
Anonymous equestrians part 11

Jun 16th, 2012
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  1. >is this what it feels like to have a hangover?
  2. >the feeling of a diamond jackhammer pounding into your skull?
  3. >brain, status report
  4. >brain: FNGKLDFJSHGE
  5. >i was afraid of that
  6. >once you open your eyes the pain just gets worse
  7. >brain: Anonymous OS is now fully booted, time to address your eyes that are on fire
  8. >you instantly shut your eyes
  9. >why wont my arm move?
  10. >you peer over next to you and see a sleeping rainbow dash laying down on your arm
  11. >oh yeah, thats why
  12. >guess i might as well lay down here until she wakes up
  13. >brain: yeah lets see how that works out
  14. >suddenly the barn door shoots open and in comes applejack
  15. >you could tell by the way she was wobbling that she was already piss drunk
  16. >yup, its hearts and hooves day alright
  17. >applejack:"WAKE THE BUCK UP YOU WHORSE"
  19. >brain: she mad
  20. >i can see that brain, any other bright observations?
  21. brain: this wont end well
  22. >thanks brain, your so helpful
  23. >rainbow dash began stirring next to you
  24. >she would probably sleep through the apocalypse
  26. >that seemed to wake up rainbow dash
  27. >she sat up, rubbing her eyes and taking in the scene
  28. >she looks at you, the looks at the pissed off drunk applejack thats wobbling towards you two
  29. >dash:"applejack, are you drunk again?"
  30. >rainbow seemed a little scared
  32. >rainbow dash was shaking and curled next to you, fearing the wrath of applejack
  33. >you patted her on the shoulder, reassuring her
  34. >rainbow calmed down a bit but was obviously still scared of applejack
  35. >was applejack like this every year?
  36. >brain: you should try to talk to her
  37. >it sounds stupid, but thats the only plan we've got so far
  38. >you stand up and slowly approach applejack
  39. >applejack:"stay away from me, your the one who caused this"
  40. >allofmywut
  41. "applejack, just calm down. we can talk about this"
  42. >applejack:"you shutup"
  43. >tears were starting to flow out of her
  44. >you slowly inch closer to her
  45. "come on applejack, how bout we just talk?"
  46. >she breaks down crying and falls onto the floor
  47. >you look back at rainbow dash and signal for her to get out of here
  48. >with that she shoots out of the barn, flying as fast as she can
  49. >leaving you alone with applejack
  50. >you walk up to her and sit down next to her
  51. >shes still sobbing like its nobodies business
  52. >you lay a hand on her shoulder
  53. >shes quick to shrug it off
  54. "applejack, im sorry if i upset you"
  55. >she just continues sobbing
  56. >wat do?
  57. >brain: girl starts talking about feelings, walk away
  58. >fuck off brain, not right now
  59. >brain: plan B kill everybody
  60. >i said not right now brain
  61. >brain: plan C
  62. >shutup brain
  63. >brain:hang out with her for the day
  64. >i said SHUTU- wait wat
  65. >brain: hang out with her for the day, you know how lonely she is
  66. >that actually sounds like a good idea
  67. >brain: now how about that gyroscope
  68. >fuck off brain
  69. "hey applejack, how bout we hang out for the day?"
  70. >she stops crying for a moment and looks up at you
  71. >applejack:" do yah really mean it?"
  72. "of course applejack, now come on, you go take a shower and i'll get ready for the day"
  73. >she smiles and stands up, still a little wobbly from being drunk
  74. >you help her up and guide her over to the house
  75. >big mac eyeing you as you walk her over
  76. >whats he so suspicious about?
  77. >you finally get to the house and help her upstairs
  78. >dropping her off at the bathroom while you continue onto your room
  79. >you see unknown just waking up
  80. >time for fun
  81. >BOOM you land the best shot of your life right onto his spine
  82. >he spazzing out in his bed
  83. >you collapse on the floor laughing at him even though you can feel a bit of the pain
  84. >he sits up and gets out of bed
  85. >you finally get up from laughing so hard
  86. >"so what're you doing today?"
  87. "hangin out with aj and then hanging out with rainbro"
  88. >"sounds like fun. but why do you have my jacket?"
  89. "oh yeah, i accidentally took it last night before i went out walking"
  90. >"yeah speakin of which, why didnt you come back?"
