the forge is on is noticeably warmer, as well as in the middle of a much larger nebula cloud than anything seen up to this point.]
  73. 04[21:17] <@Afiqah> [You give a soft "oooo" and lean back, trying to take it all in.]
  74. [21:24] <Khavah> [It's a large volcano, which makes up the majority of the island. The stars and nebulae twinkle in the waters around it, as you move up to the dock. The air is hotter here, and there's a noticeable pressure or presence, hinting that it's more than just a regular active volcano.]
  75. 04[21:25] <@Afiqah> [You don't mind the heat. Reminds you of home. Once you get up close to the dock you hop out and move to tie the boat.]
  76. 04[21:38] <@Afiqah> ["It, uhm, feels different." You say, looking at the Forge.]
  77. [21:38] <Khavah> [You're a bit surprised that she does, but you let her anyways, murmuring thanks as she does. You step out of the boat and captchalogue your sweater. She might not mind the heat, but you're coldblooded. You feel heat more than she does.]
  78. [21:39] <Khavah> ["Yep. This is the font of the World. The crucible in which the new universe will be forged," you say, gesturing. "It's not exactly your normal active volcano."]
  79. 04[21:41] <@Afiqah> ["I've visited Forges before, but, mmm." You rub your shoulder. "Maybe I'm, uhm, misremembering, been a while."]
  80. [21:44] <Khavah> ["Could be that you're Time, too." You say. "Time and Space are opposites. They tend to react a bit in each other's presence. I don't think the Beat and the World like each other."]
  81. 04[21:45] <@Afiqah> ["Maybe." You look up at the Forge again. "So, uhm, what now?"]
  82. [21:48] <Khavah> ["Do you wanna go up and see inside it?"]
  83. 04[21:51] <@Afiqah> [You kind of do, but you also realize that molten lava is pretty deadly, and you don't think you trust Khavah quite that much. Not yet anyways. "Uhm, I think I'll pass for now? Maybe a walk around the island? I, uh, want to see the nebulas in the water."]
  84. [21:53] <Khavah> ["Sure thing." You walk over to the shore. "The nebulae come up due to the World. 's why there here, and around me, and around any summonings, and around Heqet, too."]
  85. 04[21:55] <@Afiqah> [You nod. "Makes sense."]
  86. 04[21:57] <@Afiqah> [You take off your shoes on the shore and wade in to the water a little to get a closer look at them.]
  87. [21:57] <Khavah> ["It seems like regular water when you take it out of the ocean, though." You scoop up a palmful of water and let it splash back. It looks clear and not black or starry at all.]
  88. [21:58] <Khavah> [The stars and nebulae ripple as the water distorts, but don't change otherwise as Afiqah walks through them.]
  89. 04[22:01] <@Afiqah> [You go still and lean down at the waist to get close to the water. "I wonder if I can zoom in on them any." You say idly.]
  90. [22:07] <Khavah> [You shrug. "You're welcome to try, if you have anything to zoom in on them. Can't take them out of the water, though, they become regular water when that happens."]
  91. 03[22:09] * workingRave is now known as Rave
  92. 04[22:10] <@Afiqah> ["I might try something." You skim your hand over the water. "So, uhm, what have you been up to?"]
  93. [22:12] <Khavah> [You shrug again. "Nothing much. Doing the planet healer quests, gathering frogs and breeding the GFrog."]
  94. 04[22:14] <@Afiqah> [You wade out of the water, pulling your shoes back on. "If you, uhm, wanted. I do meals fairly regularly, if you wanted to, uhm, come?"]
  95. [22:17] <Khavah> [You're surprised once again. "Certainly! Assuming you're fine with make enough so that I don't eat you out of hive and home, of course. I eat a lot."]
  96. 04[22:18] <@Afiqah> ["I'm, uh, used to helping to make food for a family of eleven, I think I can make enough."]
  97. [22:18] <Khavah> [You blink. "Yes, I think that would just about do it." You nod. "In that case, I'd love to come."]
  98. 04[22:27] <@Afiqah> ["Well, I'll, uhm, be sure to let you know." You look around again. Not sure what to do now.]
  99. [22:31] <Khavah> [You admit that you feel the same as she appears to. Not really certain what else to do. "Wanna head back, then?"]
  100. 04[22:34] <@Afiqah> ["Yeah, that, uhm, might be good."]
  101. [22:35] <Khavah> [And Then They Did.]
  102. [22:35] <Khavah> [[Scene]]
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