

Mar 29th, 2016
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  1. Gojiran103
  2. You don't even say anyone complaining about him either
  3. *see
  4. 7:05
  5. ShodaiGoro
  6. I don't appreciate a character of that race being a bland stu
  7. 7:05
  8. Krazar77
  9. also if i may say something
  10. while i might not like the idea of NE
  11. 7:05
  12. Gojiran103
  13. What?
  14. 7:06
  15. ShodaiGoro
  16. This is the equivalent of Toriyama disapproving of a DBZ OC.
  17. 7:06
  18. Krazar77
  19. i love participating in it
  20. its a fun on going seriesz
  21. 7:06
  22. ShodaiGoro
  23. Not comparing myself to Toriyama in fame or skill
  24. 7:06
  25. Krazar77
  26. in fact
  27. 7:06
  28. Gojiran103
  29. That's like saying I don't appreciate Ryu a human because he's a bland stu.
  30. No, that was just bad.
  31. 7:06
  32. Krazar77
  33. i think we kinda forgot what its like to rp?
  34. its to have fun
  35. sure it can be serious and dark
  36. and funny
  37. 7:06
  38. Lord Ghetsis
  39. Ok
  40. So you hate CXM
  41. 7:06
  42. Krazar77
  43. but what it all bowls down to it
  44. 7:06
  45. ShodaiGoro
  46. I honestly don't find plots where the odds are stacked against the heroes and only one guy can do anything
  47. 7:06
  48. Krazar77
  49. is fun
  50. 7:06
  51. Lord Ghetsis
  52. Because you think he's a boring stu
  53. And because the plot favours him
  54. 7:07
  55. ShodaiGoro
  56. I must ask
  57. How did he develop?
  58. 7:07
  59. Gojiran103
  60. He didn't
  61. He IS
  62. 7:07
  63. Krazar77
  64. Goro
  65. 7:07
  66. ShodaiGoro
  67. Look
  68. I get it
  69. 7:07
  70. Krazar77
  71. People dont devlop just like that
  72. 7:07
  73. ShodaiGoro
  74. I need to calm down
  75. 7:07
  76. Lord Ghetsis
  77. Well give him time to develop
  78. 7:07
  79. Gojiran103
  80. You're sitting here throwing so much hate at him when he's DEVELOPING to see something, when you haven't even seen what he's supposed to be
  81. 7:07
  82. ShodaiGoro
  83. I honestly want him to be a better OC
  84. ...maybe I can help
  85. Hey, Dr
  86. 7:07
  87. Krazar77
  88. Different characters develop diffreantly
  89. 7:07
  90. ShodaiGoro
  91. Want help writing CXM's father issues?
  92. Y'know, the sorrow of losing his dad?
  93. 7:08
  94. Krazar77
  95. remember way back when when you and gojiran were bashing my characters
  96. 7:08
  97. ShodaiGoro
  98. I can tell you the experiences I had losing my dad
  99. 7:08
  100. Krazar77
  101. they were mostly kaiju
  102. 7:08
  103. Lord Ghetsis
  104. Which reminds me....
  105. How developed are the End Cult?
  106. 7:08
  107. DrGodzilla120
  108. PM it to me.
  109. 7:08
  110. Gojiran103
  111. Krazar has a point
  112. 7:08
  113. DrGodzilla120
  114. I'll try to write it into him.
  115. 7:08
  116. Gojiran103
  117. Character's definitely develop differently.
  118. 7:08
  119. Krazar77
  120. Yeah
  121. Kaiju control diffreantly
  122. humans do
  123. human like kaiju
  124. everyone develops differantly
  125. I focus on kaiju because i love them
  126. Godzilla has got me through a lot
  127. 7:09
  128. DrGodzilla120
  129. CXM's development is very slow compared to the development of others.
  130. 7:09
  131. Krazar77
  132. and i mean a lot when i was little and still does
  133. i learned so many life lessons from him
  134. 7:09
  135. DrGodzilla120
  136. Development he has shown includes these:
  137. 7:10
  138. Krazar77
  139. and i think we need to stop saying gary stu
  140. if its a bad character
  141. explain why its a bad character and help the user with the character for it to develop
  142. one arc im trying to do is Get gomora to go ex
  143. 7:10
  144. Gojiran103
  145. I think we're using the term Gary Stu and Mary Sue here
  146. 7:10
  147. Krazar77
  148. it has a massive arc in his character
  149. 7:11
  150. Gojiran103
  151. Because those mean for both genders a character who is all-perfect who may be a high or low rank person saving the day through unrealistic abilities
  152. 7:11
  153. Krazar77
  154. ^
  155. 7:11
  156. Gojiran103
  157. CXM isn't anywhere near perfect, for one
  158. 7:11
  159. Krazar77
  160. if its the case then yeah
  161. we can use gary stu
  162. but for people like CXM, FXM and Gomora, Godzilla, Ultraman, and gamera
  163. 7:11
  164. Gojiran103
  165. He's probably a low rank, but at least he does TRY to save the day: Gary Stus and Mary Sue's don't ever TRY to save the day, it just, happens.
  166. 7:11
  167. Krazar77
  168. we can explain better
  169. 7:12
  170. Gojiran103
  171. Seriously, not even kidding, these terms are being used VERY wrongly
  172. 7:12
  173. Krazar77
  174. ^
  175. agreed
  176. also
  177. i think kaiju are sometimes undermind
  178. like the gojirans
  179. They are very powerful we just dont show it a lot
  180. 7:12
  181. Fr0stfur
  182. undermind?
  183. 7:12
  184. ShodaiGoro
  185. We're working it out
  186. 7:13
  187. Krazar77
  188. Kamen riders are strong i get that, but not as strong as gojirans IMO
  189. dont kill me
  190. plz
  191. 7:13
  192. DrGodzilla120
  193. Also, note:
  194. CXM hasn't shown a lot of character development yet, and it's mostly pretty minor.
  195. However, some of it includes these:
  196. 1. Healing a soldier that he previously mortally wounded because he discovered that he was a new recruit in the Shriekrazors, and still had hope. 2. He showed remorse at having to eat his foes, and tries to use his Ghoul form as a last resort (that one was a test run) 3. He freed SquidMask from his grip, at the order of another person, despite all of his anger. 4. He showed to actually care about someone during that section, instead of just killing for vengeance. 5. It was shown that his primary motivation for his actual killing wasn't for pure vengeance, but rather to prevent his loved ones and friends from dying and him from becoming even more of a monster than he already was.
  197. 7:14
  198. Gojiran103
  199. We're showing our points while you work it out, because they are still things that the both of you misunderstood very much
  200. *there are
  201. 7:14
  202. Krazar77
  203. Want to know why i created the MI wars
  204. 7:14
  205. ShodaiGoro
  206. Glad it can work out
  207. 7:14
  208. Krazar77
  209. so people can have fun and yet have a serious time during rp
  210. the 3rd is going to be the most fun due to it being longer then the three
  211. and i hope the villain will surprise all of you (if it has not be spoiled for you)
  212. and i just murderd chat
  213. 7:16
  214. Fr0stfur
  215. So the IoMI and MIW3 are separate events?
  216. 7:16
  217. Krazar77
  218. yes
  219. MIW3 is going to actually have development after the invasion
  220. cause their are severeal events that need to happen
  221. one invloves gamera
  222. on involves a gojiran
  223. one invloves MI
  224. one invloves tokyo
  225. and the other involves man
  226. 7:17
  227. Fr0stfur
  228. Krazar
  229. 7:17
  230. Krazar77
  231. *mana*
  232. 7:17
  233. Gojiran103
  234. They worked it out now
  235. 7:17
  236. Fr0stfur
  237. PM
  238. 7:17
  239. Gojiran103
  240. It's done
  241. 7:17
  242. Krazar77
  243. k
  244. k
  245. k
  246. k
  247. LSDKama has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  248. 7:19
  249. LSDKama
  250. hi
  251. 7:19
  252. Krazar77
  253. low
  254. 7:19
  255. GarudaGoji
  256. Hi
  257. 7:20
  258. DrGodzilla120
  259. Hmm...
  260. 7:20
  261. Krazar77
  262. so after that scuffle
  263. 7:20
  264. DrGodzilla120
  265. Now we need Gallibon.
  266. Is that it?
  267. 7:20
  268. Krazar77
  269. yes
  270. 7:20
  271. LSDKama
  272. Yeah.
  273. 7:20
  274. Lord Ghetsis
  275. About Galliob
  276. Gallibon*
  277. 7:20
  278. LSDKama
  279. He said he'd be here ~7:30.
  280. 7:20
  281. Lord Ghetsis
  282. He said he's returning after work
  283. 7:20
  284. Fr0stfur
  285. ^
  286. ^^*
  287. 7:20
  288. DrGodzilla120
  289. Alright.
  290. 7:20
  291. Gojiran103
  292. ....
  293. 7:20
  294. Krazar77
  295. i wont be here by 7:30
  296. 7:20
  297. Gojiran103
  298. What if that's the time I have to go
  299. 7:21
  300. DrGodzilla120
  301. Gojiran.
  302. Are you being an asshole again and trying to troll us?
  303. 7:21
  304. Gojiran103
  305. No, I'm very serious
  306. 7:21
  307. DrGodzilla120
  308. Or is that actually the time you have to go?
  309. Oh.
  310. 7:21
  311. LSDKama
  312. Which is 7:30 for Dr, Goro, Gallibon and I.
  313. 7:21
  314. Gojiran103
  315. I really have to leave that time
  316. I'll be back an hour later though
  317. 7:21
  318. DrGodzilla120
  319. Krazar, what state do you live in?
  320. 7:21
  321. ShodaiGoro
  322. k
  323. 7:21
  324. Krazar77
  325. tuceson
  326. 7:21
  327. LSDKama
  328. New Mexico
  329. 7:21
  330. Krazar77
  331. AZ
  332. 7:21
  333. LSDKama
  334. ...Who am I thinking of?
  335. Someone lives there.
  336. 7:22
  337. Krazar77
  338. garuda lives in AZ
  339. 7:22
  340. DrGodzilla120
  341. Oh, Krazar.
  342. It's 5:22 where you are.
  343. 7:22
  344. Krazar77
  345. hopefully i can meet him IRL
  346. 7:22
  347. LSDKama
  348. No, not him.
  349. 7:22
  350. DrGodzilla120
  351. It's 7:22 where I am.
  352. 7:22
  353. Krazar77
  354. yes
  355. neat
  356. 7:22
  357. Lord Ghetsis
  358. Its 11:18 where I am
  359. 7:22
  360. ShodaiGoro
  361. hey gojiran
  362. 7:22
  363. Lord Ghetsis
  364. Well 11:18am
  365. 7:22
  366. LSDKama
  367. I'm thinking of someone else.
  368. 7:22
  369. DrGodzilla120
  370. Hmm...
  371. 7:22
  372. ShodaiGoro
  373. marisa is best kitsune
  374. (Marisa) *is now a kitsune
  375. 7:22
  376. DrGodzilla120
  377. Should we do another NE conquering RP while we wait for Gallibon?
  378. 7:23
  379. Lord Ghetsis
  380. Hold onm
  381. 7:23
  382. ShodaiGoro
  383. (Chen) <(RAN-SAMAAAAA!!!) *glomps Marisa
  384. 7:23
  385. LSDKama
  386. Dr
  387. 7:23
  388. Lord Ghetsis
  389. I'm going to grab Lunch
  390. 7:23
  391. Fr0stfur
  392. Gojiran
  393. 7:23
  394. Lord Ghetsis
  395. then I can rp
  396. 7:23
  397. Krazar77
  398. how about a good old kaiju battle
  399. 7:23
  400. Fr0stfur
  401. What time is it for you?
  402. 7:23
  403. LSDKama
  404. Did I/they tell you what happened to the UK and Ireland?
  405. Lord Ghetsis has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  406. 7:23
  407. DrGodzilla120
  408. No?
  409. What happened?
  410. 7:23
  411. LSDKama
  412. It's now destroyed.
  413. 7:23
  414. DrGodzilla120
  415. As in, the landmass?
  416. 7:23
  417. LSDKama
  418. No
  419. 7:24
  420. Fr0stfur
  421. Gallibon could be here in either 7 minutes or a few hours
  422. 7:24
  423. LSDKama
  424. The civilization.
  425. 7:24
  426. DrGodzilla120
  427. Oh.
  428. 7:24
  429. LSDKama
  430. Gallibon and I share a timezone
  431. 7:24
  432. Gojiran103
  433. .....nvm. I thought Kama said "9:30", it's 8:24 here @Fr0stfur
  434. 7:24
  435. ShodaiGoro
  436. * (KR1) feels something land on his head
  437. 7:24
  438. DrGodzilla120
  439. Trahir didn't want the civilization to be completely destroyed, but he wouldn't really mind a destroyed civilization.
  440. 7:24
  441. LSDKama
  442. As im
  443. 7:24
  444. DrGodzilla120
  445. He would probably send in NE engineers and have them remodel the city to their own taste.
  446. 7:24
  447. ShodaiGoro
  448. (Chen) <(Toh! I am Ramen Rider!) *clearly has just heard of KR
  449. 7:24
  450. LSDKama
  451. *in
  452. Nothing's left
  453. 7:24
  454. Flaredragon00
  455. (KR1) <( Hm?)
  456. 7:25
  457. LSDKama
  458. The place isn't worth the effort to rebuild.
  459. 7:25
  460. ShodaiGoro
  461. (Chen) <(Ramen Rider... Chen!)
  462. 7:25
  463. DrGodzilla120
  464. It wouldn't take them much effort at all.
  465. Obsidian can control Earth, and Grim can control Tech.
  466. They would greatly speed up the construction.
  467. 7:26
  468. LSDKama
  469. As what's left is scorched earth, molten glass, dust, ash, corpses and the occasional ruined building.
  470. It wouldn't even be rebuilding
  471. 7:26
  472. GarudaGoji
  473. Corpses, huh?
  474. 7:26
  475. DrGodzilla120
  476. It would just be starting fresh?
  477. 7:26
  478. LSDKama
  479. Yep
  480. 7:26
  481. GarudaGoji
  482. Someone's gonna have a field day there...
  483. 7:26
  484. DrGodzilla120
  485. They honestly don't care that much. They would build the city to their own liking.
  486. 7:26
  487. ShodaiGoro
  488. garuda
  489. 7:26
  490. DrGodzilla120
  491. The less buildings left over, the more they get to decorate it.
  492. 7:26
  493. ShodaiGoro
  494. (Suika) is god
  495. (Suika) is god
  496. (Suika) is god
  497. (Suika) is god
  498. (Suika) is god
  499. (SUIKA) IS GOD
  500. 7:27
  501. DrGodzilla120
  502. (Shrek) is bae
  503. 7:27
  504. Krazar77
  505. no
  506. 7:27
  507. DrGodzilla120
  508. imeanwut
  509. 7:27
  510. Krazar77
  511. (jesus christ) is god
  512. 7:27
  513. DrGodzilla120
  514. No.
  515. 7:27
  516. ShodaiGoro
  517. (Suika) > Jesus
  518. 7:27
  519. DrGodzilla120
  520. God is God.
  521. 7:27
  522. LSDKama
  523. You're all wrong!
  524. 7:27
  525. Krazar77
  526. No
  527. Godzilla is god
  528. 7:27
  529. ShodaiGoro
  530. Suika is best oni
  531. 7:27
  532. GarudaGoji
  534. 7:27
  535. DrGodzilla120
  536. No.
  537. 7:27
  538. Krazar77
  539. God Godzilal is god
  540. 7:27
  541. DrGodzilla120
  542. Know who's God?
  543. 7:27
  544. Gojiran103
  546. 7:27
  547. Krazar77
  548. (fire dragon)
  549. 7:27
  550. DrGodzilla120
  551. Fred. Fucking. Durs-*shot*
  552. 7:27
  553. LSDKama
  554. ^
  555. 7:27
  556. GarudaGoji
  558. 7:27
  559. LSDKama
  560. Goddammiy
  561. 7:27
  562. ShodaiGoro
  563. Flying Sake Suika is god
  564. 7:28
  565. LSDKama
  567. Dr
  568. I did a Hunger Games simulator match
  569. 7:28
  570. DrGodzilla120
  571. Oh God.
  572. 7:28
  573. LSDKama
  574. You stabbed Rukia in the back.
  575. 7:28
  576. DrGodzilla120
  577. ...
