

Mar 14th, 2018
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  1. Homunculi:
  3. **Name:** Singing Flesh
  5. **Purpose:** It is the cause of the missing people/murders that are happening within the site.
  7. **Nature:** A beast driven by it's orders, which is to kill and consume everyone in the base. It cannot speak or be reasoned with and it will not falter in it's mission.
  9. **Description/History:** A creature that resembles a white piece of flesh with a thin neck. It's face has black empty eye sockets and a mouth filled with razor sharp teeth. It's flesh is malleable, allowing it to fit through small areas, however while it is digesting it cannot fit into these places. It's about the size of a person, and it's jaw can unhinge to swallow things whole. Once it has swallowed something, it takes an hour to digest.
  11. **Other:** It has no great physical strength and relies on trickery to catch it's prey. It's more tried and true method of staying undetected is it's "song". It can produce a noise that resembles a garbled tune that alters the way the mind perceives things. As long as it sings it's song, no one can register it or it's presence. If you have seen it, your memory of it fades to nothing. When it feeds, it must stop it's song for a short time to devour it's prey. Once it has it's prey and starts it's song back up, it's singing is frantic and is easier to resist. This could mean anything from not being effected until it's song starts back up in full force, to being able to remember details you normally wouldn't due to it's effects. Once it has devoured enough prey, it may grow more heads, increasing in strength. By the time the players arrive, it is close to gaining a second head. It the players allow it to eat 3 people while they're there, it's song will stop as it grows a new head. It will make a screaming sound while it does, informing the players of it's whereabouts. This is a method to keep the run from dragging too long, at the cost of having to fight a stronger monster than if they had found it before.
  15. Single Head Version:
  16. **Physical Health:** 5 (7 if 2 heads) .5/7
  17. **Mental Health:**
  19. **Physical Defense:** (5 if weak pcs)
  20. **Mental Defense: **5
  21. **Agility:** 1
  22. **Strength:** 3
  24. **Melee:** 5 (If combat capable PC) if weak pcs
  27. Double Head Version:
  28. It gains an additional attack
  30. **Skills:**
  31. Silent Song: As long as the Singing Flesh Sings, it cannot be seen or observed. Nor can you remember it or it's victims. Players must make a MDEF roll as soon as they enter the site. Anyone who rolls over a 5 feels a sense of wrongness but soon become accustomed to it's song and the feeling goes away. Once it has consumed someone and starts singing again, the players must make another MDEF roll. Depending on how they roll, they remember or don't remember certain things if they were observing the Singing Flesh feed.
  32. (Change MDEF Values to party. Change 6 to whatever the average MDEF of the party is)
  33. <0: They forget all about the Singing Flesh and it's victim
  34. 1: They remember someone was standing in front of them but can't remember who they were or where they went
  35. 2: They remember who they were talking to, but can't remember what happened to them
  36. 3: They remember who they were talking to and remember that they were attacked, but can't remember what attacked them
  37. 4: They remember the event perfectly
  38. 5: They remember perfectly and are able to perceive the Singing Flesh until it's song reaches it's climax again.
  40. Consume: The Singing Flesh makes a contested MEL roll against it's target to swallow them whole. A swallowed target is unable to fight back. It will never use this ability against PCs
  41. **
  43. **Engagement Style:** It jumps out of hiding once it stops it's song and attempts to consume it's prey. Once it's prey is consumed it starts it's song again and retreats. If cornered, it will lash out and fight to it's last breath.
  45. **Name:** Wall Stalker
  46. **Purpose:** Boss
  47. **Nature:** It is a Homunculus with animalist instincts, coupled with knowledge of stealth tactics
  48. **Description/History:** Wall Stalkers are human shaped lumps of fresh with four spider like limbs made of bone coming out of it's back. The spider legs have hooks at the end that let them attach to walls.
  49. **Other:** Wall Stalkers have a weak point in the spot where it's legs meet it's body. If 2 damage is done to this spot, the leg will tear away from the Wall Stalker, lowering either Melee or Agility by 1 depending on if the lower or upper arms are destroyed.
