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Mar 26th, 2021
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  1. [{"domain": "persistent_notification", "services": {"create": {"name": "", "description": "Show a notification in the frontend.", "fields": {"message": {"description": "Message body of the notification. [Templates accepted]", "example": "Please check your configuration.yaml."}, "title": {"description": "Optional title for your notification. [Optional, Templates accepted]", "example": "Test notification"}, "notification_id": {"description": "Target ID of the notification, will replace a notification with the same ID. [Optional]", "example": 1234}}}, "dismiss": {"name": "", "description": "Remove a notification from the frontend.", "fields": {"notification_id": {"description": "Target ID of the notification, which should be removed. [Required]", "example": 1234}}}, "mark_read": {"name": "", "description": "Mark a notification read.", "fields": {"notification_id": {"description": "Target ID of the notification, which should be mark read. [Required]", "example": 1234}}}}}, {"domain": "homeassistant", "services": {"turn_off": {"name": "Generic turn off", "description": "Generic service to turn devices off under any domain.", "fields": {}, "target": {"entity": {}}}, "turn_on": {"name": "Generic turn on", "description": "Generic service to turn devices on under any domain.", "fields": {}, "target": {"entity": {}}}, "toggle": {"name": "Generic toggle", "description": "Generic service to toggle devices on/off under any domain", "fields": {}, "target": {"entity": {}}}, "stop": {"name": "Stop", "description": "Stop the Home Assistant service.", "fields": {}}, "restart": {"name": "Restart", "description": "Restart the Home Assistant service.", "fields": {}}, "check_config": {"name": "Check configuration", "description": "Check the Home Assistant configuration files for errors. Errors will be displayed in the Home Assistant log.", "fields": {}}, "update_entity": {"name": "Update entity", "description": "Force one or more entities to update its data", "fields": {}, "target": {"entity": {}}}, "reload_core_config": {"name": "Reload core configuration", "description": "Reload the core configuration.", "fields": {}}, "set_location": {"name": "Set location", "description": "Update the Home Assistant location.", "fields": {"latitude": {"name": "Latitude", "description": "Latitude of your location.", "required": true, "example": 32.87336, "selector": {"text": null}}, "longitude": {"name": "Longitude", "description": "Longitude of your location.", "required": true, "example": 117.22743, "selector": {"text": null}}}}}}, {"domain": "recorder", "services": {"purge": {"name": "Purge", "description": "Start purge task - to clean up old data from your database.", "fields": {"keep_days": {"name": "Days to keep", "description": "Number of history days to keep in database after purge.", "example": 2, "selector": {"number": {"min": 0, "max": 365, "step": 1, "unit_of_measurement": "days", "mode": "slider"}}}, "repack": {"name": "Repack", "description": "Attempt to save disk space by rewriting the entire database file.", "example": true, "default": false, "selector": {"boolean": null}}}}, "enable": {"name": "", "description": "", "fields": {}}, "disable": {"name": "", "description": "Stop the recording of events and state changes", "fields": {}}}}, {"domain": "system_log", "services": {"clear": {"name": "Clear all", "description": "Clear all log entries.", "fields": {}}, "write": {"name": "Write", "description": "Write log entry.", "fields": {"message": {"name": "Message", "description": "Message to log.", "required": true, "example": "Something went wrong", "selector": {"text": null}}, "level": {"name": "Level", "description": "Log level: debug, info, warning, error, critical.", "default": "error", "example": "debug", "selector": {"select": {"options": ["debug", "info", "warning", "error", "critical"]}}}, "logger": {"name": "Logger", "description": "Logger name under which to log the message. Defaults to 'system_log.external'.", "example": "mycomponent.myplatform", "selector": {"text": null}}}}}}, {"domain": "cloud", "services": {"remote_connect": {"name": "", "description": "Make instance UI available outside over NabuCasa cloud", "fields": {}}, "remote_disconnect": {"name": "", "description": "Disconnect UI from NabuCasa cloud", "fields": {}}}}, {"domain": "person", "services": {"reload": {"name": "", "description": "Reload the person configuration.", "fields": {}}}}, {"domain": "frontend", "services": {"set_theme": {"name": "", "description": "Set a theme unless the client selected per-device theme.", "fields": {"name": {"description": "Name of a predefined theme, 'default' or 'none'.", "example": "default"}, "mode": {"description": "The mode the theme is for, either 'dark' or 'light' (default).", "example": "dark"}}}, "reload_themes": {"name": "", "description": "Reload themes from YAML configuration.", "fields": {}}}}, {"domain": "hassio", "services": {"addon_start": {"name": "Start add-on", "description": "Start add-on.", "fields": {"addon": {"name": "Add-on", "required": true, "description": "The add-on slug.", "example": "core_ssh", "selector": {"addon": null}}}}, "addon_stop": {"name": "Stop add-on.", "description": "Stop add-on.", "fields": {"addon": {"name": "Add-on", "required": true, "description": "The add-on slug.", "example": "core_ssh", "selector": {"addon": null}}}}, "addon_restart": {"name": "Restart add-on.", "description": "Restart add-on.", "fields": {"addon": {"name": "Add-on", "required": true, "description": "The add-on slug.", "example": "core_ssh", "selector": {"addon": null}}}}, "addon_stdin": {"name": "Write data to add-on stdin.", "description": "Write data to add-on stdin.", "fields": {"addon": {"name": "Add-on", "required": true, "description": "The add-on slug.", "example": "core_ssh", "selector": {"addon": null}}}}, "host_shutdown": {"name": "Poweroff the host system.", "description": "Poweroff the host system.", "fields": {}}, "host_reboot": {"name": "Reboot the host system.", "description": "Reboot the host system.", "fields": {}}, "snapshot_full": {"name": "Create a full snapshot.", "description": "Create a full snapshot.", "fields": {"name": {"name": "Name", "description": "Optional or it will be the current date and time.", "example": "Snapshot 1", "selector": {"text": null}}, "password": {"name": "Password", "description": "Optional password.", "example": "password", "selector": {"text": null}}}}, "snapshot_partial": {"name": "Create a partial snapshot.", "description": "Create