  578. What the fuck?
  579. Why?
  580. Wha...
  581. BS.
  582. I'm calling BS.
  583. 7:28
  584. LSDKama
  585. In another, Rukia killed Haley Ramm who killed you.
  586. 7:28
  587. Krazar77
  588. i has to go now
  589. 7:29
  590. ShodaiGoro
  591. o/
  592. 7:29
  593. DrGodzilla120
  594. o/
  595. Fuck.
  596. 7:29
  597. Krazar77
  598. (wave)
  599. 7:29
  600. LSDKama
  601. Bye
  602. 7:29
  603. GarudaGoji
  604. Bye Krazar
  605. 7:29
  606. Krazar77
  607. ill see you laters
  608. 7:29
  609. LSDKama
  610. Rukia won that one.
  611. 7:29
  612. Krazar77
  613. Bye quet
  614. 7:29
  615. LSDKama
  616. She killed HK.
  617. 7:29
  618. Gojiran103
  619. heh me too
  620. 7:29
  621. Krazar77
  622. * Krazar77 runes for the hills
  623. 7:29
  624. DrGodzilla120
  625. Who else did Rukia kill?
  626. 7:29
  627. LSDKama
  628. In one
  629. 7:29
  630. Krazar77
  631. * Krazar77 arrives in the hills
  632. 7:29
  633. LSDKama
  634. She killed Revolver Ocelot
  635. Gojiran103 has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  636. 7:29
  637. Krazar77
  638. okay im save now
  639. Gojiran103 has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  640. 7:29
  641. Krazar77
  642. right?
  643. 7:30
  644. LSDKama
  645. Who had fought off Haley Ramm, You and Taokaka.
  646. 7:30
  647. Krazar77
  648. okay im save
  649. bye guys
  650. 7:30
  651. ShodaiGoro
  652. o/
  653. 7:30
  654. GarudaGoji
  655. Bye Krazar
  656. 7:30
  657. LSDKama
  658. I died of dysentery.
  659. Another time Garuda was strangled by Taokaka.
  660. Thegoldnguy has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  661. 7:31
  662. LSDKama
  663. Hi
  664. 7:31
  665. Thegoldnguy
  666. I-Is it over?
  667. 7:31
  668. Gojiran103
  669. Yes
  670. 7:31
  671. LSDKama
  672. What?
  673. 7:31
  674. Gojiran103
  675. They resolved it @Goldn
  676. 7:31
  677. LSDKama
  678. Oh, and there was one where Giz killed 8 people.
  679. 7:32
  680. Thegoldnguy
  681. Good.
  682. 7:32
  683. LSDKama
  684. Twice that of the nearest person.
  685. She died falling into a frozen lake.
  686. 7:32
  687. DrGodzilla120
  688. I have my favorite Clash of the Waifus match saved onto my computer.
  689. 7:33
  690. LSDKama
  691. Then there was a couple where LoG singer Randy Blythe was a beast.
  692. In total
  693. He killed Gallibon, Gamoni, Taokaka, LSDKama, DrGodzilla120, FoxMask, Giz and WolfMask.
  694. 7:34
  695. DrGodzilla120
  696. In that one, Hatsune Miku decapitated Tatsumai.
  697. 7:34
  698. LSDKama
  699. Not in one match, albeit.
  700. Then in another he killed himself in the first freaking part.
  701. 7:34
  702. DrGodzilla120
  703. Tatsumaki*
  704. GarudaGoji has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  705. 7:35
  706. Gojiran103
  707. hatsune miku is... just not my thing
  708. 7:35
  709. DrGodzilla120
  710. She also pushed Bambietta into an oncoming boulder to kill her during a hurricane.
  711. She was finally killed by Rangiku, who set off an explosive.
  712. GarudaGoji has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  713. 7:35
  714. Thegoldnguy
  715. Miku is a bit of a clique-ish thing.
  716. 7:35
  717. LSDKama
  718. Gojiran103 got into a fist fight with Hatsune Miku on another simulator match.
  719. 7:36
  720. Thegoldnguy
  721. Fitting.
  722. 7:36
  723. Fr0stfur
  724. I modified the events for mine (got rid of the anticlimactic nature deaths) and then it got glitched
  725. PBG died 7 times in ONE GAME.
  726. 7:36
  727. LSDKama
  728. He was thrown off a cliff.
  729. 7:36
  730. DrGodzilla120
  731. Hatsune Miku also killed Lucy West.
  732. Lord Ghetsis has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  733. 7:36
  734. DrGodzilla120
  735. Hatsune was also defeated in battle by Rukia, who chose to spare her life.
  736. 7:36
  737. LSDKama
  738. Miku died the next day when Flare bashed her head into a rock several times.
  739. Hi
  740. 7:36
  741. DrGodzilla120
  742. Rangiku and Rukia were ultimately the two last survivors.
  743. 7:37
  744. Lord Ghetsis
  745. You killed Bambiettea again?
  746. 7:37
  747. DrGodzilla120
  748. Rangiku died by falling into a frozen lake. Ironic, considering Rukia's powerset.
  749. 7:37
  750. Lord Ghetsis
  751. >:C
  752. GarudaGoji has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  753. 7:37
  754. DrGodzilla120
  755. Bambietta was killed by Hatsune Miku.
  756. 7:37
  757. LSDKama
  758. Flare then got killed by Lord Ghetsis.
  759. 7:37
  760. DrGodzilla120
  761. Miku pushed her into an oncoming boulder during a hurricane.
  762. 7:37
  763. LSDKama
  764. Who died from eating poison berries.
  765. Gallibon the Destroyer has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  766. 7:37
  767. DrGodzilla120
  768. Hatsune Miku was killed by Rangiku, who set off an explosive.
  769. o/
  770. 7:37
  771. LSDKama
  772. hi
  773. 7:37
  774. Gallibon the Destroyer
  775. Hello.
  776. What did I miss?
  777. 7:38
  778. LSDKama
  779. Gallibon gets killed early on in most of my matches.
  780. 7:38
  781. DrGodzilla120
  782. Hatsune Miku also killed two more people.
  783. Decapitated Tatsumaki and severely slashed Lucy West.
  784. 7:38
  785. LSDKama
  786. One I didn't show here was absolutely hilarious.
  787. 7:38
  788. DrGodzilla120
  789. Let me find the whole thing.
  790. As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds. Bambietta finds a bag full of explosives. Fubuki gathers as much food as she can. Cassie Cage grabs a sword. Sakura runs away from the Cornucopia. Rukia runs away from the Cornucopia. Lucy West finds a backpack full of camping equipment. Giselle clutches a first aid kit and runs away. Serana runs away from the Cornucopia. Safiria rips a mace out of Anne Bonny's hands. Tatsumaki runs away from the Cornucopia. Orihime takes a spear from inside the cornucopia. Muiri runs away from the Cornucopia. Chloe Moretz runs away from the Cornucopia. Cyan Sung-Sun, Catie Wayne, and Riruka work together to get as many supplies as possible. Kitana runs away from the Cornucopia. Rangiku grabs a shield leaning on the cornucopia. Lucy Stillman kills Ellie Goulding with a hatchet. Haley Ramm runs away from the Cornucopia. Moira Brown runs away from the Cornucopia. Hatsune Miku takes a sickle from inside the cornucopia.
  791. Fubuki questions her sanity. Riruka tries to sleep through the entire day. Chloe Moretz, Kitana, and Cassie Cage start fighting, but Kitana runs away as Chloe Moretz killsCassie Cage. Hatsune Miku explores the arena. Bambietta camouflauges herself in the bushes. Sakura practices her archery. Rangiku constructs a shack. Safiria, Serana, and Rukia hunt for other tributes. Catie Wayne sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate. Tatsumaki makes a wooden spear. Cyan Sung-Sun and Muiri split up to search for resources. Lucy West goes hunting. Haley Ramm unknowingly eats toxic berries. Moira Brown severely injures Orihime and leaves her to die. Anne Bonny goes hunting. Giselle taints Lucy Stillman's food, killing her.
  792. 7:39
  793. Lord Ghetsis
  794. Heh
  795. Realistically though
  796. 7:39
  797. DrGodzilla120
  798. Riruka screams for help. Anne Bonny receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor. Moira Brown passes out from exhaustion. Lucy West kills Giselle with her own weapon. Kitana sees a fire, but stays hidden. Rukia loses sight of where she is. Chloe Moretz starts a fire. Muiri sets up camp for the night. Hatsune Miku, Sakura, and Tatsumaki sleep in shifts. Fubuki climbs a tree to rest. Cyan Sung-Sun cries herself to sleep. Safiria is awoken by nightmares. Catie Wayne and Bambietta huddle for warmth. Serana cooks her food before putting her fire out. Rangiku receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
  799. 7:39
  800. Lord Ghetsis
  801. Bambietta, Rangiku, Sun Sun and Rukia would be the last ones standing
  802. 7:39
  803. Fr0stfur
  804. The most kills I've gotten from a single thing was 20 kills
  805. 7:40
  806. DrGodzilla120
  807. Lucy West, Cyan Sung-Sun, Hatsune Miku, and Catie Wayne hunt for other tributes. Sakura accidently steps on a landmine. Safiria, Anne Bonny, Chloe Moretz, and Fubuki hunt for other tributes. Kitana, Tatsumaki, and Rangiku hunt for other tributes. Moira Brown and Rukia work together to drown Muiri. Serana scares Bambietta off. Riruka receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
  808. 7:40
  809. Gallibon the Destroyer
  810. Can I see the funny one, Kama?
  811. 7:40
  812. LSDKama
  813. Gallibon ended up fighting Haley Ramm, Rukia, Miku, Serana, DrGodzilla120 and The Ghostbusters Rookie
  814. I don't know how to save them.
  815. 7:40
  816. Fr0stfur
  817. The killer was a glitch that made people die in the fallen tributes section without actually dying, and 7 of those kills were PBG.
  818. 7:40
  819. LSDKama
  820. And WON.
  821. 7:40
  822. DrGodzilla120
  823. A monstrous hurricane wreaks havoc on the arena. Moira Brown is incapacitated by flying debris and dies. Cyan Sung-Sun survives. Rukia survives. Anne Bonny is incapacitated by flying debris and dies. Kitana tries to save Safiria from being sucked into the hurricane, only to be sucked in as well. Rangiku stabs Riruka, then pushes her close enough to the hurricane to suck her in. Lucy West survives. Chloe Moretz survives. Serana is sucked into the hurricane. Tatsumaki survives. Catie Wayne tries to save Fubuki from being sucked into the hurricane, only to be sucked in as well. Hatsune Miku pushes Bambietta into an incoming boulder.
  824. 7:40
  825. LSDKama
  826. Not at once, though.
  827. 7:41
  828. DrGodzilla120
  829. Rangiku, Rukia, and Cyan Sung-Sun start fighting, but Rukia runs away as Rangiku kills Cyan Sung-Sun. Hatsune Miku stays awake all night. Tatsumaki screams for help. Lucy West attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful. Chloe Moretz sees a fire, but stays hidden.
  830. The cornucopia is replenished with food, supplies, weapons, and memoirs from the tributes' families. Rangiku decides not to go to The Feast. Tatsumaki, Hatsune Miku, and Chloe Moretz confront each other, but grab what they want slowly to avoid conflict. Rukia decides not to go to The Feast. Lucy West decides not to go to The Feast.
  831. 7:41
  832. Gallibon the Destroyer
  833. Oh.
  834. Nvm then.
  835. 7:41
  836. LSDKama
  837. It ended up going down between Gallibon, Ocelot and Randy Blythe.
  838. 7:41
  839. DrGodzilla120
  840. Hatsune Miku steals from Lucy West while she isn't looking. Tatsumaki shoots an arrow into Chloe Moretz's head. Rangiku travels to higher ground. Rukia camouflauges herself in the bushes.
  841. Tatsumaki tries to sing herself to sleep. Rangiku receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor. Rukia quietly hums. Lucy West climbs a tree to rest. Hatsune Miku screams for help.
  842. 7:42
  843. Fr0stfur
  844. So far my winners have been Finn, Utsuho Reiuji, and Batman.
  845. 7:42
  846. DrGodzilla120
  847. Tatsumaki receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor. Rukia defeats Hatsune Miku in a fight, but spares her life. Rangiku is pricked by thorns while picking berries. Lucy West questions her sanity.
  848. 7:42
  849. LSDKama
  850. Gallibon killed Blythe but Ocelot ran away.
  851. 7:42
  852. DrGodzilla120
  853. Hatsune Miku decapitates Tatsumaki with a sword. Lucy West receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor. Rukia begs for Rangiku to kill her. She refuses, keeping Rukia alive.
  854. 7:42
  855. Lord Ghetsis
  856. Wait
  857. Link me to it
  858. To the simulator
  859. 7:42
  860. DrGodzilla120
  861. Rukia makes a wooden spear. Hatsune Miku severely slices Lucy West with a sword. Rangiku picks flowers.
  862. 7:43
  863. LSDKama
  864. Ocelot killed Gallibon by stabbing him to death with two sais.
  865. Gallibon had like, so many kills.
  866. 7:43
  867. DrGodzilla120
  868. Hatsune Miku receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor. Rukia receives clean water from an unknown sponsor. Rangiku is awoken by nightmares.
  869. 7:43
  870. Lord Ghetsis
  871. Nvm
  872. Got the link
  873. 7:43
  874. DrGodzilla120
  875. Hatsune Miku diverts Rukia's attention and runs away. Rangiku makes a wooden spear.
  876. 7:43
  877. LSDKama
  878. I think he had like 10 kills.
  879. 7:43
  880. DrGodzilla120
  881. Hatsune Miku and Rukia run into each other and decide to truce for the night. Rangiku screams for help.
  882. 7:43
  883. Fr0stfur
  884. all 3 of my winners were characters none of us were rooting for
  885. 7:44
  886. DrGodzilla120
  887. Hatsune Miku diverts Rukia's attention and runs away. Rangiku hunts for other tributes.
  888. Rangiku screams for help. Rukia sets up camp for the night. Hatsune Miku starts a fire.
  889. Rukia constructs a shack. Rangiku sets an explosive off, killing Hatsune Miku.
  890. Rangiku falls into a frozen lake and drowns.
  891. The winner is Rukia from District 12!
  892. 7:44
  893. LSDKama
  894. All who I said above, LSDKama, Catwoman and Gamoni.
  895. He bashed LSDKama's head into a rock several times.
  896. 7:45
  897. Fr0stfur
  898. Catwoman is in mine as well.
  899. 7:45
  900. Lord Ghetsis
  901. Nvm wrong one
  902. Fr0st PM
  903. 7:45
  904. LSDKama
  905. He strangled Catwoman with a rope, and threw a Molotov on Gamoni.
  906. Ocelot had one kill
  907. Gallibon.
  908. 7:46
  909. Fr0stfur
  910. DEoRfjwK48 is my code if you want to see the tributes.
  911. 7:46
  912. ShodaiGoro
  913. Hey, Gojiran
  914. 7:46
  915. DrGodzilla120
  917. 7:46
  918. ShodaiGoro
  919. Hey, Dr
  920. 7:46
  921. DrGodzilla120
  922. ?
  923. 7:46
  924. ShodaiGoro
  925. *no scopes Dr
  928. 7:47
  929. LSDKama
  930. Nobody could freaking touch Gallibon in that one.
  931. 7:47
  932. DrGodzilla120
  934. 7:47
  935. LSDKama
  936. Except for Ocelot.
  937. 7:47
  938. DrGodzilla120
  939. This video served as inspiration for part of Trahir's "personality".
  940. 7:48
  941. Fr0stfur
  942. Lemme copy/paste my tributes from last night before i start it
  943. My tributes are: PeanutButterGamer, JonTron, SpaceHamster, Caddicarus, Ragna, Percy Jackson, Gandalf, Harry Potter, Sonic, Catwoman, Rainbow Dash, Jayfeather, Deadpool, Crypto 138, Tweety Bird, Utsuho Reiuji, Superman, Batman, Luke Skywalker, Shrek, Spooky, Pyramid Head, Slenderman, Jason Voorhees, Freddy Fazbear, Elsa, Cloud, Ichigo, Taz, Papyrus, Bolt, Nick Wilde, Godzilla, Barney, Birdie from McDonalds, Elmo, Homer, Kirby, Undyne, Peter Griffin, Mordecai, Finn, Gumball, Ice Bear, Mickey Mouse, Snoopy, Tom, and Scooby Doo.