  51. **Physical Health:** 5
  52. **Mental Health:** 5
  54. **Physical Defense:** 3
  55. **Mental Defense:** 6
  56. **Perception:** 5
  57. **Agility:** 5
  58. **Strength:** 1
  62. **Melee:** 5
  64. **Sneak:** 5
  67. **Skills:**
  68. *Hoist: Whenever a Wall Stalker makes an attack using it's spider limbs, it attempts to dig it's hook into the target and lift them up. Upon a successful hit the target must make a contested AGI check to avoid being hoisted. If a target is hoisted they cannot make AGI checks in response to attacks from the Wall Stalker or move away from it. In addition, they gain a -2 penalty to RNG and a +2 Bonus to MEL to hit the Wall Stalker. On their turn, a Hoisted target can make an AGI or STR check to escape from it's grasp with a DC of 4. A Wall Stalker cannot only Hoist up to 2 people at once, and if it does, it becomes unable to attack.
  70. *Amorphous Form: Homunculi by nature are formed of preserved flesh with the consistency of clay, this makes it near impossible to get a good grasp on one. It can also shape this flesh to it's advantage, such as squishing itself into vents. Wall Stalkers have an exception to this in it's Spider Legs.
  73. **Engagement Style:** Wall Stalkers prefer to use their limbs to suspend themselves on ceilings and drop down from above to get a surprise attack. It attacks using it's two spider arms to try and Hoist opponents. When it has a target Hoisted, it will tend to ignore it and assault the others unless the Hoisted target attacks it.
  76. **Name:** Changeling
  77. **Purpose:** Minion
  78. **Nature:** Changelings are intelligent, and wait for the perfect moment to come out of hiding and attack. They attempt to perfectly mimic whoever they're copying.
  79. **Description/History:** Changelings have no distinct form and merely adopt the form of people it sees
  80. **Other:** Any other information someone might need.
  82. **Physical Health:** 2
  83. **Mental Health:** 3
  85. **Physical Defense:** 2
  86. **Mental Defense:** 2
  87. **Perception:** 5
  88. **Agility:** 3
  89. **Strength:** 2
  93. **Melee:** 4
  94. **Ranged:** 4
  98. **Skills:**
  99. *Shape-change: Changelings can emulate other's forms and their mannerisms. Anyone familiar with the person could identify them as a fake however.
  101. *Amorphous Form: Homunculi by nature are formed of preserved flesh with the consistency of clay, this makes it near impossible to get a good grasp on one. It can also shape this flesh to it's advantage, such as squishing itself into vents. Changelings take this a step further by being able to extend it's limbs to attack from a distance.
  103. *Hidden In Plain Sight: When a Changeling attacks after being seen as harmless, it's target must make a DC 4 perception check to notice it, otherwise the Changeling has a +1 bonus to that attack. This skill does not trigger if the Changeling was being actively observed.
  105. **Engagement Style:** Changelings hide in plain sight and wait for an opportune moment to attack, after which it proceeds to fight to the death with no concern for it's safety.
  108. **Name:** Flesh Hound
  109. **Purpose:** Cannon Fodder
  110. **Nature:** Bestial, no thoughts other than following orders and killing it's prey.
  111. **Description/History:** Flesh formed into the shape of a dog, roughly the size of a fully grown Husky. It has sharp teeth molded into it's mouth.
  112. **Other:**
  114. **Physical Health:** 3
  115. **Mental Health:** 3
  117. **Physical Defense:** 2
  118. **Mental Defense:** 2
  119. **Perception:** 5
  120. **Agility:** 3
  121. **Strength:** 4
  123. **Melee:** 2
  125. **Skills:**
  126. *Amorphous Form: Homunculi by nature are formed of preserved flesh with the consistency of clay, this makes it near impossible to get a good grasp on one. It can also shape this flesh to it's advantage, such as squishing itself into vents.
  128. *Pack Tactics: Flesh Hounds gain a +1 bonus to Melee and PDEF for every other Homunculus nearby, not counting itself. This counts Homunculi that are not engaged in combat as well.
  132. **Engagement Style:** Flesh Hounds fight in packs and gang up on targets.
  135. **Name:** Drill Integrator
  136. **Purpose:** Boss
  137. **Nature:** The Integrator follows it's orders to fight the agents
  138. **Description/History:** A larger, meatier version of a Changeling in a jumpsuit with a mining mask over his mouth and a large drill in the place of his left hand. It also has a generator strapped to it's back.
  139. **Other:**
  141. **Physical Health:** 8
  142. **Mental Health:**6
  144. **Physical Defense:** 5
  145. **Mental Defense:** 2
  146. **Perception:** 1
  147. **Agility:** 4
  148. **Strength:** 5
  151. **Melee:** 5
  154. **Skills:**
  155. *Overcharge: The Drill Integrator can utilize the energy stored in the generator on it's back to charge itself up. The Integrator can take a turn to Overcharge and when it does, it gains a +3 bonus to AGI and all damage taken is halved for 1d4 turns. After the 1d4 rounds of Overcharge he enters into a Cooldown State for half of the Overcharge rounds. During Cooldown, the Integrator loses all it's AGI and takes double damage. It can only use this ability twice per fight.