a partial snapshot.", "fields": {"addons": {"name": "Add-ons", "description": "Optional list of addon slugs.", "example": ["core_ssh", "core_samba", "core_mosquitto"], "selector": {"object": null}}, "folders": {"name": "Folders", "description": "Optional list of directories.", "example": ["homeassistant", "share"], "selector": {"object": null}}, "name": {"name": "Name", "description": "Optional or it will be the current date and time.", "example": "Partial Snapshot 1", "selector": {"text": null}}, "password": {"name": "Password", "description": "Optional password.", "example": "password", "selector": {"text": null}}}}, "restore_full": {"name": "", "description": "", "fields": {}}, "restore_partial": {"name": "", "description": "", "fields": {}}}}, {"domain": "shell_command", "services": {"rclonebackup": {"name": "", "description": "", "fields": {}}}}, {"domain": "logbook", "services": {"log": {"name": "", "description": "Create a custom entry in your logbook", "fields": {"name": {"name": "Name", "description": "Custom name for an entity, can be referenced with entity_id", "required": true, "example": "Kitchen", "selector": {"text": null}}, "message": {"name": "Message", "description": "Message of the custom logbook entry", "required": true, "example": "is being used", "selector": {"text": null}}, "entity_id": {"name": "Entity ID", "description": "Entity to reference in custom logbook entry [Optional]", "example": "", "selector": {"entity": null}}, "domain": {"name": "Domain", "description": "Icon of domain to display in custom logbook entry [Optional]", "example": "light", "selector": {"text": null}}}}}}, {"domain": "notify", "services": {"persistent_notification": {"name": "Send a persistent notification", "description": "Sends a notification to the visible in the front-end.", "fields": {"message": {"description": "Message body of the notification.", "example": "The garage door has been open for 10 minutes."}, "title": {"description": "Optional title for your notification.", "example": "Your Garage Door Friend"}}}, "phone_notifications": {"name": "Send a notification with phone_notifications", "description": "Sends a notification message using the phone_notifications service.", "fields": {"message": {"name": "Message", "description": "Message body of the notification.", "example": "The garage door has been open for 10 minutes.", "selector": {"text": null}}, "title": {"name": "Title", "description": "Optional title for your notification.", "example": "Your Garage Door Friend", "selector": {"text": null}}, "target": {"description": "An array of targets to send the notification to. Optional depending on the platform.", "example": "platform specific"}, "data": {"name": "Data", "description": "Extended information for notification. Optional depending on the platform.", "example": "platform specific", "selector": {"object": null}}}}, "mobile_app_rob_pixel_4a_5g": {"name": "Send a notification via mobile_app_rob_pixel_4a_5g", "description": "Sends a notification message using the mobile_app_rob_pixel_4a_5g integration.", "fields": {"message": {"name": "Message", "description": "Message body of the notification.", "example": "The garage door has been open for 10 minutes.", "selector": {"text": null}}, "title": {"name": "Title", "description": "Optional title for your notification.", "example": "Your Garage Door Friend", "selector": {"text": null}}, "target": {"description": "An array of targets to send the notification to. Optional depending on the platform.", "example": "platform specific"}, "data": {"name": "Data", "description": "Extended information for notification. Optional depending on the platform.", "example": "platform specific", "selector": {"object": null}}}}, "mobile_app_sheila_pixel_4a_5g": {"name": "Send a notification via mobile_app_sheila_pixel_4a_5g", "description": "Sends a notification message using the mobile_app_sheila_pixel_4a_5g integration.", "fields": {"message": {"name": "Message", "description": "Message body of the notification.", "example": "The garage door has been open for 10 minutes.", "selector": {"text": null}}, "title": {"name": "Title", "description": "Optional title for your notification.", "example": "Your Garage Door Friend", "selector": {"text": null}}, "target": {"description": "An array of targets to send the notification to. Optional depending on the platform.", "example": "platform specific"}, "data": {"name": "Data", "description": "Extended information for notification. Optional depending on the platform.", "example": "platform specific", "selector": {"object": null}}}}, "mobile_app_rob_pixel_4a_5g_2": {"name": "Send a notification via mobile_app_rob_pixel_4a_5g_2", "description": "Sends a notification message using the mobile_app_rob_pixel_4a_5g_2 integration.", "fields": {"message": {"name": "Message", "description": "Message body of the notification.", "example": "The garage door has been open for 10 minutes.", "selector": {"text": null}}, "title": {"name": "Title", "description": "Optional title for your notification.", "example": "Your Garage Door Friend", "selector": {"text": null}}, "target": {"description": "An array of targets to send the notification to. Optional depending on the platform.", "example": "platform specific"}, "data": {"name": "Data", "description": "Extended information for notification. Optional depending on the platform.", "example": "platform specific", "selector": {"object": null}}}}, "notify": {"name": "Send a notification with notify", "description": "Sends a notification message using the notify service.", "fields": {"message": {"name": "Message", "description": "Message body of the notification.", "example": "The garage door has been open for 10 minutes.", "selector": {"text": null}}, "title": {"name": "Title", "description": "Optional title for your notification.", "example": "Your Garage Door Friend", "selector": {"text": null}}, "target": {"description": "An array of targets to send the notification to. Optional depending on the platform.", "example": "platform specific"}, "data": {"name": "Data", "description": "Extended information for notification. Optional depending on the platform.", "example": "platform specific", "selector": {"object": null}}}}}}, {"domain": "scene", "services": {"reload": {"name": "Reload", "description": "Reload the scene configuration.", "fields": {}}, "apply": {"name": "Apply", "description": "Activate a scene with configuration.", "fields": {"entities": {"name": "Entities state", "description": "The entities and the state that they need to be.", "required": true, "example": {"": "on", "light.ceiling": {"state": "on", "brightness": 