
Stephen Angelo

Jul 6th, 2018
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  1. Player: ArseneLupin
  3. Position: Nervous Medic
  5. Demeanor: Very jumpy, erratic at times, seems to panic very easily around people. Coward would definitely be a word used to describe him.
  7. Nature: While certainly uncomfortable around people, he does like being around people he's used to and tends to become a bit of a chatter box if you get him talking about something he finds interest in. His morals can be questionable at times, but he always has a person's life and relative safety in mind.
  8. Description: Stephen is a rather thin man, probably a bit too thin honestly. He has floofy brown hair that falls in front of his face at times and black eyes. He needs thin glasses he can almost always be seen wearing. His usual outfit is a thin red jacket with a white shirt under it and slacks.
  10. Stats:
  13. Health
  14. Physical Health: 15
  15. Mental Health: 12
  16. Strength:
  17. Athletics
  18. Melee
  19. Ranged (heavy)
  20. Toughness: 2
  21. **Resilience**
  22. Determination
  23. **Antipsychic**
  24. Speed: 1
  25. **Acrobatics**
  26. Stealth
  27. **Ranged**
  28. Charm:
  29. Persuasion
  30. Bluff
  31. Intimidation
  32. Intelligence: 2
  33. Perception
  34. **Insight**
  35. Logic
  36. Education: 3
  37. **Science**
  38. Engineering
  39. History
  40. Survival
  41. **Medicine**
  42. Specialties
  43. You have eight points to distribute among as many or as few specialty skills as you see fit (but at least three is almost always warranted). Remember to explain what each specialty entails.
  45. Rebuff: 2. Stephen has learned a fair bit about the human body and how to deal with ailments to it in a timely manner. He may spend his turn to remove a minor debuff (Such as Unconsciousness or minor poison) or delay a more serious one. Usable Thrice per run.
  46. STING: 4. The Surgical Therapy and Invasive Narcotic maGazine delivery system is the product of a few (Probably illegal) years of intensive work done by Stephen. It is a specially designed dart gun that shoots darts specially made to allow chemicals to be stored inside of them and release when skin has been penetrated. Unfortunately the design is limited by small dart sizes, reducing the overall effectiveness of the chemicals. The STING can be fired with a roll of 4df+4 and can deliver a few different forms of payloads, with a limit of 4 payloads per run. He must choose his payloads at the beginning of the run.
  47. Temporary Enhancement Serum: The TES shot is made to be shot into friendly forces. TES increases a chosen stat by +2 for 1d4+1 rounds, but after it wears off they take a -2 penalty to that stat for half the amount of turns they were affected rounded up, with a minimum of 1 round. When he prepares his Payloads at the beginning of the run he must choose which stat to affect with TES for each TES shot he prepares. TES Shots cannot target stats from the Toughness, Charm, Intelligence, or Education stat categories.
  48. Debilitation And Degradation Serum: The DADS shot is made to be shot into hostile forces. DADS decreases the chosen stat of the enemy by -2 for 1d4+1 turns. When he prepares his Payloads at the beginning of the run he must choose which stat to affect with DADS for each DADS shot he prepares. DADS cannot target stats from the Toughness, Charm, or Education stat categories
  49. : 2. Don't Shoot I'm A Doctor In Training!: Stephen prefers not to fight, and when he is in a fight he focuses more on keeping himself and his teammates alive than actually shooting the enemy most of the time, leaving him better off than most when he tries not to get hurt. +2 Bonus to Resilience and Acrobatics until he makes an attack roll against an enemy. Once this bonus has been negated it is negated until the end of the run or event.
  50. Gear:
  51. Beretta M92FS (Light Weapon)
  52. Medical Kit
  53. Notepad
  54. Zippo Lighter
  55. Scalpel Set
  56. Flashlight
  57. Radio
  60. Possessions:
  61. Large Collection Of Books (Including but not limited to crime novels, medical journals, and trashy romance novels)
  64. Personal History:
  65. Stephen Angelo was born to a happy home to Victor and Opal Angelo in the year 1961. Even from a young age he had an interest in both medicine and science. Naturally as he got older his interest in these only grew and he began experimenting in things he probably shouldn't and assisted his father in his clinic. Once he graduated high school he had been working on various compounds and delivery methods for a few years now, but it was his time in college where he made the most advances. Through a steady supply of lab rats and time he managed to find a direction to his research in military grade serums and compounds to assist soldiers in the field. Eventually he tried to bring his findings to the military, but he was thankfully intercepted by The Foundation before he could present his very questionable work to someone who could get him in trouble. They were however very interested by his work and offered him a position as a Biochemist in Delta 4.
  67. Miscellaneous:
  69. Languages Known: English
  72. Loot
  73. Stuff you get from playing. You more than likely will not start with any.
  76. Contacts
  77. Connections your character has made that they can call on.
  79. Training
  80. Additional training your character has acquired.
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