
Halloween facts

Oct 2nd, 2020 (edited)
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  1. Candy corn was originally called Chicken Feed,
  2. Americans spend about $86.27 on Halloween every year,
  3. Illinois farms typically grow more than 500 million pounds of pumpkins annually,
  4. A city called Bathurst in Canada has banned teens over 16 from trick-or-treating,
  5. Harry Houdini died on Halloween in 1926,
  6. The night before Halloween is called Mischief Night or Goosey Night in some places,
  7. The first Jack O’Lanterns were actually made from turnips,
  8. Halloween is the second highest grossing commercial holiday after Christmas,
  9. Samhainophobia is the fear of Halloween,
  10. Scarecrows a popular Halloween fixture symbolize the ancient agricultural roots of the holiday,
  11. Pumpkins are classified as a fruit not as a vegetable,
  12. Pumpkins are not just orange they can also grow to be blue white or green,
  13. Pumpkins originated in Mexico,
  14. Salem where the infamous witch trials were held in the 1690s. Claims to be the Halloween capital of the world,
  15. In Italy they have a traditional Halloween recipe which is kind of an oval cookie a bit like a macaron. It's called Fave dei Morti which roughly translates as Beans of the Dead,
  16. Silly string has been banned in Hollywood California on Halloween Night since 2004,
  17. Halloween is correctly spelt as Hallowe'en,
  18. In Alabama wearing a nun or priest costume for Halloween is illegal,
  19. In Hong Kong Halloween is known as The Festival of the Hungry Ghosts,
  20. It is believed that if a child is born on Halloween they will be able to talk to the spirits,
  21. The Halloween tradition of apple bobbing originated as a British courting ritual,
  22. The famous rapper Vanilla ICE was born on the 31st of October 1967,
  23. Mount Rushmore was completed on the 31st of October 1941,
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