80}}, "selector": {"object": null}}, "transition": {"name": "Transition", "description": "Transition duration in seconds it takes to bring devices to the state defined in the scene.", "example": 2.5, "selector": {"number": {"min": 0, "max": 300, "step": 1, "unit_of_measurement": "seconds", "mode": "slider"}}}}}, "create": {"name": "Create", "description": "Creates a new scene.", "fields": {"scene_id": {"name": "Scene entity ID", "description": "The entity_id of the new scene.", "required": true, "example": "all_lights", "selector": {"text": null}}, "entities": {"name": "Entities state", "description": "The entities to control with the scene.", "example": {"light.tv_back_light": "on", "light.ceiling": {"state": "on", "brightness": 200}}, "selector": {"object": null}}, "snapshot_entities": {"name": "Snapshot entities", "description": "The entities of which a snapshot is to be taken", "example": ["light.ceiling", ""], "selector": {"object": null}}}}, "turn_on": {"name": "Activate", "description": "Activate a scene.", "fields": {"transition": {"name": "Transition", "description": "Transition duration in seconds it takes to bring devices to the state defined in the scene.", "example": 2.5, "selector": {"number": {"min": 0, "max": 300, "step": 1, "unit_of_measurement": "seconds", "mode": "slider"}}}}, "target": null}}}, {"domain": "light", "services": {"turn_on": {"name": "Turn on", "description": "Turn on one or more lights and adjust properties of the light, even when they are turned on already.\n", "fields": {"transition": {"name": "Transition", "description": "Duration in seconds it takes to get to next state.", "example": 60, "selector": {"number": {"min": 0, "max": 300, "step": 1, "unit_of_measurement": "seconds", "mode": "slider"}}}, "rgb_color": {"name": "RGB-color", "description": "Color for the light in RGB-format.", "advanced": true, "example": "[255, 100, 100]", "selector": {"object": null}}, "color_name": {"name": "Color name", "description": "A human readable color name.", "advanced": true, "example": "red", "selector": {"select": {"options": ["homeassistant", "aliceblue", "antiquewhite", "aqua", "aquamarine", "azure", "beige", "bisque", "black", "blanchedalmond", "blue", "blueviolet", "brown", "burlywood", "cadetblue", "chartreuse", "chocolate", "coral", "cornflowerblue", "cornsilk", "crimson", "cyan", "darkblue", "darkcyan", "darkgoldenrod", "darkgray", "darkgreen", "darkgrey", "darkkhaki", "darkmagenta", "darkolivegreen", "darkorange", "darkorchid", "darkred", "darksalmon", "darkseagreen", "darkslateblue", "darkslategray", "darkslategrey", "darkturquoise", "darkviolet", "deeppink", "deepskyblue", "dimgray", "dimgrey", "dodgerblue", "firebrick", "floralwhite", "forestgreen", "fuchsia", "gainsboro", "ghostwhite", "gold", "goldenrod", "gray", "green", "greenyellow", "grey", "honeydew", "hotpink", "indianred", "indigo", "ivory", "khaki", "lavender", "lavenderblush", "lawngreen", "lemonchiffon", "lightblue", "lightcoral", "lightcyan", "lightgoldenrodyellow", "lightgray", "lightgreen", "lightgrey", "lightpink", "lightsalmon", "lightseagreen", "lightskyblue", "lightslategray", "lightslategrey", "lightsteelblue", "lightyellow", "lime", "limegreen", "linen", "magenta", "maroon", "mediumaquamarine", "mediumblue", "mediumorchid", "mediumpurple", "mediumseagreen", "mediumslateblue", "mediumspringgreen", "mediumturquoise", "mediumvioletred", "midnightblue", "mintcream", "mistyrose", "moccasin", "navajowhite", "navy", "navyblue", "oldlace", "olive", "olivedrab", "orange", "orangered", "orchid", "palegoldenrod", "palegreen", "paleturquoise", "palevioletred", "papayawhip", "peachpuff", "peru", "pink", "plum", "powderblue", "purple", "red", "rosybrown", "royalblue", "saddlebrown", "salmon", "sandybrown", "seagreen", "seashell", "sienna", "silver", "skyblue", "slateblue", "slategray", "slategrey", "snow", "springgreen", "steelblue", "tan", "teal", "thistle", "tomato", "turquoise", "violet", "wheat", "white", "whitesmoke", "yellow", "yellowgreen"]}}}, "hs_color": {"name": "Hue/Sat color", "description": "Color for the light in hue/sat format. Hue is 0-360 and Sat is 0-100.", "advanced": true, "example": "[300, 70]", "selector": {"object": null}}, "xy_color": {"name": "XY-color", "description": "Color for the light in XY-format.", "advanced": true, "example": "[0.52, 0.43]", "selector": {"object": null}}, "color_temp": {"name": "Color temperature (mireds)", "description": "Color temperature for the light in mireds.", "advanced": true, "example": 250, "selector": {"number": {"min": 153, "max": 500, "step": 1, "unit_of_measurement": "mireds", "mode": "slider"}}}, "kelvin": {"name": "Color temperature (Kelvin)", "description": "Color temperature for the light in Kelvin.", "advanced": true, "example": 4000, "selector": {"number": {"min": 2000, "max": 6500, "step": 100, "unit_of_measurement": "K", "mode": "slider"}}}, "white_value": {"name": "White level", "description": "Number between 0..255 indicating level of white.", "advanced": true, "example": "250", "selector": {"number": {"min": 0, "max": 255, "step": 1, "mode": "slider"}}}, "brightness": {"name": "Brightness value", "description": "Number between 0..255 indicating brightness, where 0 turns the light off, 1 is the minimum brightness and 255 is the maximum brightness supported by the light.", "advanced": true, "example": 120, "selector": {"number": {"min": 0, "max": 255, "step": 1, "mode": "slider"}}}, "brightness_pct": {"name": "Brightness", "description": "Number between 0..100 indicating percentage of full brightness, where 0 turns the light off, 1 is the minimum brightness and 100 is the maximum brightness supported by the light.", "example": 47, "selector": {"number": {"min": 0, "max": 100, "step": 1, "unit_of_measurement": "%", "mode": "slider"}}}, "brightness_step": {"name": "Brightness step value", "description": "Change brightness by an amount. Should be between -255..255.", "advanced": true, "example": -25.5, "selector": {"number": {"min": -225, "max": 255, "step": 1, "mode": "slider"}}}, "brightness_step_pct": {"name": "Brightness step", "description": "Change brightness by a percentage. Should be between -100..100.", "example": -10, "selector": {"number": {"min": -100, "max": 100, "step": 1, "unit_of_measurement": "%", "mode": "slider"}}}, "profile": {"name": "Profile", "description": "Name of a light profile to use.", "advanced": true, "example": "relax", "selector": {"text": null}}, "flash": {"name": "Flash", "description": "If the light should flash. Valid values are short and long.", "advanced": true, "example": "short", "values": ["short", "long"], "selector": {"select": {"options": ["long", "short"]}}}, "effect": {"name": "Effect", "description": "Light effect.", "example": "random", "values": ["colorloop", "random"], "selector": {"text": null}}}, "target": null}, "turn_off": {"name": "Turn off", "description": "Turns off one or more lights.", "fields": {"transition": {"name": "Transition", "description": "Duration in seconds it takes to get to next state.", "example": 60, "selector": {"number": {"min": 0, "max": 300, "step": 1, "unit_of_measurement": "seconds", "mode": "slider"}}}, "flash": {"name": "Flash", "description": "If the light should flash. Valid values are short and long.", "advanced": true, "example": "short", "values": ["short", "long"], "selector": {"select": {"options": ["long", "short"]}}}}, "target": null}, "toggle": {"name": "Toggle", "description": "Toggles one or more lights, from on to off, or, off to on, based on their current state.