  944. GarudaGoji has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  945. 7:48
  946. Fr0stfur
  947. I've started it
  948. The Cornucopia Bloodbath - Taz throws a knife into Dashie's head.
  949. Tom and Birdie from McDonald's fight Papyrus and Elmo. Tom and Birdie from McDonlad's survive.
  950. Luke skywalker sets Tom on fire with a molotov.
  951. Freddy Fazbear attacks Ragna, but Godzilla protects him, killing Freddy
  952. Also, before it started:
  953. Crypto steps off his podium too soon and blows up.
  954. Batman died from the glitch also.
  955. 7:52
  956. ShodaiGoro
  957. (KRBRX) *awakens in a room where a sole figure stands
  958. 7:52
  959. Fr0stfur
  960. NIGHT 1 - Ice Bear begs for Godzilla to kill him. He refuses, keeping Ice Bear alive.
  961. Cloud sets an explosive off, killing Barney.
  962. 7:52
  963. ShodaiGoro
  964. (White RX) <(...)
  965. (White RX) <(Kotaro... Kotaro...)
  966. 7:52
  967. Fr0stfur
  968. uhh
  969. Barney's death counted twice for some reason
  970. Now Cloud has 2 kills instead of 1
  971. 7:53
  972. Gojiran103
  973. back
  974. 7:53
  975. Flaredragon00
  976. (KRBRX) <( W-what?)
  977. 7:53
  978. Lord Ghetsis
  979. Dafuq
  980. Forgot player name?
  981. 7:53
  982. ShodaiGoro
  983. (White RX) <(It's me, your brother.)
  984. (White RX) <(I'm late to the party, but you did it. The Creation King and Golgom no longer controls me. Although it's effects lingered...)
  985. 7:53
  986. Fr0stfur
  987. Wow
  988. Peter Griffin, Undyne, and Spooky all died from the glitch.
  989. 7:54
  990. ShodaiGoro
  991. (White RX) <(We can be brother again, Kotaro.)
  992. (White RX) <(Revolcane.) *takes out his Revolcane and knees with it
  993. 7:54
  994. Fr0stfur
  995. DAY 4 - Tweety sets an explosive off, killing Mickey Mouse, Scooby Doo, Shrek and Pyramid Head
  996. 7:54
  997. ShodaiGoro
  998. (White RX) <(I did some crazy things as Shadowmoon.)
  999. 7:55
  1000. Fr0stfur
  1001. NIGHT 4 - Ichigo forces Bolt to kill Godzilla or JonTron. He decides to kill Godzilla.
  1002. 7:55
  1003. ShodaiGoro
  1004. (Kamen Rider White RX)
  1005. 7:55
  1006. Fr0stfur
  1007. Slenderman attacks Nick Wilde, but Elsa protects him, killing Slenderman.
  1008. 7:55
  1009. ShodaiGoro
  1010. (KRWRX) *puts the Revolcane into his belt once more
  1011. 7:55
  1012. Lord Ghetsis
  1013. It keeps telling me I forgot to choose player names
  1014. choose a player name*
  1015. 7:55
  1016. Fr0stfur
  1017. DAY 5 - Sonic silently snaps Ichigo's neck.
  1018. Weird...
  1019. Gumball unknowingly eats toxic berries.
  1020. NIGHT 5 - Sonic stabs Gandalf while his back is turned.
  1021. 7:56
  1022. Lord Ghetsis
  1023. Fack it
  1024. 7:56
  1025. Flaredragon00
  1026. (KRBRX) *takes out his Revolcane*
  1027. 7:56
  1028. Fr0stfur
  1029. Day 6
  1030. 7:56
  1031. Flaredragon00
  1032. (KRBRX) <(...Brother...)
  1033. 7:56
  1034. Fr0stfur
  1035. sorry garuda
  1036. Utsuho poisons Kirby's drink, but mistakes it for her own and dies.
  1037. 7:57
  1038. ShodaiGoro
  1039. (KRWRX) <(Kotaro... I promise you... I'll be there for you. I can be your brother again.)
  1040. 7:57
  1041. Gojiran103
  1042. <<<orochimaster666>> this is just stupid
  1043. -from a hilarious video i'm watching
  1044. 7:57
  1045. ShodaiGoro
  1046. (KRWRX) <(I'm not Shadowmoon anymore. I am the Child of the Moon. Kamen Rider White... RX!) *readies is Revolcane and joins it with Black RX's, as if to make a bond
  1047. 7:57
  1048. GarudaGoji
  1049. Nah, it's alright.
  1050. 7:58
  1051. Fr0stfur
  1052. Night 7 - Cloud, JonTron, and Nick Wilde successfully ambush and kill Sonic, Mordecai, and Taz.
  1053. DAY 8 - Deadpool dies trying to escape the arena.
  1054. Cloud currently has the most kills, at 5.
  1055. 7:59
  1056. Flaredragon00
  1057. (KRBRX) *nods head* <( Oi!)
  1058. 7:59
  1059. ShodaiGoro
  1060. (WRX)
  1061. (WRX) *transforms back into Nobuhiko
  1062. 7:59
  1063. Fr0stfur
  1064. DAY 9 - Ragna, Harry Potter, and Snoopy get into a fight. Ragna triumphantly kills them both.
  1065. 7:59
  1066. ShodaiGoro
  1067. (Nobuhiko)<(I will atone for my crtim
  1068. *crimes
  1069. 8:00
  1070. Fr0stfur
  1071. DAY 10 - Luke Skywalker dies of dysentery.
  1072. Superman dies from thirst.
  1073. 8:00
  1074. Lord Ghetsis
  1075. brb
  1076. Lol@Superman dying
  1077. 8:00
  1078. GarudaGoji
  1079. Superman ain't so super now
  1080. 8:00
  1081. Fr0stfur
  1082. PBG died twice from the glitch
  1083. somehow he died twice in one day
  1084. In my 5 or so games, PBG always die at least three times.
  1085. 8:02
  1086. Thegoldnguy
  1087. He ran out of sunlight
  1088. 8:02
  1089. Fr0stfur
  1090. NIGHT 11 - Birdie from McDonald's dies from an infection.
  1091. Ice Bear convinces JonTron to snuggle with him.
  1092. DAY 12 - Catwoman begs for Ice Bear to kill her. He reluctantly obliges, killing Catwoman.
  1093. 8:03
  1094. DrGodzilla120
  1095. So today, I was talking to a group of people, and we brought up my phone.
  1096. Eventually, I mentioned how my background was Tatsumaki and Rukia standing in front of my bed (don't judge me), and we got onto the topic of anime.
  1097. And then someone else asked me THIS question.
  1098. 8:03
  1099. Fr0stfur
  1100. NIGHT 12 - Homer, Ice Bear, Bolt, Ragna, and Tweety track down and kill Percy Jackson.
  1101. 8:03
  1102. DrGodzilla120
  1103. "Have you heard of the anime SAO?"
  1104. Me: *eye begins to twitch violently*
  1105. 8:03
  1106. Gojiran103
  1107. Dio Brando without his golden jacket now vaguely resembles Rugal Bernstein
  1108. 8:04
  1109. Fr0stfur
  1110. Finn decapitates Nick Wilde with a sword.
  1111. oh!!!
  1112. THE FEAST
  1113. Elsa destroys Tweety Bird's memoirs out of spite.
  1114. 8:04
  1115. Thegoldnguy
  1116. U REED DA SAO MAINGA?!!111
  1117. 8:04
  1118. Fr0stfur
  1119. Kirby repeatedly stabs Finn to death with sais.
  1120. Jason Voorhees dies from an infection.
  1121. JonTron bleeds out due to untreated injuries.
  1122. 8:05
  1123. Gojiran103
  1124. With the blonde hair and... yeah, everything
  1125. o/
  1126. 8:06
  1127. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1128. o/
  1129. 8:07
  1130. Lord Ghetsis
  1131. o/
  1132. 8:07
  1133. Fr0stfur
  1134. FINAL ELEVEN - SpaceHamster, Caddicarus, Ragna (3 Kills), Jayfeather, Tweety Bird (5 Kills), Elsa (1 Kill), Cloud Strife (5 Kills), Bolt (2 Kills), Homer Simpson (1 Kill), Kirby (1 Kill), Ice Bear (2 Kills)
  1135. DAY 15 - Homer, Tweety Bird, and Ice Bear start fighting, but Tweety runs away as Homer kills Ice Bear.
  1136. NIGHT 15 - Cloud defeats Bolt in a fight, but spares his life.
  1137. oh god, look at this!
  1138. DAY 19 - Bolt sets an explosive off, killing Jayfeather, Caddy, SpaceHamster and Cloud.
  1139. Bolt had a blast!
  1140. 8:10
  1141. GarudaGoji
  1142. He sure had one explosive day.
  1143. 8:11
  1144. Fr0stfur
  1145. FINAL SIX - Ragna (3 Kills), Tweety Bird (5 Kills), Elsa (1 Kill), Bolt (6 Kills), Homer Simpson (2 Kills), Kirby (1 Kill)
  1146. I'm rooting for Bol-
  1147. Day 20 - Ragna shoots a poisonous blow dart into Bolt's neck, slowly killing him.
  1148. ........
  1149. Night 21 - Tweety Bird tracks down and kills Homer.
  1150. Here it is!
  1151. The winner will be revealed now!
  1152. DAY 22
  1153. Tweety and Ragna threaten a double suicide. It fails and they die.
  1154. Kirby falls into a frozen lake and drowns.
  1155. 8:13
  1156. LSDKama
  1157. ...
  1158. 8:13
  1159. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1160. brb
  1161. 8:13
  1162. Fr0stfur
  1163. The winner is Elsa from District 7!
  1164. 8:13
  1165. GarudaGoji
  1166. Damnit! I was betting on Kirby!
  1167. 8:13
  1168. Fr0stfur
  1169. 1 KILL
  1170. 8:13
  1171. LSDKama
  1172. I got mine set up.
  1173. 8:13
  1174. Fr0stfur
  1175. Elsa got 1 kill and won
  1176. -_-
  1177. 8:13
  1178. LSDKama
  1179. So did Ocelot.
  1180. Lord Ghetsis has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  1181. 8:13
  1182. Fr0stfur
  1183. PeanutButter Gamer 17th Place District 1 PeanutButter Gamer 18th Place District 1
  1184. I'm gonna try again so I get a better winner
  1185. Lord Ghetsis has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  1186. 8:14
  1187. Fr0stfur
  1188. There's been NO winners that any of us were rooting for in 4 games
  1189. Retry!
  1190. 8:14
  1191. LSDKama
  1192. How do you edit the matches?
  1193. 8:15
  1194. Fr0stfur
  1195. Go to "Edit Cast"
  1196. 8:15
  1197. LSDKama
  1198. I know
  1199. I meant the events.
  1200. 8:15
  1201. Fr0stfur
  1202. go to "modify events"
  1204. 8:15
  1205. DrGodzilla120
  1206. I don't think you... Wait.
  1207. You can?
  1208. 8:15
  1209. Fr0stfur
  1210. Elsa, Gumball, and Percy start fighting, but Gumball runs away as Elsa kills Percy.
  1211. you can but i think it glitches your game
  1212. Lord Ghetsis has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  1213. 8:16
  1214. Fr0stfur
  1215. people might start dying 7 times in one game on yours too if you do it
  1216. Kirby and Mordecai fight for a bag. Kirby strangles Mordecai with the straps and runs.
  1217. Snoopy defeats Utsuho in a fight, but spares her life.
  1218. Freddy Fazbear stabs Nick Wilde while his back is turned.
  1219. NIGHT 1 - Caddy and Dashie track down and kill Papyrus.
  1220. Slenderman, Snoopy, Peter Griffin, and Superman form a suicide pact, killing themselves.
  1221. Lord Ghetsis has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  1222. 8:19
  1223. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1224. Back.
  1225. GarudaGoji has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  1226. 8:20
  1227. Fr0stfur
  1228. NIGHT 4 - Kirby attempts to climb a tree, but falls on Birdie from McDonald's, killing them both.
  1229. good thing Garuda left
  1230. GarudaGoji has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  1231. 8:20
  1232. Fr0stfur
  1233. err
  1234. Ice Bear stabs Finn in the back with a trident.
  1235. 8:20
  1236. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1237. Bad timing Fr0stfur. :P
  1238. 8:21
  1239. Fr0stfur
  1240. DAY 5 - Homer shoots an arrow at Harry, but misses and kills Pyramid Head instead.
  1241. NIGHT 5 - Gandalf stabs Spooky in the back with a trident.
  1242. NIGHT 6 - Bolt forces Rainbow Dash to kill Gumball or Undyne. She refuses to kill, so Bolt kills her instead.
  1243. Damn Bolt is a savage
  1244. Deadpool, Godzilla, and Luke Skywalker cheerfully sing songs together.
  1245. 8:22
  1246. LSDKama
  1247. As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds. Gallibon runs away from the Cornucopia. Randy runs away from the Cornucopia. Goro runs away from the Cornucopia. Quet runs away from the Cornucopia. Samus runs away from the Cornucopia. NoF and Grey Fox threaten a double suicide. It fails and they die. Eanif snatches a pair of sais. Fortune runs away from the Cornucopia. Haley grabs a shield leaning on the cornucopia. Abraxas, Raiden, and Ghetsis work together to get as many supplies as possible.
  1248. Emma Stone runs away from the Cornucopia. Gojiran and Byakuren fight for a bag. Byakuren gives up and retreats. Shaundi runs away from the Cornucopia. Kirumin stays at the cornucopia for resources. Klepacki grabs a jar of fishing bait while Ocelot gets fishing gear. Takei rips a mace out of Beta's hands. Dr clutches a first aid kit and runs away. Flare finds a canteen full of water. Kama runs away from the Cornucopia. Rukia retrieves a trident from inside the cornucopia. Aya runs away from the Cornucopia. Aquata and Sakimori. fight for a bag. Sakimori. gives up and retreats. Nue retrieves a trident from inside the cornucopia. Fr0st, Switchback, Nicholas Cage, and Graineil share everything they gathered before running. Amazon runs away from the Cornucopia. Stronger runs away from the Cornucopia. Lucy West, Bruce Lee, Kitana, and Dire share everything they gathered before running.
  1249. Crispin scares Bayonetta away from the cornucopia. Taokaka runs away from the Cornucopia. Catwoman grabs a jar of fishing bait while CM gets fishing gear. Anon runs away from the Cornucopia. Kane and Garuda fight for a bag. Garuda gives up and retreats.
  1250. 8:24
  1251. ShodaiGoro
  1252. (Chen) <(Fokkusu-sama... have you given up?)
  1253. (FXM) <(What do you mean?)
  1254. 8:24
  1255. Fr0stfur
  1256. Crypto decapitates Shrek with a sword.
  1257. 8:24
  1258. LSDKama
  1259. Ghetsis receives clean water from an unknown sponsor. Klepacki scares Stronger off. Sakimori. discovers a river. Kama receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor. Ocelot constructs a shack. Haley and Dire fight Samus and Nue. Haley and Dire survive. Lucy West hunts for other tributes. Anon explores the arena. Emma Stone sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate. Randy explores the arena. Gojiran fishes. Fr0st begs for Eanif to kill him. He refuses, keeping Fr0st alive. Byakuren tries to sleep through the entire day. Kirumin strangles Garuda after engaging in a fist fight. Bruce Lee constructs a shack. Graineil attacks Rukia, but she manages to escape. Amazon hunts for other tributes. Aquata steals from Gallibon while he isn't looking. Nicholas Cage makes a wooden spear. Aya steals from CM while she isn't looking. Kitana explores the arena.
  1260. 8:24
  1261. ShodaiGoro
  1262. (Chen) <(You can still win. We can still beat them.)
  1263. (Chen) <(It's no longer a matter of if you "can or can't" anymore. It's a matter of "will or won't".)
  1264. Dr, PM
  1265. 8:25
  1266. Fr0stfur
  1267. Eanif pls
  1268. 8:25
  1269. LSDKama
  1270. Switchback receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor. Dr searches for a water source. Shaundi overhears Fortune and Catwoman talking in the distance. Quet, Bayonetta, Crispin, and Raiden hunt for other tributes. Taokaka and Beta split up to search for resources. Goro and Abraxas split up to search for resources. Flare collects fruit from a tree. Takei makes a slingshot. Kane makes a slingshot.
  1271. 8:25
  1272. Fr0stfur
  1273. DAY 8 - Ragna throws a knife into Cloud's head.
  1274. 8:25
  1275. LSDKama
  1276. 5 cannon shots can be heard in the distance. NoF District 1 Grey Fox District 11 Samus District 4 Nue District 9 Garuda District 6
  1277. Kama, Quet, Stronger, Bruce Lee, and Flare sleep in shifts. Aquata loses sight of where she is. Lucy West and CM tell stories about themselves to each other. Beta and Crispin huddle for warmth. Catwoman looks at the night sky. Eanif defeats Dire in a fight, but spares his life. Graineil looks at the night sky. Rukia thinks about home. Takei quietly hums. Switchback attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful. Taokaka, Shaundi, and Gojiran cheerfully sing songs together. Abraxas, Bayonetta, Randy, and Kitana tell each other ghost stories to lighten the mood.