  91. "oh yeah, i slept in the barn"
  92. >"that sounds stupid"
  93. "well i know what you're doing today" you say with a sly smile coming across your face
  94. >"and what would that be"
  95. "you've got a date with luna tonight by the river"
  96. >he raises an eyebrow at that
  97. >"she talked to you?"
  98. >oh shit, i didnt plan for that
  99. "yeah, she came by me last night and i told her to meet you tomorrow since you were already asleep"
  100. >nice save
  101. >"ok then, im gonna go into town for the day and see if any shops are open"
  102. "cya"
  103. >you both wave to each other and he walks out the door
  104. >you change your clothes since the shower is already occupied
  105. >with a couple minutes to spare before applejack would be done you decide to take a small nap
  106. >getting to sleep was hard with the hangover still lingering over you
  107. >
  108. >
  109. >
  110. >you're awakened by hooves nudging your sides
  111. >you open your eyes to see an excited applejack
  112. >how the hell did she sober up so quickly
  113. >you look out the window and see the sun setting
  114. "how long was i asleep?"
  115. >applejack:" a couple of hours. ah didnt want to wake yah, so i just let yah sleep"
  116. >you smile a little bit at the thought and say, "thanks"
  117. >"so what are we gonna do?"
  118. "well how about we go out for some dinner and then maybe take a midnight stroll through the city"
  119. >applejack:"well that sounds mighty fine anon. what'dya say we head out now?"
  120. "sure applejack"
  121. >you push the blanket off of you and see applejack blush a little
  122. >you wonder why shes blushing
  123. >brain: hey bro, do you feel a draft?
  124. >what are you talki-
  125. >then you realize that your not wearing a shirt
  126. >you look up at applejack, she's lost in thought and shes just staring at your bare chest
  127. >you turn around and grab a shirt off your dresser and slide it on
  128. >you turn around and applejack is still lost in thought, staring off into space
  129. "come on applejack, lets go"
  130. >you snap right in front of her face
  131. >she shakes her head a little bit and say, "oh yeah, ah just got a little distracted"
  132. "i could tell"
  133. >you both mustered up a laugh and headed downstairs
  134. >you grab YOUR jacket on the way out
  135. >it even had YOUR name printed on the sleeve
  136. YOUR
  137. >brain: YOU'RE retarded
  138. >fuck off brain
  139. >you and applejack walk to dinner at sugarcube corner
  140. >its not the fanciest place, but on your budget it was the best
  141. >the night continued on
  142. >after you left from sugarcube corner you walked all around ponyville
  143. >stopping here and there to talk and socialize
  144. >after a while you both decide to head home
  145. >the moon was directly overhead, signaling it was midnight
  146. >you both continued walking back to the house
  147. >telling stories and laughing the entire way back
  148. >you finally arrived on the front porch
  149. >you'd both stopped and looked at each other
  150. >applejack:"ah had alot of fun tonight sugarcube"
  151. "i had alot of fun too appleja-"
  152. >before you could finish your sentence she wrapped her fore hooves around you and kissed you
  153. >after half a second of shock you realized what was happening
  154. >you kissed back and wrapped your arms around her, enjoying the moment
  155. >she finally breaks the kiss and stares into your eyes
  156. >applejack:"thanks for the good time sugarcube, ah guess ah'll see you tommorah"
  157. >she lets go of your shoulders and walks inside
  158. >tonight was a nice night
  159. >you decide to go for another midnight stroll
  160. >you stop by the barn and lean against it, reflecting on the events of the night
  161. >you notice something move in the dark
  162. "is anypony there"
  163. >you see a cyan pony walk towards you
  164. its rainbow dash
  165. >you smile a little bit, then notice her eyes are red, as if shes been crying
  166. >there goes that smile
  167. >dash:"how could you"
  168. >her voice was shaking from anger
  169. "what do you mean?"
  170. >she starts walking closer to you
  171. >dash:"how could you go on a date with her when you knew i liked you? how could you go on a date with her after you said you'd spend hearts and hooves day with me? how could you?"
  172. >you'd totally forgotten all about hanging out with dash today
  173. >fucking alcohol
  174. "rainbow, im sor-"
  175. >it was too late, she was already flying away into the night
  176. >shit
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