\n", "fields": {"transition": {"name": "Transition", "description": "Duration in seconds it takes to get to next state.", "example": 60, "selector": {"number": {"min": 0, "max": 300, "step": 1, "unit_of_measurement": "seconds", "mode": "slider"}}}, "rgb_color": {"name": "RGB-color", "description": "Color for the light in RGB-format.", "advanced": true, "example": "[255, 100, 100]", "selector": {"object": null}}, "color_name": {"name": "Color name", "description": "A human readable color name.", "advanced": true, "example": "red", "selector": {"select": {"options": ["homeassistant", "aliceblue", "antiquewhite", "aqua", "aquamarine", "azure", "beige", "bisque", "black", "blanchedalmond", "blue", "blueviolet", "brown", "burlywood", "cadetblue", "chartreuse", "chocolate", "coral", "cornflowerblue", "cornsilk", "crimson", "cyan", "darkblue", "darkcyan", "darkgoldenrod", "darkgray", "darkgreen", "darkgrey", "darkkhaki", "darkmagenta", "darkolivegreen", "darkorange", "darkorchid", "darkred", "darksalmon", "darkseagreen", "darkslateblue", "darkslategray", "darkslategrey", "darkturquoise", "darkviolet", "deeppink", "deepskyblue", "dimgray", "dimgrey", "dodgerblue", "firebrick", "floralwhite", "forestgreen", "fuchsia", "gainsboro", "ghostwhite", "gold", "goldenrod", "gray", "green", "greenyellow", "grey", "honeydew", "hotpink", "indianred", "indigo", "ivory", "khaki", "lavender", "lavenderblush", "lawngreen", "lemonchiffon", "lightblue", "lightcoral", "lightcyan", "lightgoldenrodyellow", "lightgray", "lightgreen", "lightgrey", "lightpink", "lightsalmon", "lightseagreen", "lightskyblue", "lightslategray", "lightslategrey", "lightsteelblue", "lightyellow", "lime", "limegreen", "linen", "magenta", "maroon", "mediumaquamarine", "mediumblue", "mediumorchid", "mediumpurple", "mediumseagreen", "mediumslateblue", "mediumspringgreen", "mediumturquoise", "mediumvioletred", "midnightblue", "mintcream", "mistyrose", "moccasin", "navajowhite", "navy", "navyblue", "oldlace", "olive", "olivedrab", "orange", "orangered", "orchid", "palegoldenrod", "palegreen", "paleturquoise", "palevioletred", "papayawhip", "peachpuff", "peru", "pink", "plum", "powderblue", "purple", "red", "rosybrown", "royalblue", "saddlebrown", "salmon", "sandybrown", "seagreen", "seashell", "sienna", "silver", "skyblue", "slateblue", "slategray", "slategrey", "snow", "springgreen", "steelblue", "tan", "teal", "thistle", "tomato", "turquoise", "violet", "wheat", "white", "whitesmoke", "yellow", "yellowgreen"]}}}, "hs_color": {"name": "Hue/Sat color", "description": "Color for the light in hue/sat format. Hue is 0-360 and Sat is 0-100.", "advanced": true, "example": "[300, 70]", "selector": {"object": null}}, "xy_color": {"name": "XY-color", "description": "Color for the light in XY-format.", "advanced": true, "example": "[0.52, 0.43]", "selector": {"object": null}}, "color_temp": {"name": "Color temperature (mireds)", "description": "Color temperature for the light in mireds.", "advanced": true, "example": 250, "selector": {"number": {"min": 153, "max": 500, "step": 1, "unit_of_measurement": "mireds", "mode": "slider"}}}, "kelvin": {"name": "Color temperature (Kelvin)", "description": "Color temperature for the light in Kelvin.", "advanced": true, "example": 4000, "selector": {"number": {"min": 2000, "max": 6500, "step": 100, "unit_of_measurement": "K", "mode": "slider"}}}, "white_value": {"name": "White level", "description": "Number between 0..255 indicating level of white.", "advanced": true, "example": "250", "selector": {"number": {"min": 0, "max": 255, "step": 1, "mode": "slider"}}}, "brightness": {"name": "Brightness value", "description": "Number between 0..255 indicating brightness, where 0 turns the light off, 1 is the minimum brightness and 255 is the maximum brightness supported by the light.", "advanced": true, "example": 120, "selector": {"number": {"min": 0, "max": 255, "step": 1, "mode": "slider"}}}, "brightness_pct": {"name": "Brightness", "description": "Number between 0..100 indicating percentage of full brightness, where 0 turns the light off, 1 is the minimum brightness and 100 is the maximum brightness supported by the light.", "example": 47, "selector": {"number": {"min": 0, "max": 100, "step": 1, "unit_of_measurement": "%", "mode": "slider"}}}, "profile": {"name": "Profile", "description": "Name of a light profile to use.", "advanced": true, "example": "relax", "selector": {"text": null}}, "flash": {"name": "Flash", "description": "If the light should flash. Valid values are short and long.", "advanced": true, "example": "short", "values": ["short", "long"], "selector": {"select": {"options": ["long", "short"]}}}, "effect": {"name": "Effect", "description": "Light effect.", "example": "random", "values": ["colorloop", "random"], "selector": {"text": null}}}, "target": null}}}, {"domain": "ffmpeg", "services": {"start": {"name": "", "description": "Send a start command to a ffmpeg based sensor.", "fields": {"entity_id": {"description": "Name(s) of entities that will start. Platform dependent.", "example": "binary_sensor.ffmpeg_noise"}}}, "stop": {"name": "", "description": "Send a stop command to a ffmpeg based sensor.", "fields": {"entity_id": {"description": "Name(s) of entities that will stop. Platform dependent.", "example": "binary_sensor.ffmpeg_noise"}}}, "restart": {"name": "", "description": "Send a restart command to a ffmpeg based sensor.", "fields": {"entity_id": {"description": "Name(s) of entities that will restart. Platform dependent.", "example": "binary_sensor.ffmpeg_noise"}}}}}, {"domain": "input_number", "services": {"reload": {"name": "Reload", "description": "Reload the