  1278. Kane and Nicholas Cage run into each other and decide to truce for the night. Raiden and Fortune hold hands. Emma Stone goes to sleep. Sakimori. thinks about home. Haley stays awake all night. Klepacki and Ghetsis run into each other and decide to truce for the night. Anon lets Byakuren into his shelter. Dr and Kirumin threaten a double suicide. It fails and they die. Gallibon sees a fire, but stays hidden. Goro goes to sleep. Amazon screams for help. Aya and Ocelot hold hands. Fr0st dies from thirst.
  1279. 8:26
  1280. Fr0stfur
  1281. DAY 10 - SpaceHamster kills Luke Skywalker while he is resting.
  1282. Also Luke's death counted twice
  1283. 8:27
  1284. ShodaiGoro
  1285. (FXM) <('re right.) *gets up
  1286. (Chen) <(Where are you going?)
  1287. 8:27
  1288. LSDKama
  1289. Fortune, Sakimori., and Bruce Lee hunt for other tributes. Bayonetta scares Graineil off. Byakuren chases Gojiran. Stronger camouflauges himself in the bushes. Switchback begs for Klepacki to kill him. He refuses, keeping Switchback alive. Ocelot attempts to climb a tree, but falls on Aya, killing them both. Rukia overhears Aquata and Quet talking in the distance. Raiden accidently detonates a land mine while trying to arm it. Dire dies of dysentery. Emma Stone stalks Catwoman. Haley picks flowers. Goro goes hunting. Kitana makes a wooden spear.
  1290. 8:27
  1291. ShodaiGoro
  1292. (Chen) <(It's time we make preparations.)
  1293. * (FXM)
  1294. 8:27
  1295. Fr0stfur
  1296. NIGHT 10 - Freddy Fazbear, Jayfeather, and Homer unsuccessfully ambush Caddy, Utsuho, and Tom, who kill them instead.
  1297. 8:28
  1298. LSDKama
  1299. Taokaka and Gallibon split up to search for resources. Kane receives clean water from an unknown sponsor. Abraxas poisons Crispin's drink. He drinks it and dies. Ghetsis questions his sanity. Amazon explores the arena. Nicholas Cage travels to higher ground. Kama hunts for other tributes. Randy defeats Lucy West in a fight, but spares her life. CM chases Anon. Takei, Eanif, Shaundi, and Flare raid Beta's camp while he is hunting.
  1300. 8:28
  1301. Thegoldnguy
  1302. I'm imagining Chen as FoxMask now.
  1303. 8:28
  1304. ShodaiGoro
  1305. bakenekomask
  1306. 8:28
  1307. LSDKama
  1308. 8 cannon shots can be heard in the distance. Dr District 1 Kirumin District 10 Fr0st District 6 Ocelot District 2 Aya District 9 Raiden District 11 Dire District 12 Crispin District 2
  1309. 8:28
  1310. Fr0stfur
  1311. DAY 11 - Elsa poisons Mickey Mouse's drink, but mistakes it for her own and dies.
  1312. 8:28
  1313. Thegoldnguy
  1314. She wields two giant horns.
  1315. 8:28
  1316. Fr0stfur
  1317. Godzilla, Ichigo, and SpaceHamster get into a fight. Ichigo triumphantly kills them both.
  1318. Ice Bear dies of dysentery.
  1319. Ragna, Elmo, Deadpool, Sonic, and Bolt track down and kill Taz.
  1320. 8:29
  1321. LSDKama
  1322. Stronger stabs Ghetsis with a tree branch. Taokaka tries to treat her infection. Bruce Lee sets up camp for the night. Abraxas starts a fire. Eanif, Beta, Catwoman, and Graineil sleep in shifts. Gallibon sets an explosive off, killing Kitana, Gojiran, and Klepacki. Switchback throws a knife into Goro's head. Fortune tries to sing herself to sleep. Quet convinces Byakuren to not kill her, only to kill her instead. Aquata receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor. Lucy West sets up camp for the night. Sakimori. cooks his food before putting his fire out. Nicholas Cage fends Anon, Rukia, and Randy away from his fire. CM tends to her wounds. Haley goes to sleep. Bayonetta, Takei, and Shaundi cheerfully sing songs together. Emma Stone stays awake all night. Kama and Amazon sleep in shifts. Kane looks at the night sky. Flare thinks about winning.
  1323. 8:29
  1324. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1325. If only I could make one of these. :?
  1326. 8:29
  1327. LSDKama
  1328. Eanif begs for Stronger to kill him. He refuses, keeping Eanif alive. Gallibon constructs a shack. CM goes hunting. Anon tries to spear fish with a trident. Kane dies from an infection. Bayonetta discovers a cave. Switchback and Fortune split up to search for resources. Bruce Lee bleeds out due to untreated injuries. Flare and Nicholas Cage work together for the day. Quet diverts Kama's attention and runs away. Rukia, Takei, Amazon, Lucy West, and Randy hunt for other tributes. Catwoman tries to sleep through the entire day. Haley dies from hunger. Beta poisons Abraxas's drink, but mistakes it for his own and dies. Sakimori. tries to spear fish with a trident. Aquata is unable to convince Graineil to not kill her. Taokaka questions her sanity. Emma Stone picks flowers. Shaundi camouflauges herself in the bushes.
  1329. 8:29
  1330. Fr0stfur
  1331. NIGHT 11 - Barney and JonTron work together to drown Tom.
  1332. 8:29
  1333. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1334. "Taokaka questions her sanity." XD
  1335. 8:30
  1336. LSDKama
  1337. 11 cannon shots can be heard in the distance. Ghetsis District 6 Kitana District 3 Gojiran District 6 Klepacki District 10 Goro District 5 Byakuren District 9 Kane District 10 Bruce Lee District 8 Haley District 3 Beta District 12 Aquata District 11
  1338. 8:30
  1339. Thegoldnguy
  1341. 8:30
  1342. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1343. XD
  1344. 8:30
  1345. LSDKama
  1346. Rukia starts a fire. Quet thinks about home. Gallibon and Switchback talk about the tributes still alive. Nicholas Cage tries to treat his infection. Flare and Eanif tell stories about themselves to each other. Bayonetta passes out from exhaustion. Fortune, Takei, and Lucy West sleep in shifts. CM receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor. Kama, Amazon, and Stronger sleep in shifts. Catwoman receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor. Taokaka cooks her food before putting her fire out. Randy loses sight of where he is. Abraxas convinces Shaundi to snuggle with him. Emma Stone questions her sanity. Sakimori. goes to sleep. Anon passes out from exhaustion. Graineil cries himself to sleep.
  1347. 8:30
  1348. Fr0stfur
  1349. Good news!
  1350. PBG hasn't died 7 times yet!
  1351. 8:31
  1352. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1353. Yay!
  1354. 8:31
  1355. Fr0stfur
  1356. He's actually died 0 times!
  1357. 8:31
  1358. LSDKama
  1359. Anon makes a slingshot. Sakimori. begs for Lucy West to kill him. She reluctantly obliges, killing Sakimori.. Shaundi chases Eanif. Emma Stone receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor. Graineil steals from Catwoman while she isn't looking. Fortune fishes. Abraxas runs away from Nicholas Cage. Takei tries to sleep through the entire day. Rukia runs away from Kama. Amazon overhears Flare and Stronger talking in the distance. Bayonetta tries to sleep through the entire day. Taokaka cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide. CM makes a slingshot. Randy receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor. Quet explores the arena. Gallibon stalks Switchback.
  1360. 8:31
  1361. Fr0stfur
  1362. NIGHT 12 - Gumball strangles Deadpool after engaging in a fist fight.
  1363. 8:31
  1364. LSDKama
  1365. 2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance. Sakimori. District 11 Taokaka District 2
  1366. 8:31
  1367. Fr0stfur
  1368. DAY 13 - Batman cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide.
  1369. 8:31
  1370. LSDKama
  1371. Abraxas receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor. Quet questions her sanity. Shaundi accidently steps on a landmine. Kama silently snaps Catwoman's neck. Graineil defeats Bayonetta in a fight, but spares her life. Lucy West stabs Anon while his back is turned. Gallibon tends to his wounds. Nicholas Cage is awoken by nightmares. Takei quietly hums. Randy and Amazon tell stories about themselves to each other. CM, Emma Stone, Fortune, and Flare tell each other ghost stories to lighten the mood. Eanif loses sight of where he is. Stronger and Rukia talk about the tributes still alive. Switchback loses sight of where he is.
  1372. 8:32
  1373. Fr0stfur
  1374. NIGHT 13 - Utsuho stabs Crypto with a tree branch.
  1375. 8:32
  1376. LSDKama
  1377. Bayonetta receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor. Kama injures himself. Abraxas discovers a river. Nicholas Cage, Stronger, Randy, and Eanif raid Lucy West's camp while she is hunting. Rukia tries to spear fish with a trident. Emma Stone receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor. Fortune searches for firewood. Flare catches Switchback off guard and kills him. Quet makes a slingshot. Gallibon kills Graineil as he tries to run. CM runs away from Amazon. Takei constructs a shack
  1378. 8:32
  1379. Fr0stfur
  1380. Day 14
  1381. sorry garuda
  1382. Barney, Sonic, and JonTron successfully ambush and kill Harry, Tweety, and Utsuho.
  1383. 8:32
  1384. LSDKama
  1385. 5 cannon shots can be heard in the distance. Shaundi District 10 Catwoman District 4 Anon District 12 Switchback District 7 Graineil District
  1386. 8:32
  1387. Fr0stfur
  1388. Mickey Mouse, Scooby Doo, and Bolt get into a fight. Scooby Doo triumphantly kills them both.
  1389. 8:32
  1390. LSDKama
  1391. Takei destroys Abraxas's supplies while he is asleep. Emma Stone, Lucy West, and Nicholas Cage get into a fight. Emma Stone triumphantly kills them both. Fortune and Rukia talk about the tributes still alive. Amazon and Randy talk about the tributes still alive. CM tracks down and kills Flare. Stronger thinks about home. Eanif receives clean water from an unknown sponsor. Quet dies of dysentery. Bayonetta and Gallibon huddle for warmth. Kama dies from thirst.
  1392. 8:33
  1393. Fr0stfur
  1394. oh!!!
  1395. THE FEAST
  1396. 8:33
  1397. LSDKama
  1398. Sorry Gallibon
  1399. 8:33
  1400. DrGodzilla120
  1401. Oh God.
  1402. 8:33
  1403. Fr0stfur
  1404. Caddy throws a knife into Scooby Doo's head.
  1405. 8:33
  1406. LSDKama
  1407. The cornucopia is replenished with food, supplies, weapons, and memoirs from the tributes' families. Fortune decides not to go to The Feast. CM sets an explosive off, killing Gallibon. Eanif decides not to go to The Feast. Abraxas bashes Bayonetta's head against a rock several times. Takei decides not to go to The Feast. Emma Stone bashes Rukia's head against a rock several times. Amazon decides not to go to The Feast. Stronger ambushes Randy and kills him
  1408. 8:33
  1409. DrGodzilla120
  1410. ...
  1411. Emma Stone killed Rukia?
  1412. lolwtf
  1413. 8:33
  1414. Gojiran103
  1415. i swear
  1416. 8:33
  1417. Fr0stfur
  1418. Catwoman sobs while gripping a photo of her friends and family.
  1419. Ragna tracks down and kills JonTron.
  1420. 8:33
  1421. Lord Ghetsis
  1422. * Lord Ghetsis dives into bunker
  1423. 8:33
  1424. Fr0stfur
  1425. Jason Voorhees kills PBG for his supplies.
  1426. 8:34
  1427. LSDKama
  1428. Halfway through this I just picked random people.
  1429. 8:34
  1430. Gojiran103
  1431. these mugen creators making ridiculous characters like "hyper god ryu" and "omega god ken" or "dragon akuma"
  1432. 8:34
  1433. Fr0stfur
  1434. DAY 15 - Ragna shoots an arrow at Ichigo, but misses and kills Barney instead.
  1435. YES!
  1436. 8:34
  1437. LSDKama
  1438. Stronger steals from Fortune while she isn't looking. Takei discovers a cave. CM sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate. Eanif diverts Amazon's attention and runs away. Abraxas explores the arena. Emma Stone dies of dysentery.
  1439. 8:34
  1440. Fr0stfur
  1441. PBG only died once!
  1442. 8:34
  1443. DrGodzilla120
  1444. Also, this:
  1445. "Bruce Lee bleeds out due to untreated injuries."
  1446. This is complete and utter bullshit.
  1447. 8:34
  1448. LSDKama
  1449. dammit Abraxas!
  1450. A cloud of poisonous smoke starts to fill the arena. Abraxas sacrifices himself so CM can get away. Stronger survives. Takei survives. Eanif slowly pushes Fortune closer into the cloud until she can't resist any more. Amazon survives.
  1451. Eanif's a sicko.
  1452. 12 cannon shots can be heard in the distance. Lucy West District 3 Nicholas Cage District 8 Flare District 5 Quet District 2 Kama District 1 Gallibon District 1 Bayonetta District 4 Rukia District 3 Randy District 8 Emma Stone District 4 Abraxas District 7 Fortune District 12
  1453. 8:35
  1454. DrGodzilla120
  1455. Bruce Lee doesn't bleed out due to untreated injuries.
  1456. 8:36
  1457. LSDKama
  1458. Takei receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor. Amazon, Stronger, CM, and Eanif tell each other ghost stories to lighten the mood.
  1459. 8:36
  1460. DrGodzilla120
  1461. Untreated injuries bleed out due to Bruce Lee.
  1462. 8:36
  1463. LSDKama
  1464. ^
  1465. 8:36
  1466. Fr0stfur
  1467. FINAL NINE - Caddicarus (5 Kills), Ragna (4 Kills), Gandalf (1 Kill), Sonic (5 Kills), Catwoman, Jason Voorhees (2 Kills), Ichigo (3 Kills), Elmo (1 Kill), Undyne
  1468. 8:36
  1469. LSDKama
  1470. Amazon sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate. Stronger practices his archery. Takei and CM split up to search for resources. Eanif sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.
  1471. 8:36
  1472. Fr0stfur
  1473. Who are u guiz rooting for
  1474. 8:36
  1475. LSDKama
  1476. AmazonXStronger
  1477. Takei attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful. Stronger and Amazon hold hands. Eanif cooks his food before putting his fire out. CM receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor
  1478. 8:36
  1479. Fr0stfur
  1480. if anyone xd
  1481. 8:36
  1482. LSDKama
  1483. Nobody
  1484. 8:37
  1485. GarudaGoji
  1486. I root for...
  1487. 8:37
  1488. LSDKama
  1489. I'm hoping Takei or Eanif win.
  1490. 8:37
  1491. Fr0stfur
  1492. i meant mine lol
  1493. 8:37
  1494. DrGodzilla120
  1495. I'm voting for CM.
  1496. 8:37
  1497. LSDKama
  1498. Takei constructs a shack. CM receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor. Eanif defeats Amazon in a fight, but spares his life. Stronger bleeds out due to untreated injuries
  1499. 8:37
  1500. GarudaGoji
  1501. Caddicarus!
  1502. 8:37
  1503. Fr0stfur
  1504. I hope its not Jason or Elmo, cause they're dead!
  1505. Jason and Elmo fight Catwoman and Gandalf. Catwoman and Gandalf survive.
  1506. 8:37
  1507. DrGodzilla120
  1508. Gandalf's kicking ass again.
  1509. Lord Ghetsis has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  1510. 8:38
  1511. LSDKama
  1512. Dammit!
  1513. 8:38
  1514. Fr0stfur
  1515. NIGHT 17 - Gandalf convinces Catwoman to snuggle with him.
  1517. 8:38
  1518. LSDKama
  1519. Eanif pushes Takei off a cliff during a knife fight. Amazon kills CM with a hatchet
  1520. Haha... haha...
  1522. 8:38
  1523. Fr0stfur
  1524. Karma hurts, Gandalf!
  1525. Day 18 - Gandalf dies trying to escape the arena.
  1526. 8:38
  1527. LSDKama
  1528. Eanif kills Amazon with a hatchet
  1529. 8:38
  1530. DrGodzilla120
  1531. XD
  1532. 8:39
  1533. Fr0stfur
  1534. Night 18 - Sonic tracks down and kills Caddy.
  1535. DrG
  1536. 8:39
  1537. GarudaGoji
  1539. 8:39
  1540. Fr0stfur
  1541. Ichigo's still alive
  1542. Lord Ghetsis has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  1543. 8:39
  1544. LSDKama
  1545. 3 cannon shots can be heard in the distance. Takei District 8 CM District 9 Amazon District 5
  1546. 8:39
  1547. Fr0stfur
  1548. He's part of the final 5 with Undyne, Sonic, Catwoman, andRagna
  1549. 8:40
  1550. LSDKama
  1551. The winner is Eanif from District 7!
  1552. 8:40
  1553. Fr0stfur
  1554. Night 21 - Ragna dies trying to escape the arena.
  1555. Undyne accidently steps on a landmine.
  1556. DAY 22
  1557. Sonic and Catwoman threaten a double suicide. It fails and they die.
  1558. LOLLLL
  1560. 8:41
  1561. LSDKama
  1562. NoF and Grey Fox threaten a double suicide. It fails and they die. Day 1 Haley and Dire fight Samus and Nue. Haley and Dire survive. Kirumin strangles Garuda after engaging in a fist fight. Night 1 Dr and Kirumin threaten a double suicide. It fails and they die. Fr0st dies from thirst. Day 2 Ocelot attempts to climb a tree, but falls on Aya, killing them both. Raiden accidently detonates a land mine while trying to arm it. Dire dies of dysentery. Abraxas poisons Crispin's drink. He drinks it and dies. Night 2 Stronger stabs Ghetsis with a tree branch. Gallibon sets an explosive off, killing Kitana, Gojiran, and Klepacki. Switchback throws a knife into Goro's head. Quet convinces Byakuren to not kill her, only to kill her instead. Day 3 Kane dies from an infection. Bruce Lee bleeds out due to untreated injuries. Haley dies from hunger. Beta poisons Abraxas's drink, but mistakes it for his own and dies. Aquata is unable to convince Graineil to not kill her.