  157. *Shred: During Overcharge, The Drill Integrator causes a -1 Penalty to PDEF to anyone it hits. This penalty does not stack, and is removed once Cooldown is over
  159. *Amorphous Form: Homunculi by nature are formed of preserved flesh with the consistency of clay, this makes it near impossible to get a good grasp on one. It can also shape this flesh to it's advantage, such as squishing itself into vents.
  161. **Engagement Style:** It attacks wildly, picking targets at random by default and will not stop attacking until it dies or it is ordered to stop. After 2 turns, it activates Overcharge. After the Cooldown is over, it will use Overcharge again after 2 more turns.
  164. **Name:** Cyclops
  165. **Purpose:** Boss
  166. **Nature:** The Cyclops is made to attack anything in sight that it perceives as a threat, but is very easy to lead, attacking whoever attacked it last
  167. **Description/History:** A hulking mass of flesh with bulging muscles. It has one, piercing eye that locks onto whoever attacked him last
  168. **Other:** The Cyclops can make an attack each turn alongside Titan's Grasp
  170. **Physical Health:** 12
  171. **Mental Health:**N/A
  173. **Physical Defense:** 5
  174. **Mental Defense:** N/A
  175. **Perception:** 1
  176. **Agility:** 4
  177. **Strength:** 10
  180. **Melee:** 6
  183. **Skills:**
  184. *Titan's Grasp: The Cyclops can make an attack roll against agility against a target. If the attack succeeds, The Cyclops grabs the target. The target must then make a strength check on their next turn to break out. DC6. If you do not break out, the Cyclops throws you on your next turn at a teammate. If the throw misses, the thrown agent takes 1 point of damage. If the attack hits, the thrown agent takes damage equal to the amount taken by the person they hit.
  186. *Gorgon's Gaze: At the start of each of it's turns, The Cyclops locks it's gaze onto the last person that attacked it. On it's turn, it fires off it's Gorgon's Gaze, freezing the target in place. This lasts until the targets next turn if the Gaze is shifted. A Frozen target is unable to use AGI to dodge attacks, or preform any other action that requires movement. To shift the Gaze, you must deal 2 damage to The Cyclops before it uses Shatter. Once the Gaze is shifted, it cannot be used again for 1d2 rounds.
  188. *Shatter: If Titan's Grasp is used on a Frozen target, The Cyclops can crush the target in their hand instead of throwing them. This is a melee attack made at a +4 Bonus.
  190. *Amorphous Form: Homunculi by nature are formed of preserved flesh with the consistency of clay, this makes it near impossible to get a good grasp on one. It can also shape this flesh to it's advantage, such as squishing itself into vents.
  192. **Engagement Style:** It runs solely on Aggro, attacking the person who attacked it last and focusing on them until the gaze is shifted
  197. **Name:** Gorgon
  198. **Purpose:** Harasser
  199. **Nature:** The Gorgon is the mind of the Scavengers, coordinating and hiding among them
  200. **Description/History:** A hulking mass of flesh with bulging muscles. It has one, piercing eye that locks onto whoever attacked him last
  201. **Other:**
  203. **Physical Health:** 12
  204. **Mental Health:**N/A
  206. **Physical Defense:** 4
  207. **Mental Defense:** N/A
  208. **Perception:** 6
  209. **Agility:** 6
  216. **Skills:**
  219. *Gorgon's Gaze:The Gorgon can lock it's eye onto someone, Freezing them in place. Frozen targets are unable to move properly. The pure amount of Scavengers around swarming around and protecting the Gorgon prevent the Gaze from fully being in effect. This causes them a -3 penalty to AGI as long as they are Frozen.
  221. *Needle In A Haystack: Gorgons hide in swarms of Scavengers for protection, granting it a +6 Bonus to being picked out of a crowd.
  223. *Swarm: When a Homunculus dies in a swarm of Scavengers that has a Gorgon inside, they all combine with the dead flesh, creating a Cyclops
  225. *Amorphous Form: Homunculi by nature are formed of preserved flesh with the consistency of clay, this makes it near impossible to get a good grasp on one. It can also shape this flesh to it's advantage, such as squishing itself into vents.
  227. **Engagement Style:** It runs solely on Aggro, attacking the person who attacked it last and focusing on them until the gaze is shifted
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