input_number configuration.", "fields": {}}, "set_value": {"name": "Set", "description": "Set the value of an input number entity.", "fields": {"value": {"name": "Value", "description": "The target value the entity should be set to.", "required": true, "example": 42, "selector": {"number": {"min": 0, "max": 9223372036854775807, "step": 0.001, "mode": "box"}}}}, "target": null}, "increment": {"name": "Increment", "description": "Increment the value of an input number entity by its stepping.", "fields": {}, "target": null}, "decrement": {"name": "Decrement", "description": "Decrement the value of an input number entity by its stepping.", "fields": {}, "target": null}}}, {"domain": "counter", "services": {"increment": {"name": "Increment", "description": "Increment a counter.", "fields": {}, "target": null}, "decrement": {"name": "Decrement", "description": "Decrement a counter.", "fields": {}, "target": null}, "reset": {"name": "Reset", "description": "Reset a counter.", "fields": {}, "target": null}, "configure": {"name": "Configure", "description": "Change counter parameters.", "fields": {"minimum": {"name": "Minimum", "description": "New minimum value for the counter or None to remove minimum.", "example": 0, "selector": {"number": {"min": -9223372036854775807, "max": 9223372036854775807, "mode": "box"}}}, "maximum": {"name": "Maximum", "description": "New maximum value for the counter or None to remove maximum.", "example": 100, "selector": {"number": {"min": -9223372036854775807, "max": 9223372036854775807, "mode": "box"}}}, "step": {"name": "Step", "description": "New value for step.", "example": 2, "selector": {"number": {"min": 1, "max": 9223372036854775807, "mode": "box"}}}, "initial": {"name": "Initial", "description": "New value for initial.", "example": 6, "selector": {"number": {"min": 0, "max": 9223372036854775807, "mode": "box"}}}, "value": {"name": "Value", "description": "New state value.", "example": 3, "selector": {"number": {"min": 0, "max": 9223372036854775807, "mode": "box"}}}}, "target": null}}}, {"domain": "google_assistant", "services": {"request_sync": {"name": "", "description": "Send a request_sync command to Google.", "fields": {"agent_user_id": {"description": "Optional. Only needed for automations. Specific Home Assistant user id (not username, ID in configuration > users > under username) to sync with Google Assistant. Do not need when you call this service through Home Assistant front end or API. Used in automation script or other place where context.user_id is missing."}}}}}, {"domain": "bayesian", "services": {"reload": {"name": "", "description": "Reload all bayesian entities", "fields": {}}}}, {"domain": "input_datetime", "services": {"reload": {"name": "Reload", "description": "Reload the input_datetime configuration.", "fields": {}}, "set_datetime": {"name": "Set", "description": "This can be used to dynamically set the date and/or time.", "fields": {"date": {"name": "Date", "description": "The target date the entity should be set to.", "example": "\"2019-04-20\"", "selector": {"text": null}}, "time": {"name": "Time", "description": "The target time the entity should be set to.", "example": "\"05:04:20\"", "selector": {"time": null}}, "datetime": {"name": "Date & Time", "description": "The target date & time the entity should be set to.", "example": "\"2019-04-20 05:04:20\"", "selector": {"text": null}}, "timestamp": {"name": "Timestamp", "description": "The target date & time the entity should be set to as expressed by a UNIX timestamp.", "example": 1598027400, "selector": {"number": {"min": 0, "max": 9223372036854775807, "mode": "box"}}}}, "target": null}}}, {"domain": "input_select", "services": {"reload": {"name": "Reload", "description": "Reload the input_select configuration.", "fields": {}}, "select_option": {"name": "Select", "description": "Select an option of an input select entity.", "fields": {"option": {"name": "Option", "description": "Option to be selected.", "required": true, "example": "\"Item A\"", "selector": {"text": null}}}, "target": null}, "select_next": {"name": "Next", "description": "Select the next options of an input select entity.", "fields": {"cycle": {"name": "Cycle", "description": "If the option should cycle from the last to the first.", "default": true, "example": true, "selector": {"boolean": null}}}, "target": null}, "select_previous": {"name": "Previous", "description": "Select the previous options of an input select entity.", "fields": {"cycle": {"name": "Cycle", "description": "If the option should cycle from the first to the last.", "default": true, "example": true, "selector": {"boolean": null}}}, "target": null}, "select_first": {"name": "First", "description": "Select the first option of an input select entity.", "fields": {}, "target": null}, "select_last": {"name": "Last", "description": "Select the last option of an input select entity.", "fields": {}, "target": null}, "set_options": {"name": "Set options", "description": "Set the options of an input select entity.", "fields": {"options": {"name": "Options", "description": "Options for the input select entity.", "required": true, "example": "[\"Item A\", \"Item B\", \"Item C\"]", "selector": {"object": null}}}, "target": null}}}, {"domain": "zone", "services": {"reload": {"name": "", "description": "Reload the YAML-based zone configuration.", "fields": {}}}}, {"domain": "input_text", "services": {"reload": {"name": "Reload", "description": "Reload the input_text configuration.", "fields": {}}, "set_value": {"name": "Set", "description": "Set the value of an input text entity.", "fields": {"value": {"name": "Value", "description": "The target value the entity should be set to.", "required": true, "example": "This is an example text", "selector": {"text": null}}}, "target": null}}}, {"domain": "mqtt", "services": {"publish": {"name": "Publish", "description": "Publish a message to an MQTT topic.", "fields": {"topic": {"name": "Topic", "description": "Topic to publish payload.", "required": true, "example": "/homeassistant/hello", "selector": {"text": null}}, "payload": {"name": "Payload", "description": "Payload to publish.", "example": "This is great", "selector": {"text": null}}, "payload_template": {"name": "Payload Template", "description": "Template to render as payload value. Ignored if payload given.", "advanced": true, "example": "{{ states('sensor.temperature') }}", "selector": {"object": null}}, "qos": {"name": "QoS", "description": "Quality of Service to use.", "advanced": true, "example": 2, "values": [0, 1, 2], "default": 