  1563. 8:41
  1564. ShodaiGoro
  1565. (Shrek) *flies into the games
  1566. 8:41
  1567. LSDKama
  1568. Night 3 No deaths occurred.
  1569. 8:41
  1570. Fr0stfur
  1571. PBG has NEVER only died once in one game now xd
  1572. 8:41
  1573. ShodaiGoro
  1574. (Shrek) *Shreks all the contestants
  1575. 8:41
  1576. Fr0stfur
  1577. Shrek's in mine
  1578. 8:41
  1579. ShodaiGoro
  1580. (Shrek) *leaves, finally done having to hear it
  1581. (Shrek) *is love
  1582. 8:41
  1583. Fr0stfur
  1584. The winner is Ichigo from District 7!
  1585. 8:42
  1586. ShodaiGoro
  1587. (Shrek) *is life
  1588. 8:42
  1589. LSDKama
  1590. Day 4 Sakimori. begs for Lucy West to kill him. She reluctantly obliges, killing Sakimori.. Taokaka cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide. Night 4 Shaundi accidently steps on a landmine. Kama silently snaps Catwoman's neck. Lucy West stabs Anon while his back is turned. Day 5 Flare catches Switchback off guard and kills him. Gallibon kills Graineil as he tries to run. Night 5 Emma Stone, Lucy West, and Nicholas Cage get into a fight. Emma Stone triumphantly kills them both. CM tracks down and kills Flare. Quet dies of dysentery. Kama dies from thirst.
  1591. 8:42
  1592. Fr0stfur
  1593. XD
  1594. PBG stole 2nd place!
  1595. 8:42
  1596. DrGodzilla120
  1597. Fuck Emma Stone.
  1598. 8:42
  1599. LSDKama
  1600. The Feast CM sets an explosive off, killing Gallibon. Abraxas bashes Bayonetta's head against a rock several times. Emma Stone bashes Rukia's head against a rock several times. Stronger ambushes Randy and kills him. Day 6 Emma Stone dies of dysentery. Arena Event A cloud of poisonous smoke starts to fill the arena. Abraxas sacrifices himself so CM can get away. Eanif slowly pushes Fortune closer into the cloud until she can't resist any more. Night 6 No deaths occurred. Day 7 No deaths occurred. Night 7 No deaths occurred
  1601. Day 8 Stronger bleeds out due to untreated injuries. Night 8 Eanif pushes Takei off a cliff during a knife fight. Amazon kills CM with a hatchet. Day 9 Eanif kills Amazon with a hatchet. The winner is Eanif from District 7!
  1602. 8:43
  1603. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1604. Guys!
  1605. I mad eone!
  1606. *made one
  1607. I finally made one!
  1608. Anybody want to see it?
  1609. 8:43
  1610. ShodaiGoro
  1611. (Shrek) *Shreks it before it can be seen
  1612. 8:44
  1613. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1614. Damnit Goro.
  1615. 8:44
  1616. Thegoldnguy
  1617. i gtg guis bai
  1618. 8:44
  1619. Fr0stfur
  1620. I'm gonna try again
  1621. 8:44
  1622. ShodaiGoro
  1623. o/
  1624. 8:44
  1625. DrGodzilla120
  1626. o/
  1627. 8:45
  1628. Fr0stfur
  1629. cause Ichigo wasn't wanted to win
  1630. 8:45
  1631. GarudaGoji
  1632. Bye goldn
  1633. 8:45
  1634. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1635. o/
  1636. 8:45
  1637. LSDKama
  1638. bye
  1639. 8:45
  1640. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1641. Well here I go:
  1642. 8:45
  1643. LSDKama
  1644. I'm gonna retry mine.
  1645. 8:45
  1646. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1647. As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds.
  1648. Hardshell retrieves a trident from inside the cornucopia. Vertigo runs away from the Cornucopia. Gamoni stabs Kunin with a tree branch. FoxMask runs away from the Cornucopia. Aquata, Miba, and Quet work together to get as many supplies as possible. Emperor Tazarus runs away from the Cornucopia. Makia runs away from the Cornucopia. Rozan takes a spear from inside the cornucopia. Khreeler attacks Edd, but Ed protects him, killing Khreeler. Jiger runs away from the Cornucopia. Incognito runs away from the Cornucopia. Hitodah runs away from the Cornucopia.
  1649. 8:45
  1650. Gojiran103
  1651. brb
  1652. 8:45
  1653. Fr0stfur
  1654. I suggest just putting in deaths and funny moments TBH
  1655. 8:45
  1656. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1657. Prowl grabs a shield leaning on the cornucopia. CoyoteMask stays at the cornucopia for resources. Eddy runs away from the Cornucopia. Fluffy Guys runs into the cornucopia and hides. Trahir takes a sickle from inside the cornucopia. Breakdown finds a bow, some arrows, and a quiver. Camero falls into a pit and dies.
  1658. 8:45
  1659. Fr0stfur
  1660. Gets rid of the walls of text
  1661. Thegoldnguy has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  1662. 8:46
  1663. DrGodzilla120
  1664. Trahir's in this. XD
  1665. 8:46
  1666. LSDKama
  1667. Yet I'm not!
  1668. 8:46
  1669. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1670. Breakdown diverts Makia's attention and runs away. Prowl camouflauges himself in the bushes. Eddy sprains his ankle while running away from Edd. Quet chases Hardshell. Trahir collects fruit from a tree. Gamoni injures herself. Hitodah camouflauges himself in the bushes. FoxMask receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor. Miba makes a slingshot. Jiger defeats Emperor Tazarus in a fight, but spares his life. Fluffy Guys camouflauges himself in the bushes. Vertigo and CoyoteMask work together for the day. Incognito constructs a shack. Rozan sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate. Aquata questions her sanity. Ed discovers a river.
  1671. Kunin District 12 Khreeler District 8 Camero District 4
  1672. 8:46
  1673. Fr0stfur
  1674. None of my chars?
  1675. =,(
  1676. 8:47
  1677. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1678. Trahir sets Gamoni on fire with a molotov. Edd screams for help. Miba and FoxMask run into each other and decide to truce for the night. Makia lets Aquata into his shelter. Hardshell thinks about home. Incognito cries himself to sleep. Ed begs for Emperor Tazarus to kill him. He refuses, keeping Ed alive. Eddy convinces Jiger to snuggle with him. Vertigo dies trying to escape the arena. Prowl, Rozan, Fluffy Guys, CoyoteMask, and Quet sleep in shifts.
  1679. Trahir you bastard.
  1680. EWWWWWW Jiger and Eddy!
  1681. 8:47
  1682. Fr0stfur
  1683. Anyways I'll start mine up agaim
  1684. 8:47
  1685. DrGodzilla120
  1686. XD
  1687. 8:48
  1688. Fr0stfur
  1689. First i'll make own WZRP
  1690. Also Gallibon
  1691. 8:48
  1692. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1693. Eddy travels to higher ground. Hardshell diverts Fluffy Guys's attention and runs away. Ed injures himself. Rozan attacks Jiger, but she manages to escape. FoxMask, Incognito, Prowl, and Edd raid Aquata's camp while she is hunting. Emperor Tazarus receives clean water from an unknown sponsor. Quet thinks about home. Miba receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor. CoyoteMask chases Makia. Trahir receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
  1694. Yeah Fr0st?
  1695. 8:48
  1696. Fr0stfur
  1697. Not as bad as Gandalf getting Catwoman to snuggle with him
  1698. there's like a 300-year age difference!
  1699. 8:48
  1700. LSDKama
  1701. I'm still confused by that Abraxas part.
  1702. 8:48
  1703. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1704. Also this was test, which is why there's so many of my chars.
  1705. 8:48
  1706. LSDKama
  1707. He died from poison
  1708. 8:49
  1709. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1710. Breakdown District 3 Hitodah District 9 Gamoni District 1 Vertigo District 10
  1711. 8:49
  1712. LSDKama
  1714. 8:49
  1715. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1716. FoxMask screams for help. Emperor Tazarus convinces Trahir to not kill him, only to kill him instead. Prowl sets an explosive off, killing Makia. Incognito screams for help. Edd starts a fire. Miba, CoyoteMask, Quet, Ed, and Hardshell sleep in shifts. Aquata sets up camp for the night. Jiger begs for Fluffy Guys to kill her. He refuses, keeping Jiger alive. Rozan receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor. Eddy receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.
  1717. 8:49
  1718. DrGodzilla120
  1719. XD
  1720. 8:49
  1721. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1722. Emperor Tazarus vs. Trahir sounds badass.
  1723. 8:49
  1724. DrGodzilla120
  1725. The NE was ended by the Viledrodes.
  1726. Plot twist.
  1727. 8:50
  1728. LSDKama
  1729. ...That gives me an idea.
  1730. 8:50
  1731. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1732. Prowl falls into a frozen lake and drowns. Rozan receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor. Ed chases Edd. Eddy sprains his ankle while running away from Hardshell. Aquata travels to higher ground. Miba discovers a river. Emperor Tazarus travels to higher ground. FoxMask poisons Jiger's drink. She drinks it and dies. Fluffy Guys attacks Quet, but she manages to escape. Incognito practices his archery. CoyoteMask is pricked by thorns while picking berries.
  1733. Trahir District 11 Makia District 7 Prowl District 7 Jiger District 9
  1734. FoxMask, Fluffy Guys, and Quet discuss the games and what might happen in the morning. CoyoteMask and Rozan sleep in shifts. Eddy tries to treat his infection. Ed looks at the night sky. Miba and Hardshell hold hands. Edd is awoken by nightmares. Incognito receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor. Emperor Tazarus tries to sing himself to sleep. Aquata starts a fire.
  1735. 8:51
  1736. DrGodzilla120
  1737. Aquata starts a fire.
  1738. That's rather ironic.
  1739. 8:51
  1740. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1741. FoxMask overpowers Edd, killing him. Ed receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor. Fluffy Guys explores the arena. Quet, Incognito, Eddy, and Miba track down and kill Rozan. Aquata steals from Hardshell while he isn't looking. Emperor Tazarus stabs CoyoteMask in the back with a trident.
  1742. 8:51
  1743. GarudaGoji
  1744. Silly Aquata, you aren't Dracoruss
  1745. 8:52
  1746. LSDKama
  1747. I was expecting her to drown.
  1748. 8:52
  1749. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1750. Emperor Tazarus is on a roll. XD
  1752. Edd District 2 Rozan District 12 CoyoteMask District 5
  1753. 8:52
  1754. DrGodzilla120
  1755. She breathes underwater.
  1756. Her drowning would be...
  1757. 8:53
  1758. LSDKama
  1759. Yet Bruce Lee died.
  1760. 8:53
  1761. DrGodzilla120
  1762. Weird.
  1763. XD
  1764. 8:53
  1765. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1766. Aquata looks at the night sky. Eddy tends to Emperor Tazarus's wounds. Quet tries to treat her infection. Hardshell, Ed, and FoxMask sleep in shifts. Incognito, Fluffy Guys, and Miba discuss the games and what might happen in the morning.
  1767. 8:53
  1768. DrGodzilla120
  1769. Bruce Lee didn't die.
  1770. 8:53
  1771. GarudaGoji
  1772. I think that'll be ironic for me.
  1773. 8:53
  1774. DrGodzilla120
  1775. He simply ascended to god status.
  1776. 8:53
  1777. LSDKama
  1778. Oh god I have an idea now.
  1779. 8:53
  1780. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1781. "Hardshell, Ed, and FoxMask sleep in shifts." Best sleepover ever.
  1782. Ed, Aquata, Hardshell, and FoxMask hunt for other tributes. Incognito collects fruit from a tree. Quet begs for Fluffy Guys to kill her. He refuses, keeping Quet alive. Miba injures herself. Eddy tries to spear fish with a trident. Emperor Tazarus tries to spear fish with a trident.
  1783. 8:54
  1784. Fr0stfur
  1785. Making my WZRP HG
  1786. 8:54
  1787. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1788. No cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
  1789. Ed sets an explosive off, killing Aquata. FoxMask and Quet talk about the tributes still alive. Miba, Fluffy Guys, and Eddy unsuccessfully ambush Hardshell, Incognito, and Emperor Tazarus, who kill them instead.
  1790. That sounds about right.
  1791. 8:55
  1792. DrGodzilla120
  1793. Emperor Tazarus is on a roll.
  1794. 8:55
  1795. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1796. Ed decides not to go to The Feast. Quet decides not to go to The Feast. FoxMask bleeds out due to untreated injuries. Emperor Tazarus decides not to go to The Feast. Hardshell kills Incognito with his own weapon.
  1797. Ed stalks Hardshell. Quet goes hunting. Emperor Tazarus receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.
  1798. 6 cannon shots can be heard in the distance. Aquata District 11 Miba District 8 Fluffy Guys District 6 Eddy District 3 FoxMask District 5 Incognito District 10
  1799. 8:56
  1800. DrGodzilla120
  1801. "Ed stalks Hardshell"
  1802. I just realized something.
  1803. 8:56
  1804. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1805. Yeah?
  1806. 8:56
  1807. LSDKama
  1808. There's three Bruce Lees now
  1809. 8:56
  1810. DrGodzilla120
  1811. It would be hilarious if you put me and my waifus into a Hunger Games simulator, and this scenario came up:
  1812. "Dr stalks Haley Ramm"
  1813. 8:56
  1814. LSDKama
  1815. ^
  1816. Did that once.
  1817. 8:56
  1818. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1819. Hardshell accidently detonates a land mine while trying to arm it. Ed and Emperor Tazarus talk about the tributes still alive. Quet attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.
  1820. 8:57
  1821. LSDKama
  1822. You and You Waifus in a simulator
  1823. 8:57
  1824. DrGodzilla120
  1825. Really?
  1826. Who won
  1827. ?
  1828. 8:57
  1829. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1830. Ed and Emperor Tazarus? Oh the fucking irony. XD
  1831. Emperor Tazarus steals from Ed while he isn't looking. Quet accidently steps on a landmine.
  1832. 2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance. Hardshell District 1 Quet District 6
  1833. 8:57
  1834. LSDKama
  1835. Uh
  1836. 8:57
  1837. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1839. 8:58
  1840. LSDKama
  1841. ...LSDKama
  1842. 8:58
  1843. DrGodzilla120
  1844. ...What the fuck?
  1845. 8:58
  1846. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1847. Ed severely slices Emperor Tazarus with a sword.
  1848. 8:58
  1849. LSDKama
  1850. I put myself in that.
  1851. 8:58
  1852. Fr0stfur
  1853. 6 tribytes left for mine
  1854. 8:58
  1855. LSDKama
  1856. As in, the mes, you and your waifus.
  1857. 8:58
  1858. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1859. The winner is Ed from District 2!
  1860. YAY!
  1861. ED WON!
  1862. 8:58
  1863. LSDKama
  1864. LSDKama went apeshit in that one
  1865. 8:58
  1866. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1867. I was so rooting for him!
