
Hunting with Dash

Jun 12th, 2016
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  1. *Crack crack*
  2. >Your ears found the location of the sound in an instant, and you were already in an firing position.
  3. >Without a moments hesitation, you let the arrow loose and watch it spring to action as it flies foreword.
  4. >In just a fraction of a second, the object hits its target, and you watch it drop to the ground.
  5. >"Alright, you got it!"
  6. >You were out making your routine monthly hunting trip.
  7. >Despite being a society of mainly herbivores, most of ponies were almost immediately fairly accepting of your strange dietary needs.
  8. >Fluttershy took some convincing, but eventually you got her to understand.
  9. You assured her that you only went out of pure necessity, limiting your trips to once a month.
  10. >The Everfree Forest was your chosen hunting ground, due to its seclusion from any surrounding towns.
  11. >Every month, you would collect a few primitive weapons you had painstakingly crafted, and head out to your favorite clearing in the forest.
  12. >Everything was routine about this trip, and everything was going well.
  13. >But this time was slightly different.
  14. >This time, you actually had some company out in the woods.
  15. >You and Rainbow Dash had been good friends for a while, but it was only just recently that she had become really comfortable around you, and you spent almost all of your time together.
  16. >She just so happened to barge into your house (with out invitation, like usual) while you were making your final preparations for your outing.
  17. >When she told you she wanted to tag along, you were a bit hesitant to allow her at first.
  18. >You assumed most ponies didn't really have a good understanding of death, and more importantly, actually killing other creatures.
  19. >You really didn't want to freak her out or make her think of you as some sort of animal murdering monster.
  20. >You completely for got however, that she used to be friends with a Griffin, who had taken her out hunting loads of times.
  21. >She assured you she'd be fine, and you welcomed any help you could get.
  22. >For the most part, she had been a great hunting partner.
  23. >A bit on the loud side, but she helped you set up all of your snares after you had taught her how, and she was good company.
  24. >After setting up all of the snares, you decided to try to catch something, just in case your snares turned up empty.
  25. >You and Dash were crouched in a bush, silently waiting for some poor sucker to come take the bait you and her had laid out.
  26. >You were content with staying completely still, but Dash looked like she was having a bit of a harder time with remaining motionless.
  27. >Just before she began to complain about how boring this was, almost as if on cue, the both of you heard a twig snapping to your left.
  28. >You spun around to face your target and let your arrow loose, not wasting a second.
  29. >The both of you heard a sickening THWACK, followed by the sound of something heavy hitting the floor.
  30. >"Alright, you got it!"
  31. >Rainbow Dash flew up in the air, breaking your cover.
  32. >Usually you'd be a bit worried about her scaring all the animals away, but you've already caught as many animals as you needed.
  33. >After taking a second to untangle yourself from the bush you were in, you follow the path of your arrow, finding your recently deceased prey.
  34. >Rainbow Dash was already there, floating above your wounded target.
  35. >You had hit a boar, and a big one by the looks of it.
  36. >This was definitely enough to fulfill your needs, this thing looked like it could feed you for a year or so.
  37. >You cautiously move closer to inspect the damage.
  38. >You arrow was just a little off of its mark, but still sunk deep into its skin right underneath the shoulder blade, creating a mortal wound.
  39. >You crouch down next to it and grip the arrow shaft, readying yourself to remove the arrow.
  40. >Just before you go to remove it, Dash sticks out her hoof to stop you.
  41. >"Wait Anon, its still alive. See, look, its still breathing."
  42. >Sure enough, the resilient bastard was still alive, barely wheezing.
  43. >Rainbow Dash looks at you with a confused expression.
  44. >"What do you do now Anon? Gilda always killed whatever it was on the first hit. Do we just let it go?"
  45. >You reach around to the back of your pants and retrieve your handy hunting knife from its sheath.
  46. >Rainbow Dash looks even more bewildered now.
  47. >She points her hoof out at the knife you brandished.
  48. >"What are you gonna do with that?"
  49. "I'll have to kill it with this. I cant just leave it, it might get back up and try to attack, and even if I take out the arrow, it still wont survive for long on its own."
  50. >Rainbow's eyes go wide as she stares at your knife.
  51. >"You're gonna kill it with that thing?"
  52. >You crouch down next to the animals head.
  53. "Yea, its really my only option."
  54. >Noticing her slightly worried expression, you try your best to console her.
  55. "You don't have to watch, Dash. This might be a bit gross if you've never seen it before."
  56. >"What, do you think I'm some kinda scaredy cat? Go ahead, I'll be fine."
  57. "Alright, your call."
  58. >You take hold of the animals head, quickly plunging the knife into the boars neck, killing it almost instantly.
  59. >It takes a bit of a tug to get it back out.
  60. >You wipe the blood of of the knife on the floor, then place it back in its holster.
  61. >You look back to Dash, who looks slightly grossed out.
  62. "You alright Rainbow?"
  63. >"Yea, I'm fine I guess. Its just kinda weird to see it up close, you know?"
  64. >Before you can respond, you notice the sun has almost dropped all the way down.
  65. >As much as you want to, you don't really have time to tie it up and let the body drain, you have to get it out of there before it gets dark.
  66. >You go and retrieve the ropes out of your bag, intending to drag it out of the forest.
  67. "Come on Rainbow, help me tie this thing up."
  68. >You and Rainbow wrap the coil around the boar, tying it up tightly, then each take a rope end.
  69. >Miraculously, you and Dash somehow manage to drag this thing it out of the forest with some daylight left before it gets dark.
  70. At the edge of the forest, you see the familiar wagon you left there waiting for you, which you always use to carry your loot back home.
  71. >With you lifting the front legs and Dash lifting the back, you hoist the animal in to the wagon with a large thud.
  72. >You grab onto the handles of the wagon and start pulling it towards the town in the distance, Ponyville.
  73. >Dash is in the back of the wagon, poking at the animal with her hoof.
  74. "You two having fun back there?"
  75. >Dash flies back up to the front, stopping at your left side.
  76. >"Ha ha, very funny."
  77. >You still feel slightly worried about Dash, she still looks kind of out of it.
  78. "Hey Dash, you sure you're alright? I'm sure that was a bit jarring to watch, especially for the first time."
  79. >"Yea, of course I'm fine!
  80. "You sure Dash? You dont really look fine."
  81. >"It was just a little.... weird, thats all. Gilda usually killed it on the first try, so it was just new, thats all. Nothing I couldn't handle!"
  82. >You shrug, but decide to drop it.
  83. "Well, for what its worth, thanks for tagging along Dash. This was a lot less boring then usual with you around.
  84. >Rainbow rolls over to float nonchalantly on her back next to you.
  85. >"Yea, I seem to have that affect on ponies. No matter where we go, things are always way more awesome with me around! I guess I'm just that cool, thats all."
  86. >You chuckle at her amazing display of self admiration.
  87. "You're also the most modest pony I know by far."
  88. >Not getting even a hint of your sarcasm, she continues.
  89. >"Yea, that too!"
  90. >"You know, next time you should let me use the bow. Who knows, I might even be a better hunter then you are. I might even catch us a Manticore."
  91. "Sure. Next time, you can handle all of that. If youre lucky, maybe I'll even let you pull the cart afterwords!"
  92. FIN
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