0, "selector": {"select": {"options": ["0", "1", "2"]}}}, "retain": {"name": "Retain", "description": "If message should have the retain flag set.", "default": false, "example": true, "selector": {"boolean": null}}}}, "dump": {"name": "Dump", "description": "Dump messages on a topic selector to the 'mqtt_dump.txt' file in your configuration folder.", "fields": {"topic": {"name": "Topic", "description": "topic to listen to", "example": "OpenZWave/#", "selector": {"text": null}}, "duration": {"name": "Duration", "description": "how long we should listen for messages in seconds", "example": 5, "default": 5, "selector": {"number": {"min": 1, "max": 300, "step": 1, "unit_of_measurement": "seconds", "mode": "slider"}}}}}}}, {"domain": "group", "services": {"reload": {"name": "", "description": "Reload group configuration, entities, and notify services.", "fields": {}}, "set": {"name": "", "description": "Create/Update a user group.", "fields": {"object_id": {"description": "Group id and part of entity id.", "example": "test_group"}, "name": {"description": "Name of group", "example": "My test group"}, "icon": {"description": "Name of icon for the group.", "example": "mdi:camera"}, "entities": {"description": "List of all members in the group. Not compatible with 'delta'.", "example": "domain.entity_id1, domain.entity_id2"}, "add_entities": {"description": "List of members they will change on group listening.", "example": "domain.entity_id1, domain.entity_id2"}, "all": {"description": "Enable this option if the group should only turn on when all entities are on.", "example": true}}}, "remove": {"name": "", "description": "Remove a user group.", "fields": {"object_id": {"description": "Group id and part of entity id.", "example": "test_group"}}}}}, {"domain": "tts", "services": {"google_translate_say": {"name": "Say an TTS message with google_translate", "description": "Say something using text-to-speech on a media player with google_translate.", "fields": {"entity_id": {"name": "Entity", "description": "Name(s) of media player entities.", "example": "media_player.floor", "required": true, "selector": {"entity": {"domain": "media_player"}}}, "message": {"name": "Message", "description": "Text to speak on devices.", "example": "My name is hanna", "required": true, "selector": {"text": null}}, "cache": {"name": "Cache", "description": "Control file cache of this message.", "example": "true", "default": false, "selector": {"boolean": null}}, "language": {"name": "Language", "description": "Language to use for speech generation.", "example": "ru", "selector": {"text": null}}, "options": {"description": "A dictionary containing platform-specific options. Optional depending on the platform.", "example": "platform specific"}}}, "clear_cache": {"name": "Clear TTS cache", "description": "Remove all text-to-speech cache files and RAM cache.", "fields": {}}}}, {"domain": "input_boolean", "services": {"reload": {"name": "", "description": "Reload the input_boolean configuration", "fields": {}}, "turn_on": {"name": "", "description": "Turn on an input boolean", "fields": {}, "target": null}, "turn_off": {"name": "", "description": "Turn off an input boolean", "fields": {}, "target": null}, "toggle": {"name": "", "description": "Toggle an input boolean", "fields": {}, "target": null}}}, {"domain": "timer", "services": {"reload": {"name": "", "description": "", "fields": {}}, "start": {"name": "Start", "description": "Start a timer", "fields": {"duration": {"description": "Duration the timer requires to finish. [optional]", "default": 0, "example": "00:01:00 or 60", "selector": {"text": null}}}, "target": null}, "pause": {"name": "Pause", "description": "Pause a timer.", "fields": {}, "target": null}, "cancel": {"name": "Cancel", "description": "Cancel a timer.", "fields": {}, "target": null}, "finish": {"name": "Finish", "description": "Finish a timer.", "fields": {}, "target": null}}}, {"domain": "template", "services": {"reload": {"name": "", "description": "Reload all template entities.", "fields": {}}}}, {"domain": "automation", "services": {"trigger": {"name": "Trigger", "description": "Trigger the actions of an automation.", "fields": {"skip_condition": {"name": "Skip conditions", "description": "Whether or not the conditions will be skipped.", "default": true, "example": true, "selector": {"boolean": null}}}, "target": null}, "toggle": {"name": "Toggle", "description": "Toggle (enable / disable) an automation.", "fields": {}, "target": null}, "turn_on": {"name": "Turn on", "description": "Enable an automation.", "fields": {}, "target": null}, "turn_off": {"name": "Turn off", "description": "Disable an automation.", "fields": {"stop_actions": {"name": "Stop actions", "description": "Stop currently running actions.", "default": true, "example": true, "selector": {"boolean": null}}}, "target": null}, "reload": {"name": "Reload", "description": "Reload the automation configuration.", "fields": {}}}}, {"domain": "device_tracker", "services": {"see": {"name": "", "description": "Control tracked device.", "fields": {"mac": {"description": "MAC address of device", "example": "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF"}, "dev_id": {"description": "Id of device (find id in known_devices.yaml).", "example": "phonedave"}, "host_name": {"description": "Hostname of device", "example": "Dave"}, "location_name": {"description": "Name of location where device is located (not_home is away).", "example": "home"}, "gps": {"description": "GPS coordinates where device is located (latitude, longitude).", "example": "[51.509802, -0.086692]"}, "gps_accuracy": {"description": "Accuracy of GPS coordinates.", "example": "80"}, "battery": {"description": "Battery level of device.", "example": "100"}}}}}, {"domain": "switch", "services": {"turn_off": {"name": "", "description": "Turn a switch off", "fields": {}, "target": null}, "turn_on": {"name": "", "description": "Turn a switch on", "fields": {}, "target": null}, "toggle": {"name": "", "description": "Toggles a switch state", "fields": {}, "target": null}}}, {"domain": "script", "services": {"emergency_alert": {"name": "", "description": "Sends an emergency alert to phones even on DND with appropriate Volume", "fields": {"volume": {"example": "6"}, "title": {"example": "Default Title"}, "message": {"example": "Default