  1868. 8:58
  1869. LSDKama
  1870. I put the IRL me in it, too.
  1871. 8:59
  1872. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1873. Emperor Tazarus killed the most people (5 kills)
  1874. 8:59
  1875. LSDKama
  1876. It ended up with DrGodzilla120, Xander and LSDKama fighting each other.
  1877. 8:59
  1878. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1879. Ed Winner District 2 3 Kills Emperor Tazarus 2nd Place District 4 5 Kills Quet 3rd Place District 6 1 Kill Hardshell 4th Place District 1 4 Kills Incognito 5th Place District 10 4 Kills FoxMask 6th Place District 5 2 Kills Eddy 3rd Place District 3 1 Kill Fluffy Guys 3rd Place District 6 Miba 4th Place District 8 1 Kill Aquata 5th Place District 11 CoyoteMask 6th Place District 5 Rozan 3rd Place District 12 Edd 3rd Place District 2 Jiger 3rd Place District 9 Prowl 4th Place District 7 1 Kill Makia 5th Place District 7 Trahir 6th Place District 11 1 Kill Vertigo 3rd Place District 10 Gamoni 3rd Place District 1 1 Kill Hitodah 3rd Place District 9 Breakdown 4th Place District 3 Camero 5th Place District 4 Khreeler 6th Place District 8 Kunin 3rd Place District 12
  1880. 8:59
  1881. LSDKama
  1882. You killed mostly your waifus, Dr.
  1883. And like, one of the mes.
  1884. TKK.
  1885. 8:59
  1886. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1887. The Bloodbath Gamoni stabs Kunin with a tree branch. Khreeler attacks Edd, but Ed protects him, killing Khreeler. Camero falls into a pit and dies. Day 1 No deaths occurred. Night 1 Breakdown and Hitodah threaten a double suicide. It fails and they die. Trahir sets Gamoni on fire with a molotov. Vertigo dies trying to escape the arena. Day 2 No deaths occurred. Night 2 Emperor Tazarus convinces Trahir to not kill him, only to kill him instead. Prowl sets an explosive off, killing Makia. Day 3 Prowl falls into a frozen lake and drowns. FoxMask poisons Jiger's drink. She drinks it and dies.
  1888. Day 3 Prowl falls into a frozen lake and drowns. FoxMask poisons Jiger's drink. She drinks it and dies. Night 3 No deaths occurred. Day 4 FoxMask overpowers Edd, killing him. Quet, Incognito, Eddy, and Miba track down and kill Rozan. Emperor Tazarus stabs CoyoteMask in the back with a trident. Night 4 No deaths occurred. Day 5 No deaths occurred. Night 5 Ed sets an explosive off, killing Aquata. Miba, Fluffy Guys, and Eddy unsuccessfully ambush Hardshell, Incognito, and Emperor Tazarus, who kill them instead. The Feast FoxMask bleeds out due to untreated injuries. Hardshell kills Incognito with his own weapon. Day 6 No deaths occurred. Night 6 Hardshell accidently detonates a land mine while trying to arm it. Day 7 Quet accidently steps on a landmine. Night 7 Ed severely slices Emperor Tazarus with a sword. The winner is Ed from District 2!
  1889. 9:00
  1890. LSDKama
  1891. You killed him when he tried killing Rukia.
  1892. I'm dead serious.
  1893. That actually happened.
  1894. 9:00
  1895. DrGodzilla120
  1896. XD
  1897. That sounds realistic.
  1898. 9:00
  1899. Flaredragon00
  1900. GUN.
  1901. 9:01
  1902. LSDKama
  1903. Two days later you killed Rukia by stabbing her with a sickle.
  1904. 9:01
  1905. DrGodzilla120
  1906. That doesn't.
  1907. GarudaGoji has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  1908. 9:01
  1909. Fr0stfur
  1910. Made mine
  1911. 9:01
  1912. LSDKama
  1913. Then you killed Haley Ramm by teaming up with Xander.
  1914. 9:01
  1915. Fr0stfur
  1916. Starting now.
  1917. 9:02
  1918. DrGodzilla120
  1919. ...
  1920. lol
  1921. 9:02
  1922. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1923. I'm doing anohter one.
  1924. 9:02
  1925. DrGodzilla120
  1926. Oh, yes.
  1927. 9:02
  1928. Fr0stfur
  1929. I'm gonna show all the tributes' actions so you know who they are.
  1930. 9:02
  1931. DrGodzilla120
  1932. Also, apparently, some of the people at my school may think that I engage in sexual intercourse with my cell phone now.
  1933. 9:03
  1934. ShodaiGoro
  1935. We've been doing nothing but spamming HGS on chat all day
  1936. 9:03
  1937. Fr0stfur
  1938. runs away from the Cornucopia. Zilla Jr. finds a canteen full of water. Baymax runs away from the Cornucopia. BirthGoji, HaxFish, and Okami M.U.T.O. work together to get as many supplies as possible. King Ghidorah retrieves a trident from inside the cornucopia. Anguirus 2004 takes a sickle from inside the cornucopia. AstroGodzilla runs away from the Cornucopia. Z runs away from the Cornucopia. LSDKama snatches a pair of sais. TokyoGoji takes a spear from inside the cornucopia. Frostfox runs away from the Cornucopia. Quet stays at the cornucopia for resources.
  1939. 9:03
  1940. ShodaiGoro
  1941. You probably would have seen my message if not for the spam
  1942. 9:03
  1943. Fr0stfur
  1944. Titanollante rips a mace out of CM's hands. Dracoruss takes a handful of throwing knives. Yuki, Zardoris, and Neo Komodithrax work together to get as many supplies as possible. Nitrogeon snatches a pair of sais. The Crystal Cavalier runs away from the Cornucopia. Herokra grabs a backpack, not realizing it is empty. HyperKeizer grabs a shield leaning on the cornucopia. FeMuto takes a handful of throwing knives. Cybersaur runs away from the Cornucopia. Neo Gigan and Heisei Mecha-Godzilla fight for a bag. Neo Gigan gives up and retreats. Crystalleon runs away from the Cornucopia. Coyote Tango runs away from the Cornucopia. Obsidian scares Trahir away from the cornucopia. TwoHeadedGator finds a backpack full of camping equipment. TheLord WithNoTrueName runs into the cornucopia and hides. Gardevoir breaks Gamoni's nose for a basket of bread. Sylveon runs away from the Cornucopia.
  1945. whatever i'll just list them
  1946. 9:04
  1947. ShodaiGoro
  1948. More spam drowning out my messages
  1949. 9:04
  1950. LSDKama
  1951. ...You misspelt my name
  1952. 9:04
  1953. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1954. I'll wait until Fr0stfur is done so then I can show mine.
  1955. 9:04
  1956. Fr0stfur
  1957. LOL
  1958. 9:04
  1959. LSDKama
  1960. True got killed by Rukia.
  1961. 9:05
  1962. Lord Ghetsis
  1963. Fubuki gathers as much food as she can. Tatsumaki runs away from the Cornucopia. Kirby runs away from the Cornucopia. Hardshell runs away from the Cornucopia. Catwoman, Haley Ramm, and Gamoni work together to get as many supplies as possible. Bambietta snatches a bottle of alcohol and a rag. Jiger runs away from the Cornucopia. Aizen and Insurgis fight for a bag. Insurgis gives up and retreats. Incognito finds a canteen full of water. Bombshock runs away with a lighter and some rope. Tobi cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide. DrGodzilla120 runs away from the Cornucopia. Breakdown is unable to convince Kenpachi to not kill him. Ichigo runs away from the Cornucopia. Rukia runs away from the Cornucopia. Rukia runs away from the Cornucopia. Tundra runs away from the Cornucopia. Trahir takes a sickle from inside the cornucopia. Batman kills Rangiku as she tries to run.
  1964. 9:05
  1965. ShodaiGoro
  1966. more spam
  1967. 9:05
  1968. Lord Ghetsis
  1969. c:
  1970. 9:05
  1971. DrGodzilla120
  1972. Why did two Rukias appear?
  1973. 9:05
  1974. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1975. Come on Goro, it's fun.
  1976. 9:05
  1977. ShodaiGoro
  1978. It's disruptive
  1979. 9:05
  1980. Lord Ghetsis
  1981. Wtf?
  1982. 9:05
  1983. ShodaiGoro
  1984. I can't read a meaningful conversation without this spam clogging up my messages
  1985. 9:05
  1986. Fr0stfur
  1987. Just put in the deaths and funny parts (not all at once)
  1988. 9:06
  1989. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1990. Screw it, I can't wait anymore, here I come!
  1991. 9:06
  1992. LSDKama
  1993. ee
  1994. *ew
  1995. 9:06
  1996. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1997. As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds. AstroGodzilla runs away from the Cornucopia. Gamoni rips a mace out of Rozan's hands. Camero runs away from the Cornucopia. Miba runs away from the Cornucopia. Frostfox runs away from the Cornucopia. Aquata takes a handful of throwing knives. IguanaGoji grabs a sword. Scurrydown takes a sickle from inside the cornucopia. Khreeler runs away from the Cornucopia. Quet runs away from the Cornucopia. FoxMask runs into the cornucopia and hides.
  1998. 9:06
  1999. LSDKama
  2000. I'm gonna save some battles for myself
  2001. 9:06
  2002. ShodaiGoro
  2003. ...
  2004. It's spam
  2005. It's long, disruptive, and is nothing meaningful
  2006. 9:06
  2007. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2008. Firefox runs away from the Cornucopia. Ed stays at the cornucopia for resources. Heisei Gamera runs away from the Cornucopia. Baymax runs away from the Cornucopia. Trahir runs away from the Cornucopia. Hardshell runs away from the Cornucopia. Eanif runs away from the Cornucopia. Fluffy Guys takes a spear from inside the cornucopia. Kunin sets an explosive off, killing Rilah. Emperor Tazarus grabs a shield leaning on the cornucopia. Haley Ramm runs away from the Cornucopia.
  2009. 9:06
  2010. DrGodzilla120
  2011. Just PM it.
  2012. 9:06
  2013. LSDKama
  2014. ^
  2015. 9:06
  2016. ShodaiGoro
  2017. I doubt you can even read this with all the stupid spam going on
  2018. 9:07
  2019. LSDKama
  2020. I can.
  2021. 9:07
  2022. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2023. AstroGodzilla dies trying to escape the arena. Miba makes a slingshot. Camero and Baymax split up to search for resources. Quet diverts FoxMask's attention and runs away. Haley Ramm fishes. Ed and Eanif hunt for other tributes. Trahir sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate. Firefox stalks Kunin. Khreeler explores the arena. Rozan is pricked by thorns while picking berries. Frostfox sprains his ankle while running away from IguanaGoji.
  2024. 9:07
  2025. ShodaiGoro
  2026. The moment I type a message, spam is posted right after and pushed up
  2027. 9:07
  2028. Gojiran103
  2029. it's called hunger games simulator
  2030. 9:07
  2031. ShodaiGoro
  2032. I know
  2033. But it's still spam
  2034. 9:07
  2035. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2036. Fluffy Guys receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor. Scurrydown goes hunting. Emperor Tazarus steals from Gamoni while she isn't looking. Hardshell discovers a cave. Heisei Gamera accidently detonates a land mine while trying to arm it. Aquata injures herself.
  2037. 9:07
  2038. Gojiran103
  2039. i'm starting to not like the spam either: but expect spam from it i guess
  2040. 9:07
  2041. ShodaiGoro
  2042. And it's been coming in non-stop
  2043. 9:07
  2044. LSDKama
  2045. Again, I'm not in the simulator.
  2046. 9:07
  2047. DrGodzilla120
  2048. Gallibon.
  2049. Just PM it.
  2050. 9:07
  2051. Lord Ghetsis
  2052. Tundra and Rukia talk about the tributes still alive.
  2053. Heh
  2054. 9:08
  2055. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2056. Sorry...
  2057. 9:08
  2058. Fr0stfur
  2059. I still suggest that you guys just post the highlights like deaths
  2060. doesn't make a wall of text
  2061. 9:08
  2062. ShodaiGoro
  2063. That's what it is half the time
  2064. A meaningless wall of text
  2065. 9:08
  2066. DrGodzilla120
  2067. It's not meaningless.
  2068. 9:08
  2069. ShodaiGoro
  2070. I was hoping for an RP or something today
  2071. But no
  2072. 9:08
  2073. DrGodzilla120
  2074. You can clearly tell what the meaning is.
  2075. 9:08
  2076. ShodaiGoro
  2077. Just this stupid spam.
  2078. 9:09
  2079. Gojiran103
  2080. Goro, it's even that of a problem
  2081. 9:09
  2082. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2083. DrG, PM
  2084. 9:09
  2085. Gojiran103
  2086. It's done anyways, they said they'd carry it over to PM instead
  2087. 9:09
  2088. ShodaiGoro
  2089. Good
  2090. 9:09
  2091. Lord Ghetsis
  2092. Dr PM
  2093. 9:10
  2094. Fr0stfur
  2095. maybe we could go to another chat room so we don't have to PM multiple people?
  2096. 9:10
  2097. DrGodzilla120
  2098. Hmm...
  2099. Hold on one second.
  2100. 9:11
  2101. Fr0stfur
  2102. maybe go here in a new window if you want to do HGS?
  2103. 9:11
  2104. LSDKama
  2105. I'm just waiting for an RP to start.
  2106. 9:11
  2107. ShodaiGoro
  2108. Same
  2109. Once again, not to drag it on, but it's just been HGS all day.
  2110. 9:11
  2111. Gojiran103
  2112. So, moving on
  2113. 9:11
  2114. LSDKama
  2115. It was fun at first
  2116. 9:11
  2117. Gojiran103
  2118. Would anyone like to start?
  2119. 9:12
  2120. LSDKama
  2121. Then the people I wanted to win dye easily.
  2122. 9:12
  2123. ShodaiGoro
  2124. I tried giving FXM motivation to fight the NE
  2125. Drowned out by the freaking HGS
  2126. 9:12
  2127. Fr0stfur
  2128. same kama
  2129. 9:12
  2130. ShodaiGoro
  2131. Did anyone even see what they said?
  2132. 9:12
  2133. LSDKama
  2134. *die
  2135. Yesh
  2136. 9:12
  2137. Gojiran103
  2138. Goro, enough
  2139. 9:12
  2140. LSDKama
  2141. *Yeah
  2142. 9:12
  2143. Gojiran103
  2144. I saw.
  2145. 9:12
  2146. LSDKama
  2147. I did
  2148. 9:12
  2149. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2150. Figures that when I join you guys wanna stop it all of a sudden. -_-
  2151. 9:12
  2152. Fr0stfur
  2153. I saw
  2154. 9:12
  2155. LSDKama
  2156. I couldn't join that RP
  2157. Since I have no fucking idea about Touhou.
  2158. And don't plan on learning about it.
  2159. 9:13
  2160. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2161. Same.
  2162. 9:13
  2163. Lord Ghetsis
  2164. Same
  2165. 9:13
  2166. Fr0stfur
  2167. ^
  2168. I thought the motivation was Chen though?
  2169. 9:14
  2170. ShodaiGoro
  2171. So basically
  2172. Nobody cared
  2173. 9:14
  2174. LSDKama
  2175. I did
  2176. Just couldn't interact with it.
  2177. 9:15
  2178. ShodaiGoro
  2179. Fair enough
  2180. 9:15
  2181. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2182. You guys aren't reading my PMs....
