

May 29th, 2019
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  1. There's a quick sound of gnolls laughing, but it fades quickly.
  2. The whirring and clanking of gears and machinery can be heard around you.
  3. Electrical hums and crackles fill your ears as something heavy duty powers up, drawing from the local grid. A pattering of kobold feet follows it.
  4. A dull, muffled explosion can be heard from the direction of the Simulation Dome.
  5. The roaring of thrusters can be heard as an airship rockets overhead, casting a shadow below it.
  6. The roooaarrr-thudda-thump can be heard of a spaceship coming down to land in the Spaceport, kobolds crowding around it for post landing inspections.
  7. A kobold walks by, carrying a perfectly physical crystal in its hands, misty with purple stormclouds that swirl like a tempest uncontain. It stares transfixed into the crystal, before resuming its duties.
  8. The thudda-thump, thudda-thump of a feral Zoidian battlemech's galloping can be heard, as a gnoll takes it for a test run in the Proving Grounds.
  9. A series of sharp thumps can be heard as weapons testing is conducted in the Proving Grounds.
  10. A gnoll wanders by, looking frazzled. "You folks seen my project anywhere? I think someone turned on while I wasn't looking... Well, let me know!" They hurriedly continue their search!
  11. The ground trembles for a moment, then it passes.
  12. A robot dragon walks by on all four paws, being escorted by kobolds on all sides. It seems pleased with itself.
  13. A group of gnolls have set up a tabletop game during their break! The DM is animatedly describing the contraption the party have come across in the dungeon, and the players are debating how practical it would REALLY be.
  14. A group of gnolls have set up a tabletop game during their break! Figures are spread across a map of territory, and they appear to be negotiating alliances in the wake of a heated war.
  15. A group of gnolls have set up a tabletop game during their break! Each one is holding a hand full of cards, as well as various cards arranged in front of them, and they appear to be arguing over a growing stack in the middle.
  16. A gaggle of kobolds rush by, carrying a project in their claws! A faint smell of smoke can be detected as they pass.
  17. You overhear a lively debate between two gnolls, arguing whether using spatial compression fields to fit everything into a chassis is elegant or not.
  18. A kobold walks by, assessing the surroundings with a handheld gadget that emits clicks and beeps when it waves it around. It squints at the monitor, then leaves without saying a word.
  19. A disgruntled gnoll walks by, trying her best to ignore the kobold trailing at her feet, continually asking, "I have something for you! Do you not wish to accept it?"
  20. The rowdy shenanigans of two drunk gnolls daring and counter-daring each other are ensuing in the distance.
  21. Two gnolls are dressed up in VR full body hear and simulating a mechwalker fight while their coworkers crowd around a monitor to watch, jeer and place bets!
  22. A gnoll slumps on a beanbag into his table, hopelessly addicted to the game on his smartphone, tapping the screen repetitively while shoveling food into his face with his other hand.
  23. A chrome possum with blue conduits stalks through the area, spying on everything steathily.
  24. A chrome bat with blue conduits flaps high above the area, circling for a moment before passing through.
  25. Two kobolds sit on the top of a tarp-covered wheeled vehicle that rumbles as it moves through the area. Its contents jostle slightly with each bump and jolt.
  26. The pattering of many kobold feet can be heard as a change in shift causes them to be re-allocated elsewhere en masse.
  27. A synth you've never seen before, apparently a customer who's trying out their new body, is stretching and examining themselves as they walk through.
  28. A kobold walks by and examines everyone present. "Is anyone here hypersensitive to spatial compression waves seismic activity? No? Good! The test can commence, then." They chirp and tick a safety inspection form in their hands and run off to file the paperwork.
  29. A gnoll rubs at her head in exasperation, searching every nook and cranny, muttering about a 'missing part', before continuing her search elsewhere.
  30. A plume of smoke can be seen rising in the distance from one of the buildings, drifting through the sky.
  31. There's a ksssshhhtt-PSSSsssttttt as a jet of steam blasts into the air, dispersing into the sky.
  32. A feral wolf mech charges past, nearby - as a gnoll yells and chases after it, waving a remote control in his hand!
  33. A feral avian mech drifts overhead on a thrumm of antigrav thrusters, as a gnoll blinks and peers down from on top of it. "Ok, that's step one done. Now how do I get down...?"
  34. Two feral dragon mechs challenge each other to a beam war! The fiery red beam and the shimmering green-white beam clash in the middle of the Proving Grounds as kobolds set up recording instruments to take measurements!
  35. A gnoll stumbles out of the Simulation Dome, charred and cackling to herself. "Whew, they're going to have to beef up the combat AI before the test next week!"
  36. A gnoll is practicing a bullet hell shmup on his break! He's commandeered one of the experimental low latency monitors, and a mess of blue and red bullets are being effortlessly weaved through... *boom, cursing*... Most of the time.
  37. Two gnolls are huddled around a computer, playing a roguelike. One of them is constantly backseat gaming the other, leading to some drawn out, deliberate, heavily argued turns.
  38. An anthro dragon synth is practicing swordfighting out in the Proving Grounds! Training dummy units are coming at them with blades of their own, drilling feint and dodge and strike over and over again.
  39. A feral lion warmech is being taken for a test run through an obstacle course by a kobold sitting on top of the head mounted controls, looking focused as it works the joysticks and leans forward in the seat.
  40. A vinylsteel bubble floats by, patterned with a pentagonal-hexagonal grid of gold and blue surfaces, shimmering with stardust inside.
  41. A pair of kobolds stare, with interest, at the clash of a shimmering icy blue laser beam and a glowing blue hexashield surrounding a jewel-tipped rod plowed into the ground, hooked up to a mess of pragmatic equipment behind it.
  42. Two dragons chat idle pleasantries to each other as they travel to the Magma Spa.
  43. The smoking, dented wreckage of a Dragonite unit is being wheeled in a cart by two kobolds towards the Junkyard.
  44. A gnoll walks past, carrying a whole bag of clattering parts in her hands. "Man, can you believe they just THROW this stuff into the Junkyard? I'm gonna have so much fun!"
  45. Two gnolls are debating their ideas for making 'improvements' to the trees around the PI base campus.
  46. A crew of kobolds walk through the Proving Grounds, carrying resurfacing equipment with them - filling over craters and potholes, filling out turf and concrete alike.
  47. A crew of kobolds come by for cleanup duty, a wagon of polish, hoses and cleaning supplies towed behind them, leaving every surface sparkly and unblemished before they leave.
  48. A kobold walks around, cleaning up any trash, and putting everything back in its place, leaning over and adjusting even the slightest disturbance.
  49. The dull roar and clamour of metal being melted, cast and quenched can be heard as foundary jobs are started up in the factory's forges.
  50. The thrummm of conveyor belts and assembly equipment dies down momentarily, as kobolds shuffle around one of the manufacturing lines to accomodate a switch in jobs.
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