Message"}}}, "rclone_sync_to_robgs": {"name": "", "description": "", "fields": {}}, "unlock_front_door": {"name": "", "description": "", "fields": {}}, "unlock_back_door": {"name": "", "description": "", "fields": {}}, "lock_front_door": {"name": "", "description": "", "fields": {}}, "lock_back_door": {"name": "", "description": "", "fields": {}}, "close_garage_door": {"name": "", "description": "", "fields": {}}, "open_garage_door": {"name": "", "description": "", "fields": {}}, "lock_all_doors": {"name": "", "description": "", "fields": {}}, "lock_up": {"name": "", "description": "", "fields": {}}, "alarm_arm_away": {"name": "", "description": "", "fields": {}}, "alarm_arm_home": {"name": "", "description": "", "fields": {}}, "alarm_disarm": {"name": "", "description": "", "fields": {}}, "im_home": {"name": "", "description": "", "fields": {}}, "reload": {"name": "", "description": "Reload all the available scripts", "fields": {}}, "turn_on": {"name": "", "description": "Turn on script", "fields": {}, "target": null}, "turn_off": {"name": "", "description": "Turn off script", "fields": {}, "target": null}, "toggle": {"name": "", "description": "Toggle script", "fields": {}, "target": null}}}, {"domain": "climate", "services": {"turn_on": {"name": "Turn on", "description": "Turn climate device on.", "fields": {}, "target": null}, "turn_off": {"name": "Turn off", "description": "Turn climate device off.", "fields": {}, "target": null}, "set_hvac_mode": {"name": "Set HVAC mode", "description": "Set HVAC operation mode for climate device.", "fields": {"hvac_mode": {"name": "HVAC mode", "description": "New value of operation mode.", "example": "heat", "selector": {"select": {"options": ["off", "auto", "cool", "dry", "fan_only", "heat_cool", "heat"]}}}}, "target": null}, "set_preset_mode": {"name": "Set preset mode", "description": "Set preset mode for climate device.", "fields": {"preset_mode": {"name": "Preset mode", "description": "New value of preset mode.", "required": true, "example": "away", "selector": {"text": null}}}, "target": null}, "set_aux_heat": {"name": "Turn on/off auxiliary heater", "description": "Turn auxiliary heater on/off for climate device.", "fields": {"aux_heat": {"name": "Auxiliary heating", "description": "New value of auxiliary heater.", "required": true, "example": true, "selector": {"boolean": null}}}, "target": null}, "set_temperature": {"name": "Set temperature", "description": "Set target temperature of climate device.", "fields": {"temperature": {"name": "Temperature", "description": "New target temperature for HVAC.", "example": 25, "selector": {"number": {"min": 0, "max": 250, "step": 0.1, "mode": "box"}}}, "target_temp_high": {"name": "Target temperature high", "description": "New target high temperature for HVAC.", "advanced": true, "example": 26, "selector": {"number": {"min": 0, "max": 250, "step": 0.1, "mode": "box"}}}, "target_temp_low": {"name": "Target temperature low", "description": "New target low temperature for HVAC.", "advanced": true, "example": 20, "selector": {"number": {"min": 0, "max": 250, "step": 0.1, "mode": "box"}}}, "hvac_mode": {"name": "HVAC mode", "description": "HVAC operation mode to set temperature to.", "example": "heat", "selector": {"select": {"options": ["off", "auto", "cool", "dry", "fan_only", "heat_cool", "heat"]}}}}, "target": null}, "set_humidity": {"name": "Set target humidity", "description": "Set target humidity of climate device.", "fields": {"humidity": {"name": "Humidity", "description": "New target humidity for climate device.", "required": true, "example": 60, "selector": {"number": {"min": 30, "max": 99, "step": 1, "unit_of_measurement": "%", "mode": "slider"}}}}, "target": null}, "set_fan_mode": {"name": "Set fan mode", "description": "Set fan operation for climate device.", "fields": {"fan_mode": {"name": "Fan mode", "description": "New value of fan mode.", "required": true, "example": "low", "selector": {"text": null}}}, "target": null}, "set_swing_mode": {"name": "Set swing mode", "description": "Set swing operation for climate device.", "fields": {"swing_mode": {"name": "Swing mode", "description": "New value of swing mode.", "required": true, "example": "horizontal", "selector": {"text": null}}}, "target": null}}}, {"domain": "camera", "services": {"enable_motion_detection": {"name": "Enable motion detection", "description": "Enable the motion detection in a camera.", "fields": {}, "target": null}, "disable_motion_detection": {"name": "Disable motion detection", "description": "Disable the motion detection in a camera.", "fields": {}, "target": null}, "turn_off": {"name": "Turn off", "description": "Turn off camera.", "fields": {}, "target": null}, "turn_on": {"name": "Turn on", "description": "Turn on camera.", "fields": {}, "target": null}, "snapshot": {"name": "Take snapshot", "description": "Take a snapshot from a camera.", "fields": {"filename": {"name": "Filename", "description": "Template of a Filename. Variable is entity_id.", "required": true, "example": "/tmp/snapshot_{{ }}.jpg", "selector": {"text": null}}}, "target": null}, "play_stream": {"name": "Play stream", "description": "Play camera stream on supported media player.", "fields": {"media_player": {"name": "Media Player", "description": "Name(s) of media player to stream to.", "required": true, "example": "media_player.living_room_tv", "selector": {"entity": {"domain": "media_player"}}}, "format": {"name": "Format", "description": "Stream format supported by media player.", "default": "hls", "example": "hls", "selector": {"select": {"options": ["hls"]}}}}, "target": null}, "record": {"name": "Record", "description": "Record live camera feed.", "fields": {"filename": {"name": "Filename", "description": "Template of a Filename. Variable is entity_id. Must be mp4.", "required": true, "example": "/tmp/snapshot_{{ }}.mp4", "selector": {"text": null}}, "duration": {"name": "Duration", "description": "Target recording length.", "default": 30, "example": 30, "selector": {"number": {"min": 1, "max": 3600, "step": 1, "unit_of_measurement": "seconds", "mode": "slider"}}}, "lookback": {"name": "Lookback", "description": "Target lookback period to include in addition to duration. Only available if there is currently an active HLS stream.", "default": 0, "example": 4, "selector": {"number": {"min": 0, "max": 300, "step": 1, "unit_of_measurement": "seconds", "mode": "slider"}}}}, "target": null}}}, {"domain": "cover", "services": {"open_cover": {"name": "Open", "description": "Open all or specified cover.", "fields": {}, "target": null}, "close_cover": {"name": "Close", "description": "Close all or specified cover.", "fields": {}, "target": null}, "set_cover_position": {"name": "Set position", "description": "Move to specific position all or specified cover.", "fields": {"position": {"name": "Position", "description": "Position of the cover", "required": true, "example": 