  2183. 9:15
  2184. LSDKama
  2185. Because the few times I RP in Gensokyo were out of boredom or accident.
  2186. 9:15
  2187. Fr0stfur
  2188. i didn't get one
  2189. 9:15
  2190. LSDKama
  2191. That whole Gyaos this?
  2192. *thing
  2193. Was supposed to be on Earth
  2194. 9:16
  2195. Fr0stfur
  2196. Gyaos?
  2197. 9:16
  2198. LSDKama
  2199. But evolved too quickly for me to stop it.
  2200. When Nue showed up.
  2201. 9:16
  2202. Fr0stfur
  2203. oh
  2204. i thought u meant the MIW1 Gyas
  2205. 9:16
  2206. LSDKama
  2207. You weren't here, Fr0sy
  2208. *Fr0st
  2209. I own the Gamera 2000 gyaos.
  2210. FishTankBoss1954 has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  2211. 9:17
  2212. LSDKama
  2213. hi
  2214. 9:17
  2215. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2216. o/
  2217. 9:18
  2218. Lord Ghetsis
  2219. Lol funniest part happened
  2220. In my simulation, Dr gets killed by one of his baes
  2221. FishTankBoss1954 has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  2222. 9:19
  2223. LSDKama
  2224. Dr stalked Haley Ramm, then she killed him in one of mine.
  2225. 9:19
  2226. Gojiran103
  2227. lawl
  2228. 9:19
  2229. DrGodzilla120
  2230. Speaking of.
  2231. Actually, NVM.
  2232. 9:20
  2233. Lord Ghetsis
  2234. Tatsumaki killed DrG in mine
  2235. And then Haley Ramm huddled with Incognito
  2236. Before that though, DrG cried himself to sleep and Rukia died of hunger
  2237. 9:20
  2238. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2239. I'm making another for you, Fr0st
  2240. Once it's ready that is.
  2241. 9:21
  2242. Lord Ghetsis
  2243. Ichigo, Incognito, and Bombshock get into a fight. Incognito triumphantly kills them both. @Gallibon
  2244. Get rekt
  2245. 9:22
  2246. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2247. XD
  2248. 9:22
  2249. Lord Ghetsis
  2250. Gamoni throws a knife into Rukia's head. Both Rukias died
  2251. xD
  2252. Haley Ramm stalks Insurgis. :3
  2253. 9:23
  2254. DrGodzilla120
  2255. Well, you mentioned that her boyfriend was probably going to be some rude, buff guy in a few years.
  2256. 9:23
  2257. Lord Ghetsis
  2258. Catwoman and Batman work together for the day. xD
  2259. 9:23
  2260. LSDKama
  2261. Sorry for saying this, but, in one of mine, ShodaiGoro and Flare were the last two alive.
  2262. 9:23
  2263. DrGodzilla120
  2264. I guess this counts?
  2265. 9:23
  2266. Lord Ghetsis
  2267. Oh yeah
  2268. And Insurgis is Saiyan
  2269. Oh the irony
  2270. xD
  2271. 9:23
  2272. Gojiran103
  2273. A LEGENDARY Super Saiyan, correction!
  2274. 9:23
  2275. Lord Ghetsis
  2276. Heh
  2277. 9:24
  2278. LSDKama
  2279. Well, it happened twice.
  2280. Flare threw Goro into the contracting borders once, the other time Goro lit Flare on fire with a Molotov.
  2281. Both were otherwise boring matches.
  2282. Nothing compared to one I recently did with only the Mes.
  2283. 9:25
  2284. Lord Ghetsis
  2285. Haley Ramm severely injures Trahir, but puts him out of his misery.
  2286. xD
  2287. 9:25
  2288. DrGodzilla120
  2289. XD
  2290. 9:26
  2291. LSDKama
  2292. Final two were HK and LSDKama.
  2293. 9:26
  2294. Lord Ghetsis
  2295. Tatsumaki stalks Fubuki.
  2296. 9:26
  2297. ShodaiGoro
  2298. Please don't involve me in this crap
  2299. FishTankBoss1954 has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  2300. 9:26
  2301. LSDKama
  2302. The two's fight lasted like three days and three nights.
  2303. Yeah, that happened last night.
  2304. 9:26
  2305. Lord Ghetsis
  2306. Hardshell, Catwoman, Incognito, and Insurgis raid Gamoni's camp while she is hunting.
  2307. 9:26
  2308. LSDKama
  2309. *The one with Goro.
  2310. 9:26
  2311. ShodaiGoro
  2312. At this point, I wish HGS was dead
  2313. 9:27
  2314. LSDKama
  2315. I'll PM anyone who wants to know how the fight went.
  2316. 9:27
  2317. DrGodzilla120
  2318. Oh God.
  2319. Tatsumaki and Fubuki are sisters. XD
  2320. 9:27
  2321. Lord Ghetsis
  2322. Aizen tends to Haley Ramm's wounds. @Dr
  2323. xD
  2324. This is hilarious
  2325. 9:27
  2326. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2327. Fr0stfur, PM
  2328. 9:29
  2329. Gojiran103
  2330. *sigh*
  2331. waifu hgs.
  2332. dr's favorite simulator.
  2333. 9:31
  2334. Fr0stfur
  2335. test
  2336. is krazar here?
  2337. Lord Ghetsis
  2338. Wow
  2339. Kirby won
  2340. Welcome to Legends of the Dragon Wiki Chat! Elementalfang and all the other Volcanian Dragons are very excited to have you here.
  2341. 9:32
  2342. DrGodzilla120
  2343. No.
  2344. Hey, FishTank.
  2345. 9:32
  2346. Lord Ghetsis
  2347. The winner is Kirby from District 7!
  2348. 9:32
  2349. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2350. "Emperor Tazarus bashes Haley Ramm's head in with a mace."
  2351. Holy shit.
  2352. DrG will be pissed. XD
  2353. 9:32
  2354. Fr0stfur
  2355. I'm doing mine too i guess
  2356. HyperKiezer stabs AstroGodzilla while his back is turned.
  2357. 9:33
  2358. FishTankBoss1954
  2359. lol
  2360. 9:33
  2361. DrGodzilla120
  2362. Oh God.
  2363. FishTank, PM.
  2364. 9:33
  2365. Fr0stfur
  2366. Yuki taints The Crystal Cavalier's food, killing him.
  2367. Coyote Tango tracks down and kills Herokra.
  2368. CM kills Obsidian with a sickle.
  2369. 9:34
  2370. DrGodzilla120
  2371. lol
  2372. 9:34
  2373. Fr0stfur
  2374. Arena Event - A monstrous hurricane wreaks havoc on the arena.
  2375. Tengen Toppa Lazengann has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  2376. 9:35
  2377. DrGodzilla120
  2378. o/
  2379. 9:35
  2380. Fr0stfur
  2381. Trahir and Frostfox are sucked into the hurricane.
  2382. hi o.
  2383. 9:35
  2384. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2385. o/
  2386. 9:35
  2387. Fr0stfur
  2388. Baymax stabs HyperKeizer, then pushes him close enough to the hurricane to suck him in.
  2389. 9:36
  2390. Gojiran103
  2391. o/
  2392. 9:36
  2393. Fr0stfur
  2394. Coyote Tango does the same to Nitrogeon
  2395. 9:36
  2396. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2397. What about (IguanaGoji) ?
  2398. 9:36
  2399. Fr0stfur
  2400. Okami M.U.T.O. is sucked into the hurricane.
  2401. he's there
  2402. 9:36
  2403. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2404. "Hardshell slowly dies from the tracker jacker toxins."
  2405. 9:36
  2406. Fr0stfur
  2407. TwoHeadedGator and HaxFish are incapacitated by flying debris and die.
  2408. 9:36
  2409. FishTankBoss1954
  2410. tracker jacker
  2411. 9:37
  2412. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2413. Wtf of a death for him is that?
  2414. 9:37
  2415. FishTankBoss1954
  2416. Sounds like a car jacker that tracks your car
  2417. 9:37
  2418. Fr0stfur
  2419. King Ghidorah pushes FeMuto into an incoming boulder.
  2420. 9:37
  2421. Gojiran103
  2422. FishTank
  2423. Y'know what you need to play
  2424. 9:37
  2425. Fr0stfur
  2426. Night 3 - BirthGoji, Titanollante, and Sylveon unsuccessfully ambush TokyoGoji, Quet, and Anguirus 2004, who kill them instead.
  2427. 9:37
  2428. Gojiran103
  2429. Trackmania
  2430. 9:38
  2431. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2432. Is IguanaGoji still alive?
  2433. 9:38
  2434. Fr0stfur
  2435. Gardevoir shoots an arrow at Coyote Tango, but misses and kills CM instead.
  2436. Yes i replaced Z with him
  2437. 9:38
  2438. Gojiran103
  2439. wow
  2440. 9:38
  2441. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2442. Yay :D
  2443. 9:38
  2444. Gojiran103
  2445. cm got wrecked
  2446. 9:39
  2447. FishTankBoss1954
  2448. Trackmania?
  2449. 9:39
  2450. Fr0stfur
  2451. King Ghidorah is unable to convince Yuki to not kill him.
  2452. 9:39
  2453. FishTankBoss1954
  2454. but there aren't koenigseggs in it
  2455. 9:39
  2456. Gojiran103
  2457. Look it up. You will be in love.
  2458. There are.
  2459. 9:39
  2460. FishTankBoss1954
  2461. WHAT
  2462. 9:39
  2463. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2464. "Trahir and Ed work together for the day."
  2465. 9:39
  2466. FishTankBoss1954
  2468. 9:39
  2469. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2470. Lol
  2471. 9:40
  2472. Gojiran103
  2473. Literally type in "Trackmania Koenigsegg" and at least one will most likely pop up
  2474. 9:40
  2475. FishTankBoss1954
  2477. 9:40
  2478. Fr0stfur
  2479. Zardoris and Yuki threaten a double suicide. It fails and they die.
  2480. 9:40
  2481. Gojiran103
  2482. Trackmania is a game where you get to face the impossible: race in crazy and unimaginable courses with a car. Little unrealistic, but trust me, it's fun.
  2483. Depends. Which Trackmanai?
  2484. Trackmania Canyon, Stadium, or Valley?
  2485. 9:41
  2486. Fr0stfur
  2487. Cybersaur poisons Coyote Tango's drink, but mistakes it for his own and dies.
  2488. 9:41
  2489. DrGodzilla120
  2490. XD
  2491. 9:41
  2492. LSDKama
  2494. 9:41
  2495. FishTankBoss1954
  2496. wherever there
  2497. 9:41
  2498. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2499. XD
  2500. 9:41
  2501. FishTankBoss1954
  2502. are koenigseggs
  2503. 9:41
  2504. DrGodzilla120
  2505. A robot died from poison.
  2506. 9:41
  2507. Fr0stfur
  2508. TokyoGoji poisons TheLord WithNoTrueName's drink, but mistakes it for her own and dies.
  2509. 9:41
  2510. FishTankBoss1954
  2511. lol
  2512. 9:41
  2513. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2514. A robot who tried to poison another robot no less XD
  2515. 9:41
  2516. LSDKama
  2518. Dammit my name.
  2519. 9:42
  2520. Fr0stfur
  2521. Arena Event - Acidic rain pours down on the arena.
  2522. 9:42
  2523. Gojiran103
  2524. You probably wanna watch the 1K video if you wanna see multiples of Koenigseggs
  2525. 9:42
  2526. Fr0stfur
  2527. Dracoruss is unable to find shelter and dies.
  2528. LSDKama refuses IguanaGoji shelter, killing him.
  2529. 9:42
  2530. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2532. 9:42
  2533. LSDKama
  2534. Come on misspelt me... Stupid other me.
  2535. 9:43
  2536. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2538. 9:43
  2539. LSDKama
  2540. Wait
  2541. Who died?
  2542. 9:43
  2543. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2544. IguanaGoji
  2545. 9:43
  2546. LSDKama
  2547. IguanaGoji or LSDKama-oh.
  2548. Smart other me!
  2549. There might be a chance for both mes to fight each other in the finale!
  2550. 9:44
  2551. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2552. doubtful. I think they'll threaten a double suicide :D
  2553. 9:45
  2554. Fr0stfur
  2555. Final 12 - Anguirus (4 Kills), Neo Gigan, Crystalleon, Gamoni, Neo Komodithrax, Zilla Jr., Coyote Tango (3 Kills), LSDKama (1 Kill), TheLordwithNoTrueName, Baymax (1 Kill), Foxmask (3 Kills), Gardevoir (1 Kill)
  2556. 9:45
  2557. LSDKama
  2558. Die Baymax!
  2559. 9:45
  2560. Fr0stfur
  2561. The Feast
  2562. Neo Gigan repeatedly stabs Neo Komodithrax to death with sais.
  2563. 9:45
  2564. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2565. That was fast XD
  2566. 9:45
  2567. Fr0stfur
  2568. LSDKama sobs while gripping a photo of his friends and family.
  2569. Coyote Tango stabs Anguirus 2004 with a tree branch.
  2570. 9:46
  2571. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2572. ..... wow
  2573. 9:46
  2574. LSDKama
  2575. That isn't right!
  2576. I have no friends!
  2577. 9:46
  2578. Fr0stfur
  2579. Baymax cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide.
  2580. 9:46
  2581. LSDKama
  2582. *IRL friends
  2583. HAHAHAHA!
  2584. 9:46
  2585. Fr0stfur
  2586. Gamoni, Gardevoir, and Zilla Jr. get into a fight. Zilla Jr. triumphantly kills them both.
  2587. 9:46
  2588. LSDKama
  2589. Go ZJR!
  2590. 9:46
  2591. Fr0stfur
  2592. TheLord WithNoTrueName attempts to climb a tree, but falls to his death.
  2593. 9:46
  2594. LSDKama
  2595. ...Goddammit
  2596. Stupid misspelt me!
  2597. 9:47
  2598. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2599. XD
  2600. 9:47
  2601. Fr0stfur
  2602. Arena Event - The arena's border begins to rapidly contract.
  2603. Foxmask trips on a tree root and is unable to recover fast enough.
  2604. Also LSDKama died to the glitch
  2605. 9:47
  2606. LSDKama
  2607. ...No!
  2608. 9:47
  2609. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2610. Glitch?
  2611. 9:47
  2612. LSDKama
  2613. Why
  2614. me
  2615. Why
  2616. me
  2617. WHYME?!?!?!?!?!?!
  2618. AAAAAH
  2619. 9:48
  2620. Fr0stfur
  2621. He showed in the fallen tributes section without actually dying
  2622. 9:48
  2623. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2624. "Trahir and Eddy hold hands."
  2625. I died.XD
  2626. * XD
  2627. 9:48
  2628. Fr0stfur
  2629. Now its just Neo Gigan, Zilla Jr, and Coyote Tango
  2630. Neo Gigan dies from hypothermia.
  2631. 9:48
  2632. ShodaiGoro
  2633. (Shrek) *kills the tributes
  2634. 9:48
  2635. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2636. So..... a Jaeger and two kaiju.....? Sounds familiar..... XD
  2637. 9:48
  2638. Fr0stfur
  2639. Zilla Jr. unknowingly eats toxic berries.
  2640. xd
  2641. 9:49
  2642. LSDKama
  2643. GODDAMMIT!
  2644. ZJR!
  2645. 9:49
  2646. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2647. "Quet, Ed, Rasetsu, Fluffy Guys, and Camero hunt for other tributes."
  2648. 9:49
  2649. Fr0stfur
  2650. Coyote Tango Winner 4 Kills
  2651. 9:49
  2652. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2653. That would be the best team ever.
  2654. 9:49
  2655. Fr0stfur
  2656. Vehk would be proud.
  2657. 9:49
  2658. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2659. ..... And IguanaGoji died. Again.
  2660. XD
  2661. 9:49
  2662. LSDKama
  2663. I died three times.
  2664. 9:50
  2665. ShodaiGoro
  2666. 1% rp 99% hgs
  2667. 9:50
  2668. LSDKama
  2669. -_-
  2670. 9:50
  2671. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2672. -_-
  2673. 9:50
  2674. LSDKama
  2675. I'd RP but nobody started one.
  2676. 9:51
  2677. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2678. "Rilah and Trahir threaten a double suicide. It fails and they die."
  2679. 9:51
  2680. Gojiran103
  2681. Dr PM
  2682. 9:51
  2683. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2684. Huh..... I ship it :P
  2685. 9:51
  2686. Fr0stfur
  2687. That's the dumbest death
  2688. 9:51
  2689. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2690. "Nui kills Gfantis with a hatchet."
  2691. No, that's the dumbest death.
  2692. 9:51
  2693. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2694. That's my girl :D
  2695. 9:51
  2696. LSDKama
  2697. WHAT
  2698. 9:51
  2699. Fr0stfur
  2700. I remember one where Garuda and HyperKiezer threatened a double suicide....
  2701. 9:52
  2702. LSDKama
  2703. Gfantis!
  2704. 9:52
  2705. Fr0stfur
  2706. with all 24 tributes alive.
  2707. 9:52
  2708. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2709. XD
  2710. 9:52
  2711. LSDKama
  2712. Nui is my enemy, now!
  2713. 9:52
  2714. Fr0stfur
  2715. at the cornucopia bloodbath.
  2716. 9:52
  2717. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2718. "Quet attacks Fluffy Guys, but Eddy protects him, killing Quet."
  2719. Odd.
  2720. 9:52
  2721. Fr0stfur
  2722. I Quet
  2723. 9:52
  2724. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2725. "Rasetsu questions his sanity."
  2726. 9:52
  2727. ShodaiGoro
  2728. please leave me and my characters out of this crap
  2729. 9:52
  2730. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2731. I can't blame him, lol.
