

Jan 6th, 2022
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Python 0.76 KB | None | 0 0
  1. #
  3. # statements
  4. and
  5. or
  6. not
  7. int
  8. float
  9. list
  10. tuple
  11. range
  12. str
  13. set
  14. frozenset
  15. dict
  16. del
  17. return
  18. yield
  19. raise
  20. break
  21. continue
  22. import
  23. from
  24. global
  25. if
  26. while
  27. for
  28. try
  29. with
  30. complex
  31. pass
  32. nonlocal
  33. assert
  35. # modules
  36. string
  37. re
  38. textwrap
  39. readline
  40. datetime
  41. array
  42. types
  43. copy
  44. enum
  45. math
  46. decimal
  47. random
  48. itertools
  49. tempfile
  50. linecache
  51. zlib
  52. os
  53. time
  54. threading
  55. multiprocessing
  56. subprocess
  57. queue
  58. json
  59. base64
  60. urllib
  61. ast
  62. http
  63. wave
  64. colorsys
  65. turtle
  66. cmd
  67. tkinter
  68. timeit
  69. sys
  70. builtins
  71. parser
  72. compileall
  73. winsound
  74. msvcrt
  75. chunk
  76. keyword
  77. html
  79. # modules expert
  80. ctypes
  81. struct
  82. sysconfig
  83. optparse
  84. winreg
  85. cmath
  86. calendar
  87. collections
  88. fractions
  89. functools
  90. glob
  91. shutil
  92. pickle
  93. dbm
  94. gzip
  95. csv
  96. argparse
  97. getopt
  98. errno
  99. numbers
  100. io
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