30, "selector": {"number": {"min": 0, "max": 100, "step": 1, "unit_of_measurement": "%", "mode": "slider"}}}}, "target": null}, "stop_cover": {"name": "Stop", "description": "Stop all or specified cover.", "fields": {}, "target": null}, "toggle": {"name": "Toggle", "description": "Toggle a cover open/closed.", "fields": {}, "target": null}, "open_cover_tilt": {"name": "Open tilt", "description": "Open all or specified cover tilt.", "fields": {}, "target": null}, "close_cover_tilt": {"name": "Close tilt", "description": "Close all or specified cover tilt.", "fields": {}, "target": null}, "stop_cover_tilt": {"name": "Stop tilt", "description": "Stop all or specified cover.", "fields": {}, "target": null}, "set_cover_tilt_position": {"name": "Set tilt position", "description": "Move to specific position all or specified cover tilt.", "fields": {"tilt_position": {"name": "Tilt position", "description": "Tilt position of the cover.", "required": true, "example": 30, "selector": {"number": {"min": 0, "max": 100, "step": 1, "unit_of_measurement": "%", "mode": "slider"}}}}, "target": null}, "toggle_cover_tilt": {"name": "Toggle tilt", "description": "Toggle a cover tilt open/closed.", "fields": {}, "target": null}}}, {"domain": "lock", "services": {"unlock": {"name": "Unlock", "description": "Unlock all or specified locks.", "fields": {"code": {"name": "Code", "description": "An optional code to unlock the lock with.", "example": 1234, "selector": {"text": null}}}, "target": null}, "lock": {"name": "Lock", "description": "Lock all or specified locks.", "fields": {"code": {"name": "Code", "description": "An optional code to lock the lock with.", "example": 1234, "selector": {"text": null}}}, "target": null}, "open": {"name": "Open", "description": "Open all or specified locks.", "fields": {"code": {"name": "Code", "description": "An optional code to open the lock with.", "example": 1234, "selector": {"text": null}}}, "target": null}}}, {"domain": "fan", "services": {"turn_on": {"name": "Turn on", "description": "Turn fan on.", "fields": {"speed": {"name": "Speed", "description": "Speed setting.", "example": "high"}, "percentage": {"name": "Percentage", "description": "Percentage speed setting.", "example": 75, "selector": {"number": {"min": 0, "max": 100, "step": 1, "unit_of_measurement": "%", "mode": "slider"}}}, "preset_mode": {"name": "Preset mode", "description": "Preset mode setting.", "example": "auto", "selector": {"text": null}}}, "target": null}, "turn_off": {"name": "Turn off", "description": "Turn fan off.", "fields": {}, "target": null}, "toggle": {"name": "Toggle", "description": "Toggle the fan on/off.", "fields": {}, "target": null}, "set_speed": {"name": "Set speed", "description": "Set fan speed.", "fields": {"speed": {"name": "Speed", "description": "Speed setting.", "required": true, "example": "low", "selector": {"text": null}}}, "target": null}, "increase_speed": {"name": "Increase speed", "description": "Increase the speed of the fan by one speed or a percentage_step.", "fields": {"percentage_step": {"advanced": true, "required": false, "description": "Increase speed by a percentage.", "example": 50, "selector": {"number": {"min": 0, "max": 100, "step": 1, "unit_of_measurement": "%", "mode": "slider"}}}}, "target": null}, "decrease_speed": {"name": "Decrease speed", "description": "Decrease the speed of the fan by one speed or a percentage_step.", "fields": {"percentage_step": {"advanced": true, "required": false, "description": "Decrease speed by a percentage.", "example": 50, "selector": {"number": {"min": 0, "max": 100, "step": 1, "unit_of_measurement": "%", "mode": "slider"}}}}, "target": null}, "oscillate": {"name": "Oscillate", "description": "Oscillate the fan.", "fields": {"oscillating": {"name": "Oscillating", "description": "Flag to turn on/off oscillation.", "required": true, "example": true, "selector": {"boolean": null}}}, "target": null}, "set_direction": {"name": "Set direction", "description": "Set the fan rotation.", "fields": {"direction": {"name": "Direction", "description": "The direction to rotate.", "required": true, "example": "forward", "selector": {"select": {"options": ["forward", "reverse"]}}}}, "target": null}, "set_percentage": {"name": "Set speed percentage", "description": "Set fan speed percentage.", "fields": {"percentage": {"name": "Percentage", "description": "Percentage speed setting.", "required": true, "example": 25, "selector": {"number": {"min": 0, "max": 100, "step": 1, "unit_of_measurement": "%", "mode": "slider"}}}}, "target": null}, "set_preset_mode": {"name": "Set preset mode", "description": "Set preset mode for a fan device.", "fields": {"preset_mode": {"name": "Preset mode", "description": "New value of preset mode.", "required": true, "example": "auto", "selector": {"text": null}}}, "target": null}}}, {"domain": "alarm_control_panel", "services": {"alarm_disarm": {"name": "Disarm", "description": "Send the alarm the command for disarm.", "fields": {"code": {"name": "Code", "description": "An optional code to disarm the alarm control panel with.", "example": "1234", "selector": {"text": null}}}, "target": null}, "alarm_arm_home": {"name": "Arm home", "description": "Send the alarm the command for arm home.", "fields": {"code": {"name": "Code", "description": "An optional code to arm home the alarm control panel with.", "example": "1234", "selector": {"text": null}}}, "target": null}, "alarm_arm_away": {"name": "Arm away", "description": "Send the alarm the command for arm away.", "fields": {"code": {"name": "Code", "description": "An optional code to arm away the alarm control panel with.", "example": "1234", "selector": {"text": null}}}, "target": null}, "alarm_arm_night": {"name": "Arm night", "description": "Send the alarm the command for arm night.", "fields": {"code": {"name": "Code", "description": "An optional code to arm night the alarm control panel with.", "example": "1234", "selector": {"text": null}}}, "target": null}, "alarm_arm_custom_bypass": {"name": "Arm with custom bypass", "description": "Send arm custom bypass command.", "fields": {"code": {"name": "Code", "description": "An optional code to arm custom bypass the alarm control panel with.", "example": "1234", "selector": {"text": null}}}, "target": null}, "alarm_trigger": {"name": "Trigger", "description": "Send the alarm the command for trigger.", "fields": {"code": {"name": "Code", "description": "An optional code to trigger the alarm control panel with.", "example": "1234", "selector": {"text": null}}}, "target": null}}}]
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