  2732. 9:52
  2733. LSDKama
  2734. gtg
  2735. 9:52
  2736. ShodaiGoro
  2737. o/
  2738. 9:52
  2739. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2740. o/
  2741. 9:52
  2742. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2743. o/
  2744. 9:52
  2745. Gojiran103
  2746. o/
  2747. 9:52
  2748. DrGodzilla120
  2749. o/
  2750. 9:52
  2751. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2752. FoxMask already lost XD
  2753. He got crushed by a wall earlier.
  2754. I think
  2755. 9:53
  2756. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2757. "Eddy, Jiger, and Fluffy Guys sleep in shifts."
  2758. 9:53
  2759. ShodaiGoro
  2760. Again
  2761. LSDKama has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  2762. 9:54
  2763. Fr0stfur
  2764. Ed Edd & Eddy?
  2765. :/
  2766. 9:54
  2767. ShodaiGoro
  2768. I'd prefer me and my characters are not used this this trite
  2769. 9:54
  2770. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2771. Yes.
  2772. 9:54
  2773. ShodaiGoro
  2774. Excuse me
  2775. 9:54
  2776. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2777. Alright Goro.
  2778. 9:54
  2779. ShodaiGoro
  2780. This... thing
  2781. 9:54
  2782. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2783. Shodai. PM.
  2784. 9:55
  2785. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2786. "Nui and Gamoni talk about the tributes still alive."
  2787. Heh.
  2788. 9:55
  2789. Fr0stfur
  2790. ???
  2791. My game had no winner!
  2792. D:
  2793. 9:56
  2794. Gojiran103
  2795. Yeah
  2796. 9:56
  2797. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2798. wat
  2799. 9:56
  2800. Gojiran103
  2801. It's possible
  2802. 9:56
  2803. Fr0stfur
  2804. i didn't even know that was possible!
  2805. 9:56
  2806. Gojiran103
  2807. A rarity, though.
  2808. 9:56
  2809. ShodaiGoro
  2810. I need to get going
  2811. 9:56
  2812. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2813. o/
  2814. 9:56
  2815. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2816. o/
  2817. 9:56
  2818. FishTankBoss1954
  2819. o/
  2820. 9:56
  2821. ShodaiGoro
  2822. Let's hope this stuff doesn't ensue tomorrow and we actually do something
  2823. o/
  2824. 9:56
  2825. Lord Ghetsis
  2826. o/
  2827. 9:57
  2828. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2829. ..... yeah....
  2830. ShodaiGoro has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  2831. 9:57
  2832. Lord Ghetsis
  2834. 9:57
  2835. Gojiran103
  2836. Wow
  2837. 9:57
  2838. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2839. "SquidMask kills Nui with her own weapon."
  2840. FINALLY
  2841. 9:57
  2842. Gojiran103
  2843. Is Goro really fed up with simple HGS?
  2844. 9:57
  2845. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2846. I think he's just anxious, and on edge
  2847. 9:58
  2848. DrGodzilla120
  2849. For what reason, though?
  2850. 9:58
  2851. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2852. Nui and Gamoni have killed the most people so far in my game.
  2853. 9:58
  2854. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2855. And SquidMask killed Nui. Yay!
  2856. He's probably just got stuff going on.
  2857. 9:58
  2858. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2859. SquidMask also killed Camero. :P
  2860. 9:59
  2861. FishTankBoss1954
  2862. Maybe Goro doesn't like his characters dying?
  2863. 9:59
  2864. Fr0stfur
  2865. Special:Images?file=Rr.png
  2866. 1. _________
  2867. 9:59
  2868. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2869. Rasetsu and SquidMask must really seem to trust each other. XD
  2870. 10:00
  2871. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2872. ...... and now he's dead.
  2873. Rasetsu, I mean.
  2874. 10:01
  2875. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2876. SquidMask won though.
  2877. 10:01
  2878. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2879. He did?
  2880. Yay!
  2881. 10:02
  2882. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2883. From my new one:
  2884. " Ed, Eddy, and IguanaGoji get into a fight. Eddy triumphantly kills them both."
  2885. Holy shit...
  2886. "Rozan kills Kunin while he is resting."
  2887. Rozan how could you....
  2888. "Eddy kills Trahir with his own weapon."
  2889. Eddy is a badass. XD
  2890. 10:04
  2891. DrGodzilla120
  2892. LOL
  2893. 10:04
  2894. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2895. WXD
  2896. * xd
  2897. So..... should we RP?
  2898. 10:05
  2899. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2900. yEAH, WE SHOULD.
  2901. 10:05
  2902. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2903. ....
  2904. 10:05
  2905. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2906. *Yeah, we should.
  2907. Sorry.
  2908. 10:06
  2909. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2910. Alright. Who wants to start?
  2911. 10:06
  2912. Gojiran103
  2914. 10:06
  2915. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2916. "Eanif overhears Jiger and Eddy talking in the distance."
  2917. What's with this simulator with Jiger and Eddy?
  2918. "Gamoni severely injures Jiger, but puts her out of her misery."
  2919. REVENGE!
  2920. 10:07
  2921. Fr0stfur
  2922. I started mine again
  2923. Cybersaur sets an explosive off, killing Titanollante, and Dracoruss.
  2924. IguanaGoji overpowers Trahir, killing him.
  2925. 10:07
  2926. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2927. " Trahir convinces Fluffy Guys to snuggle with him."
  2928. xd
  2929. 10:07
  2930. Fr0stfur
  2931. Obsidian steps off his podium too soon and blows up.
  2932. 10:07
  2933. FishTankBoss1954
  2934. rip
  2935. 10:08
  2936. Fr0stfur
  2937. The Crystal Cavalier severely injures Coyote Tango and leaves him to die.
  2938. 10:08
  2939. DrGodzilla120
  2940. Wow.
  2941. 10:08
  2942. Fr0stfur
  2943. Baymax dies from thirst.
  2944. 10:08
  2945. DrGodzilla120
  2946. Dracoruss dies from an explosive.
  2947. 10:08
  2948. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2949. (IguanaGoji) just saved the RPVerse XD
  2950. 10:08
  2951. DrGodzilla120
  2952. And a robot dies from thirst. XD
  2953. 10:08
  2954. Fr0stfur
  2955. Okami M.U.T.O. convinces Cybersaur to not kill him, only to kill him instead.
  2956. 10:08
  2957. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2958. "Rilah kills Gamoni with her own weapon."
  2959. 10:08
  2960. Fr0stfur
  2961. HyperKeizer attacks FeMuto, but BirthGoji protects her, killing HyperKeizer.
  2962. 10:08
  2963. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2964. Ah, I was rooting for Gamoni.
  2965. The winner is Rilah from District 8!
  2966. 10:09
  2967. Fr0stfur
  2968. Hyper
  2969. 10:09
  2970. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2971. Wait.
  2972. 10:09
  2973. Fr0stfur
  2974. your death counted twice
  2975. 10:09
  2976. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2977. What happened to IguanaGoji this time Gallibon?
  2978. 10:09
  2979. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2980. Okay, now we can start the RP.
  2981. 10:09
  2982. Fr0stfur
  2983. Neo Gigan Yuki and Nitrogeon also died from a glitch
  2984. 10:09
  2985. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2986. IguanaGoji and Trahir we're both killed by Eddy.
  2987. 10:09
  2988. Lord Ghetsis
  2989. Uh Sure
  2990. 10:09
  2991. Fr0stfur
  2992. Crystalleon throws a knife into King Ghidorah's head.
  2993. 10:09
  2994. Lord Ghetsis
  2995. So who wants to start?
  2996. 10:09
  2997. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2998. Oh right....
  2999. 10:09
  3000. Fr0stfur
  3001. Neo Komodithrax and AstroGodzilla threaten a double suicide. It fails and they die.
  3002. 10:10
  3003. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3004. Hmm....I don't know if I should start.
  3005. 10:10
  3006. DrGodzilla120
  3007. Uhh...
  3008. 10:10
  3009. Fr0stfur
  3010. i'm gonna finsh mine
  3011. 10:10
  3012. DrGodzilla120
  3013. Which head?
  3014. 10:10
  3015. Fr0stfur
  3016. XD
  3017. 10:10
  3018. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  3019. .... all of them XD
  3020. 10:10
  3021. Fr0stfur
  3022. FoxMask, BirthGoji, Quet, and HaxFish track down and kill Sylveon.
  3023. TheLord WithNoTrueName sets an explosive off, killing LSDKama, and TwoHeadedGator.
  3024. CM dies from hypothermia.
  3025. FoxMask poisons Okami M.U.T.O.'s drink. He drinks it and dies.
  3026. Herokra begs for Zilla Jr. to kill him. He reluctantly obliges, killing Herokra.
  3027. IguanaGoji and CC died from the glitch
  3028. 10:12
  3029. Gojiran103
  3030. Back
  3031. 10:12
  3032. Fr0stfur
  3033. TheLord WithNoTrueName kills Quet with a sickle.
  3034. TokyoGoji, Crystalleon, and BirthGoji get into a fight. TokyoGoji triumphantly kills them both.
  3035. Frostfox severely injures Zardoris and leaves him to die.
  3036. The Feast - Zilla Jr. sets FeMuto on fire with a molotov.
  3037. HaxFish and Gamoni work together to drown TokyoGoji.
  3038. 10:13
  3039. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  3040. DAMN IT. IguanaGoji died again XD
  3041. 10:13
  3042. Fr0stfur
  3043. Anguirus died from the glitch, TokyoGoji died twice.
  3044. 10:13
  3045. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  3046. Why does this game hate IguanaGoji? :P
  3047. 10:14
  3048. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3049. "Rozan spears IguanaGoji in the abdomen."
  3050. What a bitch....
  3051. "Jiger lets Trahir into her shelter."
  3052. Of course...
  3053. 10:14
  3054. Fr0stfur
  3055. Final 7 - HaxFish (2 Kills), Gamoni (3 Kills), Frostfox (2 Kills), Zilla Jr. (3 Kills), Mechagodzilla 2, TheLordWithNoTrueName (3 Kills), FoxMask (2 Kills)
  3056. NIGHT 6
  3057. Gamoni forces FoxMask to kill Zilla Jr. or Heisei Mecha-Godzilla. He refuses to kill, so Gamoni kills him instead.
  3058. 10:15
  3059. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  3060. ......
  3061. 10:15
  3062. Fr0stfur
  3063. HaxFish sets an explosive off, killing TheLord WithNoTrueName, and Frostfox.
  3064. 10:15
  3065. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  3066. How many deaths does that put IguanaGoji at?
  3067. 10:15
  3068. Fr0stfur
  3069. 2?
  3070. Don't worry
  3071. 10:15
  3072. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3073. Poor IguanaGoji...
  3074. 10:15
  3075. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  3076. It's been more than two XD
  3077. 10:15
  3078. Fr0stfur
  3079. PBG has a record of 14 or so in a matter of 5 games
  3080. 10:16
  3081. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  3082. Hey Gallibon. Is (SQM) still alive?
  3083. 10:16
  3084. Fr0stfur
  3085. Arena Event - A monstrous hurricane wreaks havoc on the arena.
  3086. 10:16
  3087. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3088. No he died.
  3089. 10:16
  3090. Fr0stfur
  3091. Gamoni survives. Zilla Jr. is sucked into the hurricane.
  3092. 10:16
  3093. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3094. Tazarus killed him.
  3095. 10:16
  3096. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  3097. Nui?
  3098. 10:16
  3099. Fr0stfur
  3100. HaxFish pushes Heisei Mecha-Godzilla into an incoming boulder.
  3101. FINAL TWO - HaxFish (5 Kills), Gamoni (4 Kills)
  3102. 10:17
  3103. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3104. She's not in this one.
  3105. "Heisei Gamera and Gamoni hold hands."
  3106. LOL
  3107. 10:17
  3108. Fr0stfur
  3109. ......
  3110. Gamoni dies from thirst.
  3111. 10:17
  3112. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  3113. ...
  3114. 10:17
  3115. Fr0stfur
  3116. The winner is from District !
  3117. wait what
  3118. HaxFish isn't there anymore
  3119. 10:17
  3120. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3121. "Heisei Gamera begs for Gamoni to kill him. She refuses, keeping Heisei Gamera alive."
  3122. 10:18
  3123. Fr0stfur
  3124. and all the placings are messed up
  3125. 10:18
  3126. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3127. Those two have something going on here...
  3128. 10:18
  3129. Fr0stfur
  3130. Whatever HaxFish won
  3131. 10:18
  3132. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  3133. Well..... Gamera does have a thing for whips XD
  3134. 10:18
  3135. Fr0stfur
  3136. Anyone here even remember HaxFish?
  3137. 10:18
  3138. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  3139. No.
  3140. 10:18
  3141. Fr0stfur
  3142. HaxFish was back in 2013
  3143. 10:18
  3144. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3145. Gamoni won!
  3146. 10:18
  3147. Gojiran103
  3148. Dr PM
  3149. 10:19
  3150. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3151. Okay, what should this RP be about?
  3152. I mena
  3153. Lord Ghetsis has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  3154. 10:19
  3155. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3156. *mean
  3157. 10:19
  3158. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  3159. Iunno
  3160. 10:19
  3161. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3162. How do we start it?
  3163. Lord Ghetsis has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  3164. 10:19
  3165. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  3166. As long as it's not another clusterfuck, I'm good.
  3167. :P
  3168. 10:19
  3169. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3170. Alright.
  3171. 10:19
  3172. Gojiran103
  3173. Maybe about NE again?
  3174. 10:20
  3175. Fr0stfur
  3176. its about the actual WZRP hunger games?
  3177. 10:20
  3178. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3179. No...
  3180. 10:21
  3181. Lord Ghetsis
  3182. WZRP hunger games would be chaotic
  3183. 10:22
  3184. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3185. Oh wait!
  3186. I've got one!
  3187. I've been waiting to introduce this guy for sometime.
  3188. 10:23
  3189. Lord Ghetsis
  3190. Well gtg cya
  3191. 10:23
  3192. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3193. o/
  3194. Lord Ghetsis has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  3195. 10:23
  3196. Gojiran103
  3197. o/
  3198. 10:26
  3199. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3200. *Icy glaciers float somewhere in the sea*
  3201. *Oddly enough, it is a regular sea, not an arctic one*
  3202. Flaredragon00 has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  3203. Fr0stfur
  3204. I think at one point everyone needed for IoMI was here
  3205. 10:27
  3206. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3207. *Meanwhile at the NE base*
  3208. 10:27
  3209. DrGodzilla120
  3210. Well, Krazar left before Gallibon arrived.
  3211. 10:27
  3212. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3213. (Gamoni) *wakes up from her sleep*
  3214. 10:27
  3215. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  3216. *something swims past the glacier stealthily*
  3217. 10:28
  3218. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3219. *The glaciers makes omnious sounds*
  3220. (Gamoni) <(I oversplet again.)
  3221. 10:28
  3222. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  3223. *the creature rises up, blasting the glacier with its heat beam*
  3224. 10:29
  3225. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3226. (Gamoni) <(Damnit.)
  3227. *The glaciers are not effected, but glow radiantly*
  3228. 10:30
  3229. Fr0stfur
  3230. she's late
  3231. she's late
  3232. for a very important date
  3233. 10:31
  3234. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3235. (Gamoni) *goes outside of the NE Base and goes scouting*
  3236. *The mysterious glaciers begin shooting ice spikes at the creature*
  3237. 10:32
  3238. Fr0stfur
  3239. ice ice baby
  3240. 10:32
  3241. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  3242. (???) *roars, diving under the water to avoid the spikes, hitting the underside of the glacier*
  3243. 10:32
  3244. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3245. *The glacier begins to glow frequently*
  3246. *The glacier then explodes into many pieces*
  3247. *Inside the glacier, is an icy core that resembles a gem*
  3248. Your move Tengen
  3249. 10:34
  3250. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  3251. (???) *moves toward the crystal, roaring*
  3252. 10:36
  3253. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3254. *The crystal object bursts, revealing a monster*
  3255. (Heisei Baurgon) *drops down and roars, announcing his presence*
  3256. 10:36
  3257. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  3258. (???) *growls*
  3259. 10:37
  3260. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3261. (Heisei Barugon) *snarls*
  3262. (Heisei Barugon) *then makes a laughing sound*
  3263. ...
  3264. FishTankBoss1954 has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  3265. 10:39
  3266. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  3267. (???) *glares, watching the creature carefully*
  3268. 10:40
  3269. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3270. (Heisei Barugon) *the blood-colored gem on his head glows a bit*
  3271. (Heisei Barugon) *through thought-speak* <(You are not what I'am looking for....)
  3272. 10:41
  3273. Fr0stfur
  3274. I am not what you are looking for...
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